Embarrassing songs that you love.

10 Hail Mary's for that Blackers.
Then sip from the cup...


CBG, never heard that cover before I'm embarrassed to say but that was a really really good cover of a great track. Loved it.

Fark! I'll leave the above up- I honestly thought that was a Marley track or something but was actually written by UB40. Just looked it up then.
Double embarrassment.

Far out....Starbuck...always cued up the LP edit, but a (Live Version!)
That's a gift from above! So there really is an Easter Bunny!
Hodads are obliged to share the good gear...
This is a totally embarrassing Easter Treat...singer, lyrics & tune are so silky smooth!
Lyrics are near perfect...in fact the whole composition & performance is next level perfection.
Crew may relate to this tune as 'that track' with the cool 'Xylophone solo'...Yeah! That one!
Did tbb say Xylophone...
Meant to say Marimba...Wot! Vibraphone...Huh! Glockenspiel...hello..Metallophone...you know...Kulintan.
tbb is pretty sure it will go down as memorable Marimba moment.
{ The Midnight Special }
Starbuck : Moonlight Feels Right...crew must have requested this...coz here it is!

Not enough xylophone solos going around, good work TBB.

oh man -- the vibraphone, what an instrument. Lionel Hampton and the modern jazz quartet is number one.
But there have been many a dance floor classic from Roy Ayers and Vince Motnana jnr...

Still trying to figure out what’s embarrassing about Cyndi Lauper or Benny Goodman.
Or Roy Ayres for that matter.
All time.

This one is for @info
"Hello, I'm Mister Ed"
A horse is a horse off course off course
And no one can talk to a horse off course.
That is off course unless the horse
Is the famous Mister Ed! ........

Thank's Guy that's so sweet of you, I havent heard that since i was a kid, brings back some good memories..
We got all those re-runs in the 80s, Gidget, Leave it to beaver, The flying nun, I dream of Jeanie, Brady Bunch, Munsters, Adam's Family, Giligans Island etc.

Saw an article in the news today about Marcia and even though not on my playlist (won't be long though) always loved this song.

can cause discomfort for some.
circle jerks wed nights cockee

Electric Six! That have some ripper songs - more suited to the funny music videos thread I reckon but maybe that's just evidence of my embarrassing taste in tunes...
A fav party starter...
(Dick Valentine on vocals is one of the all-time great stage names)

AndyM wrote:Still trying to figure out what’s embarrassing about Cyndi Lauper or Benny Goodman.
Or Roy Ayres for that matter.
All time.
ahhh.. was just riffing on the vibraphone theme....nearly everyone song posted here is a great song, well expect for the con the fruiterer song.

Being honest...tbb never Loved this song but still thought it was cool.
Fact was...near everyone else went mad over it...
Can't bring yourself to hating it...less sickly > more kooky.
Band had a live punk edge to them...don't care...just wing it!
Punks played it...crossed all nations & audiences...very rare for the day.
Strange as it sounds...the song was more clever than silly...obviously!
Epitomised New Wave...song was a fresh new sound to all...Simple!
Smashed World Charts 13m copies...(1m > UK + Canada + Germany)
2x Top 40 > 2x Top 10 > 11x Top 5 Oz 4 + UK 2 > 4x #1 NZ 1
1982 Audience it was labelled daft, docile & unstructured in a fun way.
Playing it back now & it actually sounds cleverly orchestrated.

You know when Bubblegum blows up in yer face & the flowers get stuck in yer hair!
Yeah! This song kinda feels like that...easily passes as a fantastic feel good surf song.
For the last 55 years this song makes tbb blossom each and every listen...
Plenty of recent versions but this 2013 version is impossibly more beautiful than the first 1967 listen!
Huge salute to the sound guys...the silent band members...take a bow for that sensational mix! Wow!
Can't believe tbb waited so long to share his embarrassment.
Have a listen...all comes together & the Magic Happens!

Best version is Lloyd Christmas' asleep at the wheel.

Don't know if this is the right thread as im not ashamed of liking this track:

For every time I bust out the jandles sandals to the horror of onlookers. Socks for extra effect. Hideous beasts they are but extreamly comfortable and practical. Same goes for some of the other shocking garments I own. For the most hideous looks blast it from a shit car doing a surf check or a mainy or outside a revered establishment. The looks are priceless not witholding the jandles. Kids being difficult. Blast this song on the pick up and drop off.

