Favourite bands past and present

- what was the first song you liked?
Tough one.. It was probably something like Blink 182 'Dammit' I remember getting a copy of Dude Ranch on tape, around the same time I got one of the Vans Warped tour 98 CD, I was hooked on skate punk from that moment on.
- what bands were you into up to the age of 18.
Tool, Deftones, Pennywise, Korn, Metallica, Pantera, Sepultura, Millencolin, Frenzal Rhomb, Grinspoon, Nirvana, Lagwagon stuff like that. Lots of music from bodyboarding and skate videos in the 90's early 2000's.
- did your parents hate it? What did they listen to?
My old man loved Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin etc. so appreciated some of it. He got me tickets to Tool in Wollongong back in 2002 and we have gone and seen them every time they have come out since.
- when you started going out did your musical tastes change?
I got pretty deep into House & Techno when I started going out. I bought turntables and have a bit of a record collection of sort of left field House and electronic music. It's a rabbit hole of record labels and artists that never ends.
- what do you listen to now? Changed tastes? Still a diehard? Do you revisit your teen years?
Still love a lot of the bands I listened to in my teens and with streaming I have been able to listen to some of the bands and albums I didn't pick up when I was a teenager and CD's cost 30 bucks. I have been going down a Dinosaur Jnr rabbit hole at the moment and have been loving it. Listening to music and finding stuff is as much of a passion as being in the ocean for me.

Haiduk - Sea of Fire

seeds wrote:Haha true that good old auntie
Actually care to expand on American Hardcore. What bands? After getting into Rollins and his merry men backtracked to Blag Flag and found Bad Brains. Ever see that doco ‘A Band Called Death’
I love Bad Brains,

seeds wrote:Haha true that good old auntie
Actually care to expand on American Hardcore. What bands? After getting into Rollins and his merry men backtracked to Blag Flag and found Bad Brains. Ever see that doco ‘A Band Called Death’
I love Bad Brains,

Wilhelm Scream wrote:d(-_☆)
Going to see the these guys in May. First ever festival. Sonic Youth, Mudhoney, The Bad Seeds, The Hard ons, Iggy Pop. Plus a few others, 17 years old. Been fucked ever since.
Favourite Band: the Jesus Lizard. Seen live twice.
As a kid. AC/DC
Notable album as a kid: Listen Like Thieves, INXS.
What I listen to now. Everything, even a lot of the same rap that Indo mentioned.
Seen lots of great bands. Stand outs have been Shellac, Japandroids, Rollins Band, Helmet, Rage Against the Machine……fuck I love Music
Newer stuff, Liars
Still listen to it all.
Sick topic Seeds. Once you start typing the shit just flows..Shaka and a hoot mate.

agreed seeds, it sounds awesome a bit slower and grungier!

One track off a soundtrack of Bourne identity...the book trilogy and movie series was based on uplifts life.

amazing bad brains obs seeds, my son and i watched hr's bottle dodge at 8:42 on slow mo about 20 times : O

basesix wrote:amazing bad brains obs seeds, my son and i watched hr's bottle dodge at 8:42 on slow mo about 20 times : O
Epic!luv the Brains,seen em in early 90's.punk reggae,gotta be good if your'e banned in D.C.

seeds, dazz, stu.. holy shit. thank you for introducing me to these awesome lads!

Obsessed with Sleaford Mods new album at the moment. Not my preferred genre by any means, but they're the most politically aggressive band I've listened to since RATM so naturally I'm a huge fan. The film clip for UK Grim is equally golden.

Agree, loving it. The lyrical rhythm of the accent rolls into some very strong lyrics describing a time and area and people abandoned and forgotten after a terrible deindustrialisation - and the anger is real. The music is sparse, packs emotion and at times even funny and frisky. No wonder it's a hit. Great list of guest artists/collaborations. Not my genre either, thanks to Wilhelm for posting it up.

It really does. Jobseeker is still my fav track of theirs, but have been listening to Dirty Rat, Mork and Mindy, and UK Grim on repeat all week at work. One of the things that strikes me is how it is almost unimaginable that a band in Australia would ever be so pointed and aggressive about Australian politics, government and society and that mainstream media would give them a platform. Like can you imagine someone singing about the pointless bureaucratic hellhole of Centrelink on The Project?

Lovin the Sleaford Mods. Check out this Ren clip, awesome song and performance, lots to think about. There's implications with the adulation he's getting from the mental health community, and the irony in the lyrics, should he become popular.. the slightly cringey monologue at the end...
His busking clips, before he got ill are a fun internet dig. Looks to have been a talented, happy, middle class kid...

