A timely reminder to fucken behave

Yes. This is defined as censorship. That is not an opinion. That is fact. Wether or not it is fair, weak, biased or cowardly is opinion.
The definition of censorship is not debatable. What you think of censorship and how it is applied is debatable. Right?
Blowin, VicLocal and the original Covid thread were CENSORED . Fact.

Oh well.

Ok, so repetitive personal abuse that adds nothing to the topics of conversation on swellnet has been censored and Michael doesn't like it.
Let's move along.

Cheers. Sticks and stones…

GuySmiley wrote:There’s a fine line between needling someone and nailing yourself ah @info; bahaha
I dont even know what that means, but god i had to do some heavy lip bitting in that Indigenous thread the other day to avoid possibly getting personal and abusive.
I think a little bit of self censoring sometimes can be character building though, it's often much harder to just walk away and let's be honest it rarely feels good to get abusive and personal.

See, I don’t think LD was trying to hurt you Michael. Certainly wasn’t abusing you.
He was acknowledging your contribution and… moving along.
So, ‘sticks and stones’, which references a childhood nursery rhyme about words versus physical pain, is somewhat out of context.

No. I can take any attempt at abuse, Bring it on. I am a full grown adult. It was a reminder, aimed at the more sensitive or insecure.

I do find that the insensitive and secure provide the most compelling reminders to the weaker members of our society.

If you are secure in your opinions or beliefs then you should welcome a challenge or counter argument.
Debate, debate, debate.
If you are unsure or are just teaming up with the safe side of any issue you are more likely to censor or call for censorship or support censorship. It shows the weakness of your side.
There is always a clear safe side and dangerous side to take on any issue. Wether it is right or wrong is up for debate.
Safe and right.
Safe but wrong.
Right but dangerous.
Right and safe.

Michael Adam wrote "Yes. This is defined as censorship. That is not an opinion. That is fact. Wether or not it is fair, weak, biased or cowardly is opinion.
The definition of censorship is not debatable. What you think of censorship and how it is applied is debatable. Right?
Blowin, VicLocal and the original Covid thread were CENSORED . Fact."
Bit of a shit hill you're defending there Michael. What would you expect the SN boys to do? Allow anything? It is a privately owned website, they have the right to run it as they see fit and set whatever rules they deem necessary. They are also publishers which brings other responsibilities. They also, I assume, take a degree of pride in the product they put out and have a sense of responsibility for the content. I would if I owned it. You contend it's "censorship" as if that is some kind of unacceptable intrusion on some undefined right to comment in their forums. In the strict sense of the word they may be censoring, I would call it moderating, but find your objection ridiculous considering some of the things I have read here over the years that they allow. Short of threats of violence, over the top abusiveness and just being an annoying dick way too often ( like old mate Robbo) Ben and Stu have been pretty restrained with these forums I reckon, and give a lot of slack to some of the loose units that show up here, which adds to the appeal.

There’s a certain degree of hubris on display here.
Again, behavior, not ideas, are the basis of being booted here. Not confidence in a particular position or otherwise.

Hubris? I put my thoughts and opinions up here to be challenged. It’s a forum right? Fleshing out ideas and that? I won’t die on any hill and I am constantly changing my mind about things and people.
As I said, swellnet has the right to censor comments on this site.
Stay safe.

You too. Enjoy

indo-dreaming wrote:GuySmiley wrote:There’s a fine line between needling someone and nailing yourself ah @info; bahaha
I dont even know what that means, but god i had to do some heavy lip bitting in that Indigenous thread the other day to avoid possibly getting personal and abusive.
I think a little bit of self censoring sometimes can be character building though, it's often much harder to just walk away and let's be honest it rarely feels good to get abusive and personal.
Gee @info, you surprise me, I’m linking the forum topic (needling) to your recent unfortunate accident when you nail gunned your hand. Sheesh, talking about ruining a guy’s fun

I mean, there's enough places online to randomly and anonymously type out your opinions on whatever topic, and sling abuse. Not sure why swellent has to put up with it really.
Bit extreme, but i kind of question the whole 'Wax Off' section in its entirety. Go to reddit, or twitter, or wherever else. It's all there. To me it's always tainted things seeing the covid threads on the landing page stick out like a sore thumb....although I do admit the back and fourths have been fun, and I definitely spurred things on.
It's just, why chose to use swellnet as your outlet for whatever batshit ideas about how the world works younpicked up from social media?
To me that's misbehavin'!!!

Stok wrote:Bit extreme, but i kind of question the whole 'Wax Off' section in its entirety. Go to reddit, or twitter, or wherever else.
A bit harsh, plenty of good threads in the wax off section. Granted, not all, but by and large many are.
And I'd rather engage with surfers in this 'community' on a lot of those topics rather than having anything to do with that full on shitfest that is facebook or twitter.

