The Israel Palestine problem solving thread

so bombing enemies in a holy war is now about women's rights? Bit woke, isn't it?

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:oliver.ricci wrote:soggydog do you like to live under freedom, prosperity, the rule of law and democracy etc or some kind of authoritarian Chinese communism, Russian facsism or Islamic Sharia law?
All of the above, yet I currently live in Western Australia whos state government is currently under the control of the Gas industry. Which dictates regulatory policy to the government who adhere to their wishes without question. Even using state security forces against protesters on behalf of the Woodside CEO who’s not even an Australian citizen. Heavily propagandised by our only state broadsheet.
If you think you live in a fair and democratic society then you have your head firmly wedged up your arse. And it’s getting worse.soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
you think you have it tough in WA? You have zero idea about fairness
Hey dickhead, what do you think the endgame is? Because bombing the fuck out of a population always fixes the issues raised in your post.
I’m talking about where I live and the decline of democracy. You think the US is a democracy? How do you propose to address the issues raised in your post? Bomb them out of existence? A lot of the Middle East nations where thriving democratic countries until US and UK intervention took place during their quest for control of ME oil reserves. Resistance came in the form of radical Islam.Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. Western intervention worked a treat for the down trodden eh’? Think Dick Cheney gave a fuck about the education of women in the Middle East. Or Joe Biden now? Bibi’s just trying to bomb some education into those women and children eh’?
And here we are.
You can put your head back in your arse now.
Using these newly created threats has created a surveillance state for the rest of us, new laws designed to stifle the exchange of information and make it harder for independent MP’s to get on the ticket. Our March towards what you fear is already happening.Such a big reply that was 100% irrelevant to the question you ignored.
I have a daughter, I want her to live a free and equitable life with good opportunities. Good enough for you?
I think all women should be afforded the same.
Now a question for you. What’s your solution? You can keep it relevant to this thread I don’t care. Remembering my post above. That all evidence of bombing the fuck out of a population never makes it better for women.
what you want to happen in Gaza does not give the daughters of Gaza a free and equitable life with good opportunities.
what you want for your daughter is not available under Hamas rule.
"I think all women should be afforded the same." Nope, not under Hamas rule.
By your own standards that’s a non answer cowboy. I asked you about a solution. It’s cool if you can’t answer. We’re aware you’re a bit of a unintelligent cockwomble.
My point being, further conflict leads to conditions that oppress women. For example. Indonesia, largely Muslim nation, has had but now to a lesser extent foreign meddling to facilitate resource extraction. But pretty stable. Women getting educated, kissing boys, marrying westerners, owning business . Northern Sumatra might be a little bit different. I don’t know.
Israel/US creates Hamas(intervention) because they know they’ll be radical. Now the problems you denounce.
See how it works Roadkill. Is that fucking clear enough for a dolt like yourself.
But I’m interested in your answer you dodging little elephant ball gobbler.

basesix wrote:Roadkill wrote:soggydog, do you think young girls should get an education? Should woman be allowed in positions of power? Should woman be able to drive? Heck, should females be able to meet their mates in public? Is a females place in the home/kitchen cooking and cleaning for men? Who gets to decide who daughters marry? Should a young girl be murdered for kissing a young guy? Should woman be obedient and serve their husbands?
Where were you in Victorian England and colonial Aus? They coulda used your help. Thank Christ there were no holy-warmongers around to just bomb the fuck out of them, I hear that time-period lead to some really impressive western pillars.
hey, great comparison.
Today in Gaza and Victorian England. Gotcha.

unintelligent cockwomble. dolt, dickhead, elephant ball gobbler.
I like elephant ball gobble the most

Well… ummm…
- without any solution offered it was at least a good …ummm
“ reply that was 100% irrelevant to the question you ignored. “
…. U keep catching yaself out dill ;)
- at least you think you’re in the drivers seat…
And elephants love bananas too …u go dill ;);)

