boogie boarders are gay.

dingusmcsquidlips's picture
dingusmcsquidlips started the topic in Thursday, 6 May 2010 at 8:56am

Now that every one who loves a good troll has my attention let me state the following.
1. I am a booger.
2. I find the banter between boogers and surfers on these forums amusing and at the same time childish.
3. Yes surfing on a stick is harder.
4. Boogers who troll on here are wankers.
5. Sticks on here who abuse boogers who are not trolling here are insecure.
6. Fluidzone is shit so if you're a booger getting on swellnet to troll how about fucking off and actually doing something constructive by contributing to Fluidzone.
7. For every one saying boogers should grow up and learn to surf you're wrong.Every one should grow up and not surf at all, everyone should fuck off it's too crowded already.
8. If you paddle into any line up acting like a wave hungry, angry, fucktard, your'e missing the point and should stick to hanging out at the pub looking for fights.
9. To all the bad mannered grommets stick,boogie,goat boat, cripple,clubbie, what ever,surfing is not a career. In all likelyhood you're not that good, your'e missing the point.It's supposed to be fun.
10. I've lost interest let the shit talk begin.

pete_79's picture
pete_79's picture
pete_79 Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 6:25am

Nice pic Huntie.

How about throwing a few more on the F-Stop forum so we can see this "boogers only" setup.

huntie's picture
huntie's picture
huntie Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 8:23am

OK.. OK Meanos is not a bodyboard only wave

I suppose this proves it


But it is a gutsy ..... non gay wave thats really my point

And try and do this on a stand up




Hey MTW can you tell Manchild to send me an email and I will send him the sequence shots for a few of his waves - my email is

rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 10:14am

WEE WEEE WEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEEE so now holding on to a bit of flotsam is a skill still gay

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 10:29am

His email address is, he may not get back to you straightaway as he is only 16 and puts a lot of effort in making sure he gets rid of all his pimples out of his manchild beard.

Still dont see the skill in holding on to an esky lid,in all the shots of the booger in your last posting the guy has no control, where is the skil? The surfer on the other hand has total control. If you strapped my 6 year old son to the boogie board and forced him to take the wave, the result would be exactly the same (although I would be in jail for cruelty to a child). Gotta admit, the shots aren't bad, were you on a boat?

brendo's picture
brendo's picture
brendo Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 11:44am

weeeeee.......flying frog, about to get smashed ! :)

huntie's picture
huntie's picture
huntie Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 11:55am

yeah the free falling frog bit is good ...but he did not get smashed... he ended up in the barrel

stuz's picture
stuz's picture
stuz Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 1:05pm

Could it be that if someone is totally comfortable with riding a lid then they probably wouldn't need to try and justify it to people on swellnet?, they would just go and ride their lid and be happy about it. Ride your lid and be happy Dingus.

huntie's picture
huntie's picture
huntie Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 at 9:52pm

yeah well log, plank, tear drop, gun, thruster, stick or lid

it's all about the waves

if they're on they are on

just rip and get pitted whether you ride a lid or a stick

or use a rope and jetski to pull you into a mean monster

or even at the wedge with just your body on the line

just rip and get pitted

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Friday, 25 Jun 2010 at 3:18am

still gay

dingusmcsquidlips's picture
dingusmcsquidlips's picture
dingusmcsquidlips Friday, 25 Jun 2010 at 5:29am

still enjoying the shit dribble

spongebob's picture
spongebob's picture
spongebob Friday, 25 Jun 2010 at 6:13am

Yep these old forums fire up first kick every time.

rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Friday, 25 Jun 2010 at 7:44am

Mtw the only reason you'd end up in jail was because you strapped your 6 yr old to a boogie board Cut off point for boogieing is 4 if he was strapped to a clubby board, he would learn more on one wave than dingus has learned in a lifetime of boogieing, AH shake shake shake shake shake shake do the boogie do the boogie

huntie's picture
huntie's picture
huntie Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 at 5:08am

Does this men everyone is gay but you

13th Bombie ( Barwon Heads - 13 th Beach )


Why not tow in ?

