The United States(!) of A

Mexico is keen to get the USA to give back California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico etc. and it seems the morally correct solution given these parts of Mexico were taken by force by the US in the 1846 / 48 war.Perhaps Putin could suggest that as a first step to prove the US's new seriousness about having international relations based around a respect for borders, sovereignty and a rules based order. Or maybe just removing US bases from Syria and Iraq would be a quicker option. Then negotiations could begin in good faith. Nuland's diplomatic charm and enthusiasm for peace ould do the rest.[/quote
1846 is a bit different to 2022 and that argument ignores the humanitarian impact on the people caught in the middle, destruction of civilian infrastructure and the deaths of conscripted soldiers on both sides in the Ukraine war. Russia could stop those impacts by withdrawing.
No doubt USA is benefiting massively from arms sales, military “field trials” and ongoing degradation of the Russian armed forces but that’s due to Russia’s decisions.

Serious bs ;)

holy cow!
(Howdy Doody? haha,
shoulda called him Klaxon)

I wonder where the allegiance of Noel Skum lies?



18th - 20th Jan 2021 Joe demanded a complete Whitehouse do over. (Everything must go!)
Despite the World knowing this...(NARA) Failed in their Duty to secure Prez Docs
(NARA never showed up at the Whitehouse to secure important shit!)...You bet they blamed Trump!
Precious Docs mostly sat in the gutter unattended getting rained on as Art was being looted.
Prez Trump dutifully transfers US Sensitive Whitehouse Docs to his certified (SCIF) Mar-a-lago.
Prez Trump has had 2x SCIF Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (Also Trump Tower)
For his efforts he was never once thanked for freely securing what incoming Prez knew shit about!
Important Stuff like Incoming Prez Wallpaper Designs & Curtain (Drapes) Fabric Samples.
Only after the Inauguration can new Prez decertify > Prez Trump SCIF.
Meaning there was no crime in Legally securing Sensitive Docs in the only certified Sensitive storage!
Repeating...Trump legally secured the US Docs while incoming Prez could not give a shit!
The only crime was New Govt taking too long to notice shit was missing & decertify Trump's SCIF.
Wrongfully accusing Trump or illegally transferring Secure Docs to the only 2 approved facilities
Check the footage...
Trump closed Street Blocks / Chopper Squad / Patrol Boats > Cops even hunted down & shot hoons.
Just how secure does Joe want his precious transfer...
Twas NARA under guidance of Joe that watched his Whitehouse Covid repellent paint dry!
Joe ordered Trump to build a Certified & bugged order to defend his Legal transfer of Docs.
Trump is seeking to recertify Mar-a-lago SCIF to review the Legal Docs in his former SCIF.
Prez office has long had 24/7 Govt cams & bugs access to Trump's SCIF...
Every time he farts & moves Docs Joe roasts him on instant replay > (Look told ya...he's reckless!)
Really wanna see Dem's SCIF
Laugh if Trump ordered Obama's secret secure Tee pee off ebay.
see : Media beat up...
Then Trump says chill : "Dis be Obama's certified Pow Wow complete with Peace's good shit!"



That’s a really poor piece of analysis JF.
Again, littered with misrepresentations, mischaracterisations, emotive statements, leading questions and confirmation bias aplenty. Factually incorrect in a number of places. Actually as bad as the ‘MSM’ that they’re supposedly better than.
This is a better listen - sober, objective analysis informed by experience and research, acknowledged bias of the commentators notwithstanding. Objective, informed. Clear links between tactical actions, operational objectives and strategic intent.