Sharp as a bowling ball the ol' 'Dill.
His constant mantra of "Israel has the right to defend itself".
I don't think many are denying that right, except, the fact they are not defending themselves anymore.
They are just attacking. It's just indiscriminate destruction of another region regardless of the casualties. They are just collateral damage, mass collateral damage in the name of rooting out the minority of a region.
And to think that this will not breed a new wave of hatred from within, is complete ignorance. These kids seeing their homes and families destroyed and killed are just going to grow up and get on with their lives hey?
I wonder how the 'dill would react if put in the same situation and under the same control. Just accept it and move to the south as advised by those attacking him? I mean, let's face it, they are just "defending" themselves as is their right..
Sharp as a bowling ball that kid...

AndyM wrote:Just remember, if you beat and repress a people for long enough, you'll eventually uncover a liberal democrat right?

Israel also has the Right to defend itself from FUTURE attacks .
Rules of Law !
Their work is not finished in Gaza .
This mess is a long way from over imho "( .
Remember Hamas had planned all this .
They have now , only two options .
Surrender , or die .
As each Brigade and it's leaders is wiped out , surrendering gets closer , for who is left .
They are probably worried that all the protesting and support seems to be coming from places like London and NOT Tehran , atm !!!!!
Unless Gaza can , eventually , be a demilitarized zone , I don't see how the Israeli government can convince their people , Oct 7 , will not happen again .


bonza wrote:
Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas.
Good article that is well written and spot on.

… wonderful solutions ;)
- hasbara soup on z boil ;);)
- here are your words dill …you were …ummm …trying to make a point that they don’t do stuff like that…
- ” The list of terrorist attacks by Jews in the name of Judaism on innocent people around the world is long…” (but only almost as long as an elephant trunk)
*4.40 mark of vid below :

green room wrote:Tulsi, callin' it!
I think the greatest threat to the United States is ...... well ..... is the United States. As for the rest of the world I'm sure we could manage the "Islamic Threat" quite well actually.

It’s true @garyg1412…
- and there aren’t any other extremist ideologies adding spice to the soup ;)
…once upon a time there was a hitler youth program. Evil stuff.
But now… it’s different ;)
- if u praise and endorse genocide …it’s …ummm …not genocide.
It’s a patriotic zionist asymmetric effort for love and peace ;);)

Gosh , U highlight what seems to every extreme anti Jew video U can find JF .
There is soooo much ugly stuff , on both sides .
It's not a points scoring completion .
The support for Palestine , in London , is amazing .
Saw a Pro Palestine Flag in Rainbow colours , get pulled down by other Pro supporters .
I notice the demographic of the protestors .
I notice their mood .
I wonder how they all , now , view the Taliban ???

Jelly Flater wrote:It’s true @garyg1412…
- and there aren’t any other extremist ideologies adding spice to the soup ;)
…once upon a time there was a hitler youth program. Evil stuff.But now… it’s different ;)
- if u praise and endorse genocide …it’s …ummm …not genocide.It’s a patriotic zionist asymmetric effort for love and peace ;);)
geez one could post endless vids of palestine kids doing the same....
Fuck, yesterday i saw one of what were barely 8 year old kids training in urban warfare
full kit!

- my point being the islamic stuff gets exposure, but not this stuff ;)
And just to clarify.
- I’m not endorsing a side.
Highlighting something is not showing support.
- and there is so much ugly stuff on both sides pop ;)
No sides.
No winners.
No war.

