The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

Pop Down wrote:Fliplid
I like Australian Gun Laws .
The US , for very special personal reasons , have very different Gun Laws written into their Constitution .
They don't own arms to protect themselves from Islamists !!!
It's to protect themselves from Government .
Just before the most , IF they have it , crazy Presidential Election , next year , this is very unlikely to be discussed by anyone atm .
dead right pop down
different history...
different time...
different consitution...
guns for a diferent reasons than we even contemplate...
australians just show their ignorance making these comparisons
tbh, I thought those reasons were totally stupid and overblown...
until the last two elections that is....

soggydog wrote:bonza wrote:soggydog wrote:I think Sam extrapolates and presents as factual sometimes. And I think that the current threat of jihadism to Israel is due to mass killing of Muslims. Israeli response is seen as defensive, what would be the narrative if West Bank Palestinians joined the fray due to the continued murder of civilians.
I think Sam has erred in not making the distinction between Judaism and Zionism as he has done with Jihadism and Islam.If that was the case why aren’t Muslims waging jihad on all the Muslims around the world getting murdered by other Muslims? Is it because the people doing the murdering aren’t jews or infidels but fellow Muslims?
It is non-sensical to suggest an equivalency between Zionism and Jihadism. For start as far as I am aware the Zionist’s do not oppose statehood and self-determination for the Palestinians. Hamas on the other hand want to kill every single Jew on the planet.. How many other Islamic believers would support or sympathise with that?
Can you provide a direct quote from the Hamas charter or leaders to support your supposition that Hamas want to kill ever Jew on the planet, and also that zionists do not oppose statehood for Palestinian people, given the expansion and IDF support of settlers displacing Palestinians.
Something factual that supports your hypothesis.
Yeah sure. I thought these things would be obvious by now this far in the thread but anyways. Hamas charter
Recent Zionism article that provides context
I don’t discount that there are a proportion small of Zionist extremists that don’t want freedom or life for the Palestinians but that is not a meaningful comparison to jihadists and their single minded purpose as a whole. which is what you tried to do above.


and without looking for a fight fliplid...
your whole post presupposes and suggests america could stop worrying about any threat from islamists tommorow...
just stop all the worrying, stop all the screening, stop all the intelligence and preventative measures tommorow...
...there'd be bombs and guns going off all over the place the very next day...
(not from the rednecks... initially...)
the threat is real
that proposition is not

Pop Down wrote:sypkan
I have to agree with ALL your numbers ( did think pre conflict Palestinian support for Hamas was less than 40% ) .
Unfortunately , your description , clusterfuck , is very appropriate imho .
Seeds - maybe our definitions of feeling something bad are different ?
I don't like reading anything and thinking "Gosh , that was a waste of my time ".
I have too much Stuff to read , as it is .
So , I am very selective .
Only reading what confirms your biases eh’. How open minded. So the quip about walking a mile etc etc was just a bit more BS gobble de gook. As you where.

bonza wrote:soggydog wrote:bonza wrote:soggydog wrote:I think Sam extrapolates and presents as factual sometimes. And I think that the current threat of jihadism to Israel is due to mass killing of Muslims. Israeli response is seen as defensive, what would be the narrative if West Bank Palestinians joined the fray due to the continued murder of civilians.
I think Sam has erred in not making the distinction between Judaism and Zionism as he has done with Jihadism and Islam.If that was the case why aren’t Muslims waging jihad on all the Muslims around the world getting murdered by other Muslims? Is it because the people doing the murdering aren’t jews or infidels but fellow Muslims?
It is non-sensical to suggest an equivalency between Zionism and Jihadism. For start as far as I am aware the Zionist’s do not oppose statehood and self-determination for the Palestinians. Hamas on the other hand want to kill every single Jew on the planet.. How many other Islamic believers would support or sympathise with that?
Can you provide a direct quote from the Hamas charter or leaders to support your supposition that Hamas want to kill ever Jew on the planet, and also that zionists do not oppose statehood for Palestinian people, given the expansion and IDF support of settlers displacing Palestinians.
Something factual that supports your hypothesis.
Yeah sure. I thought these things would be obvious by now this far in the thread but anyways. Hamas charter
Recent Zionism article that provides context
I don’t discount that there are a proportion small of Zionist extremists that don’t want freedom or life for the Palestinians but that is not a meaningful comparison to jihadists and their single minded purpose as a whole. which is what you tried to do above.
The charter, if you’d read or listened to any of the links JF posted was updated 10 years ago. The one you posted is from 1988. From what I’ve heard the Hamas charter has changed and supports a two state solution as per 1967 borders. I haven’t checked myself but it has been repeated by more than 1 Jewish scholar that JF would have posted links to.

