Watch: Jordy Smith // Plus27
Released on YouTube four days ago, this film from Jordy had me a bit perplexed.
Here's the former world number two, who's spent sixteen years on the CT, and who's also filmed a number of well-received signature films, releasing a clip to little more than hushed murmurings. No excitement or fanfare. Modest viewer count too.
'What gives?' I wondered, before constructing a hypothetical reason for the video's poor response. That at 36, Jordy is a journeyman few surfers are keen to watch anymore, superseded by a generation or two of dynamic surfers who've taken his big-boned agility to a new level.
However, some quick research explained the subdued response.
Though the YouTube page doesn't say it, Plus27 was filmed during the last CT off season - so the end of 2023, start of 2024 - and was released last July on Red Bull cinema. We can't embed Red Bull movies so it passed without much interest from us here at Swellnet, though I'd have to assume many other people saw it.
Our disinterest should be no blight on the film - we're, ahem, busy folk after all - and anyway, a full twenty-minute sitting shows it to be incredible; full of excellent waves, surfing, and cinematography.
A recent exchange with a Swellnet reader - hey Tony - unearthed a slightly contrarian view. Ol' Tony didn't like the first section, even called it "boring", but the consenus around the Swellnet offices was otherwise. "Looks like South Oz with a West Oz landscape," said Craig.
After that, a quick sesh at Dunes, which is further up the Cape Peninsula from the opening left, then a KZN pointbreak, a wave or two at J-Bay - obligatory in any South African vid - before a highlight session at a rifling KZN reef. It's not perfect like J-Bay but it's big and fast and hollow. That earlier hypothetical statement about Jordy being over the hill is shown as nonsense with the big fella putting on a lactic-acid inducing show of power surfing.
I'm not sure what Plus27 says about the CT year to come and how Jordy will perform - he turns 37 in five days - but it's a solid statement from someone who, however you cut it, is in the twilight of their pro career.
Great clip.
That dredging right is nuts...
Geez he is ripping for an old Bru...
Right...did you manage to beat Udo? Because I rarely do.
And yeah, that last right is incredible. Great wave, awesome surfing.
Watched it yesterday... :)
I remember watching that last section mouth open. That's as good as it gets, and I'd much rather watch that than J-Bay.
Best surfer to never win a World Title.
Hate to say it because the video proves me wrong but.... early on he had a kink in his tube riding I reckon, kind of stoopy style. Cost him
yep and lets hope this year it all clicks for him.
He should seriously have as many world titles as Andy Irons.
And there's an argument to be made that he possesses the best forehand carve of all time. If i could choose one surfer i'd love to carve frontside like, it'd be Jordy.
+1 would love to surf like Jordy
Right on. +1
Jordy and taj B ..should of win at least one world title
I was about to say the same. Got robbed a few times in contest too.
I was about to say the same. Got robbed a few times in contest too.
His blend of power and finesse in waves like that is unbelievable.
awesome movie ....... real surfing ....power on rail ........who said it was boring ? best film so well done and great surfing ...well done !
unbelievably good surfing
Just watched on big screen- one of the best films I’ve seen in a long, long time. Jordy is without a doubt one of the best to wiggle on water.
Couple of thoughts:
- I can’t help but think that Snapper looking, warm water point, is one of a couple of options that come to mind in Mozambique (not KZN).
- Used to find young Jordy’s brashness / arrogance a bit of a put off… days I really enjoy his post heat interviews and the dry, funny, say-it-how-it-is quips he comes out with.
- With surfing like that, could easily still win a title. I feel he tends to lose a lot of close ones?
- that last spot / session(s) has to rival Soli and Caity’s wave on ‘Maps to Nowhere’
Shot bru.
ye gods. that last ten minutes or so was mesmerizing!
That was very, very good
Geez I miss living in Durban. So many good waves on the south coast. Got to be one of the best spots for pumping waves relative to crowds. Often times you're hoping to see other surfers when you pull into the carpark just to have some company
I spent some time there, moons ago..
Just myself and nice point setups
Bunny chows
Those little monkeys stealing food.
Great waves, there really is more to s.a then jbay.
Seek you will find I guess.
Went to Uni there is '84 to study Civil Engineering. The only roads I studied were were those heading down the south coast. Such a wave rich part of the country. Spent many an overnight stop sleeping on the asphalt in that carpark in the end clip. The slippery dip in the last shot was ridden many a time by drunken fools late at night. Such good memories. Absolutely sublime movie that was.
We won't know how much we miss his surfing till he retires . I agree with every positive comment above .
Power/finesse . . .Jordy style !
Damn that last section was heavy…how’s the mutant at 16:30 !
I don't have 20 minutes for the jordy show.
Did like his post heat interview the other day.
They said 18 years on tour
He is the last of his generation left. Actually is that correct ?
2006 jbay wildcard?
Could it be jordys year?
I'd like to hope,
Just feel as surfers get older they lose their comp edge, focus changes , mind is elsewhere
He's got those boards dialled.
Fark that was some impressive surfing. Worth a re-watch.
Oh my! Insane tube sense and carving! Put’s most current CTers to shame
Zen is right about those boards….best film for a while. He’s a favourite of mine to watch …..proper surfing.
