Favourite bands past and present

thanks for that Andy...blasting it now.

Opera you say? Those of you who have a Nirvana as a favourite band, do better, but also, take note!

I love Opera. Only seen one- Verdi"s Aida. I went and saw Placido Domingo years ago and he nailed Nessun Dorma, sent shivers down my spine.
Seen a few ballets too. Love it.
Maybe should be in the embarrassing thread but I'm not embarrassed.

Forgive my ignorance, but are you meant to understand opera singing as a story?

Fark no Nick. Unless of course you understand German or Italian. Helps to have a kind of idea about the story though. Same with ballet.
The voices and the orchestra is what moves me.

CBG, that Mulholland drive song is beautiful.
The Big O would be stoked I reckon.

Love fela Kuti ! Such great grooves.
David Byrne was inspired by him.
Sun ra also in the afrobeat /jazz genre .. I never forget seeing them play at mofo in 2014 ( Sun Ra Arkestra) with Marshall Allen fronting on sax at 90 years old! They performed an incredible set then blew my mind when they showed up at the after party to do another set in the old building upstairs next to the river. They were on fire again and everyone dancing the whole room going nuts it was incredible !

Jeff Beck nailed it with his version of Nessun dorma closing his set at the beloved old Magesty Constance. Top stuff.
My wife had never rally heard any Beck and that song is very special to her and her Mum[RIP].
I can't beleive no one has mentioned the Beatles.
I first remember hearing them in my cot.

That first state opera is a great read above. Really nice writing.

Tough Gig this one...tbb was assigned a favourite band.
Sure it sounds weird...but all said tbb luvs the Ruts...that much was true!
Goldie Punkz 'd say ...Go see tbb & loan his Ruts' collection...not so fast.
Endless punters crown Ruts as best Punk Band ever...read any YouTube tags...
No easy entry level for fans...Ruts enslave their recruits forever...don't we love it!
Countless highly fueled Trax...In the day...Ruts were fast bossing the punk era...not easy.
tbb played in & loved all punk bands but Ruts were wayward Punks breaking Punk Rules...do it!
In a Rut...( Signature Suicide Tune ) Singer died from heroin overdose 14th July 1980 (Song is very real!)
Staring at the Rude Boys
Babylon's Burning

Confession - I loves me a bit of Shirley Bassey.

yeah, Shirley Bassey is great. She put out a lot of records..some not so good. But the good ones are great. Also agree with Roger being the best 007.

Soz, prefer Christie and the Dubliners to that. My wife is Irish, so I am over Christie as well!


Mudhoney touring in April, May 2023 Seeds. Osees in Feb

Osees have been playing around 25 years.

Both tours should be fun eh? It’s been 30 odd years since I saw Mudhoney play, they were pretty wild back in the day.

Went to the Brisbane gig to see the Roadtrippers & stayed for Boing Boing.
Epic live show & started listening to the album. Very underrated.
The leadsinger of Boing Boing played drums in The Roadtrippers (his old man is the lead singer - Gav Dear).
I’ve been a massive Roadtrippers fan for years & they were awesome.

seeds wrote:I don’t know who put up a song by these guys a year or so ago but it got me. I reckon they’re great. I’m disappointed to hear they released this in Brisbane in December. Wish I had of been there.
Bit of Queensland history too if you care to Google
I posted 'Go The Mongrel' a while ago. A mate supported them a few times though I've never seen them live.

If you get a wriggle on, some of youse can still catch these dudes live.
Chomp a cookie with your cuppa of shroom-infused Horlicks, lay back and enjoy the ride, man.

kexp got a bit of everything…

Bovine slayer haha…Roadtrippers
Nice work, got their own Bez too.

blackers][quote=seeds wrote:Bovine slayer haha…Roadtrippers
Nice work, got their own Bez too.
Blackers. Hi mate. In 2010, family and i were at a bit of a hippy type festival south of Cooktown, The Roadtrippers were one of the bands to furnish the stage. Later on i spoke to the lead singer, nice guy. He told me they often go under another name,the pseudonym, The Toadrippers, as they loved flattening cane toads (Bufo marinus) on their journeys to hundreds of different regional towns where they performed. Good stuff. AW.

They sound like fun Alfred. Glad you got to enjoy them, they can clearly play up a storm.

seeds wrote:That would be the Black Mountain Festival is that right?
I’d like to go to it. Looking at his old man sing and lyrics of the Roadtrippers I can see where the Boing Boing singer gets his sense of humour from.
Seeds. How’s things ? Correct, that was it, heaps of people over a few days, no aggro, loads of kids, great food and weather. Highlight was when we left late in the evening, we fortunately stopped the car as a massive python some 6-7m in length and with a 150mm dia.girth slowly crossed the dirt track, it had a head the size of a bulldog, very slow moving, was blown away by its enormity. Ended up staying there for near an hour so as to stop any departing cars from crushing it. My then 9 year old was gobsmacked. AW.

OGees, Oz style.

seeds wrote:Another for the (un)interested. Totally agree with the sentiments. Guys and girls look like they’re having a lot of fun.
Actually quite like Xavier Rudd, but that clip n song is epic!! Got into a few of their tunes. Along with the chats and Amyl and the Sniffers, great to see!!!

seeds wrote:I don’t know who put up a song by these guys a year or so ago but it got me. I reckon they’re great. I’m disappointed to hear they released this in Brisbane in December. Wish I had of been there.
Bit of Queensland history too if you care to Google
Jeez, that was pretty good, I'll file under Yob Rock, and that's no insult.
Great vid too.
And check this one.

Does anyone remember if the Meanies played at the Seacliff or the Holdy?
Indo got me thinking the other day about this after mentioning he was into rap and hip hop as a young fella.
- what was the first song you liked?
- what bands were you into up to the age of 18.
- did your parents hate it? What did they listen to?
- when you started going out did your musical tastes change?
- what do you listen to now? Changed tastes? Still a diehard? Do you revisit your teen years?