Nothing to see / hear ;)
- maybe a cpl of precision strikes tho…

Hey Pop Down. Hope your day went well. Evening there now, yeah?
I think the gun culture in America is just that. A culture. Some get guns to protect themselves from governance, sure. Most just know they want one. Their dad had one. Their dad's dad. Maybe there is a tradition of hunting in a given family. They see the celebration of firearms everywhere, from many Hollywood offerings, to video games, to the American ideal of rugged individual.
That there is a powerful gun lobby to protect such an ingrained interest is an obvious.
The Left blame the guns. The Right blame the shooters.
What i see is that, typically, the Left jump to a solution that is a bit pie-in-the-sky.
The Right pretend to want a solution, when, really, they just don't want much governance.
(see: American ideal of rugged individual.)
What irks me is the continued ignoring of the growing mental health crisis here. It is truly a silent epidemic, and, by the time, it is noticed for the existential threat that it is, it'll be too late.
But, then again, i work on the front lines of this crisis, so..... of course i would think this way.

bonza wrote:soggydog wrote:bonza wrote:soggydog wrote:I think Sam extrapolates and presents as factual sometimes. And I think that the current threat of jihadism to Israel is due to mass killing of Muslims. Israeli response is seen as defensive, what would be the narrative if West Bank Palestinians joined the fray due to the continued murder of civilians.
I think Sam has erred in not making the distinction between Judaism and Zionism as he has done with Jihadism and Islam.If that was the case why aren’t Muslims waging jihad on all the Muslims around the world getting murdered by other Muslims? Is it because the people doing the murdering aren’t jews or infidels but fellow Muslims?
It is non-sensical to suggest an equivalency between Zionism and Jihadism. For start as far as I am aware the Zionist’s do not oppose statehood and self-determination for the Palestinians. Hamas on the other hand want to kill every single Jew on the planet.. How many other Islamic believers would support or sympathise with that?
Can you provide a direct quote from the Hamas charter or leaders to support your supposition that Hamas want to kill ever Jew on the planet, and also that zionists do not oppose statehood for Palestinian people, given the expansion and IDF support of settlers displacing Palestinians.
Something factual that supports your hypothesis.
Yeah sure. I thought these things would be obvious by now this far in the thread but anyways. Hamas charter
Recent Zionism article that provides context
I don’t discount that there are a proportion small of Zionist extremists that don’t want freedom or life for the Palestinians but that is not a meaningful comparison to jihadists and their single minded purpose as a whole. which is what you tried to do above.
A breakdown of the Hamas Charter from the Israeli Foriegn Ministry is hardly an independent non partisan document. I’m talking about the current actual charter. And some of you reckon JF’s links are dodgy. Somethings about pots and kettles and stuff.

Hey Soggy
U are exactly right , I hear all humans do it , a bit !!!
After I fair bit of trial and error , I have found the sources I trust .
I also want to check out what I consider biased sites , sometimes .
Good to know , on issues that interest me , both sides , of a story , as things change .
I have worked in an industry where U need to expect to be given bullshit , all the time .
I think , my BS meter , is pretty good , for an old bloke , sometimes .
How is yours going ?
Hello Waxy 24 !
We had a nice warm northerly ( offshore ) and 3-4ft of swell today , according to the Cams .
The same dark problems are here with regards to Mental Health .
Most of our terrible episodes have had a strong element of mental health imo .
We were Lucky ( again ) that a truly amazing woman named Rosie Batty ,was appointed Australian of the Year about 10 years ago .
Her son was murdered by her husband .
This took the Dark Issue of Family Violence out of the closet and shone a bright light on it .
Terrible to see , but sooo important to see it and strongly say as a Country , We don't do this shit here !!!
Melbourne was the Most Locked Down City in Oz , and we haven't recovered .
We are lucky that we have a strong sense of Community imho .
We are very family oriented , mostly ( the Greeks , Italians and Africans do a better job of looking after their elderly imo ) .
There is though , terribly imho , a growing distrust for government .
Luckily , here , we are hard to get really angry .
The possible big trouble spots , will not be here .
You , shit , I am not sure .
I hope U are in a very nice part of the US .
I really have liked all the US people I have met , very friendly and they understand Australian , easily , nearly :)
Bon Chance , mate :)
Hats off for the wonderful ( emotionally brave :) work U do .
I couldn't do it !

It’s all here soggy.
Scroll down makes for good reading. But yeah sure should be read with “context”.

Fliplid wrote:bonza wrote:Imagine if those gun toting NRA card carrying (mostly republicans Christian southerners) Americans were jihadists or jihad sympathisers? Compare that scenario.
Now do you get it?
The other day someone put up a link where Tulsi was saying Americans would never be safe until the Islamists are gone and that is a common refrain however the numbers clearly show that more Americans die in one state in one year from gun violence than those who have been killed by Islamist terrorists (in the US) in the last 25 years.
Instead of attempting to get a dialogue going about trying to reduce gun violence in their own country and potentially save tens of thousands of American lives each year some in the media don't even mention it but instead perpetuate the myth that islam is the enemy to Americans, on home soil, when clearly gun violence is the bigger threat.
Not saying that Israel doesn't have a problem though. Then again if you allow settlers and the military to harass people on their own land and lock up their teenage sons for throwing rocks, then surely it's only logical that there is going to be some form push back
Policy & funding that aims to target the restriction of weapons, the link of unethical corporate profitering and the opioid crisis, and other social issues eg universal health care would begin to address those deaths.
How do you stop a religious ideology hellbent on jihad? Give up all your western democratic principles?


So much respect for these girls.
Pretty crazy that 30% of those serving in the IDF are women, and 23% of officers in IDF are women

Pop Down, I reckon we've got it good as well. It does seem that there are plenty of reasons/ fears why they love their guns, some real and some imagined and I think the constitutional link is based on a law made in the 1300s in England. No need for an update I'm sure
As for what to do in the event of an attack on your daily commute, well according to the Sam Harris video posted earlier you've got to rush the attacker, as a group, and gouge their eyes out. Of course someone has to make the first move and others will follow. It's a good thing you're retiring soon so won't have to worry about that scenario for much longer.
sypkan, fair point, what you describe is probably correct, did someone say "clusterfuck"?

@bonza "How do you stop a religious ideology hellbent on jihad? Give up all your western democratic principles?"
f**ked if I know, let god sort them all out?

bonza wrote:It’s all here soggy. down makes for good reading. But yeah sure should be read with “context”.
Nice one Bonza, pretty good read. Only had a quick skim for the moment but it debunks a few myths that have been amplified here.

Flipid - That's lucky as thought to treat one of those people like a lion or a shark and charge them .
If U can see someone coming and do what they don't expect , U have a great chance of getting them first , hopefully .
As an old bloke (who played a lot of footy and surfs ( am biggish to ) ) , I would rather it me , to do the moving first .
Play dumb and get them .
Try and turn myself into Rambo , for a minute .
Having been in a few unpredictable situations before , I know I don't know , exactly , how I would react .
I know I am too big to hide .

"Try and turn myself into Rambo , for a minute ."
A hahaha.
Pop Rambo would run out of puff in about fifteen seconds.
Easy pickin's.
I'd pay to watch it though.
I know a few others who would too.
What was his alias again?
Harry Eastwood?
Your brother would pay to watch it.
Mine too.
Hilarious. Carry on.

Yes I’d agree. It’s best to lose the ego well before the ability.

Well, i'm trained to run TOWARD that shit....and i do..... so...... i'm well f*cked and dead in the event of an active shooter. I don't think i am hiding an inner Rambo. Maybe it'd give others time to do something.. like, i dunno......RUN.

Respect Waxy
No comment was directed at you. I’d suspect everyone likes you. As opposed to that clown from Florida.
Pop down talking smack was the recipient.

Hey Seeds. Hope you are goin well.
I was smiling and chuckling as i typed that last post. Weird humor, gallows humor maybe, but i wasn't offended by anyone or thing, just "adding" to a convo and havin fun.
Who is "that clown from Florida" tho? (or... don't answer if it'll cause a who-do)

yo, Islamic terrorist supporting clowns, fentanyl is like the silent killer in America, you know?
And living in the land of the free, us Republicans are all about freedom and the right to own guns.
But seriously, you Hamas backers in here like seeds and Jelly Flater are straight-up betraying your own people. You're traitors, like, committing treason, fools. You've ditched your own culture and society for a foreign enemy that wants to kill us. You've totally turned on the story of your own civilization, man. You're backing the narrative of some unfriendly civilization, dude. That's messed up. You're also the enemy, man. Yo, how'd you end up in this spot?

green room wrote:yo, Islamic terrorist supporting clowns, fentanyl is like the silent killer in America, you know?
And living in the land of the free, us Republicans are all about freedom and the right to own guns.
But seriously, you Hamas backers in here like seeds and Jelly Flater are straight-up betraying your own people. You're traitors, like, committing treason, fools. You've ditched your own culture and society for a foreign enemy that wants to kill us. You've totally turned on the story of your own civilization, man. You're backing the narrative of some unfriendly civilization, dude. That's messed up. You're also the enemy, man. Yo, how'd you end up in this spot?
Haha comedy gold!
Love reading your comments mate, keep em up!

Yo, andy-idiot, you're in on it too, man.
Dudes, just keep on worshippin' and sellin' that pro Islamic terrorist, anti-West narrative to the peeps, you backstabbing traitors.
How the heck did we end up in this deluded mess?

green room wrote:Yo, andy-idiot, you're in on it too, man.
Dudes, just keep on worshippin' and sellin' that pro Islamic terrorist, anti-West narrative to the peeps, you backstabbing traitors.
How the heck did we end up in this deluded mess?
Take a chill pill dude and peace out man. ;)

U are very brave ( as I have said ) Waxy 24 .
All First Responders are imho .
Running into the situations U face , on an almost daily basis , requires True Grit !!!
I bet , when people see your INTENT , they know U mean business .
It's when the Shit , REALLY hits the fan , that U see peoples true character .
Mate , if the Shit was hitting the fan , I would be standing right beside U , if I could .
Safer there imho .
The time is coming , I think , when we WILL have to take sides on this issue .
Our way of life is worth fighting for !!!!
Australians are VERY good at that .
We have a real Legacy to live up to , on this , and I love it !
Adam 12 - Get a life , wanting to watch me do 15 sec of Shit ? lol
U know I am a lover , not a fighter type !
Go surfing instead .

Yeah, I'll get right on that, andy-the-deluded, just as soon as you and your two-faced traitor buddies quit peddling that fake, made-up Hamas narrative of history and spinning the worldview of those crazy, evil, savage Islamic terrorists who are out to wipe us and our way of life off the map.
Look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali – she did the total opposite. She ditched that murderous, barbaric Islamic terrorist scene and rolled with civilization. You and your Hamas cheer squad mates, on the other hand, have jumped ship and defected from your own people to the side of savage killers who want to tear down and murder all the peeps of the very civilization that's given you everything.
Seek help, idiots.

fair suck of the sav cobber, this dog's breakfast is crook enough, without you coming the raw prawn. Hamas are bodgie dickwads, but I reckon them other towelies deserve a fair shake.

….usa usa ;);)
- wahahaha

Pop Down wrote:U are very brave ( as I have said ) Waxy 24 .
All First Responders are imho .
Running into the situations U face , on an almost daily basis , requires True Grit !!!
I bet , when people see your INTENT , they know U mean business .
It's when the Shit , REALLY hits the fan , that U see peoples true character .
Mate , if the Shit was hitting the fan , I would be standing right beside U , if I could .
Safer there imho .
The time is coming , I think , when we WILL have to take sides on this issue .
Our way of life is worth fighting for !!!!
Australians are VERY good at that .
We have a real Legacy to live up to , on this , and I love it !Adam 12 - Get a life , wanting to watch me do 15 sec of Shit ? lol
U know I am a lover , not a fighter type !
Go surfing instead .
"The time is coming , I think , when we WILL have to take sides on this issue"
well, look at anti immigration politics in Europe. The Dutch, The Poles, Germany after stupidly letting in 2 million will be next...the Poms are fed up..Sweden has had enough and don't want more immigrants.
It will just keep rolling on.

Supafreaky - why start "name calling " greenroom ?
His view is , his view .
Seems to be the opposite side . to say , JF .
They are , maybe , on the same side , but with just different views on how to get to the same spot ?!!!
I don't link either are a c , for expressing their view .
I will watch that video greeny , when I have some time .
I really like JP's debating style but hate that FN Suit !!!
He looks like some evil character from a bloody Batman Movie imho .
Edit Freaky - Sorry , I did not notice that he called u a C and started the mud slinging , there is so much on this thread .
Maybe was having a shower .
Will try and be more on the ball .

