The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

“ Religion is a bit like a gun, yeah? Needs an individual with bad intent to become a weapon. “
…that’s an interesting take on it @wax24 ;)
- apparently all they’d need then is the ‘right’ ammo in order to enable using it, as well as a nicely designated target…
Lucky tho there aren’t too many religious individuals with …ummm …bad intent ;)
- just ‘goodies’ doing the lawd’s work ;);)

Some guns kill better than others.
Air rifles vs military-grade machine gun?
Choose your religion.

wax24 wrote:southernraw wrote:I do agree with that @popdown.
Just not sure religion is a necessary tool to reach what should be commonsense.
As Jim Jefferies so eloquently put it, take away the 10 commandments, and turn it into one, short sentence.
Dont be a c#nt. Simple really!Religion is a bit like a gun, yeah? Needs an individual with bad intent to become a weapon.
Maybe @wax24.
Personally i think religion, every religion, is all a loaded gun. Sometimes even an accidental happy trigger finger can start a war. You're always going to upset somebody.
For all religions good, i just don't see how it measures up to the bad.
But that's just my take on it.
Hope you're going well over there.
edit: i just don't see there a point to carrying around loaded guns....

Thanx for civil responses guys.
@Jelly.... I hear ya. There are lotsa folks with bad intent, period. Religion or or tic tac toe. I am continually trying not to be disappointed by that. Too many humans suck a$$.
@Bonza.... good point. All are NOT created equal.
@SR.... FWIW, i think we'd do well as a species to wean ourselves off of religion. I actually perceive that to be slowly happening over the course of my life, It's a dangerous wean, tho. I think recognizing religion's merits makes it a safer wean, if that makes any sense. But i agree that it does more harm than good, and that spirituality (you know, "Don't be a c*nt, simple really!") does not require it.
I am good over here, thanx for asking. Just got my xmas tree and strung up all the lights. I am a sucker for christmas. Hope you are well, as well.

Good on you @wax24. Always great hearing from you over there.
And yes, that's allegedly what forums are for! Good honest civil discussion. Some of the worlds biggest problems have been solved in such a way. And i'm sure there's a ripple effect, when that civil discussion takes place.
Agree completely on your thoughts. Really well said and alot of admiration for the way you framed it. Thanks!
haha yeah, same here. Will chop a branch off the pine tree outside and gather a few random shells and sea urchins for decoration again this year.
Have a great Christmas to you and your family @wax24

I don't blame religion SR .
From what I have read in most religious books , I see much more good .
I have seen , first hand , that praying REALLY works .
Perhaps it is just repeating positive words rather than saying the normal shit , but it does work !
I am NOT religious but believe Good makes the universe go round .
Have NFI what drives the process and don't think I am supposed to .
I love the Dali Lama and those old Indian Guru Types .
Wars started before our current religions . They were fought for Power and riches !
Then MORE money ( power ) , Mercantilism !
Communists don't believe in God and love fighting wars .
Now , as always , the best way to ensure a war doesn't happen , is to be ready to fight one .
Australia , is stepping up , again imho .
ps SR - I also have to constantly remind myself to be MORE grateful . I find it hard to be angry when grateful . U sound like a nice bloke !
SR and JF - U expect too much from humans lol .
We are only a couple of hundred thousand years old .
Still lots of the original instincts .
That's good , nothing is supposed to be perfect :) .

I'm not blaming religion @popdown. Initially, that was my first reaction, but not so much now.
I think there's way deeper issues than religion, but i don't think religion is a stable platform to work through the problems that currently exist there. Makes it almost impossible to find common ground.
I'll respectfully disagree with you on the thoughts that the best way to ensure a war doesn't happen is to be ready to fight one.
I think as a species, we should have evolved past that by now....maybe it's religion that's holding us back, i dunno.
edit: in saying i don't think religion is a stable platform to work through the problems there, what i mean is that religion is the all encompassing thing that everybody lives under, as their primary means of existence over there. Which is why i posted my original comments.

‘ as a species, we should have evolved past that by now ‘
That is true…
- greed, corruption and primal fear keep wars alive.
Throw in religious fanaticism and end of days prophesy…
- and fark …u got an eternal formula ;)
Anyone waging war is already dead inside
- thank ‘god’ we are in the lucky country ;);)

Spot on @jf.
ha great vid.
You're such a huge asset to this conversation.
I've learnt more in a few weeks from your posts than i have in a lifetime.
Only a fool would ignore the content you're sharing.
Thanks heaps!