Some interesting commentary, no doubt…
Also full of what ifs and could’ve, would’ve and should’ve (s).
I turned it off after the dude claimed to be void of neutrality and spruiked his ukrainian bias - then proudly tried to finger point at the europeans as part of the blame game…
Some valid info, yet surely you get tired of the superficial optimism and farkn airy fairy explanations of ‘losing the war and winning the peace’ etc…
Biased western goons don’t have a lot of credibility after what has happened with intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria - covering strategic assumptions are speculative at best and only reinforce exactly that (assumptions).
Assumptions aren’t facts.
And things aren’t getting worse for Russia. Fact ;)
In the meantime, plenty of varied analysis and it’s good to get a taste from all sides. You can keep your overbearing competitive take on what is what, seems like your wargasm syndrome is still strong.
- this war is continuing to feed the appetite ;)
Lucky you!

Tell me you didn’t understand the point about wining the peace without telling me you didn’t understand it…

It’s ok pirate boy…
- relax, don’t do it, when you wanna go to it ;)

Enjoy your doomgasm JF. It’ll happen soon, I’m sure. Enjoy! ;)


You’re actually a guy who posts a ‘lot’ of videos about the war yourself. Way more than anyone else on here. You know that right? Night night big fella. ;)

Haha ;)
And you take the most notice of them ;);)
… sleep tight

I honestly cannot understand what motivates such madness...
its good to have a moral position and stuff, but this is just plain insanity
self destruction?
a ridiculous episode of face saving?
just dumb as fuck?

Meanwhile in US boat news:
I mean, who knew that if you reduced your industrial base, steel production and shipyards you might have problems building the very important logistics ships that actually win conflicts...
a little context:

You losers wanted this Aukus Treaty...
You ordered us Qldurrz to power up a superior secret WMD...all yours...with pleasure!

We've had some looting and retail countermeasures links in the Australia thread, but going to the States they are taking it to another level:
Check out the embedded tweets - that's crazy stuff!

and wow, just wow, suddenly the "conspiracy theorists" and "Russia sympathisers" were right all along...again. Everything we've been relentlessly programmed and brainwashed into believing about the Ukraine war has now been turned on its head:
Ukraine fatigue laid bare on both sides of the Atlantic
James Curran wrote:On both sides of the Atlantic recently, there are two stark realities about the Ukraine war that have been laid bare.
In Brussels, the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said publicly that enlargement of the military alliance prompted Vladimir Putin to illegally attack Ukraine. It was a startling statement; until now, to acknowledge this in polite company typically invited howls of derision.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Republican lawmakers openly questioned new American funding for the war during a visit to the US Capitol by Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.
Speaking to a joint meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Stoltenberg said, “President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And [that] was a pre-condition [to] not invade Ukraine. Of course, we didn’t sign that ... So, he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders’.
The statement flies in the face of what has become an article of faith in some quarter about Putin’s invasion, namely that it was unprovoked. And it underlines once more that there were diplomatic channels to avoid the war that were clearly not exhausted.
Yet, NATO enlargement has been a taboo subject in discussing the causes of the war and the peace that might emerge from it. Just ask University of Chicago political scientist John Mearsheimer. Or former prime minister Paul Keating. Or, if you must, hold a séance with the distinguished American diplomat George Kennan, who also often warned in the late 1990s of the risks of stoking Russia in expanding NATO eastwards towards its border.
The future of American primacy
Forty-three percent of Ukrainians equate total victory with the restoration of Ukraine’s 1991 borders, Bloomberg reported. Others want reparations from Moscow and war crimes trials for Russian military commanders. But Russia will neither relinquish Crimea or the Donbas nor tolerate Ukraine becoming part of NATO. The intransigence and brutality on both sides is ensuring the destruction of Ukraine.In Washington, the focus is also on the war’s implications for 2024, and for American primacy.
An increasing number of Republican legislators now oppose President Biden’s latest request to Congress for an additional $US24 billion ($37.2 billion) of aid to Ukraine. That will not prevent the money or selected weaponry flowing to Kyiv. But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy asked publicly after meeting Zelensky, “Where is the accountability on the money we already spent?” and “What is the plan for victory?”
Existing US appropriations run out next week.
Republicans are not unified. Minority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell says, “American support for Ukraine is not charity” since “it’s in our own direct interests not least because degrading Russia helps to deter China”.
His line retains the strongest hold on Washington because it relates to US primacy. Harder heads know the war will be deemed a strategic failure for the United States if Putin were to come out even marginally on top.
Indeed, US confidence and primacy is on the line more than at any time since Vietnam.
Worthwhile to keep funding the war?
While for the moment it is only Republicans, and Democrat presidential candidates like such as Robert F Kennedy Jr invoking “accountability”, the trend is worth watching. Because it shows much more than bean-counting. It connects to a deep stream in US foreign policy thinking about when a war that Americans fight or fund does not go the way US ideals dictate.In the aftermath of the Chinese civil war in the late 1940s, for example, the dominant US narrative held that if only the Chinese nationalists had not disregarded the advice of General George Marshall, or embarked on such an ambitious military campaign, or if only US aid had been better managed by Chiang Kai-shek’s forces, China might not have been lost to Mao’s Communists.
Similar arguments were made following American defeats in South Vietnam, Iraq and more recently Afghanistan, when Biden said that “American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves”. In all of these cases, Washington had to pull out because it could not sustain the costs in money and troops, or disregard wilting public support at home.
Other countries too are turning up the heat on Kyiv, linking future war funding to greater progress from Zelensky on battling graft and corruption in Ukraine, and ushering in serious law and judicial reform. He’s made some progress on these fronts, but not enough. And pressure to do more will intensify as discussions continue about Ukraine’s potential NATO and EU accession.
The disquiet about funding fatigue in Washington is also spilling over into Kyiv’s key relationships in Europe, especially Poland, which holds elections next month. Polish authorities have decided not to arm Ukraine with new weapons, and will send Ukrainian refugees back next year.
This is no doubt of pre-election mollifying of angry Polish farmers, who are enraged over the influx of cheaper Ukrainian grain driving down their own profits. But Hungary and Slovakia last week followed Warsaw in banning sales of Ukrainian agricultural goods within their borders.
It’s not new for EU farmers to raise their hoes in anger. But any fracture in the European position on Ukraine would come at the worst possible time for Kyiv, as another long winter looms.