Or the Nobbies Bombie off Cat Bay ( Phillip Island )


Or maybe Steps would be Ok for Tow in .... but only on the Bigger Waves
You wouldn't want to diturb the gay boyzz


Signed Wave Pig


rule303's picture
rule303's picture
rule303 Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 at 8:03am

Yes huntie Fizz gizzers are gay that you had to ask shows it is gay, big deal PWC should not be in line up, seeing as this topic is about justification of boogers got any footage of a booger getting towed in now that would be funny & would show the stupidity of their pastime.

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 at 9:03am

Huntie, what is your point? We have enough evidence that boogers are gay, with no skill. The other thing which has become blatantly obviousis is that they are insecure as well, hence why they consistently come over to swellnet and try and convince everyone that they have skill.

Do you even surf, or do you just sit on your 1100cc PWC, ready to outrun any wave which comes any where near you?
Did you get in contact with the manchild?

huntie's picture
huntie's picture
huntie Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 at 10:21am

the point is that there are plenty of surfers that rip whether on a stick,bodyboard or tow in and even yes a jetski is a good thing to have out there when it gets over 15 foot

I can remember 40 or more years back at Avoca or Copa Point when the the surf clubbies used paddle out on their big paddle boards, iron man wave skis or in their surf boat and they'd say " piss off - all you surfies are poofters"

If you lost your board ( before leg ropes ), they would impound it until the next day

Now the surf clubs run the surfing comps

It's all a matter of perception

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 3:21am

Huntie you are a deadset goose!

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 3:34am

huntie is trying to show off all his pics even tho they are not relevant to the topic. huntie your a hero mate, happy now...

wantmorewaves's picture
wantmorewaves's picture
wantmorewaves Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 7:45am

I stand up and lie down, so what. Am I a trader to the stand up kind or just working within my limitations to get close to that feeling we all search for. I manage to get a surf in no more than 10 times a year, except for a recent trip to Bali. I live in the city although have a love of the ocean and will do whatever a can to get a wave. Not growing up near the beach or having the time to dedicate to learn to surf I really battle once it gets over 3ft, so I drag the lid out, put some socks on, put some flippers on and turn gay as it’s the only way I can get a wave. I’m not going to waste one of my 10 sessions of the year floating around in the line up struggling to get one wave. Some of my ‘hardcore’ surfer mates who crap on about boogers been soft cocks struggle or chose not to paddle into anything above 3ft. Is sitting in the line up not getting a wave looking cool on your surfboard better than getting 20 waves for the session on a lid?? We aren’t all blessed with great surfing skills so whatever way you can get a wave get out there. Yes surfing is harder and requires more skill than booging, who cares. I’d give my left nut to be able to stand up and get shacked in anything over 4ft but just don’t have the time or the nous to do it so I do what I can. To the surfers who feel the need to hang shit on boogers, good luck to you – you are probably similar to some of my mates who go missing in over 3ft and would secretly love to have a crack on a lid but don’t have to balls cos someone will call you gay; and to the boogers who think that cos you can drop into deeper barrels and its more hardcore pull your head in, every surfer and booger has their own skill level, like me just enjoy getting a wave anyway you can.

huntie's picture
huntie's picture
huntie Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 9:39am

Hey Wantmorewaves well said ! is the waves

And Ed thanks for the recognition.... I'm happy now !

And promise to limit the unnecessary posting of photos

And even Antifroth hey... goose is OK with me least it's not gay

There are plenty of waves where bodyboarders either fully rule or by far get the deepest pits, hairiest take offs and most outstanding manoeuvres.

