That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

burleighThursday, 19 Dec 2024 at 4:11pm
Additional victims and more charges laid:
Only Stabmag covering this so far...... sad really

udo wrote:burleighThursday, 19 Dec 2024 at 4:11pm
Additional victims and more charges laid: Stabmag covering this so far...... sad really
Even has his mobile number: +61 477 593 216

In Custody...Merry Xmas Cnut.

First offended 6 years ago. I’m sure more offending will be exposed.
Hope the sick cnut isn’t getting solitary while he awaits trial.

udo wrote:In Custody...Merry Xmas Cnut.

Unfortunately, rock spiders usually get put in the boneyard.


With the dogs, out of harms way.

But that won't necessarily keep him safe.

It's said he will need to be careful going to the brasco with his date roll, if you know what I mean.

I’d be curious to know if the accused had been sexually abused in his childhood days.
In some instances it appears so. Time will tell. AW

I agree @AW, he's young, dig out the ferals that broke him as a vulnerable child and turned what should have been a bright young man into a revolting damaging grub. What a horrible broken-human cycle. Very sorry the kids and their families have had this happen in their lives.

Speculation fellas.
Could just be wired that way.
Hope he gets some justice before the law gives out it’s justice.

basesix wrote:I agree @AW, he's young, dig out the ferals that broke him as a vulnerable child and turned what should have been a bright young man into a revolting damaging grub. What a horrible broken-human cycle. Very sorry the kids and their families have had this happen in their lives.
Yeah dunno about that AW and b6.
After listening to a podcast with Russell Manser and Gary Jubilen, Russell - ex-bank robber, sex abuse survivor and served 23 years in prison, and then dedicated his life to giving justice to other sex abuse survivors, and Gary former homicide detective,
I can clearly remember them saying how Russell had 17,000 odd clients on his books, every single one had been abused, and not one was a pedophile themselves.
These sick fucks are born that way and need to be dealt with.
I realise that is maybe a bit naive on my part but that was a very memorable conversation on the poddy.

naive on my part probably, @goofy. I just have trouble thinking people can be born wrong in that way.. but obviously some are..

basesix wrote:naive on my part probably, @goofy. I just have trouble thinking people can be born wrong in that way.. but obviously some are..
Me too b6, how someone’s head can convince them that behaving like that is ok… I’m definitely not intelligent enough to understand why it happens and the reason behind it but it’s often proven that they get a slap on the wrist and then offend again.
Not sure what the answer is but castration would be a good place to start.

AlfredWallace wrote:I’d be curious to know if the accused had been sexually abused in his childhood days.
In some instances it appears so. Time will tell. AW
Of course guys, purely speculative, I was just thinking.
It’s not a case of an eye for an eye, it’s a thought that crossed my mind.
I guy I use to have as a subbie was always in strife with Human Services Victoria. He was always hitting his two kids, clipping them around the ears, but hard , it left marks, after much counselling it was revealed his father had done the same to him, he assumed that’s what you did.
At no stage am i intimating leniency for this young guy, in fact it’s riled me.
You both misread my tea leaves. AW

Not misreading. I just have never believed that narrative.
If it comes to pass so be it but I think a twisted, sick sexual preference is ingrained in them. Can’t change them either.

The screws will give him a hard time.
He won't do easy time no matter where he lands.

seeds wrote:Hi AW
Not misreading. I just have never believed that narrative.
If it comes to pass so be it but I think a twisted, sick sexual preference is ingrained in them. Can’t change them either.
Seeds. Hi mate.
Fully understand your perspective, I think you’re probably right, don’t get me wrong, I share that assumption , that they get the taste, develop a taste and then it overrides all levels of sensibility and they find it hard to comprehend how wrong it is.
I hope he gets what’s rightfully coming his way, it needs to remind society that this behaviour is not tolerable in any form or manner. As a parent it hits you right between your eyes. All good. AW

Paranoid conspiracy theorist?

AndyM wrote:Paranoid conspiracy theorist?
Yes, because everyone the didn't take an experiment is a conspiracy theorist....... You're a flop champ.

You got a helicopter following you too Burls?
How’s your heavy metal levels, someone out to get you?
You fellas do seem to go for the package deal of paranoia.

AndyM wrote:You got a helicopter following you too Burls?
How’s your heavy metal levels, someone out to get you?
You fellas do seem to go for the package deal of paranoia.
Why wouldn’t it be true? Why would he make it up?

