Show us your photos

Ha, thanks, not about winning but sharing :)

Not having a dig Craig, seriously impressive lunar shots. Wish I could get the same clarity in mine.

Thanks, yeah stabiliser on the new 70/200 is mint!

Your Sis is quite the green thumb Westy.
PS- Is that a cherry or plum blossom in there amongst the mix?

Cheers Zen. Good question. Will have to get back to you.
My father and step mother basically spent the last 20 years of their lives planting gardens.
The roses are going to be insane.

stunning westof…
How good is spring in the garden.

Yeah some beautiful shots WOTL!

Wow Blackers, WTF are they?

Just checked, called a Reed orchid., also known as a crucifix or five star orchid. Apparently a roadside weed in Central America! :)

Super interesting! Love the 2nd B&W one.

My wife and I are loving looking at the plants blooming everywhere as we go on our local walks (I may have cracked 500 kms since latest lockdown began, maybe less, maybe much more)
That’s an amazing orchid blockers. Believe it or not, a really interesting article on orchids in the latest ‘The Monthly’. Would link to it but what’s the point if you’re not a subscriber.
Getting older and retired (or semi-retired, haven’t decided yet) and having time to look at the world around you, it’s pretty damned good.

An incredible sunrise this morning!

Epic, cooking!

Very nice. Looks awfully Victorian and cold but it also looks inviting.

Great sunrise this morning Craig. Got a few shots myself.

Neil Luke, thats a name i havent heard for a while, i think he lives in South America now and had been living up Byron/Lennox way for maybe ten years prior to that.
I always liked him though, i use to surf with him a lot as a grommet, he was always really encouraging calling me into waves and would give you a bit of praise if you got a good wave, drop, turn etc.

Here Guy, this is for you. First day at the beach today. On the way home and someone is sleeeeepy.
He's really come out of his shell and is turning out to be a great dog. He's a little naughty but overall a great companion. Gets on well with our other old girl and the cats are all good with him. One big happy family.
Also Guy, it was you who planted the seed for me to get a Lab, so thankyou.
Ps- not a big fan of him slobbering over my leather seats but what can you do?

Epic Zen, still remember you describing his former life.
Luckiest dog goin around


Haha, who’s a sleepy boy!
Great stuff.

Here's to our dogs!
Viggo, 11yo, going grey and lame in his hindquarters. Heavenly creature, and the best friend you'll ever have.
And speaking of sleepy boy:

Dog and magpie, feel good story

Great photos!

That’s ace seaslug, and great photos IB, your old mate looks pretty happy with his gig.

Dog in an oodie:
Dog in a woggle:

Seaslug...great story ......animals ..gotta love em....
Stu ... beautiful dog......but maybe get the hair trimmed away from his eyes......can cause blindness if rubs on his eyes

RIP Jack. Wherever you are now I’m hoping there’s lots of green grass and amorous ladies. Leaps and bounds mate.

Cheers guys, pet pics and stories are way more enjoyable than corona and politics.

Not mine...
1st classified - Phil De Glanville
Highly commended - Phil De Glanville
Commended - Sean Thomas

i like a da jojo!it looks like a paw on the long neck in shot 3....

That is one majestic looking pooch Nick.
And Blackers, I love that expressive face on your little fella- he's golden.

Ha! Nice one Guy. That's a familiar looking face.
What a beauty.

Gorgeous GS. Also Nick, good to see Jojo knows how to suss a good bank as well!

Adopted this ex border force lab at 14 months old early this year. Zeemo is an absolute cracker and has been a huge help with mental health through the victorian lockdowns. Would have found it a lot more difficult without my best mate.
Bat dawg
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.