Haydenshapes Factory Destroyed By Fire

More than 70 Firefighters from Fire and Rescue NSW were called to the factory on Tengah Crescent, Mova Vale, around 4pm Saturday afternoon.


tip-top1's picture
tip-top1's picture
tip-top1 Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 7:54am

devastating, hopefully their insurance covers them

Kham's picture
Kham's picture
Kham Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 9:13am

Difficult to contain a fire like that with such inflammable material. Let's hope the insurance pay out. Devastating is definitely the word.

stinky_wes's picture
stinky_wes's picture
stinky_wes Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 6:32am

Inflammable means flammable? What a country!

Tim Bonython's picture
Tim Bonython's picture
Tim Bonython Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 9:45am

Faarrkk, I heard about that but cant believe it them. Sorry for the owners..

Taprobane's picture
Taprobane's picture
Taprobane Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 9:45am

"Luxury Surfboard" ???? Now thats a new one.

FrazP's picture
FrazP's picture
FrazP Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 9:47am

Ouch - looks like I will be waiting longer for my custom to arrive.

Feel for the blokes who work there.

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 10:22am

Nasty. Kind of surprising it doesn’t happen more often. Glad no one was hurt.

Logical_man2's picture
Logical_man2's picture
Logical_man2 Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 12:19pm

Insurance Fraud,
I was saying only the day before I can't belive 25% of Surf shops have not closed as there has been no surf all winter and forecast is none for summer........thus no boards and associated gear been sold !!

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 5:04pm

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not but I have a story for you. only very recently I was shaping a board using bio epoxy for the lam, and I mixed it a bit too hot and once I was finished with a coat I left a really really small amount in the plastic cup I used to pour the resin. then I popped it in the concrete bucket in the base of the stand and went inside and thought nothing of it. the next morning I came out to a completely blackened bucket. The whole thing had caught on fire and it was only because I was glassing on a concrete slab in a well ventilated area with nothing around that my whole place didn’t go up in flames. This could happen so easily in a full on factory

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 6:24am

@ Alex Pappas,
I call em boiling pots.
I've had a mix (epoxy )
I couldn't hold.
Had to keep putting it down and picking it up
Ended up moving production outside ....

Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas's picture
Alex Papas Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 10:56am

boiling pots is very apt! i've had similar but instead of being sensible like you i think i just end up panic-pouring it all out on the board and working with it there haha. fortunately the bio resin's kick time is hours long

mpeachy's picture
mpeachy's picture
mpeachy Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 2:52pm

It was an explosion that occurred with workers in the factory, so very unlikely one would think

Reform's picture
Reform's picture
Reform Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 1:00pm

Rolls of Tiger cloth back again on the market soon. But yep, this is horrific.. not good!

billie's picture
billie's picture
billie Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 3:07pm

My mate from Fire and Rescue was knackered this morning. Nine trucks at the Surfboard factory, lots of fires and calls in Western Sydney. No sleep!

eel's picture
eel's picture
eel Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 7:01pm

DHD burnt down on the Goldy in 2019 too

Reform's picture
Reform's picture
Reform Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 8:40pm

It was around 1973 when Midgets (also in Mona Vale) Surfblanks factory burnt all materials in it. Overnight.
Toxic chemicals up in smoke in the form of stacks and stacks of blanks, drums of resin, styrene, MEKP and all the good stuff like the carcinogenic chemicals that goes into the making of the foam blanks.
The fire was started by one of the workers mopping up spilt MEKP (Catalyst) with a paper towel or similar and tossing it in the bin, Overnight it self combusted creating the flames that took hold of the whole factory.

Later and after the fire we purchased the fire damaged 6 oz S cloth, really cheap, and made many boards from it.
Was a fun and creative time as 13 year olds being back yarders.
It was dubbed the Tiger cloth because of the interesting diagonally marked blackened streaks evident in the burnt glass that gave an interesting effect to the finished glass job. It still was sound structurally only couldn't disguise the streaks unless pigmented black.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 5:43pm

The MEKP is just such nasty stuff, in so many ways.

lost's picture
lost's picture
lost Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 9:03pm

Thats tough for anyone.

Not sure it was much of a factory though. More likely office and showroom.with a but of r&d and trst boards. Like most major brands his boards are all made in Thailand.

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Sunday, 8 Oct 2023 at 10:01pm

I think customs are still made in Sydney actually.

FrazP's picture
FrazP's picture
FrazP Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 8:09am

Definitely customs still made there.

lom lombard's picture
lom lombard's picture
lom lombard Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 at 9:11am

Most if not all major brands still manufacture in Australia.
Unless by major you mean Surfboard warehouse or Sideways ?
Which in my opinion are the European carp of the surf(board) industry.

Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean's picture
Lanky Dean Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 6:26am

Fitzgerald lost his house / shaping bay this year up in Ballina area.

Shit is no joke when its cooking....

mugofsunshine's picture
mugofsunshine's picture
mugofsunshine Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 5:08pm

Has anyone asked where Peter Schroff was at 4pm on Saturday?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 9 Oct 2023 at 5:20pm

He He.

FrazP's picture
FrazP's picture
FrazP Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 at 8:55am

Got a note from the guys at Hayden yesterday. I have a my new custom coming out of Mona Vale - it is still on track. Apparently, the facility that went down wasn't the manufacturing part and loses in terms of surfboards/blanks/materials was pretty minimal. The indication I got from them was that it was business as usual in terms of producing boards.

lom lombard's picture
lom lombard's picture
lom lombard Tuesday, 10 Oct 2023 at 9:13am

Thats great news and awesome they reached out to you so soon after the event.