Embarrassing songs that you love.

wax24 wrote:Soooo... NOT Richard that shreds?! My life has been a farce. (Still like the tune.)
Maybe he does, go hunt one down for us.

I looked. He doesn't. Not on guitar. (Imagine sad emoji face here) BUT! Karen Carpenter DOES shred on the drums! (Can drums be shredded?)

Went to a JW gig at the Quarry Amphitheatre (WA) one evening a long time ago. Beautiful venue and it was a pristine clear starry night. Had never really paid much attention to his music prior to this. Went in with low to no expectations. Wow, was totally blown away that night. He played this one about mid set and ofcourse you had to be there in that atmosphere to truly appreciate it but it was fukn amazing. Hauntingly good. Crank it up.

Who summoned the swellnet drum circle at this ungodly hour!
Yes! Indeed Drums can be shredded...
Lets get ready to shred...can use 2 coat hangers and pillows...Neighbours said Yes! Do that...please!
Right handed drummer starts a drum roll from snare leading with right hand > Left hand or....like...
Down Right H > Start on snare (L2< R1) > Tom (L2< R1) > Tom (L2< R1) > Floor Tom (L2< R1) > Bass... v
v...(L1 >R2) erans < (L1 >R2) moT< (L1 >R2) < moT < (L1 >R2) < moT roolF no tratS < H thgiR pU < ssaB
...> Bass Kick > Bass Kick (Repeat) Can be 1 or 2 Pedals or 1/2/3 or more Toms.
Start Slow then repeat Forward (2x Off Beat Kicks) > Reverse Roll > (2x Off Beat Kicks) > Forward @
L/R or R/L (End Drum needs the 2 Kicks) or you can choose (Double Still Hit or Off Beats) Like a skip!
In fact you can slot in a Double Skip Beat for more natural flow...sounds wrong but it works shit hot.
You can hear it in the intro...although he doesn't share this in demo! (So yeah! This is a good Demo!)
Any (Filler) If you like! Can sound good if it's natural to drummers Style...(No right or wrong shredding)
Full on Shredder will mix in Cymbals and also mix or skip Toms in reverse order...
Even orchestrate reverse mixed patterns to evolve or switch within the shredding.
Kinda like building thru the song or solo > Background into Front'n'centre & fade while shredding.
These are the Guys/Chix that blow our tiny minds...well outta tbb's league...can dream!
The teacher explains it's all about the Flow...again what comes natural is best for each drummer.
As the dude says...It's cool to go fast & make mistakes coz that will iron out or slot in your off beats!
1/2+3/4 = Go as in a Song Start Vocal or 2x Back Beat or 2x Base Kicks or L/R Cymbal Clashes
Now the crew are shredding...or non stop reverse Drum Rolls (Workout or Shredding)
Hard to find a Basic instruction ... as most are drowned out by Metal Soundtrax but this one is clear.
Crew can follow this drummer real easy...
Even better... tbb will include an embarrassing song with showmanship shredding on a basic kit.
Listen / Hear Top Oz drummer Chris Karan switch L/R R/L + heaps of brilliant off beats & fills.
This dude is way too cool...can learn a lot from this Aussie Drummer.
Song for Suzy ~ Dudley Moore Trio.

Bless ya TBB!!

Thank ya, TBB

Im not sure how to put it up here ( maybe someone who knows what they're doing ) but the song " I want to be like you " from the Jungle Book movie is a ripper !
and " fat bottom girls " Queen , late at night after waaay too many bourbons ......

Only joking, that's the state of modern rap music, total crap.

There was a point in time where Michael Jackson was a musical genius and a dancing genius the guy was on another level to everyone else, and i went through a very short Michael Jackson phase when Thriller came out.
I think a lot of it still stands up and sounds as fresh as ever like this, and seeing the moonwalk for the first time blew me away.
Was pretty sad to see what he ultimately became though.
Moon walk

This was/is a killer MJ track.
Deffo one for the roadtrip. I reckon Connie B. would sing along.

I just love the sax in many songs such as Baker street by Gerry Rafferty but i like this one too. Even though he was a fag i really like this song due to the sax.
Cant believe he died so young RIP.

So many ladies dissapointed he was gay, he is sexy, thats coming from a heterosexual guy.

"im gonna give up the booze and one night stands"
The booze is easy to give up, the one night stands though, pretty hard to give up unless you get a bit fat like i did.

Heard this one while channel surfing the FM stations in the crusty old wagon this arvo.
Couldn't help but crank it up.....
Stylin and Profilin.....{I'm rockin a bit of a 70's hairstyle at the moment, I really need a haircut}

Some more dino disco. Apologies in advance.

Is he related to Austen Powers?

Did I spel it rong?

Oops! I did. Sumimasen.

Constance B Gibson wrote:Reeves & Mortimer! Put them in the 'inexplicably never given the opportunity for an Australian audience to experience at the time' file along with other UK types Chris Morris, Peter Kay etc etc
Yes indeedy.
and Zen: "Is he related to Austen Powers?"
Were you asking about Patrick Hernandez or Vic?

Roady- Iwate ken? Looks like it.
My favourite place to snowboard after Hokkaido.

I was asking about Vic Blackers. The suit with the frilly shirt combo. Yeah baby!
(not Viclocal)

Ah, point well made. Mind you that could also apply to Mr Hernandez's later work. Carry on.

a 90s r&b slow jam...
and 80s r&b from Teena Marie, taken too soon...

Came and went. Never forgotten.

This thread is like therapy,, seems I'm not the only with 'issues'.

Nah Tubey, you're not alone.

Actually, I really like this track.

They were rejected in their 1st attempt to win the tourism jingle competition, so doubled down for this one. Damn catchy.

Blokes voice just cracks me up, love it though
(def not alone tubeshooter)
and blackers....born to be alive is a certified banger

Ha ha VJ. You've piqued my interest. Kinda wanna go there.

flesh tuxedo/pink torpedo is greatest lyrics in rock & roll history

"It fills me with despair to know that this song is still relevant 10 years later" - best comment lol

Surprised no one has one has posted a Madonna song yet.
Got a favourite???
I think this is mine.

Was I mistaken Indo or didn't you once say Desperately Seeking Susan was your favourite movie?

Oh dear, please say no.
This is as close as I can go to Madge.

Desparately Seeking Susan. Ahhh... that brings back memories. Cept i don't remenber em. I think i saw that one during the period where me and my crew would pile in the trunk with the beer to get into drive-in movies for free. Which means i would've seen the movie, but not paid much attention.

Those speakers that ya prop up on the window were lousy! Plus there was the beer. If a girl or two was about, no attention paid to movie. They don't have drive-ins anymore in my neck of the woods. Pity.

A few here in Vic. Dromana, Dandenong, Preston prhaps still.
No judgment as that has crept into my last music thread. Now come on we all have songs we love that aren’t in are usual I’m so cool playlist.