The Daily Good News

Recall Chang the Qld Groper got lonely during Covid Lockdown...
Went on a hunger strike...
Sunny the Star Sunfish was missing his fan base > went on a hunger strike..
Superstar feels sunnier with his Cardboard Cut-out Only Fanclub base.
They're real Dedicated Fans Ok! My peeps...they love me!
Gotta feeling this might catch on...tbb could do with with a few cardboard only fans...
That's my kinda Japanese Fan!

On a busy day, with devil wind on the points, I surfed my fave spot with a pair of Maui Dolphins.

I know there are a few people on here with close relatives that are hearing impaired , just wondering if you have come across these glasses before ? How stoked is this young girl after her mum gifted her a pair.

Chiko Chook's Surf Safari sweeps Hodad son off his crippled legz.
Mum's 81st Birthday wish is to cure her hodad son...Dawn Patrol Siren Surfs Up....WTF Mum!
Yer goin' surfing from yer knees ready in 54321...Gonna give it a bash Son!
tbb has been isolating for 5 years...we discussed Ocean Ozone Surf as last option cure for Cellulitus.
Med Health info says don't do it, saltwater & sand invites further contamination of deep set infection.
Now! tbb takes that to mean Wastewater creeks & Ocean Outfall...thinking clearer ocean beach as fine!
Ya see the Local Saltwater Talle Ck is easier to access but all near beaches are a risk!
In any event it's too late tbb dunked his legs at North Burley for a good hour...
Getting down to the water's edge (Flags) was quite a reasonable trek as tide was retreating!
Never really consider that visiting the surf is only the easy part.
Most ever always downhill into less & less Sand approach to waters edge...
Leaving the beach is the real quest...
Each step involves a slower harder heaving haul of more greater deeper impact under own weight...
Each breath is heavier and task grows harder...needing more and longer breaks, each a new mission.
Heart was pounding...this is a real challenge!
Ya see now each step is deeper into uphill plough of impossible deeper recover with stairs yet to climb.
Evaluation being tbb can only afford max 30 minutes knee wading to preserve energy for a beach exit.
If accessing knee height surf is 3x harder > then exiting the beach is around 15x harder...
Now tbb knew that, but only now can evaluate a ranking of disability by terminology...
Inclusion access for Adaptive Surfers to equally feel free is no doubt a blessing...Applause all round!
How us disabled Surfers exit the beach requires nothing short of a resurrection...not for your eyes...
Ya see now we gotta leave freedom to instantly assimilate into Pitch Perfect Seachange Restriction.
Exhausted we contemplate exiting the beach...we're recuperating as world is racing faster
One step or word outta place spells disaster in bustling Seachange Hustle...outta my way Hodad! Fark!
As tbb discovered he was way to slow for Steps / Shower / Crossing Paths / Esplanade.
Ya turnaround to see yer the #1 problem for others which defies the intent of inclusionary outing.
Foreshores were originally preserved primarily for Senior Convalescence...tbb feels that's important.
To preserve the relaxed healing nature of Oz Foreshores as sanctuaries is still the prime objective!
tbb was stoked with Mum's Surf Safari but it does alert tbb that WSR must prioritise Reserve at heart!
Reserve between Majestic Sanctuary & Madness must remain a chill zone less so a Seachange Folly.
Locals should defend yer hang if only to Chill out yer Blowins...never lose sight of core objective!
tbb & Mum are knee deep in Birthday Bash Surf Stoke...
WOTD ~~~~^ ~~~~/'~~~~/\~~~~/(~~~~ /(C..[ mums )

TBB, you ain’t no hodad. You’re just retired.
Happy birthday to mum!
Dedicated to good news ....