That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roadkill wrote:The burden of proof to provide facts lies with those making the claims.
It’s not a case of say anything you like, with zero evidence and then tell others to prove it doesn’t work or it’s not true.
He did prove his health and fitness results.
Christ, do you want an autopsy or something.

Designed specially for Novac, but I'm guessing it wouldn't hurt if they flogged a few million units online.
If seen so many of these crazes come and go, remember the power bracelets all the sports stars were wearing, or the magnets in quilts, copper bracelets etc etc.
All designed to help people part with their money.

Thank goodness Udo has changed his profile pic.


Don’t forget you bed wetters. When Faucci gets his preemptive pardon it means that he lied. And you are all suckers.

AndyM wrote:“In his book Serve to Win, Djokovic described how in 2010 he met with a nutritionist who asked him to hold a piece of bread in his left hand while he pressed down on his right arm. Djokovic claims he was much weaker while holding the bread, and cited this as evidence of gluten intolerance.
And during an Instagram live, he claimed that positive thought could "cleanse" polluted water, adding that "scientists have proven that molecules in water react to our emotions."”He’s another easily-led, paranoid flat-earther.
He should move to the Byron Shire, they’re a dime a dozen up there.
He probably measured his heavy metal levels by using crystals.
And he could hang out with my sister and they can talk about how you can walk through walls if you can get your molecules to vibrate at the right frequency.
bread is kryptonite

Throw this in here, have a copy:
Science based.

“You think you know more about Novak's body than he and his doctor does,”
Nice strawman,
I’m not talking about knowing his body,
I’m talking about him making his way through the standard flat earth checklist, no proof required.
No facts, just feels.

User reported benefits…. Whaahaa give us your money.

He does have facts, from his blood tests.
Sure, it's inflammatory what he said, but he also didn't specify if it was deliberate or not. Associating flat earth beliefs with him is also inflammatory, this is what he has to put up with, and why he bites back.
A weaker man would commit suicide from what he's been through with the average online bullshit artist.
Climate change doesn't mean the sky is going to fall in, electromagnetic discs or ivermectin aren't magic cures. You're way too black and white. He's doing 20 things that will improve his result 0.1% each time, giving him a 2% edge, that then changes history. That's what elite athletes do, don't try to make out it's any more than that.
He removed gluten and immediately started winning trophies

seeds wrote:User reported benefits…. Whaahaa give us your money.
I prefer to give my money for 16 day forecasts....

Good thinking

0.1% benefit. He knows it. You know it.
It's just a witch hunt

Nah mate, it's the reverse of that.
I just don't like bullies, bringing people down to make themselves feel better.
I'm no fan of his, but I do feel sorry for him.
It wasn't always like this, you remember his earlier games right? He's a nice guy, and a brilliant athlete. Maybe you don't like his Eastern European accent. Maybe you feel better in a pack, something from your childhood. I know Andy's reason is his unresolved issues with his nut job sister.
It's funny and sad to watch all at the same time
He's still unvaccinated and covid is surging. Why are we letting him in this time?
Answer is because we were wrong the last time

Let's get this straight.
The following is on the public record -
- He said "molecules in ... water react to our emotions"
- He said "I know some people that, through energetic transformation, through the power of prayer, through the power of gratitude, they managed to turn the most toxic food, or maybe most polluted water into the most healing water."
- He said "They saw if you had specific thoughts, specific emotions onto the water, if they were happy thoughts, if they were good thoughts, they created a molecular structure that had a geo- prism based on sacred geometry meaning there was symmetry and balance," he said.
- He decided he was gluten intolerant after holding a slice of bread against his stomach with one hand and raising the other arm in the air and saying the raised arm ‘felt weak’.
- His wife Jelena said that 5G caused Covid-19.
Shoredump, how is it bullying to call out this egregious bullshit?
And I can't believe you played the race card, that's hilarious and really lame.

Well, I'm not going to try defend any of that...
What I will say though is, who cares?
He's a tennis player, and his tennis is legendary. But you never want to talk about his tennis. What you do do though is google the worst things you can find about him so you can gossip about him online

Roadkill wrote:When anyone has a platform as large and as far reaching as Djokovic…they are more than just a tennis player (or anything else, footballer, actor, singer).
We can’t stop them promoting BS…and we shouldn’t really gag them from having their say or giving their opinions even if it is BS and uneducated dribble that can be dangerous to some people. However we 100% should call out the BS they are spewing.
Of course you can’t stop them, that’s free speech brains. Just like your dribble, we can make fun of it but you’re entitled to your say just like your cafe scenario.
Do you really think you’re smarter and more educated than the Joker?

Nah, it was the same when you were hoping people would die or something if they went into a public place unvaccinated.
I didn't call you out nor did I condone it.
It's not my style, I just let you be on your own personal journey.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:When anyone has a platform as large and as far reaching as Djokovic…they are more than just a tennis player (or anything else, footballer, actor, singer).
We can’t stop them promoting BS…and we shouldn’t really gag them from having their say or giving their opinions even if it is BS and uneducated dribble that can be dangerous to some people. However we 100% should call out the BS they are spewing.
Of course you can’t stop them, that’s free speech brains. Just like your dribble, we can make fun of it but you’re entitled to your say just like your cafe scenario.
Do you really think you’re smarter and more educated than the Joker?
Smart is different things to different’s pretty subjective.
If you think Djokovic is smart and educated that is your choice.
He isn’t stupid and is knowledgeable about many things. However, medical advice is probably something I wouldn’t take from him.
Was he giving advice or just telling people what he’d done and experienced.
A moderately intelligent person would recognise the difference.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:When anyone has a platform as large and as far reaching as Djokovic…they are more than just a tennis player (or anything else, footballer, actor, singer).
We can’t stop them promoting BS…and we shouldn’t really gag them from having their say or giving their opinions even if it is BS and uneducated dribble that can be dangerous to some people. However we 100% should call out the BS they are spewing.
Of course you can’t stop them, that’s free speech brains. Just like your dribble, we can make fun of it but you’re entitled to your say just like your cafe scenario.
Do you really think you’re smarter and more educated than the Joker?
Smart is different things to different’s pretty subjective.
If you think Djokovic is smart and educated that is your choice.
He isn’t stupid and is knowledgeable about many things. However, medical advice is probably something I wouldn’t take from him.
Please show me ONE example of him giving medical advice.