So when Putin sends a treaty to “NATO”, you think they should just sign it? Interesting legal position and precedent. Europe has woken up to Putin’s machinations. That treaty was not seen to be in good faith. It wasn’t credible. It was an ultimatum, not a negotiation. Funnily enough, most countries, or political and military alliances, don’t respond well to ultimatums
I think the debate and discussion is great. It’s a sign of a healthy democracy.

velocityjohnno wrote:We've had some looting and retail countermeasures links in the Australia thread, but going to the States they are taking it to another level:
Check out the embedded tweets - that's crazy stuff!
Direct quote ripped from the write up. How does this pass as journalism?
"Democrat-controlled cities are imploding in real time as leaders could care less about law and order. At the same time, the Biden administration is waging war on the Second Amendment, which will only leave law-abiding taxpayers defenseless against criminals."

velocityjohnno wrote:We've had some looting and retail countermeasures links in the Australia thread, but going to the States they are taking it to another level:
Check out the embedded tweets - that's crazy stuff!
Frank Zappa - 1966.
Not much has changed.

Yeah I've tried to refrain from any links to that site that aren't finance based (& even then...) but the link is handy in that it has all the twitter links in one place. Their editorial will always say democrat bad/republican good/Putin God/West bad/it's about to crash etc etc but every media has an editorial bent.

Crikey. Defund the Police and other soft on crime policies have worked well.
USA wild west returns.

Crikey. Defund the Police and other soft on crime policies have worked well.
USA wild west returns.




