Vids other than surfing thread (cool doccos, movies etc)

Dance floor version below

I hope the blue tarp isn’t a thing now. I can see the temporary convenience, but…..
Slow TV

Ballet of death.

Title is misleading and melodramatic but this is a job that’s out of the ordinary.

Champagne and oysters in the old west?
Free feed included in the price of a drink?
I found this interesting history.
ps. Not free but at the SeeSpew Hotel at Shorncliffe in the 90’s you could get a $2 lunch to fuel your day. Start of my shift work days in my 20’s. Hit em up full of choof at opening (after work) smash schooies for a few hours then bangers and mash, carrots and peas with gravy, then troddle off home for a sleep before catching the train back to work that night. Was fun a couple of days a week.
pps. Catholic Church bought the place as they had a big school next door.
ppps. and shut it down.

really enjoy the vids you post @seeds. gonna make these pork and beans at some stage (maybe with some sardines and french-fizz on the side).

Yeah I’m giving it a go too. I’m puzzled how such a simple recipe can taste good.
Would you eat this? I’m sure it’d taste good(goat is delicious)but it looks rank.

haha, the boodog goat would taste great, but yeh : P poor buggers need a pizza oven or large grill.. (it was like watching lego-men make, cook and eat a normal-size pork-sausage, using gristle pieces to warm their hands).
re pork and beans, going back to basics is very good, then you can adjust with little touches, rather than fistfulls of stuff. I remember the first meal I made that tasted like a 'real' meal, in a share house (we always ate pastas and stir-fry using EVERYTHING in the fridge, capsicum, cauli, broccoli, tomato, chicken, corn, sweet potato, drowned in soy or pasta sauce, and coriander or parsley):
I just fried beef strips in sesame oil, garnished with grated carrot, beansprouts and toasted peanuts. It was delish.

Any wonder this is the best on the market. I was surprised by quite a few things in the process and a byproduct. Episode 3.

gotta be in this thread don't it? harry finding flaws in the system, like masturbating on a plane.. you been watching these @seeds?

Heya b6,
I was a bit confused when it’s saying published 3 days ago as I’d watched Harry do the swim ages ago.
I found the clip and says 3 years ago. Either way nuts doing that with all the marine traffic.

haha, yup, a mate pointed out he'd sent it to me ages ago : P

actually, this is a better place to post some noise I watched at the Old Bar last monday.. tunes it ain't!
("whelve" clip from last year)
Richard Moore, the skater, played too.. I've assumed 'Morbid Mondays' at the Old Bar were some tragic goth thing, but it's a real nice coming together of an avant garde community for a bit of a leg-stretch.. nice vibe

Buggered if you do. Buggered if you don’t.
Indonesia is full of so many contradictions in so many different ways but this place takes the cake.