Waves that take real guts like the Groyne at Noosa where a deep water swell immediately
sucks out all but dry within 4 metres off the rock wall

There is not even space to stand up yet the boogers get deep pit after deep pit on 5 foot high waves that are 7 foot thick at the lip

And Black Rock Poo factory just west of 13th (at 3 to 4 metres), where there is no where to go for stand ups on most inside sections

And Glenus......mmmm the boogers do really have the best of it

And at Meanos the boogers get the deepest pits

No........ bodyboarding is not gay... it's just another way

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 10:26pm

The other day I was surfing a local wave and there was a booger out. When I was paddeling out after a wave the booger caught a wave and as he was approaching me he grabbed the blunt bit of his sponge where a nose should be with both hands and proceeded to spray me with a little top turn. When he paddled back to the takeoff spot I had to tell him, "Dude that turn was fucken GAY".
Huntie - Meano's isn't that heavy, Groyne at Noosa not that heavy, Glenus isn't that heavy and Black Rock Poo Factory, well I havn't surfed it under 6 foot and never see boogers out there when it is surfable anyway.
Give any good to excellent surfer a booger for a week to train on and they would be the best boogers in the world, now give a hot booger (not that they exsist anyway) a surfboard for a week and you will still have a kook!
It's a dry argument.

mtw's picture
mtw's picture
mtw Monday, 28 Jun 2010 at 11:16pm

Well said Antifroth!

I want to know if Huntie can even surf or does he just sit there on his jetski taking photos then after his alleged sessions sit in a cafe and talk about how sick he went.


alva's picture
alva's picture
alva Tuesday, 29 Jun 2010 at 12:54am

all you clowns who think that booging is something new? its been around for a fucking while.. i agree you can ride shallower waves on the boogyboard. why dont you boogyboarders stay there where you belong and drop in on each other and stop wasting decent waeves doing your shit bogged turns and what not on. the only reason your boogyboardin is becasue a. you want to charge or b. your gay or c. surfing is to hard for you, you just want to fit in with the much much lower standard of "being good" at boogin. i started when i was 13 because of C. within the year iwas sponserd and within the same year quit and surfed again.

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Tuesday, 29 Jun 2010 at 9:35am

Alva you are on the money dude.
The first boogy boards hit Australia in 1977 and were imported from Morey in the USA by a close family friend of mine. If I had have been able to have forseen the future I would most definatley killed the guy.
Also Mike Stewart is a raving homo pillow biter!

ed's picture
ed's picture
ed Tuesday, 29 Jun 2010 at 11:55pm

Can we send a terminator back in time?

iliive's picture
iliive's picture
iliive Tuesday, 6 Jul 2010 at 11:48pm

Ok, this is my point of view. I boog, I boog everyday really. I love it. With some people i go boogen with usually get real upset when surfers drop in on then, but seriosuly, is it really a boog deal. im mean Cmon, correct me if Im wrong but arent we out there to have a day of from work etc, have fun and relax. you can call boogers gay as much as your fucking want, thats not gonna stop us, and either is this fucking thread thingo. Booging is booging, surfing is surfing, who knows, maybe there are some gay boogers, and maybe theres some gay surfers. but fuck it, there out there for a good time, so are we. So what if someone drops in on you, feal happy for them, and then wait for the next waves. and to say that us boogers should stay in the shallow water and boog of whitewash and shit, then wow. were out the to get big waves to. Yeh, surfing probably is more harding to learn and get experianced at but, bodyboarding gets pretty hard too. go look at pictures of all the bodyboarding triks and shit, then your heads might pop on straight, Im not tryna start and argument im just trying to put boogers points of view s out. :)

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Wednesday, 11 Aug 2010 at 12:05pm

there are heaps of gay surfers, just check the lack of people out when it gets over 8 feet. Surfing however is not a 'gay' sport, whereas on the other side of the coin boogin definately is a gay sport and not all boogers are actually gay, the sport is though!

do-what-feels-right's picture
do-what-feels-right's picture
do-what-feels-right Friday, 13 Aug 2010 at 1:04am

Antifroth you small minded fool. Open your stupid little mind up to people liking things other than the things you like, and it not being wrong its just a different opinion.