Lloyd Austin Says US Goal Is for Russia To Be ‘Weakened’
I wonder what the maths are for this weakening in terms of Ukranians and Russians killed and maimed for each achieved weakening increment? Here is a rough guess....
With 5000,000 + plus estimated casualites to date for both sides, if say the weakening was 20% (allowing for rebuilding / replenishment) that would mean:
25,000 deaths / maimed per percentage weakening.
that would mean maybe 250,000 + + mothers, fathers, bothers, sisters, husbands, wives etc facing tragedy for each % weakening. Half of these would be Ukrainian for every little 1 % weakening. Or many million with heartbreaks all up to date.
Brutal equation for the proxy doing the hard yards. No end in sight.
Considering Russia is so weak, brittle, poorly led and incompetent in NATO's standard public assessment, they could never have been a threat to Europe as a whole against the might of NATO.
So the equation is both brutal and the US stated goal is also sort of pointless on NATO logic. But excellent for the US MIC and US gas sales and in de industrialsing Germany by actively encouraging their best manufacturers to move to the "safer" US.
Highly skilled US plunderers at work - not so good at war though it seems.

Cost in lives of Russian invasion vs cost in lives of some hypothetical future application to join NATO?
Number of Russian troops killed by NATO, ever?

frog wrote:Lloyd Austin Says US Goal Is for Russia To Be ‘Weakened’
I wonder what the maths are for this weakening in terms of Ukranians and Russians killed and maimed for each achieved weakening increment? Here is a rough guess....
With 5000,000 + plus estimated casualites to date for both sides, if say the weakening was 20% (allowing for rebuilding / replenishment) that would mean:
25,000 deaths / maimed per percentage weakening.
that would mean maybe 250,000 + + mothers, fathers, bothers, sisters, husbands, wives etc facing tragedy for each % weakening. Half of these would be Ukrainian for every little 1 % weakening. Or many million with heartbreaks all up to date.
Brutal equation for the proxy doing the hard yards. No end in sight.
Considering Russia is so weak, brittle, poorly led and incompetent in NATO's standard public assessment, they could never have been a threat to Europe as a whole against the might of NATO.
So the equation is both brutal and the US stated goal is also sort of pointless on NATO logic. But excellent for the US MIC and US gas sales and in de industrialsing Germany by actively encouraging their best manufacturers to move to the "safer" US.
Highly skilled US plunderers at work - not so good at war though it seems.
Was that 5 million casualties frog or 5 hundred thousand?

The military industrial complex within the Russian Federation are as, if not more, invested in the continuation and broadening of this war as their Western counterparts. In fact, given the kleptocratic nature of Russian industry, there’s more cream on every contract.
This is a good listen for how the war has affected the Russian industrial landscape.

frog wrote:Lloyd Austin Says US Goal Is for Russia To Be ‘Weakened’meant 500,000 - my astygmatism !

That’s still a shit load. What’s Ukraines population? Wouldn’t be huge I imagine

goofyfoot wrote:That’s still a shit load. What’s Ukraines population? Wouldn’t be huge I imagine
Under 40 million.

About 45 million GF. Russia about 150million.
Those figures are both sides. Very hard to cut through the masking of casualties on both sides.

Ok, that’s more than I was expecting actually.

James Curran wrote:
In Brussels, the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said publicly that enlargement of the military alliance prompted Vladimir Putin to illegally attack Ukraine. It was a startling statement; until now, to acknowledge this in polite company typically invited howls of derision.
Have a read about Putin’s comments on NATO since he came to power and then ask yourself if you still think it was all about NATO.

the democrats just voted in donald trump
too much meddling
JFKjr. goes independent in answer to the machine trying to shut him down
It's embarrassing to observe writers in the MSM in AU be so ignorant of RFK Jr that the best they could do in summing up his life's work as an environmental activist & advocate for health, hammered down to "Anti-vax activist". Shows how utterly pathetic the writers & editors are
— Don Gates (@GATESDK) September 30, 2023

"we're gonna build a wall...
...a big beautiful wall"
politics just gets wackier... and this shit just gets funnier by the day

Eventually reality will swamp the best scripted narratives.
- immigration controlled
- Ukraine success
- economy strong
- defund police lowers crime
- Biden not a creepy old grifter
- Biden mentally fit and continent
History will be very unkind to Biden.
Unless somehow the script writers add a twist so he exits stage left a tragic hero?