Good to hear @sr…
- there are some voices u pretty much can’t argue with ;)

What exactly have you learnt SR?
Can you succinctly summarise?

JF - If U were head of one country and Roadkill was the head on another , next door , would U get along ?
Would U have any fights ?

JF - If U were head of one country and Roadkill was the head of another , next door , would U get along ?
Would U have any fights ?

bonza wrote:What exactly have you learnt SR?
Can you succinctly summarise?
To be honest @bonza, ive learnt the more i think i know, the less i know.
What i can succinctly say, is that I've learnt to listen more. Eyes, ears, spirit, the lot.
Edit: should add to that, most importantly I've learnt to challenge my own views on this and be willing to change my mindset.
As a faraway observer, who knows and understands little of the world over there, i think it's crucial to allow ourselves to make error's of judgement and improve upon them
People living through that rely on us doing that right now.
Its amazing, over 24hours since the ceasefire ended, over100 Palestinians have died, and not one mention of it in this thread.
We should all be mourning the loss of these peoples lives.

Haha pop down ;)
- love it !
…we’d certainly have a few words
- but I appreciate his idiocy ;)
It actually makes me laugh … a lot.
- so I’d be more than happy to let him live his sad existence next door or anywhere…
But… if he tried take my shack… well …maybe he’d get …ummm …’exposed’ haha
- who knows ;);)
Listening is key…

It’s sad they won’t watch anything. There is no way they’d accept that. Luckily it won’t ever happen to them. Ever!

southernraw wrote:bonza wrote:What exactly have you learnt SR?
Can you succinctly summarise?
To be honest @bonza, ive learnt the more i think i know, the less i know.
What i can succinctly say, is that I've learnt to listen more. Eyes, ears, spirit, the lot.
Edit: should add to that, most importantly I've learnt to challenge my own views on this and be willing to change my mindset.
As a faraway observer, who knows and understands little of the world over there, i think it's crucial to allow ourselves to make error's of judgement and improve upon them
People living through that rely on us doing that right now.
Its amazing, over 24hours since the ceasefire ended, over100 Palestinians have died, and not one mention of it in this thread.
We should all be mourning the loss of these peoples lives.
Ok thanks for responding

Cheers @bonza. It was a good question. Appreciate it.

southernraw wrote:Good on you @wax24. Always great hearing from you over there.
And yes, that's allegedly what forums are for! Good honest civil discussion. Some of the worlds biggest problems have been solved in such a way. And i'm sure there's a ripple effect, when that civil discussion takes place.
Agree completely on your thoughts. Really well said and alot of admiration for the way you framed it. Thanks!
haha yeah, same here. Will chop a branch off the pine tree outside and gather a few random shells and sea urchins for decoration again this year.
Have a great Christmas to you and your family @wax24
Hey Southern. I love it. Branch off the ol tree and a few organic baubles. Perfect! Merry Christmas, mate.
Hey, Pop Down, allow me a Pop-In?
Southern and I have got a gratitude thingy. Whatcha got right around you that stirs you’re soul? Probly too much to mention if we put out thinkin hats on.
I’m not sayin anything you don’t completely know. Merry Christmas season to you and yours.

Hello wax24
Not sure what a soul is .
I wrote this on a site yesterday .
"Any Man , that can do something for someone else , anonymously , and be happy about it , is a Special Man " .
That is a Moon type goal , for me :)

There are few other potential Hot Spots for potential War .
Ethiopia are the Worlds largest Landlocked nation .
They have fought numerous wars with Eritrea next door , about Stuff .
Their population is now nearing 150m .
They can't afford the import duties .
Eritrea are on the coast .
Venezuela is having a referendum to see if it should ANNEX it's neighbor's Off Shore Oil fields .
When the big boys start fighting , others are encouraged to follow imho .
Unfortunately , the War Drums are beating and are getting louder :( !
Once started , very hard to stop :(((
It sounds ridiculous , even to me , but Trump is the ONLY one who can stop them imho .
At least , HE believes he can .
NO ONE else does .