all this talk of girls reminded me of the interview I posted the other day...
the newby taking on biden
"Gerry Baker: Do you think the Biden administration's approach towards Iran, the attempt to get the nuclear deal back on track, some of what some people have called appeasement, the releasing of funds to Iran that had been frozen, do you think that's actually emboldened Iran and maybe that carries some responsibility for what's happened with Hamas?
Dean Phillips: Well, Gerry, I'm a realist, and when the American hostages, those who were held by Iran, were released with the release of the dollars, I was one of the very few Democrats that did not support it. I did so publicly. I took some heat for it, as you can imagine. But I think in no small way that's exactly why Hamas is holding Americans right now. I think that's exactly the kind of behavior that incentivizes the taking of Americans and holding them in return for a reward, because if not, why would they have not released those Americans already, is what I would argue. So yes, I think that was a mistake. Iran can never acquire a nuclear weapon, period. The entire world, China included, by the way, I believe feels the same.
And we should be unifying behind that. Gerry, we're reaching a point where it will not be long before a nuclear weapon can be carried in a backpack. And if we don't recognize what is forthcoming between weapons of mass destruction that can be placed in backpacks, when artificial intelligence can operate robots of war, when they can spread misinformation, disinformation, actually create it, completely eliminating the ability for human reasoning, we have to prepare. And I'm just afraid that the current generation of leaders in this world, not just in the United States, but around the world, are ill prepared. And we had a chance in late 2022 during the Iranian uprising, especially women who were protesting that horrible regime. I think we have to prepare new tactics, new approaches, new tools to promote those who desire freedom. We have never been country that is good at imposing democracy. We've never been good at regime change. We are pretty good at promoting those who desire freedom. And I think that should be the foremost leg of our foreign policy stool moving forward using social media, using the tools and techniques of the 21st century to inspire, promote, and help those who seek the same freedoms and liberties to which we've become accustomed and frankly, I think, for which we take for granted.
Gerry Baker: What about Ukraine? You said you've supported the president's approach to Ukraine, which obviously so far has involved the provision of significant amounts of military and financial support, but obviously no direct US military engagement. Is that approach working?
Dean Phillips: Well, I do believe it is, Gerry, but I have to say that I think his approach to Ukraine has been very important and one that I have supported. However, it's also and somewhat analogous, I would argue, to setting a fire and then pretending you're the fire department and putting it out. In 2014 when he was the vice president with President Obama and Vladimir Putin who entered and took Crimea with impunity, nothing done to prevent it, nothing done to stop it, and nothing done to rectify it. And we all know what type of man Vladimir Putin is. He takes an inch, waits for the reaction, and then he'll take his mile. And that's exactly what he did. I think there is a reason he waited to do it under this administration, and now yes, we have to support Ukraine. Now, should the Europeans be supporting this effort more than they are now? Darn right, they should. It's in their backyard. It is their responsibility, and it should not just be left to the United States of America. But if we abandon Ukraine right now, the message it sends not just to Putin, but to President Xi, to the Iranian regime, to the North Koreans, to any country that is opposed to freedom and democracy, it would be tragic and we do have a responsibility. I'm also concerned, Gerry, about a post-Putin Russia, the brain drain, a failed nation, a nuclear armed nation that will be guideless for a period of time, we have to be taking steps right now anticipating, being prepared for dramatic changes in the world order and in alignment of an axis of evil that surely does not have the United States' best interests in mind, to the contrary, wishes to undermine us and ultimately destroy our way of living. And again, it's time for 21st century thinkers, leaders, doers in a bipartisan fashion by the way. It's time for the right and the left in the United States to unify to protect the very freedoms and liberties and blessings that so many have given their lives to protect, including my own father in the Vietnam War, one of one million Americans who've given their lives to protect this extraordinary country. And I'm getting really tired of the right and left in America, in our Congress, in our country fighting each other. It's time to fight for one another and fight those who would oppose our freedoms and our blessings..."
biden and obama have a lot to answer for...
(and I still like obama... i think... for now....)

the 50 year + war machine in washington have a lot to answer for...
the end of history crowd and the speading democracy crowd are just plain ill equipped, ill educated, and just plain delusional about the modern chess pieces...
ideologically retarded
in a literal sense

Jelly Flater wrote:Exactly.
- my point being the islamic stuff gets exposure, but not this stuff ;)And just to clarify.
- I’m not endorsing a side.Highlighting something is not showing support.
- and there is so much ugly stuff on both sides pop ;)No sides.
No winners.
No war.
well... I don't know about your 'news feed' ...but mine has just about flipped the other way...
break your algorithmn!
(its a conscious decision one needs to take)

Roadkill wrote:bonza wrote:
Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas.
Good article that is well written and spot on.
Are they responsible for the unarmed Palestinian kids shot the other day. The ones you commented on?

