boogie boarders are gay.

You are entitled to your wrong opinions.

Fuck yeah Dingus!

so what if you choose to lie down and get stoked dingus?
Who cares about the people who are not happy about it?
Lying down on a soft or hard surfboard, call it a 'booger' if you want, whatever! It is a totally legit form of surfing.
You are getting stoked and the people who are not happy about you getting stoked, well &$#( them! as you say, they are insecure. agreed.

I just wanted to rark you up dingus. But your right I’m probably more tuned in than you.

:| :) :( i love lamp.

The title of the thread says it all. No sense hiding away in the closet for ever. But really, I don't agree as I have seen some beautifull Zilla chicks on them and they can't all be lesos can they? If they are then thats a crying shame and a waste.

so what if you choose to lie down and get stoked dingus?
Who cares about the people who are not happy about it?
Lying down on a soft or hard surfboard, call it a 'booger' if you want, whatever! It is a totally legit form of surfing.
You are getting stoked and the people who are not happy about you getting stoked, well &$#( them! as you say, they are insecure. agreed.
By: "1963-malibu"
1963-malibu - You started a thread rinsing SUP riders. Now your preaching about getting stoked no matter what your craft...make up your mind.
Talk about hypocrite !
I think you named the thread SUP's SUCK! Appropriate imo.

As long as its one of the reef bikini chicks and not some gay booger fag. Remember you started the thread about your kind, hoping you could explain your pathetic reasons for not using the legs and feet that god had intended them for ie standing up.

My, getting a bit testy aren't you cnut lips! Cop a bit of a ragging about your lame excuse for surfing and get real nasty. Yeah sure you can stand on a booger but why the fcuk would you want to when you can just grovel on your guts and do your heaps sick spins and all. Fcuk the travel, sooner stay at home and get all angry and bitter about the agro surfers in the lineup and try and chase them away with Maliboo-boo and Spongy.

Angry & bitter seal,where did you get that from?Can you not see the fun possiblities you could have lampooning these angry swollen ego's?Isnt it better laugh them down than beat them down?Violence breeds violence & laughter is contagious.Choose your weapon,one can be just as effective as the other if used the right way.Who knows they might even learn to relax a bit & have a laugh at them selves.

boogers are fucks

Polly want a cracker?

Now Spongy, laughter is a good thing especially when you drop down in front of some cunt(see 'lips' I can spell cunt after all)who has been paddling inside you all morning and they get all fucked up. But hey they don't tend to see the funny side of it and get all angry but what do you do. Sit there and keep watching them do it, or burn them good and hope they may learn their lesson. If you want to surf in crowds, which unfortunatly is sometimes the only way you going to get a surf these days, well you have to take an agro stand. Personally I don't like to having to resort to it but if you don't you won't get waves and when you've been surfing the same break for 30yrs you kind of get attached to it and expect to get your fair share so will do what you gotta do to get waves even if it means being an agro bastard at times.
C.U.N.T.lips,good spelling hey,why would I want to travel anywhere, then I'd be a tourist and have to take my turn or be a snake like the rest of them. Even let boogers get waves and that wouldn't sit real well with a bitter angry bastard like me would it? Once tried surfing in Indo but shit there was way too many waves to myself and I couldn't get angry with anyone but I hear it's a bit different nowdays so might try it again soon.Hey I might be a tool,lips, but a least i'm not the bluntest tool in the shed.

As a booger,I had a great time at Maroubra today!Everything else was of little matter.

For all the swipes at esky riders, I have never in my 24 years of esky riding been confronted whist in the line-up, paddling out, or on the beach. So whats up with the online bullshit?

vruntson, mate it is because most people are cowards, like the ones who yell at you in traffic with their windows closed, either that or you are one mean looking esky lidder

Now Spongy, laughter is a good thing especially when you drop down in front of some cunt(see 'lips' I can spell cunt after all)who has been paddling inside you all morning and they get all fucked up. But hey they don't tend to see the funny side of it and get all angry but what do you do. Sit there and keep watching them do it, or burn them good and hope they may learn their lesson. If you want to surf in crowds, which unfortunatly is sometimes the only way you going to get a surf these days, well you have to take an agro stand. Personally I don't like to having to resort to it but if you don't you won't get waves and when you've been surfing the same break for 30yrs you kind of get attached to it and expect to get your fair share so will do what you gotta do to get waves even if it means being an agro bastard at times.
C.U.N.T.lips,good spelling hey,why would I want to travel anywhere, then I'd be a tourist and have to take my turn or be a snake like the rest of them. Even let boogers get waves and that wouldn't sit real well with a bitter angry bastard like me would it? Once tried surfing in Indo but shit there was way too many waves to myself and I couldn't get angry with anyone but I hear it's a bit different nowdays so might try it again soon.Hey I might be a tool,lips, but a least i'm not the bluntest tool in the shed.
By: "seal"
Seal , if your going to have another go at Bali I think you'll really enjoy yourself as there is a lot to get angry about. But just remember you have to spend a full week surfing one break before your a local.