On the one hand the jock may be a paranoid health nut .
But on the other hand he is the best tennis player ever.

Saying that Djokovic is telling people what to do is in itself a very uneducated guess.

I think you're discounting how humans are influenced on the most fundamental level.

You’re going to emulate and follow those you respect and admire.
Human psychology 101.
Stars and celebrities have immense power, it’s no secret.
So back to the point, when they talk shit these people should be called out in no uncertain terms.

Haha I guess we agree then, so I'll call you out...
Whose ideas are more fanciful.
Novak Djokovic's or Erin Brookes?
If you were to ignore everything she's brought to surfing and obsessed on her man in the sky beliefs, then I'd call you out there too.
People are allowed to have beliefs and practices. It can be religious, nutritional, cultural, sexual.
If they aren't hurting anyone then what's the big deal.
Who do you think you are to tell people how to live? That's my point.
You live alone on the northern rivers, and play with toys in the ocean. I could pick those lifestyle choice to bits, but I would never do that, because who am I to tell you how to live.
Have you ever heard of the term different strokes for different folks?
Do you believe Novak would have more titles if he followed your path?
Give the guy a break, he's come out and said he's traumatised by this country.

I did that bread test and had the same result as Novak. Couldn't lift arm beyond about 1/2 way to horizontal. It intrigued and frustrated me immensely. Tried it again and again. It could be the bread (hence joke above) or it could be that I was informed beforehand that the bread would make me unable to lift my arm and shows the power of psychology.
After much meditation and spiritual guidance including experiences I can describe as equivalent to descriptions of upper chakras opening, any damage my heart had could not be seen on a scan (where it was before). Cardiologist confirmed it could not be seen. How can I explain this? Thank you to those who helped me is all I've got. Miracle.
So yeah Novak can think what he wants. Some stuff is beyond measuring, but by all means measure as much as you can.

Roadkill wrote:No one in here has said Djokovic is telling people what to do. Assuming, is more than an uneducated guess, it’s an uneducated statement with a biased interpretation of what is actually said.
Also from you”However, medical advice is probably something I wouldn’t take from him.”

AndyM wrote:You’re going to emulate and follow those you respect and admire.
Human psychology 101.
Stars and celebrities have immense power, it’s no secret.
So back to the point, when they talk shit these people should be called out in no uncertain terms.
OMG, you have got to be kidding me. Are you really this thick to not see the reverse that YOU preach is exactly the same x 100. I feel sorry for you champ. You and The Dills little circle jerk is the funniest thing i've read here in ages.

Are you saying that the scientific community are all celebrities and stars?
I’ve got news for you, quantifiable facts are quite a different thing to made up feels.

Obviously you're full of shit, that's the problem. You can't be a recreational drug user from Nimbin and claim you're concerned about the negative influence on health for the kids, from the most successful athlete in history in one of the most physically demanding sports on the planet. It doesn't sit right. Can't you see it's worked well for him. Very, very well.
Next you'll be giving Beau Webster tips on how to hold a cricket bat properly.
Novak just wants to win grand slams, he's got it worked out just fine.
Anyway, debating is just sport too, don't take anything from me too seriously. It's been fun. Hope you're psyched for better waves soon

Dunno what this ^^^ is all about.

AndyM wrote:Are you saying that the scientific community are all celebrities and stars?
I’ve got news for you, quantifiable facts are quite a different thing to made up feels.
Over 1 billion dollars spent on celebrities and influenzas to promote the experimental Covid vaccine. Yet you want to single out one of the best sports people in the world for his own beliefs that he has not pushed onto anyone?
You son, are a fool.

Roadkill wrote:Djokovic is, based off wins, the best and most successful tennis player ever, no argument there. He is not even close to being the greatest tennis player ever. Will never be a goat.
Criticism of Djokovic here on SN has nothing to do with his tennis ability. The criticism is about his snake oil alternative treatment promotion and made up stories about metal poisoning.
You were so brainwashed by fake news that you wanted people charged with murder if they passed on covid unvaccinated. As it turns out the experiment didn't stop transmission, yet you still believe the other bullshit.
Now you want to call out Novak who never pushed his beliefs onto anyone? go crawl back in your hole Dill.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Djokovic is, based off wins, the best and most successful tennis player ever, no argument there. He is not even close to being the greatest tennis player ever. Will never be a goat.
Criticism of Djokovic here on SN has nothing to do with his tennis ability. The criticism is about his snake oil alternative treatment promotion and made up stories about metal poisoning.
You were so brainwashed by fake news that you wanted people charged with murder if they passed on covid unvaccinated. As it turns out the experiment didn't stop transmission, yet you still believe the other bullshit.
Now you want to call out Novak who never pushed his beliefs onto anyone? go crawl back in your hole Dill.It’s good we have you to advise us and impart your extensive expertise.
over 1 billion spend on Celebrities to promote the experimental jab. Never forget that dumbo.
Influencer being an influencer.