At Bay a couple of years ago when the waves got solid, Jordy was in a realm of his own. Drawn out bottom turns and massive hooks and carves. If the tour was held in 6-8ft waves all the time he would do better I reckon.
that was epic,. fuck he rips..
In the words of Mr Burns "exxcellent"
I've just re-watched the last ~10min 3 times. Makes me want to go back to SA.
Heard talk of that spot back in the 90s, but nobody raved about it. Sneaky bastards :-)
Same. Last few days I keep going back and watching that last ten minutes section. As Gra said, it really is mesmerizing. Any halfway decent surfer can pull into a perfect barrel but to wrangle those roping, flaring barrels that keep changing speed is something else again.
The accel/decel was phenomenal.
Perfect music too.
Agreed! Makes the incredibly hard look easy....
That last 10 minutes had me questioning all my life choices to this point I.B!!
Yeah, the speed he gets off the bottom is phenomenal, Stu.
SR, that's what happens sometimes, aye. You stop dead in your tracks!
Indeed I.B!! Jaw dropping stuff.
Yep about as good as a wave can get in my view..
He makes it look easy.....
Even though the last section was the glory section (and rightfully so) I enjoyed the section before it more- big bru and his little bru taking apart that Moz. point break in boardies.
Some of the hacks and combos- next level power surfing seamlessly stitched together.
God I hope Snapper and J-Bay get swell this year.
That point break was the one curren and ? sailed into in a search vid years ago i think.....
Epic speed control in the last section.
The point break is way north of the one Curren surfed simba .
incredible surfing in very nice waves , always good to watch
That really was impressive from the big fella
The last section was epic. The only thing missing was Fanno. It would have been amazing to see them taking turns at that spot on that day.
Id rather Soli.
If ya want verification from a lay day loser...then hell Yes...
This isolating basher has picked up on Jordy's 2024/25 safaris...
Jordy has a solo man promo going...real raw stuff it is...lots of shirtless shots...
His secret is his skill at reaching his peak surfing and strength injury free...
Can check his First Round Pipe Interview...that's pretty raw & cool!
So what ya seldom see is Jordy falling off...that's wotz impressing tbb...
That's a handy skill for an old Comp guy...backs himself to stay in the hunt.
He's like a rubberman with a cat like them Push button Base > string puppets...
Like he totally collapses & pops back up like a punching clown that keeps moving on...
Easily the best recovers at high speed...he's got it wired!
Please do notice he is making nearly all his barrels and big carves & airs with confidence...
Yes! Do notice how impossible those makes are to us mere mortals...
Possibly penalizes himself by eliminating claims...too busy ripping...Old school is not cool.
No longer get points for shit hot long impossible claim for that...don't bother the crew any!
Lets hope the Judges still reward proper surfing...(Cough!)
As the crew says....this confidence lends to stringing big moves together...
Then it flows on it's own accord by default off the back of his highly skilled rubbery recoveries
Just as we all saw Gabz collapse > would back rubbery Jordy to recover from a similar rad move!
Kinda like he's flowing any 8.5 combo you can name...or that he chooses & even better at speed.
Crew reckon if he can tap into a few walls > he's there on finals day! Agree!
So less likely to fall on long walls at The Pool / J Bay / Bells
(So scores a high speed entertaining ride by skillful default!)
Just as we see here...very hard to match his highly skilled combos on long walls.
The Hodad up values his solid moves by linking smooth & fast to his next...which claims his WOTD.
So no move is the biggest of the day or on tour but his shit hot fluid combo recovers lead by example.
tbb reckons Jordy is backing himself to score highest when opportunity arises...he's ready to roar'n'soar.
Agree that if any comp wave opens up down the line...crew will be hooting Jordy! Why not indeed!
Surf Abu Dhabi Operator + Head Coach + CT Pro Promoter are all SA.
Wot ya don't see here is his secret...Big fellow nails a flow air at speed in shallow water...
Jack is much lighter & hit the Abu Dhabi cement many times...
If big lad Jordy falls...that's the end of his tour...but we don't see him fall...he backs himself...Got it! Shh!
Saying it's what ya don't see with Jordy...sadly the judges are blind to pure surf stoke!
He's in a good place...Hey! Yeah! Check that Post Pipe Heat chat...
Notice he's still wearing his leggie...very casual in that whatever!
Check this insta Backyard Boardshort promo > Gets ripped to shreds real fast...WTF...
I've been surfing for over 60 years and have never seen surfing as good as this. His power, speed and impecable timing, coupled with incredible fitness is truly inspiring. And even the soundtrack beats most of the crap which seems to accompany modern clips.
Its worth watching last 10 mins on 0.5 Playback and Muted.
OMD 16.31
Jordy doesn't mind a claim TB, he did a pretty good Wolverine claim at Bells one year- I thought Hugh Jackman was surfing.
Btw- Jordy at big Bells is something to watch.
Haha yes.
Was that the year he started throwing out all those classic claims, including ringing the Bell before he'd won it. Then up on stage after he won, he chipped his tooth ringing the Bell? Ouch!!
Don't mess with the Wada Wurrung energy eh!
More Jordy....
Surfing better than ever. More humble as he's grown with impeccable power and flow backed by good tunes.