Syp :
“ well... I don't know about your 'news feed' ...but mine has just about flipped the other way...
break your algorithmn!
(its a conscious decision one needs to take) “
Well… firstly…
- ‘you’ are not your algorithm ;)
And more importantly…
- anyone conscious can’t support this war ;);)
What’s going on is unconscionable
- and you don’t need any news feed to work that out.
(Usually freedom and democracy are the opposite of telling others what ‘decisions’ one ‘needs’ to take… that’s more of an autocratic / authoritarian / dictatorial approach)
- but you already know that too ;);)

… the dill :
“ to make excuses for behaviour is to condone “
- aaaaaaand thennnnn ;)
“ Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas. “
100% sharp as a bowling ball ;);)

JF - I just googled how many countries are at War atm .
There are OVER 30 !!!!
Is Israel the ONLY one who U think should lay down their arms ?
Are U as passionate on ALL wars ?
Your debating style is not one of a Pacifistic , at all !
What gives ?
And because another commentator has seen a bad video about Palestinians , why do U think U should show me one about bad Jews ?
Especially when U didn't know he had sent it !

soggydog wrote:Roadkill wrote:bonza wrote:
Hamas is 100% responsible
Good article that is well written and spot on.
Are they responsible for the unarmed Palestinian kids shot the other day. The ones you commented on?
Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas.

"And just to clarify.
- I’m not endorsing a side." LMAO!
but just blaming 1 side.

Hahahaha ;)
- but… ummm… hamas is 100% responsible ;);)
Remember ?
Striiiiiiiiiike ;);)
- keep shining those bowling shoes
… dickhead ;)

… and dill ;)
- are u ok ?

Hmmmmmmmm ;);)
- from a cpl pages back courtesy of z dill :
“ Terrible unnecessary stuff by the IDF today. Those 2 kids should not have died.”
…aaaaaaand thennnnn ;)
- aka now…
“ Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas. “
&pp=ygU3d2hhdCB5b3UganVzdCBzYWlkIGlzIG9uZSBvZiB0aGUgbW9zdCBpbnNhbmVseSBpZGlvdGljIA%3D%3DTry hasbara your way outta that one all u want… haha
- retarded …ummm …in a literal sense

Are you trying to make some sort of point, jellybrainburleigh? If you are it doesn't make any sense.
“ Terrible unnecessary stuff by the IDF today. Those 2 kids should not have died.”
…aaaaaaand thennnnn ;)
- aka now…
“ Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas. “

just as an aside...
I find it most interesting that many who once reacted to any criticism of george soros with...
" you're antisemetic!"
are now shoulder to shoulder with people in the streets screaming...
"kill the jews"
weird world we're in now hey...

Haha …dill ;)
- fark. Not making sense ay ;);)
So… ummm… the israeli sniper with the twitchy trigger finger that put the bullet through an unarmed child isn’t …ummm …responsible ?
Pls enlighten us (succinctly) on who is to blame instead then ;);)
- and what did u feel was the ‘ unnecessary ‘ stuff the idf did exactly ?
…and go dill u freedom fighter !
- champion for women’s rights …and …ummm …unaccountable child murderers ;)
A weird world indeed.

