Random surf clips

This was my first surf movie when I was a grom...just a bit of it but a cracking intro...
Cant find the full movie but I remember the most impressive part was a crippled guy taking off at 30FT waimea bay on his hands and knees on his log...gutsy effort.

This Bombie footage is a few yrs old now but a Hell dig at it !

what happened to Jeff Rowley?

ask brutus

I think he's still hanging around Torquay.....but ol'Brutus is not allowed to talk to him and vice versa...judges orders!

Hey Optimist, I think the 'crippled guy' at Wiamea was Jose Angel.

JJF. Wow

Holy shit !

How’s that carve !

I think that meets the speed, power and flow criteria...Pottz will be cracking a stiffy

It’s beautiful surfing isn’t it

Well there's JJF's haleiwa wave for the vans triple crown locked in.

Well, there's the best carve I've ever seen.

I couldn't even fathom how good that would feel on the body. Ie torque and everything, just insane!

Yeah and he’s fuckin flying too. Crazy good

For you Goofys out there..Here's a classic for your kids....Found by accident couldn't stop watching it..

That's where the term goofy foot came from too btw.
As when he gets going he surfs right foot forward.

Chunky Wobbly Haleiwa

At 2.48 of udo's link, watch John's all time wave in the background behind Jack Robbo's wave. Can just see that 1st carve from a different angle.
Everyone in that vid looks like they're nursing turns, and safety stancing relative to JJF.

Yea lostdoggy, good pickup, blink and you'll miss it though.
Good little clip of big pipe from a few days ago.

JJF back at it again...

And a bit of biff

Mason Ho's 2020 highlights reel. IMO this bloke is just about the best surfer in the world right now. Can basically surf anything in any conditions. This clip has got it all. Rocks, backwash, crosswaves, big waves, small waves, perfect waves, onshore, offshore whatever. Well worth a watch even for the novelty factor if nothing else.

Mason is the world champ of fun surfing.
I can't get enough of his clips.

Bit of Seppo wank but some nice Mid Length surfing in Kellys Pond

Pete Mel Mavs. Coulda been deeper ha.

Go on Stu steal this one for the main page :P
These guys are nuts, i dont get how guys surf waves like this and dont get seriously hurt more and that reef is nasty looking.

Mason and Mate Fukn Nutters
Pete Mels pit

That Pete Mel barrel is out of this world. Epic , epic ride.
The entry into the bowl as the wave cups out at the base and the way he almost caught a rail only to recover and pull-up into the most gorgeous massive pit ever.....crazy.
Shudder to think about the working he’d have received if he’d plowed at the bottom there....
Shows how remarkable the wave was that the bloke who shot his load just witnessing SeaBass’s NorthPoint ten point tube was rendered speechless in the channel.
Closer to God , baby !
The wave of several lifetimes . Good work fella . Standing ovation.
We’re not worthy !

Epic wave. Ride of a lifetime I'd almost have to say.

Insane wave from P Mel. The uber chip-in.
Closer to home, here's the best ever (almost) barrel I've seen in NZ. Just spent a week at this beachie, but needless to say didn't get one like this:

Wow IB, long tube

From 9:15 . Erin Brooks. This chick is crazy. 13 years old and check the technique.

I surfed her with a bit at Lakeys in 2018 Blowin. She was ripping back then. Was wondering to myself at the time if she was going to potentially be a future world champ.
Mad frother too. Spends a lot of time in the water.

Massive left barrel just went down at Jaws. Love to see it again if anyone finds the clip.

I saw it on Surfline site Tick

Thanks mate. How's that John John wave?

Pull in Son....with the GOAT watching

Sweet Jesus, that's a beautiful barrel!
(Would Laurie Towner have made it? Thinking of his Cloudbreak beauty)

Mike Latronic, there's a name from the past.

Cool peanut gallery perspective. Watch with the sound up. That first barrel, wow.

Some Jaws [ Domes ] History

Good find Udo, amazing how they first paddled out their in 1974 (single fins and no leggies or vests), and then nothing happened for a couple of decades !

8 minutes of awesomeness.
Don't think there's a forum thread for random surf clips to share...so here goes.