I find it quite amusing when you try to big note yourself on these forums when you ride a much more maligned and laughed at craft than bodyboards.

You idiot. You are a small minded fool.

radbone08's picture
radbone08's picture
radbone08 Friday, 13 Aug 2010 at 3:57am

boogie boarders can get F***ed

thetwig's picture
thetwig's picture
thetwig Friday, 13 Aug 2010 at 10:11am

radbone seriously, "boogie boarders can get f***ed" GROW UP! The surf is for everyone! We should all enjoy together! It dose'nt matter what you ride it only matters that you enjoy and respect being out there in the ocean! Get over it!

sunny's picture
sunny's picture
sunny Friday, 13 Aug 2010 at 10:29am

\I mean its like splitting hairs the attitudes of gutsliders and standups. Its pretty well a mucho wank fest on who rips hardest and whos NOT gay...its a young persons mentality really.
Its only when you grow out of this period of your life that some sort of realisation that your not a pro, you are a normal Joe or Jane, and surfing or Booging becomes a personal challange. The hate mentality stands out like dogs balls in the line up and is actually quite funny especially when maturing riders act this way, its cringe worthy then histerical.

thetwig's picture
thetwig's picture
thetwig Friday, 13 Aug 2010 at 10:37am

haha I have to agree with you there sunny! It's all one big bitch fight if you think about it lol! We just all have to accept that we all ride different water crafts! And get over who has the biggest rep, best board etc and get on with enjoying and having a good time in the surf! :)

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Friday, 13 Aug 2010 at 8:29pm

everyone should just go surfing and let the pecking order sort out the can's from the can not's!

my_opinion's picture
my_opinion's picture
my_opinion Monday, 16 Aug 2010 at 1:59am

Dead right antifroth, doesn't matter if you're a stick or boog or log or kneelo rider, get some size or weight behind the swell and the kooks are nowhere to be seen, mostly all you're left with are the chargers who are stoked to see good riding in hectic situations regardless of what they're riding!

Kooks are gay...

kieru's picture
kieru's picture
kieru Monday, 16 Aug 2010 at 11:31pm

i'm a kook and i'm not gay so back off with your opinion my opinion!!

my_opinion's picture
my_opinion's picture
my_opinion Tuesday, 17 Aug 2010 at 1:17am

Sorry kieru, quite right not all kooks are gay. All kooks are kooks and all gays are gay, but not all kooks are gay and not all gays are kooks. Ok I'll shut up now.

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Wednesday, 18 Aug 2010 at 12:47am

Still rump poundingly gay!

reflex's picture
reflex's picture
reflex Tuesday, 31 Aug 2010 at 2:51pm

What is the hardest thing about body boarding????

Telling your parents you are gay.

Boom. But nah I have respect for lids who surf heavy waves. But as for all the homos sliding around on the goldy....doing spins is gay. Go surf needledicks or something. Im sure you can relate. :D

marcus's picture
marcus's picture
marcus Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 at 1:37am

god there are a lot of kooks on the net
this thread still going, baaah

straddielocalss-y's picture
straddielocalss-y's picture
straddielocalss-y Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 at 4:43am

bodyboarding is probly the gayest sport theres is just beating ballet. just really a bunch of faggots

my_opinion's picture
my_opinion's picture
my_opinion Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 at 5:29am

The guilty dog barks the loudest, so I'd say 'straddielocalss-y' has had many a cock up his faggot ass...

judakast's picture
judakast's picture
judakast Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 at 4:09pm

Be who you are and do what you feel...because those that matter won't mind...and those who mind don't matter!

nope's picture
nope's picture
nope Thursday, 2 Sep 2010 at 9:09pm

thats it judakast! haters are just upset cause they fail at fun!