No wonder the dill suddenly likes the sound of crickets ;)
- ‘ Are you trying to make some sort of point, jellybrainburleigh? If you are it doesn't make any sense.
“ Terrible unnecessary stuff by the IDF today. Those 2 kids should not have died.”
…aaaaaaand thennnnn ;)
- aka now…
“ Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas. “
- so, to point out the point…
When you say ‘terrible unnecessary stuff by the idf today’, you make the distinction that it is the idf doing the stuff that is terrible and unnecessary ;)
- you also directly attribute the cause of the ‘terrible unnecessary stuff’ to the idf by stating it is something they shouldn’t have done… you know, when you say ‘those 2 kids should not have died’.
This makes sense… and you know it ;)
- so you can try walk it back and pretend you aren’t contradicting yaself all u like. It’s obvious ;);)
- coz those children were murdered. You know it’s wrong. So do I.
…and it reflects horribly on your appraisal of ‘every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas’ because you have admitted in your statement above that it was ‘terrible unnecessary stuff by the idf’.
Get that last bit ? ….. Makes sense ;);)
So… just to clarify…
- the terrible unnecessary stuff by the idf (in which 2 kids should not have died) is 100% the responsibility of hamas… but it was BY the idf… and yet the idf (the murderers) aren’t responsible ;)
Haha… what’s that… ummm… phrase you ummm… use to pretend something doesn’t make sense… ummm… oh. It’s …. gotcha.
And that other manly phrase… ummm… ‘be a man and own it’ haha ;)
- at least your pre and post oct 7 face and fashion choices are on show and… ummm… on point ;)
The fact you are even trying to argue any of this shows how far your head is wedged up ya clacker…
- narrative control on overdrive ;);)
Float on turd dill…
This bloke makes more sense than you ;)

millionaire marxist...
spoilt dumb rich kid...
boogaloo boy with different colours...
murdoch empire with a different bent...
drug fucked...

not necessarily against fergie fuck up and his errr.... endeavour...
but geez, i think he needs a no man amongst his yes men...

So many swear words nowadays. I’m liking it!!!

Roadkill isn’t trying to have a conversation. He’s just lobbing shit bombs and seeing what’ll hit.


soggydog wrote:Roadkill isn’t trying to have a conversation. He’s just lobbing shit bombs and seeing what’ll hit.
So 1 of your posts includes.. unintelligent cockwomble. dolt, dickhead, elephant ball gobbler. and you wonder why I don’t reply? Grow a brain and think…you want dialogue after that? You want a conversation?
And jellybrainburleigh can’t post anything with irrational dribble and complete bs..and he wants a reply?

Haha ;)
- ‘irrational dribble and complete bs’ …
Yep, u said it ;);)
- u accuse others of ‘just blaming 1 side’… and then say :
“ Every death in Gaza is 100% the responsibility of Hamas. “
And : “ Terrible unnecessary stuff by the IDF today. Those 2 kids should not have died. “
- backed up by u saying it’s ‘100% the responsibility of Hamas’ ???
Ummmm… ^^^ irrational dribble and complete bs masterclass ;);)
I don’t need a reply to anything…
- u can’t reply other than trying to accuse me of what u are doing. Again ;)
It’s a farkn strange display of retardation by yourself that you are simply attempting to dismiss and deny ;);)
All that time with your head up your arse has starved your brain of oxygen…
- but float on dill ;)
Dialogue ? Conversation? Haha wtf ;);)
- grow a pair and own your hypocrisy and delusion…

Haha ;)
- just noticed this and the wording that you’ve used :
…the dill : “ And jellybrainburleigh can’t post anything with irrational dribble and complete bs.. “
- that’s a golden freudian slip ;);)
(Haha and don’t try bullshit us that u intended to say ‘with’ instead of ‘without’)
…you must obviously support hamas haha
And my word… it’s clear as day. You’ve definitely proved a point…
- dillbrain can’t post anything without irrational dribble and complete bs ;);)

Yep..just missing “out”
Bloody iPad. :)
Don’t get too carried away, as you make many mistakes daily.

Yes dill.
Entirely rational ;);)
- thanks for dribbling more bs.

The IDF reckons it is ‘tremendously positive’ that they have only killed two civilians for every Hamas militant. Approx 5000 militants killed and 10,000 civilians.
There is nothing positive about the death of innocent civilians.