Beautiful Melbourne morning, @Pop! Have a lovely summery day : )

Yes base 6 , The Hot Air Balloons landed across the road on Albert Park Golf course .
My building is next to the home ground of the MCC , two homes in one , nearly .
Water is getting warmer !
Organised , with my sister , Christmas Day breakfast this year , this morning .
Bloody time flies !
Looks like some nice little waves at a Magic place on an island .
Going to drive ( can't walk 18 ) around a golf course near Moorabbin for a few hours .
I sometimes go and hit with the REALLY old blokes who I hit as far as , and who enjoy chatting while playing .
They enjoy EVERY round haha !
Catching up with my eldest daughter and her boyfriend ( I like him which is lucky for him :) tonight for dinner .
Have fun and have a crack :))
ps St Kilda has a surf cam ? ! I can see kite surfers flying around there sometimes .
edit ps - That CAM would get some amazing St Kilda Stuff ! lol !!!

glorious - what are those 2 dudes up to on your st kilda surfcam?
edit: ah, 'high rise guys' building maintenance..

Just read some facts that are included in a video ( not watched ) that I found interesting .
Some devoted Israeli's are more worried about a curse , than Hamas .
"The Curse of the 8th Decade " by Kim Inverson ( never heard of her , but from a good source so should be safe ) .
History has a remarkable way of repeating itself , sometimes .

July 19th 2023
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@koshercockney) December 3, 2023

... a turkey?

2 min mark onwards

Tulsi, callin' it!
Islamism remains the greatest threat to the United States and the world. Until Islamists are defeated both ideologically and militarily, we will not have the peace, security, and freedom that the American, Israeli, and Palestinian people deserve.
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) December 1, 2023


Hey Jelly Flater, trying to own this forum and smothering everyone else's comments doesn't make you correct. It just shows you're messed up in the head and need help. You ain't winning, mate. You're just a total loser, buddy, and this site would be way better off without you. You oughta get the boot, dude.


‘… greatest threat to the United States and the world.’
- hmmmmmm ;)

sypkan, the video in your link says "Israel army shows footage of it's rescue team pulling out earthquake victims from collapsed buildings in Turkey"
Just a quick question. Who's pulling the victims out from underneath the rubble of collapsed buildings bombed by the Israeli defence force in Gaza?
Pop Down put this article up the other day. Always good to slip in an informed perspective to the debate rather than relying on the usual myopic blathering from the Fox brigade

green room wrote:Hey Jelly Flater, trying to own this forum and smothering everyone else's comments doesn't make you correct. It just shows you're messed up in the head and need help. You ain't winning, mate. You're just a total loser, buddy, and this site would be way better off without you. You oughta get the boot, dude.
The biggest threat that would effect the quality of life for the average American is clearly the US corporatocracy and military industrial complex which creates never ending “enemy’s”, strip mining the U.S. and Australian tax payers, ( we just subsidised US ship yards and Albo is trying to tell us how good that is, sheesh) reducing the quality of social services and transferring more wealth to the already super wealthy.
On this one Tulsi is dead wrong.
Your an American, you’d have to be a fool not to see the obvious. Are you a fool GR?

soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?

" The biggest threat that would effect the quality of life for the average American is clearly the US corporatocracy and military industrial complex which creates never ending “enemy’s”, strip mining the U.S. and Australian tax payers, ( we just subsidised US ship yards and Albo is trying to tell us how good that is, sheesh) reducing the quality of social services and transferring more wealth to the already super wealthy."

Oliver, don’t go there. You will now get a dozen of videos in your face proving how wrong you are.

- is what’s happening in gaza now a free and democratic process ? ;)
Freedom and democracy should not come at the expense of another people…
This is worth another read ay ;)
Freedom ? Democracy ?

oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.

- haha ;)
… at least those with their heads up their arse aren’t too threatening ;);)
This bloke tho …
- what threat ?
Ideologically ? Militarily ?

soggydog wrote:oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.
soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
you think you have it tough in WA? You have zero idea about fairness

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
you think you have it tough in WA? You have zero idea about fairness
Hey dickhead, what do you think the endgame is? Because bombing the fuck out of a population always fixes the issues raised in your post.
I’m talking about where I live and the decline of democracy. You think the US is a democracy? How do you propose to address the issues raised in your post? Bomb them out of existence? A lot of the Middle East nations where thriving democratic countries until US and UK intervention took place during their quest for control of ME oil reserves. Resistance came in the form of radical Islam.
Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. Western intervention worked a treat for the down trodden eh’? Think Dick Cheney gave a fuck about the education of women in the Middle East. Or Joe Biden now? Bibi’s just trying to bomb some education into those women and children eh’?
And here we are.
You can put your head back in your arse now.
Using these newly created threats has created a surveillance state for the rest of us, new laws designed to stifle the exchange of information and make it harder for independent MP’s to get on the ticket. Our March towards what you fear is already happening.

