Random surf clips

Kirra on song above.
And a ruthless burn by Occ.
Dingo would be proud.

Those Kirra waves can be brutal!

More so than an Ex-pro when a camera is around?

His read on Honolua is definitely preternatural!

I'd claim that too.

Mind blown at 0:48

That is a great perspective Westy. I like how the wave takes on all comers and wins at 1:12.

Came across a wave at Skeleton Bay from Koa Smith...

Edit: just noticed after a google double check its already been shared with a Swellnet article, but if you missed it like i did, worth a watch very good docco.

A Middie by Bob McTavish

Probably my favourite North Shore wave to watch - and where I'd like to surf my 6'10 DS.
And does Malia M have good teeth or wha?!?

Smooth as Silk . . . Aussie Rob

That was surprisingly good. He has aged well.

That Kirra footage above was mental WOL

Looking more like Shane Powell all the time.

I always based the comparison with AI on the searing down carve. AI might have need raw at times but in good , perfect waves he was also silky smooth with that particular drawn out carve out of the lip. He took a different line than other carvers such as Parko and Hoyo and Ewing looked like he’d made it his own.
That and the arm placement and bottom turn poise.

John John Florence .Wave of the Winter?

freeze it at 13 secs JJs casual enough to do the Bugs hands behind

that made me think of that old doctored footage of shaun thompson (i think?) where they looped a bit of the footage to make it look longer...

This girls surfing is insane and only 13, absolutely charges, big barrels, and proper airs, and some of those turns are pretty good, full on tail blast.
Imagine what she could be in another few years when she goes pro (expect not yet at 13)

John's wave again, no slo-mo.

From Cam and Drone
Cam stuff Fucking Filthy

gawd hows the crowd

JJF Show

Recap of JJF Pipe Show

The mind wobbles. Amazing.

99% of commited surfers will never in their lives get one wave that comes close to the 50 he got in just one swell.
That’s so ridiculous

Sunset and Slater

The Day JJF raised the Bar

That is some bizarre merch that Nathan is spruiking from his youtube.

Must be in-jokes that only kids who watch the whole edits understand. JJF on fire as per.

Equator Fun

Probably already posted. https://www.facebook.com/100000999174831/posts/4046090085434257/?d=n

Michael Ho @ Backdoor will put a smile on ya face.
First wave -
63 year old.

JOB at Pipe on his Gerry Lopez - 7'6"

16 new Annesleys

G land pro 97 been waiting forever for this to make it to vimeo or youtube get in quick before its deleted

Sure is a fun wave at this size.

I've watched that about 15 times. So good it almost hurts.
Roll-ins aren't bad either:

Don't think there's a forum thread for random surf clips to share...so here goes.