Distracted wrote:The IDF reckons it is ‘tremendously positive’ that they have only killed two civilians for every Hamas militant. Approx 5000 militants killed and 10,000 civilians.
There is nothing positive about the death of innocent civilians.
Its still a pretty good ratio considering how Hamas purposely use civilians as human shields.
Its hard to really know if any of the figures are true though.
If Israel was fighting an enemy who didnt hide among its people then the ration would be flipped, but of course that would mean Hamas would be almost finished and people like you wouldn't be used as pawns by Hamas to gain sympathy.

indo-dreaming wrote:Distracted wrote:The IDF reckons it is ‘tremendously positive’ that they have only killed two civilians for every Hamas militant. Approx 5000 militants killed and 10,000 civilians.
There is nothing positive about the death of innocent civilians. still a pretty good ratio considering how Hamas purposely use civilians as human shields.
Its hard to really know if any of the figures are true though.
If Israel was fighting an enemy who didnt hide among its people then the ration would be flipped, but of course that would mean Hamas would be almost finished and people like you wouldn't be used as pawns by Hamas to gain sympathy.
Those figures are from the IDF who are likely to be underestimating civilian deaths.
I don’t have any sympathy for Hamas. But I do have sympathy for the people caught up in this shit storm which is not of their making.

indo-dreaming wrote:Distracted wrote:The IDF reckons it is ‘tremendously positive’ that they have only killed two civilians for every Hamas militant. Approx 5000 militants killed and 10,000 civilians.
There is nothing positive about the death of innocent civilians. still a pretty good ratio considering how Hamas purposely use civilians as human shields.
Its hard to really know if any of the figures are true though.
If Israel was fighting an enemy who didnt hide among its people then the ration would be flipped, but of course that would mean Hamas would be almost finished and people like you wouldn't be used as pawns by Hamas to gain sympathy.
In the future every time this fucking moronic imbecile pleads for a sensible debate on his latest ideological folly I’m remembering this post and his writing off of 10,000 innocent civilian deaths as “a pretty good ratio “. What a complete and utter idiot you are.
“…. caught up in this shit storm …”
Unlike other wars and war zones the people of Gaza cannot just flee because their borders are tightly closed by the Israel government in an open air prison

indo-dreaming wrote:Distracted wrote:The IDF reckons it is ‘tremendously positive’ that they have only killed two civilians for every Hamas militant. Approx 5000 militants killed and 10,000 civilians.
There is nothing positive about the death of innocent civilians. still a pretty good ratio considering how Hamas purposely use civilians as human shields.
Its hard to really know if any of the figures are true though.
If Israel was fighting an enemy who didnt hide among its people then the ration would be flipped, but of course that would mean Hamas would be almost finished and people like you wouldn't be used as pawns by Hamas to gain sympathy.

GuySmiley wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Distracted wrote:The IDF reckons it is ‘tremendously positive’ that they have only killed two civilians for every Hamas militant. Approx 5000 militants killed and 10,000 civilians.
There is nothing positive about the death of innocent civilians. still a pretty good ratio considering how Hamas purposely use civilians as human shields.
Its hard to really know if any of the figures are true though.
If Israel was fighting an enemy who didnt hide among its people then the ration would be flipped, but of course that would mean Hamas would be almost finished and people like you wouldn't be used as pawns by Hamas to gain sympathy.
In the future every time this fucking moronic imbecile pleads for a sensible debate on his latest ideological folly I’m remembering this post and his writing off of 10,000 innocent civilian deaths as “a pretty good ratio “. What a complete and utter idiot you are.
“…. caught up in this shit storm …”
Unlike other wars and war zones the people of Gaza cannot just flee because their borders are tightly closed by the Israel government in an open air prison
Yo, Guy, so ready to bring a false narrative.
How many borders are there? Answer = 2.
1 border is closed to the people of Gaza because the govt the people of Gaza elected attacked Israel in the worst terrorist attack since WW2 and murdered over 1400 innocent people.
1 border that Israel has zero control over is shut because Egypt, a fellow Muslim nation refuses to open it and take refugees, thus also like Hamas, happy to see Palestinians die.

GuySmiley, do you deliberately post untruths or are you simply not educated on borders etc?
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