Early Forecast: Sydney Surf Pro
Sydney Surf Pro, North Narrabeen
May 9th - 16th
Coming hot off a pumping finale to the Gold Coast Pro, the CT hopefuls head south, rolling into North Narrabeen for the Sydney Surf Pro.
The waiting period kicks off this Thursday and runs through until the following Thursday, and in short there’ll be no lack of swell, it’s just the state of the sand and local winds that will dictate conditions.
Sydney’s been under a stationary pattern of wet weather and south to south-east winds this past fortnight. Localised flooding and strong onshore winds have made a mess of the bank at North Narrabeen, with the Trials and Pro Junior over the weekend offering up heavy, straight waves instead of the longer running bowls.
It is worth noting this was under a dominant southerly groundswell - which is never ideal at North Narra - and with the swell shifting more to the east in the coming week we’ll hopefully see the bank become more settled and groomed as the contest progresses.
Contest directors will be hoping for similar conditions to that seen in 2021 (Brokensha)
Looking at the swell outlook, and later this week the stubborn ridge of high pressure responsible for the run of average surf and weather will start to move east. The result will be those south-easterly winds tipping more easterly, and even north-easterly.
It's worth noting that no period of sustained offshore is due between now and the waiting period so the sea surface will be jumbled after a period of extended onshores - there'll be no shortage of brown water and detritus either.
Thursday - the first day of the waiting period - will see a mix of small, long range southerly swell and shorter period easterly swell. The day will start with 2-3 feet of east swell (more noticeable than the south swell) building to 4 feet into the afternoon. A morning southwest land breeze will give way to an easterly sea breeze late morning.
Friday will see the swell temporarily drop back to 2-3 feet out of the south and the east with similar conditions expected. Both Thursday and Friday will have their moments but it'll be far from classic Narra.
On Saturday the background south swell will get a top up as a new pulse arrives, coming in around 4 foot on the sets, and at the same time the easterly energy will start to kick back in, reaching 3-4 feet into the afternoon.
Saturday is also when a low pressure trough looks to deepen into a low and this should enhance the infeed of east to east-northeast winds, though where the axis of the low sits will determine if we see groomed, offshore conditions or large, onshore surf.
At this early stage it looks like we could see a mix of both with Sunday coming in clean early in the day, ahead of strong onshore winds and large surf into early next week.
Also, whether the organisers choose to run during the early days will largely depend on conditions next week - i.e can they afford to wait. It's a very dynamic outlook, typical of the East Coast under troughy conditions, so we'll have to keep a close eye on the developments of this system over the coming days.
Is may a good time for narrabeen?
Looks kinda funky forecast wise.... bummer
That place needs offshore winds....
Normally may would be my pick at any east facing beach on the east coast.
Last may on the east coast was not like may.. this may shaping up to be not like may either
Last May was pretty classic here- we had good surf, good winds and a big swell.
This May feels more La Niña like- lots of onshore flow, and troughiness.
yeah right, maybe a poor memory from me and comment wasn't so much related to surf quality.
I just associate May with clear water, mellow days and colourful skies. I thought we had a heap of rain last May and the water didn't clear up until June. .. but relying on neurons not notes!
22 was a full Nina flood year with dirty water right through May here.
Last year was much more civilised.
Have to agree, hasn’t been many cold fronts yet…… WA is only just starting to get a few cold fronts hitting the south west… pretty late and in frequent for this time of year
Usually very reliable through May.
Thanks Craig. Could be tricky for the contest directors.
You don’t see much coming out (footage) of North Narra for such an iconic wave in such a populated area. Why is that?
This was my favourite event last year.
Just seen footage of the bank now the swell is coming in from that better east angle, looks good.
I heard there was a fair bit of sand removal going on either side of the Ocean St bridge prior to christmas. With all the rain since then and deeper channel, hopefully the bank has returned to it's former glory days.
That’s encouraging! More sandy pits please Huey.
I remember a great many pics of Nth Narra in surf mags of the 80's. I also had/have some old SWs from the late 70's that have many pics of Sydney beaches, mostly Nth Narrabeen. Some classic pics of Simon, TC and I think Greg Black. They were always clean, throaty barrels in B+W on decent paper...
Never been there though..
I recall that SW was based on Northern beaches at that point, as was Tracks - as an outsider, that part of the world seemed to be "Aussie Surfing Central" at that time...
I'm sure that others with wider knowledge could add some actual and correct facts... ?
Do the narra locals drop in on all the wannabe pros in the warmup sessions?
It’s a great wave but this weather is just awful. It hasn’t stopped raining for 2 weeks and there’s more to come. So much stuff is floating in the water so we won’t see some exotic conditions.
World class training venue...
WSL program v's Reality; rain, small, onshore waves or heaving closouts & snapped boards sponsored by.... some of you, .... the taxpayers ( NSW Tourism)
"Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within the universe, as opposed to that which is only imaginary, nonexistent or nonactual. "
references https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality
"GWM opened a new European base in Munich,,,,..in order to launch the Ora Good Cat EV in France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom (with the car to be rebranded as the Ora Funky Cat in many of these markets)"
Some need cheap EVs & funky cats atm.... game on!
Cheap EV running on salt batteries
Anasyse or anodise
or... to sumerise "Another week of onshore SE winds with a few favourable windows around rain squalls and troughy areas"
Indeed, but if I went that way, Sheepy would tear me to shreds ;)
The darling suds of May. Fortunately the wind forecast is improving but it's gonna be wet and brown.
One tip about Narra is the locals feel spoilt by all the great waves they’ve had over the year so tend to take a “what’s mine is yours approach to the lineup”. “We”ve had our share you take this set wave” is often what visiting beginner surfers hear from them. Good luck!
And be sure to introduce yourself to JD, loves a chat and sharing the waves with new friends
Learnt to surf at N.Narra. We would paddle out, before the sun came up..... & there were guys already siting on the peak. Maybe, I caught one wave, as the sun drenched the horizon, a blinded takeoff, walk around, paddle out to find 20 guys... Watched some amazing surfing..... There was a clear option to get a NN wave provided to a beginner or unknown; surf south of the clubhouse and get drilled on the consistant closeouts or go north to the reef; a shallow, hollow, suckin ledge... thank you Marty, Rod, Peter, Chris Crozier & NN..
Deadmans & Bower; Manly; Sydney Coke Surf-about comp. 1-7th May 1974....
The 1974 surfabout contest (above) was actually run between Deadmans and WinkiPop and was not scored past Winki Pop.