It could be true.
But people believe some weird stuff.

Aussies treating an anti vaxxer disgracefully during covid, what would be a more believable scenario than that?

Nobody poisoned the wanker. What a load of BS.

You don't know that Seeds

You don’t know the opposite either shoredump. It’s probably sensible to call bollocks on this one.

All I'm saying is that it's believable

Why? You think the Australian authorities poisoned him? He was in quarantine in Vic correct. With a lot of other people but he was poisoned individually via his meals. In Australia. Why would anyone want to do that?

Wasn't the reason he was deported that week because of the emotional turmoil it would supposedly cause all Australians, if he stayed. Haha, what a time to be alive

Well nearly. It was to make a point no doubt but no one is going we have to poison this guy to make that point.

“In his book Serve to Win, Djokovic described how in 2010 he met with a nutritionist who asked him to hold a piece of bread in his left hand while he pressed down on his right arm. Djokovic claims he was much weaker while holding the bread, and cited this as evidence of gluten intolerance.
And during an Instagram live, he claimed that positive thought could "cleanse" polluted water, adding that "scientists have proven that molecules in water react to our emotions."”
He’s another easily-led, paranoid flat-earther.
He should move to the Byron Shire, they’re a dime a dozen up there.
He probably measured his heavy metal levels by using crystals.
And he could hang out with my sister and they can talk about how you can walk through walls if you can get your molecules to vibrate at the right frequency.

Hahaha, oh dear, say it ain't so Novak..
I agree that's pretty bad, if it's not out of context. I do find it hard to believe?
I thought he comes across a lot smarter than that, and inarguably a laser focused elite athlete, which is where my tolerance stems from.
Actual nutrition is basic science, go put something else besides the recommended oil into your car and see what happens, to get a raw understanding. Food allergies are real, it's all just chemistry.
His high levels of mercury would be real, and that laser focussed diet, combined with the Aussie witch hunt mentality of the time, makes it believable. But can't be proven.
I mean, I know of a case at work where a captain had his food deliberately poisoned.
It's far from fanciful. Mushroom pie anyone.

“ Food allergies are real, it's all just chemistry.”
For some people yes, for others it’s a fashion statement.
“ gluten, without FODMAPs, did not specifically induce symptoms in patients who believed they were gluten intolerant.”

Chemistry is real for every organism in existence
I couldn't be stuffed looking into it, got better things to do, but it's completely plausible that electromagnetic fields have an affect on the body
Id put him into the category of an experiential surfboard shaper. Trying new things is healthy, we need people like that don't we? We can't all be sheep. No doubt less things are working than they think they are, but some of it would be..
He's found and continues to work on the diet that works best for him. If your not doing that yourself, you're the crazy one.
Who wants to feel like shit when the swells up. Not me

Completely unrelated.
Quick, look over there

Imagine if you had Pete Evans light machine, Novacs disc and a bottle of Mels Ivermectin, you could live forever. THEY wouldn't tell you about it though as it would put all the doctors and big Pharma out of a job.

Comparing Novak with Pete and Mel says everything I need to know here.
Have a great day :)

shoredump wrote:Chemistry is real for every organism in existence
I couldn't be stuffed looking into it, got better things to do, but it's completely plausible that electromagnetic fields have an affect on the body
Id put him into the category of an experiential surfboard shaper. Trying new things is healthy, we need people like that don't we? We can't all be sheep. No doubt less things are working than they think they are, but some of it would be..
He's found and continues to work on the diet that works best for him. If your not doing that yourself, you're the crazy one.
Who wants to feel like shit when the swells up. Not me
When you subscribe to the no-proof “three piece with the soda” package deal so comprehensively, who’s the sheep?

Exactly, and that's what you guys are doing here. You don't know what research Novak doctor has done, you ignore his results, then witch hunt everything he does. You guys need to look in the mirror.
See my post above.
You think you know more about Novak's body than he and his doctor does, I love that about you guys. Life must be great to think like that. To know more about something in 5 minutes than someone who has dedicated their whole lives to.
It's an incredible feat haha

Sorry I'm not following RK, which snake oil & podcast are you talking about
And there are lots of dead ends in evolution, but no evolution without attempting something new first.
So I'm okay with the process.
Fair dinkum, if you guys were on swellnet 50 years ago you'd be bagging out Greenough and Horan. It's your mentality
Influencer being an influencer.