Thanks for the tip shaun but do I need to buy a local board so that I might be able to pretend I'm local a bit quicker? What about if I get a few dreadies going,is that going to help me with the soul-surfer, local anywhere apperance thats bound to fool even the oldest locals everywhere? Then I can go and tell everyone to fuck-off and get out heaps of anger! I'll come back so refreshed that nothing will ever bother me again.

7. For every one saying boogers should grow up and learn to surf you're wrong.Every one should grow up and not surf at all, everyone should fuck off it's too crowded already.
- the truth has been spoken!

I hear the truth is that you suck cock.

Hey Waxy now you've grown up,given up surfing & fucked off home,can I have your spot?

what ever your choice just get barreled and relax, surfing is spose to be about having fun and living in the moment.

s-t-u the truth is you think everyone sucks cock cause all you think about is sucking cock.
spongebob my spot is north bondi in the flags - go sick

If boogy boarders are not gay then whats with the faggot emo haircuts the little poofs have?

gay hair cuts and BIG diamond ear rings that they must have stolen from their older sisters.... super cool...

And socks under their flippers? What do they do that isn't gay?

No Waxy NOOOO!Not Bondi,I would prefer to jam my nuts in a rabbit trap.

s-t-u the truth is you think everyone sucks cock cause all you think about is sucking cock.
By: "wax-on-danielson"
That's a good reply danielson, you little cock gobbler.

i still cant believe there are people out there that put shit on both bodyboarding and surfing...there both good and are good for different reasons..if everyone done the same thing it would be a boring world.. i think surfers are generally more driven and hard working in all aspects of life. Bodyboarders are the lazier more laid back type (generally).... but whats wrong with being lazy and laid back...its not always a competetion but unfortunately money has commercialized both sports and 'soul surfers' are few and far between. I met a surfer not long ago who shreds and does it all for the fun, id say he summed it up best, 'As long as your getting shacked..... who gives a fuck what your on'.

why did s-t-u bring toilet paper to the party?

because his a party pooper

For all the swipes at esky riders, I have never in my 24 years of esky riding been confronted whist in the line-up, paddling out, or on the beach. So whats up with the online bullshit?
I have found the exact same thing. 30 years old... boogin for 20. Never had any issues.

uncleernie, thats really good to hear but it might all change when you get out from between the flags!

the area i surf in is full of crazy body boarders.. sure, it looks kooky and lame when they are out sliding on 3 foot day on the point.. but when its so big that nothing is working you will find them all scraping their feet across barnacles on the meanest looking shelf..even though they close out 99% of the time they are still out there having a dig... having yet seen a stand up tackle it.. even though i dont think bodyboarding is as hard as stand up, i still think its perfectly legit.. a dickhead is a dickhead regardless of what sort of board they are riding..

uncleernie, thats really good to hear but it might all change when you get out from between the flags!
By: "seal"
lol, that was really funny

Good to see the boogers all standing up for themslves, feels good to stand up on the rare occasion - and I don't care who they sleep with.

seal, reckon your dad would mind if I jacked off into your mother's moustache.

Boogie boarders arent gay, there boyfriend surfers are.

Still GAY!

Boogie boarders will never have any credibility FULLSTOP. make yourself an alaia maybe some credibility still questionable, my favourite moment with a boogie boarder was taking out an old single fin being dropped in on by a booger i ran straight over him than i rode him & his booger board for a few meters what a feeling always looking for the opportunity again the floating properties of a booger are gold once you experience it you will always be looking for the opportunity

rule303 my favourite moment for Bodyboarding was when Pat Williams (bodyboarder) beat the shit out of Mick Fanning at greenmount in front of the whole snapper crew including Parko. Mick got dominated infront of everyone! but this was never released in the media.
proud moment for bodyboarders, love to know Micks take on the situation

like boogers the snapper crew are gay as well look forward to seeing you in the line up pleb

no credibility in riding this?
rule303: there is a lot more credibility in that than there is in being a try hard surf god and poo stancing on a fence paling in 2 foot surf. as far as im concerned its the person, not the sport, that has credibility or not.

Dan, dont rate that pic as riding its more falling over a big ass wave holding a bit of foam in one hand. find a better example...
Now that every one who loves a good troll has my attention let me state the following.
1. I am a booger.
2. I find the banter between boogers and surfers on these forums amusing and at the same time childish.
3. Yes surfing on a stick is harder.
4. Boogers who troll on here are wankers.
5. Sticks on here who abuse boogers who are not trolling here are insecure.
6. Fluidzone is shit so if you're a booger getting on swellnet to troll how about fucking off and actually doing something constructive by contributing to Fluidzone.
7. For every one saying boogers should grow up and learn to surf you're wrong.Every one should grow up and not surf at all, everyone should fuck off it's too crowded already.
8. If you paddle into any line up acting like a wave hungry, angry, fucktard, your'e missing the point and should stick to hanging out at the pub looking for fights.
9. To all the bad mannered grommets stick,boogie,goat boat, cripple,clubbie, what ever,surfing is not a career. In all likelyhood you're not that good, your'e missing the point.It's supposed to be fun.
10. I've lost interest let the shit talk begin.