Not into grandstanding pollies, or belligerent Scots (I am one), but how compelling is Mhairi as a speaker? And how good are the Mods for going 'well she's said it all' Haha, love it.. What's Williamson's grab? A self-aware jab at a sample song?

Nice seeds, have a ball, hand out some GLT fliers.. post a report.
blackers: Mudhoney was great, old guys doing a thing really well. Their nonchalant charisma reminded me of last year's Pixies tour, or Hoodoo Gurus' casual playing on a small stage surrounded by Sound Relief hype in Sydney 2009: smart casual dress, tight playing, great vocal energy, no physical symptoms of poor life choices, just doing what they do with their mates to an appreciative mixed-crowd:
bearded 50+ year olds who saw them in 1990 standing & smiling in their Mudhoney and Tad t-shirts and a frenetic mosh pit of 30 year-olds singing along with songs as old as they are. Even heard some 20-year-olds at the bar fact-splaining the olden-days of sub-pop-seattle-grunge to each other in challenging vocal-fry tones over the noise which cracked me up..

Cheers mate, sounds like it was fun. Will have to catch them next time.
Enjoy Seeds, give us a review

@ seeds ... a Fauves favourite. Lucky enough to see them in Melb back in the day..

Geez...gonna have to rip out the seats for Ultimate swellnet Fauves Gig Rig.
If ya need a spare wheel...tbb can spin a few Fauves tunes...already on board!

What dya know? I thought they were all done, but they're playing near(ish) me soon. 25th anniversary of their lazy highways album. (Geez I'm old).
Unfortunately I don't think I'll make it, but it's good to know they're still having a crack.

get to theebine hotel seeds?

Great work Seeds! Boing Boing look unreal, gotta check 'em out sometime.

very generous share seeds, good stuff! Glad it blew out some cobwebs - assume yr lad got home ok?

Epic day/ night!

Getting ready for State of Origin!

ha, that croc one sounds like B52s meets Music Machine.. TROUBLE is a garage stonker (more Roobarb the dog fuzz)
the riff might sound familiar..

Basesix ~ Ramones dug Music Machine as does tbb since '80's Nuggets intro.
Can have a crack at yer rogue Hives riff...
Basesix ...B is for Brutus ~ Sounds like an MM Tribute...
Kinda like...
Lobby Loyd - GOD tributes Link Ray - Jack The Ripper
Ed Kuepper - The way I made you feel tributes Quo - Sunny Celophane Skies
Just as here...often outed openly 15 years later...gotta be careful to intro not accuse as they're fans!
Can recall when Ed was outed much later he felt a loss of innocence...as if he was being accused!
If any ask them...Yeah! Coz their My idols...so what's yer problem...(An open unapologetic tribute!)
So yeah! Musos can get worked up over it...as it's their personal psychotic groove...(Sorry Dude!)
tbb has come across it with local / Oz bands...can't rush them if it's their story to tell!
1. Firstly notice the Hives are all in Exact same Black Shirts / Pants as Music Machine dress.
2. Note the Covering / Gloving of Power Fist ~ MM Logo
3. Now check the 2004 timing...
1st Jan 2004 Hives B is for Brutus rip is likely a 2004 MM Euro Commemorative Tribute!
Go as far to say it was likely a blatant pitch to score the dream 2004 MM Tour for immortality!
So Cal Garage Band Larksmen got the gig & later recorded with MM!
tbb keeps an open mind on such...If one shit hot band rips another...it's 100% Tribute to their Idols.
Considering it was the same year as Tour...fans of both would've noticed & saluted the gesture!
Thanks for sharing as tbb likes the Hives as well...Win! Win! Score a Double Music Machine gig!
Double Yellow Line > Crispiest rogue new wave Psych Slab.
Dark White > Goth Classic projects way beyond our tiny minds & time!

totally agree. TBB would also agree the best ugly-things/nuggets/pebbles are an attempt by devoted players to emulate their idols, and failing, in ripping style. Can't be Dee Dee/Tek/Kurt if you don't first like 50s doo-wop /Oysters/JohnPaul. Some good threads for me to pull there tbb, i'll go have a tug.
(Ed Sheeran's win was a win, eh?)

… somebody …said … B-52’s ;)

These mash ups you've been posting are next level JF!
(what thread was the one one on?)
(ah, found it, Land Down One-der on the Aus thread : )
Indo got me thinking the other day about this after mentioning he was into rap and hip hop as a young fella.
- what was the first song you liked?
- what bands were you into up to the age of 18.
- did your parents hate it? What did they listen to?
- when you started going out did your musical tastes change?
- what do you listen to now? Changed tastes? Still a diehard? Do you revisit your teen years?