OK this one is really big. The world of the lifetimes of everyone here, is about to change. The prosperity we enjoyed depended upon the USN keeping sealanes open and protecting all free trade - they are now withdrawing from this.
In times past it was the Royal Navy that did this - and it did this up to every conflict. In 1914 their cruiser squadrons had eliminated all axis shipping and warships in all oceans within a few months of the declaration of war, most notably Admiral Sturdee's battlecruisers taking out Von Spee's German pacific squadron at the Falklands. Mention too for the HMAS Sydney (I) overcoming the Emden at Cocos Island.
The US is pretty much saying, if you want to ship it, protect it yourself. (Captain Jack Sparrow licking his lips...) Zeihan mentions at the end of the clip a scenario for how shipping insurance might proceed vs importers' margins of low end imports - he says if you haven't switched supply chains, it's too late.
Another reminder of the importance of making things here.

That there above vid continues...
Dude talks about Iranian Pirates hijacking Oil Tankers..
These Tankers were from Kuwait headed for Texas...
Yanks had to send 2 Aircraft carriers to jet pilot their ships out.
Plus Jets to protect Syrian Base...Russian Jets have been nosing them out 100m (Real Close!)
Things been heatin' up there for a while...US we're drawn in...
Kaboom Israel goes Off.
Ask! When China builds & owns everything what can Yanks do.
Start a second bigger Global economy that trades without China!
An economy so large where US economy is 10x China's share for same market.
Where US sells Nuke Subs to Oz for $368b coz they can't buy Made in China.
Why ya need those shitty Virginia Peel Nuke Subs...we don't!
Oz Nuke Academy all trained up & ready to funnel Shitloads of WMD Nuke Warheads...Yes Sir!
US simply goes cold on trade competitors to corner the market.
Everyday ya hate China & more a little bit more...Caching! Why go to war with yer #1 cash cows!
All Nato / Oz are bossing this WMD economy...China can't undercut their $Gazillion Industry!

Hey TBB, just a few corrections there, the two carriers are on the Med side presently, not the gulf (Ford, Eisenhower too apparently - can't see on Stratfor). In the gulf is an LHD - Bataan, still there I think?
I don't think anyone in a navy role would consider a Virginia class sub shitty. They are up there with the world's best attack subs. Astute being the other contender.
And our subs will not have nuclear warheads. They are not SSBNs. They are attack subs and their loadout is conventional weaponry.
US subs have always been made in US, not overseas; UK subs always in UK, French subs in France etc. Australia found out how hard it was for parts when UK built (Oberons) and so determined to do an in-country supply chain for the Collins (much learning curve and angst but worked through it). Things like a sub are not contracted out to China, because too important for national security.
Economic systems are splitting - note all the Russia/China integration in the Eurasian continent and the competition for Africa/Latin America. It ain't just the US side doing it...