Good call, tubeshooter.

tubeshooter wrote:Stok wrote:Bit extreme, but i kind of question the whole 'Wax Off' section in its entirety. Go to reddit, or twitter, or wherever else.
A bit harsh, plenty of good threads in the wax off section. Granted, not all, but by and large many are.
And I'd rather engage with surfers in this 'community' on a lot of those topics rather than having anything to do with that full on shitfest that is facebook or twitter.
Yep agree. Enjoy these forums and have never been and never will go on Reddit etc.
Have said this before, but 'getting upset over social media is like walking across the road to step in dog shit.' Not my original quote....

udo wrote:I think theres one Covid / Vax thread still open but hidden from View. ?
Michael Adam wrote:
Interesting how the covid fanatics always want to shut down the argument and avoid debate while the rest of us want to keep it going.-----------------------------
icandig wrote :
All of the points have been made ad nauseam. It's circular, it becomes personal and it's boring. Got anything new to add? Feel free.
Arguing for the sake of arguing is ridiculous. I'm not changing your mind and no amount of confirmation bias, echo chamber, dunning kruger, bullshit links will change mine.
Wow...I think that actually made a bit of sense. Must have been off the beers that week.

Sort of icandig but new information comes out all the time. Even the “experts” are still learning about the virus and various treatments success and dangers. Did you know the spike protein from the “vax” has recently been discovered by autopsies in the brain? It probably won’t get a mention on the telly or newspaper so it’s probably a good idea to continue sharing information online free from censorship yeah? I am more interested in getting closer to the truth than being right or correct and I am ok with the possibility of being criticised or offended.
By the way….What is the current safe opinion to have on the source of the virus? I have no idea.

Michael Adam wrote:Sort of icandig but new information comes out all the time. Even the “experts” are still learning about the virus and various treatments success and dangers. Did you know the spike protein from the “vax” has recently been discovered by autopsies in the brain? It probably won’t get a mention on the telly or newspaper so it’s probably a good idea to continue sharing information online free from censorship yeah? I am more interested in getting closer to the truth than being right or correct and I am ok with the possibility of being criticised or offended.
By the way….What is the current safe opinion to have on the source of the virus? I have no idea.
The 'truth' is malleable. I have no opinion (safe or otherwise) because I don't know all of the 'facts.' Facts are malleable.

you two would do well to read this...
as would you... mr. strzok

sypkan wrote:you two would do well to read this...
as would you... mr. strzok
I would if I cared enough. But I don't.

You deleted (censored) the thread dedicated to covid, no?

OK, let's all take a deep breath.
Swellnet is a surfing website. We provide surf reports, forecasts, surfcams and surf editorial. The content is updated daily, so you lot keep coming back daily to read, watch and interact. We've been doing this for exactly eighteen years.
We've also got a robust community. And there's a lot of opinions out there. That's great.
Gotta say, I don't agree with more than half of the stuff that gets posted, but I feel that surfers are a unique cross section of the community, and therefore our forums offer a glimpse into just how diverse the world is that we live in.
That's the reason why we are very flexible in our moderation.
To simply delete comments we didn't like would be to live in a bubble of self reinforcement; an echo chamber. Not only would that become terribly boring after a while, it wouldn't be a true reflection of the surf community. Like it or not, there are a lot of surfers with wildy different ideas about how the world should be. I've certainly paused, or even altered my own thoughts following some discussions in our forums.
So, we tolerate - no, we encourage - everyone's opinion.
Because, everyone is entitled to have their own say, and be allowed the opportunity to debate their opinion - and that of others - in a safe environment.
And, I don't have a problem with colourful language as long as it's in context, and not a personal attack.
But, we won't put up with bullshit anymore. Yeah, we've said this before, and I admit - we've let quite a few threads get out of hand, and a few personalities override unrelated discussions.
My excuse for that has previously been that the Swellnet forums are a very small part of our website, and therefore receive a proportional amount of resources (i.e. bugger all). The forums generate zero income for the business so it's pretty hard to justify spending money on 'em.
Many, many websites have reached this point over the last few years, and simply pulled out the plug on their communities - or worse, redirected everyone over to their Facebook page.
I totally get it, too. Forum communities can be to hard to deal with, and there's absolutely no financial benefit in keeping them running. We could certainly be spending our time working on the more important parts of the business.
But, in a world where minority views are becoming harder to hear through mainstream news channels, and social media is nothing but a noisy, self indulgent shit-show, I'd like to think that the Swellnet forums can be a place where we can discuss a wide range of topics with a bunch of people who we may not know by face, but have a common denominator: the surf.
I suppose it's a level of acknowledgement: I may disagree with your views on this topic, but we all understand the anticipation of a new south swell at sixteen seconds.
So, please have another look at the Code Of Conduct rules (here). Please don't attack or threaten anyone personally. Please respect other people's opinions.
Thanks for listening. And thanks for your contributions.