Health, fitness and wellbeing

@groundswell , did you drive or fly across the paddock. ? If you drove did ya score any waves , no need to mention where , just if ya scored .

bhuvahh wrote:Huberman is top. I also follow David Sinclair since his book Lifespan came out.

Huberman and Sinclair have some good does Peter Attia......not so easy to sit and listen to Huberman and Attia..a lot of stuff to take on board......Definitely worth listening to on long car drives.,,,,,,,,,also check out Patrick Mckeown.....learn to exercise with an oxygen deficit...always breathe through your nose

Yeah Huberman’s podcasts are good also

Altogether now ;)

Thanks Jelly, instead of a half arsed stretch on the sand, I've decided to adopt that as my pre-surf warmup.

Haha, that pokemon-style music will raise as many eyebrows in the carpark as the nubile hip thrusts : )

Level 2…

Hahaha, humans!! We know how to do it right. RIGHT!!!!

Haha, its hard to beat the ozzies though!
?si=GyQgAO47TBcPuhYe ?si=-jiT16vJ-NBJsQ9pMonday morning g up at the swillnut club headquarters.

Is that a young Harris Andrews? Mesmerised and all!

I don’t know, looks a bit like Craig, but whoever it is I think its obvious that we have to vote yes.


Love A Huberman, also check out Sam Harris for a shortcut to the carrot

So you think your Fit .... !

for the back

Jelly Flater wrote:;)
haha, relatives of yours?


Core to the floor goes good too…
- juggling optional ;)

i was sure that was going to be a Fisher vid.

How’ve you been groundy?
Getting in the water? Staying off the mull?

Hi Groundswell, how are you and your Mum? Cheers mate

Ahh but did the Eccies cost you more than the Psychiatrist ?

Love this. Made me laugh. He must have led a fairly healthy life.

Cheers Seeds, holy fuck haha , still sharp as a tack

Haha seeds.
"Geez I'm going to be an old fkn man."
Not in the head he isn't. Way to go.

It’s great isn’t it. Says in comments he made it to 101.


Supafreak wrote:Micks had a few
Haha classic. Yeah saw that, reckon just start of a big night for em.
Broncs had em also.... Dam.

groundswell wrote:Im not bad, my mums got bad excema so struggling with that and paying for 5 days a week of some sort of ray treatment, which i suspect is a get rich quick scheme scam by the medical industry.
Im moving soon so looking after the lawns which i just ,mowed, electrical systems and ripping down an old fence which our rich- pretending to be poor neighbors will not chip in for a new one...This outside the house area is too big for my mum to look after solo by her so im not sure if i should stay or move..
Im thinking if i do move, Darwin and when a swell hits Nusa Tengarra islands any spot i know of--do strike missions for hire to the spots i know about..not sure how to advertise without giving away too much info and people just going by themselves...Just one idea..Another is buy dirt cheap land around $4 a square metre and start a super hot chilli farm in an area perfect for super hot chillis.....
A Sydney Psychiatrist charged me over $500 for a 45 minute session so i want out of nsw..West oz doctors are way better.
Got on a bit of eccies first few weeks in syd as they are hard to find in the NW and missed them a lot but then coming down started arguing with my mum and family...staying away from that stuff.
Got a lot of ideas its just im a flake, always thinking of the problems and back away from decent ideas that could be great ideas...
Where are ya groundy?

Hopefully on the loose in inner Sydney tearing it a new one. Then he can come back with some *groundy after dark* stories.

A lot has Gone Down in 6 months.......
As has Groundy. . .

Added a sauna & ice bath to my morning walk routine. Started yesterday doing three rounds of 15 minute sauna then 1 minute ice bath at 7 degrees . I was a sook to start with and only lasted a minute but today made 2 minutes. Really felt it in my feet and ankles. I’m hoping this helps with aching muscles from surfing nearly everyday. Regardless it’s a beautiful outlook and magic spot with killer views . Top two photos from inside the sauna bottom two are the ice bath.

Looks extremely unpleasant supa!

I got one of these el-cheapo ice baths. It gets down to about 10/11 degrees with 3 bags of ice in it. I do 5 minutes in that a probably 3-4 times a week.
Feels good after it, like your bodies charged up and full of energy.
Been doing a few long trail runs lately and it feels good for the muscle soreness after them.
For people focusing on surfing fitness, long lasting sexual fitness and drive too. Update your exercise routines, diet and routines. also surf sessions and any improvements.