Virginia Lemon Peels
Outbound this evening - Virginia class submarine of the US navy.
— Dougie Coull Photography 🏴 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@DougieCoullPics) October 5, 2020
🇺🇸#submariner #submarine #hmnbclyde #scotland #riverclyde #usnavy #shipsinpics
Notice no Giant US Flag & uppity crew...they're often too shy to fly US Flags as folk point & laugh.
National Embarrassment for US navy cowering into any Port.
World bad guys have gotta dodge the polluted Gunk trail & noisy hum of the (Virginia Peel)
Sure...starts out fine with Top shit Radar & Echo tests than next week it's a polished turd!
Each time they fire a surface missile it cracks the plate weld & tears the mount.
Whole sub shudders & rolls back'n'forth...Strewth...Don't do that again!
The very reason they need Oz help...
Collins class subs have moulded panels stuck on with Road Cats eye glue.
Never once a problem...better than perfect.
Collins Class Subs have & will continue to outlast any Post WWII US subs.
Looped with leis @ any Nuke free Pacific Port
Oz can lock in 50 years easy...US can only dream...
Virginia Class could do with Oz know how on custom Sub Skin.
Virginia class be lucky to last 8 of their 33 yr lifespan...US would luv to lock that in!
Banned from hiding in all nuke free Pacific Ports.
Illawarra has best steel & welds for armour > Bushmasters
Yanks need that steel & Aussie welding to bolster their shoddy Missile Pates on Virginia Peels.
So how dangerous are these shaky Virginia Hypersonic Missile launches...
New Block 5 been idle for a year, banned for fear of blowing themselves up...none would insure them!
US Sub Bases have Poisoned the water tables of own & allies major cities.
All are suing them & want them gone & simply want clean water to drink.
US have almost killed off Pacific Population & rocking 700 contaminated sites
Just pick anyone living in these cities...ask for a glass of water...(Cough!)
US Sub Ports...Virginia / Washington
Hawaii - Pearl Harbour / Japan Okinawa or Yokosuka / Guam all got cancer & restricted water.
We're next...that's why ADF gotta pick Desal Ports or Ports approved for Desal.
To suck up US poison.
Latest Virginia Class Block 5 Blow themselves up...none will insure them...
Start here with Block 1 > exactly the order they rolled out.
Virginia 8yrs ($20m overhaul)+Extra 4 mths out
Texas 8ys ($20m overhaul)+Extra 2 mths out
Hawaii 3 yrs ($2.4m refit)
Nth Carolina (3x delays) Steam Valves - Piping -Welding all shit
New Hampshire (3 yrs to build) Crew nearly died from oxygen failure!
New Mexico ~Dodgy Torpedo Handling Mechanics
Missouri ~ Soon as got sent back for an even more shitfull $44.3m re-do
Which 3 Virginia Lemon Peels should Oz buy for $1...none or none!
Ya can't get the lifetime parts in this or any lifetime...Coffee sprayer fizzles & all declare mutiny!
Mothball #2 & scavenge it for the Coffee Machine nozzle.
This be the reason they can only build 1/2 a year tops..
2013-2019 chewed thru 1,600 Lifetime Parts (Lasting only 4 years...well durr!)
Workers reckon they gotta keep cannibalizing one to salvage another
2004-2008 Models have 70% dry-docked or undergoing constant maintenance
Which lemon do ya think the're gonna or gotta palm off onto us...take yer pick!
Not for $1 (Too much!) but some $368b for a box of uninsured parts that fall apart in yer hands!
They stood in front of one on the Big Day...should we buy that one (Coz ya know we would!)
Oz Hulking Steel Ports bulking muscle into them sissy Virginia Peels
Oz has Quality Port desal to mop up US subs & Toxic paylodes...wot for...
Hardcore international WMD funneling...we wish! Might start all innocent as that...then..
UK / US Nuke Rods are piled a mile high...and ain't got no waste plan until after 2050 then none!
Virginia Class can Customize & secure US / UK Pure Evil Capped Nuke Rods into torpedo Tubes.
Oz have fully certified Toxic start suckin' it up for them!
Pull into Desal Port > Rail 'n' Drop / Slot...then cap Nuke Fuel Rods 5km deep in the Desert.
Well that's the best plan we else do we shower ourselves in Aukus Nuke Waste.

Sounds like they are literal death traps then and no one would want to go to sea on them... but many do.
VJ agrees Collins boats are now excellent at what they do and would love to tell TBB what he encountered while working in analytical environment as they were developed, but will not for obvious reasons. Suffice to say any complex piece of machinery designed for high pressure depths in a challenging environment is gonna need lots of TLC in development and maintenance. It's how you R&D and QC and TLC that determines how capable the end product is.
Here's a sea monster, one of the real doomsday ships, coming in from a pretty grubby deployment - note too they have a bit of tile maintenance to do
Here are some end of the line vids:
These processes make VJ restoring a car seem like child's play. Why go through all this complexity, pollution, and risk? The nations seem to think that the subs when working are strategically worth it.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank