The Israel Palestine problem solving thread


Jellybrainburleigh must sit in front of his computer 24/7 just waiting for a post to respond to within 1 min. Pre saved YouTube posts in a folder to be copy and pasted asap.
Funny stuff.

Haha ;)
- the dill… still a nobody… still posting nothing of substance ;);)
Oh. Except for getting his comments and video contributions deleted ;)
- funny stuff u being an irrelevant dill with a penchant for elephant balls…


And you waited 10 mins to reply. Well done.

Haha ;)
- and what are u doing exactly ? ;);)
Oh. Sitting in front of your computer, ‘just waiting for a post to respond to’ ;)
- haha what a farkn moronic and miserable nobody u are…
Trying to call others out for what you are doing yourself ;)
- the hasbara fuelled playbook of hypocrisy and idiocy…
You are cooked.
- very well done ;);)

Roadkill wrote:Jellybrainburleigh must sit in front of his computer 24/7 just waiting for a post to respond to within 1 min. Pre saved YouTube posts in a folder to be copy and pasted asap.
Funny stuff.
Its pretty crazy the dude is way down some crazy rabbit hole, he must spend hours watching anti Israel Youtube videos and then just have them ready to go, then bang one after another and if its not some anti Jew anti Israel or propaganda its just some complete random video of nonsense. that nobody is ever going to click on.

indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:Jellybrainburleigh must sit in front of his computer 24/7 just waiting for a post to respond to within 1 min. Pre saved YouTube posts in a folder to be copy and pasted asap.
Funny stuff.
Its pretty crazy the dude is way down some crazy rabbit hole, he must spend hours watching anti Israel Youtube videos and then just have them ready to go, then bang one after another and if its not some anti Jew anti Israel or propaganda its just some complete random video of nonsense. that nobody is ever going to click on.
Nobody has accused you of being an islamaphobe. Or Roadkill or Bonza Even though some of the unsubstantiated inflammatory things you’ve posted could be construed as that. And again just because you seem to ignore the constant reminder. Criticism of Isreal is not anti semitic nor is it even anti Israeli. It is just anti Isreal as it stands in relation to its policies of apartheid and occupation.
I don’t think you look at any of the stuff that’s posted. You should. At the least it will give you a well informed counter point.

…aaaah … lowinfo ;)
- ‘crazy’ is you being ok with the industrial scale slaughter of women and children…
The hasbara rabbit warren has locked u deep in the belly of its beast - almost like you’re safely tucked away in an animated 3D model of a certain hamas ‘command centre’ underneath a hospital ;)
It really exists… it’s all real ;);)
- and the stories that have captured your peanut brain are of 100% certainty ;)
… keep singing your songs ;);)


Maybe it’s because I haven’t said anything that’s Islamophobic? Unless of course you are referring to supporters of jihadists then yes I’ll wear that badge proud. Because as jelly’s hero Hitchens will tell you Islam is the “worst”religion.
But jelly is just another lefty pretender. He posts anti semitic conspiracies, loves a good homophobic spray and is pretty much a teenager bully.
what other traits does jelly have share with the religidioticy?

Haha ;)
- what does nothing mean ?
Haha, and wearing your proud badge while floating like a turd ;)
U got nothing ;) ;)

Jelly Flater wrote:;)
Brilliant Jelly.
And i thought Roadkill was a farking Kiwi!
Turns out he's a bloody Pommy git named Graham!!!
The disconnect between reality and the narrative is real...Exhibit C.


Jelly R U OK?

Haha ;)
- float on turd boy ;);)

Interesting vid Jelly.

That tour of Jerusalem vid is an eye opener @jf.
The more i learn about that world over there, the less i feel i know.
Something that stands out is how religion is an overwhelming factor in that part of the world.
Different religions. Muslims, Jews,'s breathing down his neck at every juncture.
Hard not to reflect on that and wonder if being born into a place like that means that you automatically are destined to a life of 'believing' in whatever religious sect you're born into.
To disregard or show contempt to it would automatically cast one as an outsider in a pretty 'passionate' place.
And i'd imagine being surrounded by such strong religious values, accepting it as the truth would be a simple reality.
You would not want to be an outsider in a place like that.
Passionately following your given religion looks like a successful tool for survival.

It’s true @sr
- and the true jews, muslims and christians do live and share the intended values of love and respect and don’t do the whole ‘let’s ignore the thou shalt not kill / thou shalt not steal thing’. ;)

Intended values...should be inherent human values. :-P

"inherent human values"...
Which begs a bigger question...

Jelly Flater wrote:It’s true @sr
- and the true jews, muslims and christians do live and share the intended values of love and respect and don’t do the whole ‘let’s ignore the thou shalt not kill / thou shalt not steal thing’. ;)
In my opinion, They are the example of how Israel should be. 2 state solutions that neither side wants, no matter how much it’s put on the table, won’t work. There will always a border that some won’t agree on. Ongoing troubles. One nation that all share is the ideal.
Neither will be realised, ever.

Brave new world...
Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed "the Gospel" to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.
A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to "produce targets at a fast pace." It continues, "Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence," the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers
“Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked.”
If in Gaza, be careful pronouncing "Hummus" at dinner near your mobile phone or the AI machine might hear "Hamas" and then .....

A long article but full of interesting information .
The US , not the Peace Maker they should have been .
Prison Camps have spawned so many Powerful Leaders from Mandela , Gandhi to Hitler .
The biggest prize is the US Election next year for the Neocon's .
IF it happens , neither side will accept the result .
Chaos , to result !

Is there a word for people like jelly farter who despise the west and everything it stands for (besides traitor) Westernophobic perhaps. Next you will be telling us Hitler was misunderstood. Personally, I'd rather live in a democracy than a dictatorship, but hey, that's just me. Cheers comrade.

Haha ;)
- u go old bog ;);)
Next you will be endorsing netanyahu and telling us he’s misunderstood…
- but u enjoy pretending he’s a beacon of democracy and not a murderous dictator ….ummm ….derppppp ;)
Lighten up… you’re just another impotent, angry nobody
- float on old bog ;);)

JF - I like a joke as much as the next person .
There is NO funny side to this issue imho .
I find this stuff offensive , so don't watch it .
PS JF - I don't care what U do . Keep being U mate !
U are different .
If U do or say something I don't like , I will let U know :)

… pop down whenever u like ;)
- after all, this is a democracy …
You are free to watch or not watch what u want.
- and I’m free to do satire when I feel free to ;)
The strange and silent process of denial when it comes to being triggered and overly emotional is that one doesn’t want to be accountable for their own feelings and so attempt to pass blame onto others instead ;)
- it’s just an effort in trying to point fingers at others for what you don’t understand, and a futile attempt at passing the buck… self deception ;);)
Own your feelings, thoughts and responses…
- nobody else is doing it but you ;)
…and …ummm …try lighten up ;);)


soggydog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:Jellybrainburleigh must sit in front of his computer 24/7 just waiting for a post to respond to within 1 min. Pre saved YouTube posts in a folder to be copy and pasted asap.
Funny stuff.
Its pretty crazy the dude is way down some crazy rabbit hole, he must spend hours watching anti Israel Youtube videos and then just have them ready to go, then bang one after another and if its not some anti Jew anti Israel or propaganda its just some complete random video of nonsense. that nobody is ever going to click on.
Nobody has accused you of being an islamaphobe. Or Roadkill or Bonza Even though some of the unsubstantiated inflammatory things you’ve posted could be construed as that. And again just because you seem to ignore the constant reminder. Criticism of Isreal is not anti semitic nor is it even anti Israeli. It is just anti Isreal as it stands in relation to its policies of apartheid and occupation.
I don’t think you look at any of the stuff that’s posted. You should. At the least it will give you a well informed counter point.
You’re obviously not paying attention.
The Gaza supporters quite often fall back on slinging the Islamophobia tag.

Boom…9 mins this time.
Step away from the screen, jellybrainburleigh. It’s not a YouTube competition.

Hamas does another terrorist attack on Israel. And all over the outraged internet Israel is again blamed. And stupid small brained eyes tightly closed shut chant “from the valley to the seas….”

Haha ;)
- once again, the ‘defenders’ of democracy and free speech… trying to tell others what to do.
Pathetic mini dictator nobody complex ;);)
- step away… haha…
The values of freedom… including trying to control others and suggest what they should or shouldn’t do ;)
- haha… hypocrite gold…
- float on dill ;);)

Boom…6 mins
The jellybrainburleigh return finger must be twitching.

the contortionism...
owen jones vid well worth a look, an absolute classic...
in weirdness

Spreading peace and love.

Haha ;)
- u go dill boy…
Still got nothing.
…and still sitting on ya twitchy finger like you’re riding an elephant ;)

JF - against my better judgement I watched the above video .
After a few minutes it made my head Flat .
It's conclusion - War is bad .
Shit - I knew that already .
Turn the Other Cheek Israel . F Me !
Bury your head in the sand .
Read some history , war has been around for a while !
Lucky Australia has stepped UP military spending !
We are NOW one of 6 countries that will have Nuclear Sub's .
We have turned from a Pawn to a Knight on the World's Chess board imho .

- it’s all about …ummm …spreading …ummm
… ‘peace and love’ (depending on the chosen definitions)

Yep, jellybrain
The list of terrorist attacks by Jews in the name of Judaism on innocent people around the world is long, oh wait… oops… sheesh…soz

Haha ;)
- u can’t help yaself dill.
…nor can u do anything about your chosen definition for ‘terrorist’ attacks ;)
- a nobody offering nothing.
Float on dill turd… float on ;);)
- hard to see the evidence with ya head up ya arse…
You’re a nobody feasting on your own hummus.
- and sipping the juice of bullshit and hypocrisy ;)
Haha… you wanna try mock peace and love…
- what’s …ummm …that saying… ummm … are u ok ? ;);)
Hope you’re cheering on the peace and love on display in this clip :

… oops… sheesh ;)
- derppppp ;);)

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Roadkill wrote:Jellybrainburleigh must sit in front of his computer 24/7 just waiting for a post to respond to within 1 min. Pre saved YouTube posts in a folder to be copy and pasted asap.
Funny stuff.
Its pretty crazy the dude is way down some crazy rabbit hole, he must spend hours watching anti Israel Youtube videos and then just have them ready to go, then bang one after another and if its not some anti Jew anti Israel or propaganda its just some complete random video of nonsense. that nobody is ever going to click on.
Nobody has accused you of being an islamaphobe. Or Roadkill or Bonza Even though some of the unsubstantiated inflammatory things you’ve posted could be construed as that. And again just because you seem to ignore the constant reminder. Criticism of Isreal is not anti semitic nor is it even anti Israeli. It is just anti Isreal as it stands in relation to its policies of apartheid and occupation.
I don’t think you look at any of the stuff that’s posted. You should. At the least it will give you a well informed counter point.You’re obviously not paying attention.
The Gaza supporters quite often fall back on slinging the Islamophobia tag.
Who on this forum?

Just to prove a point, I googled “ cats dancing to Jewish music” on you tube and yep there they were.
Just proving how credible the source is….if you want it to suit your narrative …there it is ….on the spew tube.

old-dog wrote:Is there a word for people like jelly farter who despise the west and everything it stands for (besides traitor) Westernophobic perhaps. Next you will be telling us Hitler was misunderstood. Personally, I'd rather live in a democracy than a dictatorship, but hey, that's just me. Cheers comrade.
You think you live in a democracy, where the government represents you? That’s funny, you have the illusion of choice and given the campaign funding laws about to be passed they’re going to make it even harder for independent politicians to get up.

old-dog wrote:Is there a word for people like jelly farter who despise the west and everything it stands for (besides traitor) Westernophobic perhaps. Next you will be telling us Hitler was misunderstood. Personally, I'd rather live in a democracy than a dictatorship, but hey, that's just me. Cheers comrade.
You think you live in a democracy, where the government represents you? That’s funny, you have the illusion of choice and given the campaign funding laws about to be passed they’re going to make it even harder for independent politicians to get up.

Haha ;)
- the ‘credible’ source of all things planet heaven exclaims :
“ Just to prove a point, I googled “ cats dancing to Jewish music” on you tube and yep there they were.
Just proving how credible the source is….if you want it to suit your narrative …there it is ….on the spew tube. “
- not everything can suit your false narrative flopti
… and yet the fake credibility of your insane beliefs overrides the facts ;);)
- float on turd flopti ;)

…and faaaaark ….check out the ceo of ‘spew tube’ haha
- coz what you’re saying must amount to being antisemitic flopti ;)

southernraw wrote:I do agree with that @popdown.
Just not sure religion is a necessary tool to reach what should be commonsense.
As Jim Jefferies so eloquently put it, take away the 10 commandments, and turn it into one, short sentence.
Dont be a c#nt. Simple really!
Religion is a bit like a gun, yeah? Needs an individual with bad intent to become a weapon.
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