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
you think you have it tough in WA? You have zero idea about fairness
Hey dickhead, what do you think the endgame is? Because bombing the fuck out of a population always fixes the issues raised in your post.
I’m talking about where I live and the decline of democracy. You think the US is a democracy? How do you propose to address the issues raised in your post? Bomb them out of existence? A lot of the Middle East nations where thriving democratic countries until US and UK intervention took place during their quest for control of ME oil reserves. Resistance came in the form of radical Islam.Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. Western intervention worked a treat for the down trodden eh’? Think Dick Cheney gave a fuck about the education of women in the Middle East. Or Joe Biden now? Bibi’s just trying to bomb some education into those women and children eh’?
And here we are.
You can put your head back in your arse now.
Using these newly created threats has created a surveillance state for the rest of us, new laws designed to stifle the exchange of information and make it harder for independent MP’s to get on the ticket. Our March towards what you fear is already happening.
Such a big reply that was 100% irrelevant to the question you ignored.

Roadkill wrote:soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
Where were you in Victorian England and colonial Aus? They coulda used your help. Thank Christ there were no holy-warmongers around to just bomb the fuck out of them, I hear that time-period lead to some really impressive western pillars.

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
you think you have it tough in WA? You have zero idea about fairness
Hey dickhead, what do you think the endgame is? Because bombing the fuck out of a population always fixes the issues raised in your post.
I’m talking about where I live and the decline of democracy. You think the US is a democracy? How do you propose to address the issues raised in your post? Bomb them out of existence? A lot of the Middle East nations where thriving democratic countries until US and UK intervention took place during their quest for control of ME oil reserves. Resistance came in the form of radical Islam.Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. Western intervention worked a treat for the down trodden eh’? Think Dick Cheney gave a fuck about the education of women in the Middle East. Or Joe Biden now? Bibi’s just trying to bomb some education into those women and children eh’?
And here we are.
You can put your head back in your arse now.
Using these newly created threats has created a surveillance state for the rest of us, new laws designed to stifle the exchange of information and make it harder for independent MP’s to get on the ticket. Our March towards what you fear is already happening.Such a big reply that was 100% irrelevant to the question you ignored.
I have a daughter, I want her to live a free and equitable life with good opportunities. Good enough for you?
I think all women should be afforded the same.
Now a question for you. What’s your solution? You can keep it relevant to this thread I don’t care. Remembering my post above. That all evidence of bombing the fuck out of a population never makes it better for women.

Haha ;);)
- ‘ Hey dickhead, what do you think the endgame is? Because bombing the fuck out of a population always fixes the issues ... ‘

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
you think you have it tough in WA? You have zero idea about fairness
Hey dickhead, what do you think the endgame is? Because bombing the fuck out of a population always fixes the issues raised in your post.
I’m talking about where I live and the decline of democracy. You think the US is a democracy? How do you propose to address the issues raised in your post? Bomb them out of existence? A lot of the Middle East nations where thriving democratic countries until US and UK intervention took place during their quest for control of ME oil reserves. Resistance came in the form of radical Islam.Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. Western intervention worked a treat for the down trodden eh’? Think Dick Cheney gave a fuck about the education of women in the Middle East. Or Joe Biden now? Bibi’s just trying to bomb some education into those women and children eh’?
And here we are.
You can put your head back in your arse now.
Using these newly created threats has created a surveillance state for the rest of us, new laws designed to stifle the exchange of information and make it harder for independent MP’s to get on the ticket. Our March towards what you fear is already happening.Such a big reply that was 100% irrelevant to the question you ignored.
I have a daughter, I want her to live a free and equitable life with good opportunities. Good enough for you?
I think all women should be afforded the same.
Now a question for you. What’s your solution? You can keep it relevant to this thread I don’t care. Remembering my post above. That all evidence of bombing the fuck out of a population never makes it better for women.
what you want to happen in Gaza does not give the daughters of Gaza a free and equitable life with good opportunities.
what you want for your daughter is not available under Hamas rule.
"I think all women should be afforded the same." Nope, not under Hamas rule.
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