Pop Down wrote:Supafreaky - why start "name calling " greenroom ?
His view is , his view .
Seems to be the opposite side . to say , JF .
They are , maybe , on the same side , but with just different views on how to get to the same spot ?!!!
I don't link either are a c , for expressing their view .
I will watch that video greeny , when I have some time .
Agreed he’s entitled to his view but so are others, to label anyone that doesn’t go along with only his views as pro hamas is very closed minded. I noticed you haven’t tried to pull him up on the name calling, so whatever PD .


Supafreak wrote:Pop Down wrote:Supafreaky - why start "name calling " greenroom ?
His view is , his view .
Seems to be the opposite side . to say , JF .
They are , maybe , on the same side , but with just different views on how to get to the same spot ?!!!
I don't link either are a c , for expressing their view .
I will watch that video greeny , when I have some time .
Agreed he’s entitled to his view but so are others, to label anyone that doesn’t go along with only his views as pro hamas is very closed minded. I noticed you haven’t tried to pull him up on the name calling, so whatever PD .
the irony is strong here...what a hypocrite. :)

Pop Down
You will notice over time the worst name callers are the first to cry when they get given it back...they will forget all their screaming and spitting and pull the victim card.

It seems to me like there are a few smug keyboard warriors on here who couldn't give a rats about the carnage and death in Palestine but just use it to push their anti west agendas and score points to bolster their over inflated egos. They should go and live in Russia, China or the middle east, they sure wouldn't be missed here. We are so lucky to be free to do and say whatever we like.

old-dog wrote:It seems to me like there are a few smug keyboard warriors on here who couldn't give a rats about the carnage and death in Palestine but just use it to push their anti west agendas and score points to bolster their over inflated egos. They should go and live in Russia, China or the middle east, they sure wouldn't be missed here. We are so lucky to be free to do and say whatever we like.
I don't know what you are reading from but I haven't seen any anti west agendas and everyone here, apart from the American, has acknowledged just how lucky we are to live in Australia and have the safety and freedoms associated with living here.

U guys in the US need to worry more about yourselves than us Australians imho .
Your situation is a LOT more serious with regards to having Freedom atm .
Your elections take FAR too LONG to count the vote , for a start !
They are NOW starting to look suss imho .
U guys are the Kings of Woke , as well !!!
Like U , our Defense Forces are very Brave and Really know how to fn fight !!!
We have a wonderful Legacy on this , which WE all are very proud of .
Our ANZAC Day , is our most solemn and important day imho .
At the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance , 50 000ish , gather at dawn , to Remember those who gave their lives so we can be FREE !
The Shrine was built ( Sir John Monash organised it ) after WW1 .
Monash ( Knighted on the battlefield was also from German Jewish decent ) and our ANZAC's put Australia and NZ up on the World Map in France .
France ( edit - and Turkey ) does a great job of looking after OUR buried dead , which we REALLY appreciate .
They were magnificent , with Monash becoming extremely well regarded , as a Master Tactician .
Rommel said , if I needed to take a position , I would choose Australians , to defend a position , the New Zealanders .
Very proud to say the numbers EVERY year , are STILL holding strong ( lots of kids :))) .
This happens ALL over Australia and NZ !
IF the SHIT hits the Fan , we WILL fight for OUR freedom .
I feel , the US , will do the same ( especially the South ) .
When we REALLY decide to fight , we all become MATES .
Not ONE person wants to let their mates down ( very special imho ) .
We have NEVER - popped down !

