Vids other than surfing thread (cool doccos, movies etc)

Not sure if anything on this exact topic has been posted before here but a hidden city found under mans house..Excellent watch.

Also sorry the talking goldfish which made me cringe so beware a little childish and irritating way of editing but good all the same.

udo wrote:
Part 2 with Titus


Clive Palmer....well fuk me....



'the royal hotel' is pretty cool, julia garner (inventing anna, ozarks), like wake in fright, mixed with femme fantasy, good discussions to be had re director, the doco that was made about the reality, reality, and stylised empowerment... 'big' film endings, 'happy' film endings.. 'empowering' film endings.. but all slow-paced in the sa style. good to watch after Ivan Sen's 'limbo'.
Jed Palmer knocks the sound design out of the park, the characterisation of the town/hotel/decay/futility through sound is absolutely brilliant.. the 5.1 or the 7.3.1 or whatever it is up to, sucks: 2 ears = stereo; wish it was still the standard, and people like Jed didn't have to negotiate such distracting bullshit.

Thanks for the heads up! Wake in Fright was an unexpected surprise I stumbled upon a while back. Late night tv I think.

'royal hotel' is about, just had a look, it's a '1 session at 12:20 at chermside on a saturday' kinda movie. slow, dusty, aussie cool and worthy of engagement : )

Have you experienced the traffic in Chermside the days. No need to wake in fright. It’s a daily living nightmare

I see it’s getting a run at Maroochydore from tomorrow. Will check it out.

i recommend you get mildly giggly on goon.. will help with the traffic and get you onboard with the premise.. the M'roochy 10am and 12 midday times pretty much dictate this as a course of action.

I’ll take your advice and report back to you. Ooh then I can shiv some pleb at the Plaza bus stop and steal his Nikeees before heading home.

well, that could possibly ruff-up the end of the film experience, should you find the gentler femme-end unsatisfying, but sounds a bit unnecessary.
...get some sorta dukkah/avo/egg thing into you, get some giggly goon on, and set-in to absorb an outback flick.. sounds perfectly civilised to me : )

Oh come on on. It’s just what we do at the Plaza bus stop. It’s a SC thing.. I usually see a movie when I need some new kicks.

so o.g. - eshays wouldn't be seen dead in 2nd hand kicks.

"discontent is a luxury of the well-to-do"

Old Donald. Always liked his acting.

this amazing film was floating round on the telly a month ago
(Chaplin's first 'talkie' made in 1940, 1 year into WWII)

Good local Punk doco on SBS.

Quick clip. Amazing

The force is strong with this fan created short film. Recreates Anakin and Obi-Wan's lightsaber fight from Revenge of the Sith without any cutaways. Very, very good, totally canon.

Here's a USA Coke Supplier / Partner

Udo that was interesting to see this guy on the interview, I remember him in GLand with Wayno and his crew about 1997 stayed in the room next door !

Hows the $ WC was making Faark
Have you ever Inquired about Entering Indo again Caml ?

udo wrote:Here's a USA Coke Supplier / Partner
Sequel or segue from Sea Of Darkness

udo wrote:Here's a USA Coke Supplier / Partner
That was pretty interesting alright.
Cheers Udo.

Does anyone else get into machine making and hand building machines with a goal of precision?
This one is quite remarkable for made in 1751:

^ saved this till tonight, excellent vid, @VJ, cheers.

good stuff glad you enjoyed. Amazing it's survived so long, but it was made solidly!

If you love sci-fi and wonder where everything fits on a map of the universe/galaxy/local area, have I got a treat for you!

Amazing documentary

thanks frog. Yeah, that was amazing! Makes me want to learn more

base 6
Finally caught up with this thread and first thing I checked was the Charlie Chaplin "First Talkie " . Saw it a long time ago ( not in 41 ) , but had forgotten it .
Oh My Stars !
Martin Luther King like ( and before MLK :) !
U could have posted the clip on so many threads and U hid it away lol .
Looks like some other gems around 2 :) .

yeh, @Pop, 1940 film ffs. The more things change.. the take-away message is chest-beating and de-humanising should have been on the way out THEN.
($10 dvd from the internet machine)

base 6
I believe it is more a natural cycle caused by complacency .
Also , we already have Democracy , just .
We will back to Good again soon , imho .
I heard the big cheer at the end of Charlies insipid speech ( bloody Orson Wells like 2 , perhaps ) .

yeh, I'd go with complacency, as one of the things. I believe all will be good too (btw, the "ffs" was in reference to how interesting a film it was, era of Gone With the Wind, Mr Chips, etc). The dictator got a couple of Oscar nominations, best actor, best score.

The ultimate sacrifice-

1976 Network...Too grown up for Grom tbb...but heard good things about it...
Even recently...still never knew it coined "Mad as Hell & I'm not gonna take this anymore.
Only knew that recent shockjock evangelist Leaders pretty much mandated all to backcheck this Movie.
Now as Hodad tbb mandating a sea of gromz to tune into [ Network ]
Deadset vouch...never knew much at all about film...just knew tbb needed to see it...none said so!
Be like that ain't pie in the sky no more...that be how we roll 50 years on...OMG...Bloody well Gospel.
Aussie Actor Peter Finch died enough during the film & often portrayed his own death
After promoting film on Live TV day suffers a heart attack just as the movie but for real!
Art imitates life as he died before receiving his Academy Award...larger than life haunting tale!
Back to the Future 50 years past / present...slots into 1976 < >2024 Live primetime.
Grom < Either < tbb > Either > Hodad : Stoked to share a must see Wake Up Call for / of all ages.
[Click here for Ad free no sign in 1976 Movie] Network

well, there you go! Haven't watched Network (another of the great dark movies that made Star Wars such a welcome escapist explosion.. shit PF was up against some serious stuff!) - cheers for the free link TBB, I'll have a go at it.

live: world skate tour, street semis and finals in dubai,

fwoar! aussie chloe covell, cracked 90, taking the lead from the awesome brazzo, rayssa leal ^^
Indonesia is full of so many contradictions in so many different ways but this place takes the cake.