My wife hates it when I wear my black business socks, Crocs and daggy shorts when I walk the dog in the evening.
I have to remind her some birds can't be kept in cages.

crocks are certainly up there to. Incredibly comfortable. Ugly as and the colour range is through the roof. Just don't let the dog eat them.
Speaking of crocks jandles and thongs. Went down years ago walking somewhere in surfers paridise after some rain when I hit some tiled area after crossing the road. Like ice. Resulting in a premature blowout and mild concussion. Down in a blaze of glory. Thongs never recovered and neither my fear of outdoor tiles.

I literally bought these online last week. Cross between Uggs and Croks. My kids call them Cruggs. They're awesome.

Living the dream boys.

I've been through a couple of pairs of those Ican. Great for winter.

I might have to dig around in the back of the wardrobe for some daggy shorts. The dog could use a walk.

I first heard this song in about 2007 coming home from a big weekend of no sleep and parties and nightclubs. The 19 year old girl i was going home with would'nt hook up with me even though i paid entry for her to some clubs and bought her water. I later realized the old bikie she was with was getting her to sell pingers and meth for him. i wasnt interested in the meth and had enough eccies and coke for a few friends.
Anyway going home she put this compilation on and this song i had to put on repeat. It was the first time i heard it and saw her smile so we started hooking up in front of the bikie on the back seat. He got the shits as he was into hardstyle or hard house which both i really hate.
Next time she rang me i told her straight up," you only call me when you want a free night out." But good times though.That was after i spent a day in the city of Sydney shopping for xmas presents for my friends and family, she rang so i met her at Tank night club..while i was dancing by myself, her and the bikie got the shits the music was house and breakbeats and left with all my presents in her car...
Called her about it and she reckons one of her shellharbour mates stole them all....good riddance scab.

If the thread is embarrassing songs, you’ve sure nailed the brief with that one!

Haha its sinful, cheesy and embarrassing but catchy.

Not at all catchy.
Trading on your post drug come down. We ain’t party to that shitfight

For kids born in the late seventies or early eighties:

These guys copped a lot of flack in the early nineties but i like this song.
The lead singer became a barman in Soho in the cross.

seeds wrote:
Unreal doco about an incredible person from amazing band. Grateful Dead were never really big or known in Oz when I was growing up. Last 4-5 years I have become a huge fan going through heaps of their old recordings from 60's all through to there 90's stuff. All of it is amazing, like a new window to music opened up for me ... What a story....
Peace. .

seeds wrote:
Don't know about too much focus in Garcia though :) .. Incredible musician along with amazing lyricist Robert Hunter writing some incredible stuff. Every member of band from pigpen to Brent Mydland was special.
More recent Bob Weir.

Both inspired by an even older piece of music from 1536 by Hans Neusiedler which inspired both theme songs.
Both excellent movies although Badlands seems to glorify killers..even the cops seemed to give Martin Sheens character a lot of time to tell stories and gave him respect after what evil he had done.

in my twenties i was responsible for the playlists of bong sessions or surf checks and surf trips which was mostly 90's or 80's punk rock, metal,breakbeats house, trance or techno.I spent a lot of money on cd's and albums and had a huge collection.
I also made mixed playlists to suit planned surf videos i was thinking of filming of Sydneys reefs and surrounds. One day my mate brought back a hot bogan girl and said wait till you here "groundswells" music. i put on a freshly bought Dire Straits album and my mate got the shits saying "what are you thinking this music sucks!". I think the girl thought we were dorks or something after a few songs..anyway i like Dire Straits always have always will.

I used to get annoyed by homosexuals in school and bagged them out sometimes as girly behavior annoyed me in a male. However after meeting some pretty cool homosexuals in my life i have a lot of empathy for them, especially the ridicule or homophobia people have around them. Poofter bashing is on another level too and this song creeps me out a little as he's perving on a guy diving in a pool but getting bashed for pretty much harmless behavior is ridiculous.Lucky he has friends.

@groundswell - re Dire Straits I like em too GS . Saw them in concert in Brisbane. Great show.

Would have loved to have been there H2O. Mark is one of the best guitarists ive ever heard.
No judgment as that has crept into my last music thread. Now come on we all have songs we love that aren’t in are usual I’m so cool playlist.