Oh old bog…. float on ;)
- opposing the carnage and death in palestine is not about being anti west. It’s about being anti war.
… and being anti war in regard to what is happening in gaza is not being pro hamas in any way whatsoever, nor is it an effort to push anti west agendas.
The continued israeli slaughter of innocent palestinian women, children, journalists and UN aid workers and civilians cannot in any way be justified at the moment. The methodology of pretending to defend oneself and yet circumventing and ignoring international law in the process, amounts to war crimes. Once again, highlighting this does not endorse the despicable and horrific war crimes of oct 7…
The absolute arrogance through the complete abandonment of further negotiating the release of hostages and, instead focusing solely on the systematic slaughter and destruction of gaza, shows the israeli government is not actually concerned about the safety and liberty of its own citizens - and it shows they are more concerned about bolstering their inflated egos and sustaining their thirst for blood and revenge, instead of bringing their ppl home as a priority. Netanyahu and his cronies are using this as an excuse to continue and prolong the war, they are using the hostages and the Oct 7 attack as a means to protect their own personal ideological pursuits and to divert attention and stall due process in regard to corruption charges, loss of power and the likelihood of incarceration.
…netanyahu and his government (a government that was only able to be formed by creating an alliance with far right zionist racists) continue to ignore UN rulings stating jewish settlements in the west bank as being illegal - so they already operate as being outside of and separate to international law. The idf also ignores international rules of war through using white phosphorus munitions on a populated civilian area, as well as refusing to adhere to international law in regard to the act of cutting off electricity, water and refusing medical aid.
^^These violations of international law by israel cannot be disputed.
Old bog states:
- “ We are so lucky to be free to do and say whatever we like. “
It’s true.
However, does this principle apply to the idf ? ;);)
…seems they’re pretty lucky not having to listen to the wishes of the families of the hostages. Seems they’re lucky not having to be accountable for wiping out tens of thousands of non combatants, nor having to be responsible for breaking any rules of engagement.
It seems ‘lucky’ they are provided with endless advanced weaponry and use AI determined systems to allocate and identify targets that then use precision guided bombs to …ummm …obliterate whole residential neighbourhoods and ummm… murder civilians.
Maybe in the case of israel being free to do and say whatever they like the word ‘tragic’ or ‘insane’ could be used instead of ‘lucky’…
First up…
- it’s tragic what happened on Oct 7.
And it’s tragic that innocent civilians are now bearing the brunt of the payback . It’s tragic that netanyahu can put the survival of his own political career ahead of the survival of his people. It’s insane that a leader can use biblical prophecy and a false promise from an imagined god as a premise in which to occupy land and then claim to have a perceived legitimacy and divinely endorsed supremacy.
It’s tragic and insane that all international law and diplomacy can be discarded, disregarded and dismissed and commentators can pretend to sell any idea that what is going on is a democratic or free process.
- it is nothing but a furious, knee jerk reaction of madness and unadulterated violent reprisal… to try and counter madness and unadulterated violence. War in no way upholds the supposed western values of liberty and freedom. It spits on and crushes them and only ensures further violence and revenge. We know this….
It’s a sick and vicious cycle without solution.
- and we are so lucky to be free to do and say whatever we like.
… yet this should never come about at the expense of another people.
Unfortunately, it’s the ugly reality and the paradox of how most modern ‘democracy’ has been implemented …and also how colonial founded societies like our own continue to endure.
- as the elephant occupies the room ;);)

andy-mac wrote:green room wrote:yo, Islamic terrorist supporting clowns, fentanyl is like the silent killer in America, you know?
And living in the land of the free, us Republicans are all about freedom and the right to own guns.
But seriously, you Hamas backers in here like seeds and Jelly Flater are straight-up betraying your own people. You're traitors, like, committing treason, fools. You've ditched your own culture and society for a foreign enemy that wants to kill us. You've totally turned on the story of your own civilization, man. You're backing the narrative of some unfriendly civilization, dude. That's messed up. You're also the enemy, man. Yo, how'd you end up in this spot?
Haha comedy gold!
Love reading your comments mate, keep em up!
Andy is it possible he is real?
Seriously who thinks like that?
Lots of cliché etc AI bot surely.

… keep grinding away old bog

JF - I had seen this video , but watched it again .
It is a Wonderful World , isn't it :)


@I focus “ Andy is it possible he is real?
Seriously who thinks like that? “
Lots of cliché etc AI bot surely………… Yes I was thinking the same over last few weeks, appeared out of the blue, is gr a real dude ?


Two Elections next year , now , that the World will be watching .
One , will decide the fate of this war and the war in Ukraine .
As was long anticipated, Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a formal announcement saying he's seeking re-election in 2024 - a vote that will be held between March 15 and March 17, 2024. The winner will be inaugurated in early May. Assuming a Putin victory, it would be his fifth term as head of state, and this would put him in office until 2030, after already approaching nearly a quarter-century in power.
And it's NOT , Russia ( we know the winner and he is a moderate Russian ) imho .
Because the world would be a better place if leaders only listened to Swellnet commenters, we've created a forum that makes it easy for them to gather our thoughts.
Today's shit talk is tomorrow's policy.