Show us your photos

He also loves his indigenous art, Matthew Tjupurrula Gill painting

Ha, thanks Steve.

Love the rammed earth seaslug

Wow, I love those orchids, like tongues sticking out and enticing. Lots of yellow/orange ones popping around Sydney.

Lovely Guy

Wow, what a capture!

Yeh it only took me a hundred shots!

Go Maggie

Ha, different from the ol' film days eh?

That's the alpha maggie complaining about being pissed on during the night

It was a clear case of entrapment seaslug. We threw a bit of meat out into the middle of the paddock to bring him down. The maggies had a nest nearby and weren't having any of it.

A couple of cheeky Cockatoo's this eve..

Cool action shot BB , nice work.
And top work as well Craig , I like frame 5 in particular , that is a cheeky look.
Keep em coming crew, this thread is awesome.

Epic, aghh travel!!

You took all of these?
You have a good eye, i like getting down low for dogs and kids pics especially at the beach.

How are the gecko's feet!

Agreed, got a good eye for the shot Shorey.

Business class on the big bird?

indo-dreaming wrote:@shoredump
You took all of these?
You have a good eye, i like getting down low for dogs and kids pics especially at the beach.
Yeah and thanks. Not the last one though, that’s me with the jazz hands lol
First class Zen, but working not paxing.
Bring it back Craig!!

They look lower than normal? Or is that just the photo angle?

Might be photo angle/zoom? I'm not up to speed on latest models but these ones are still big when up close and they have a newer design blade. And the red lights have been permanently disabled now as they were an issue for some of the neighbors.+
"Biala Wind Farm is located approximately 8km east of Biala and 14.5km south west of Crookwell in the Southern Tablelands of NSW. It is owned by BJCE Australia, which also owns the nearby Gullen Range Wind Farm and Gullen Solar Farm.
The wind farm has an installed capacity of approximately 110MW, producing enough electricity for around 46,000 typical homes on an average day of wind.
The project consists of:
Wind turbines – BJCE Australia installed 31 Goldwind 3.5MW wind turbines, with a height from the base of the tower to the tip of the rotor blades of 180m. The turbine towers are connected to concrete foundations buried in the ground. There is a small set of electrical switchgear located next to each wind turbine."

If you can put the camera down for a little while some of you bird fanciers might enjoy this great piece of writing.

"They pay us $5000 per year because they are so close to the property (but not our land). Rates are $4500/ year."
You would want to be happy with that, 4.5K for rates would suck, everyone whinges about governments but personally it's councils that really suck in my eyes, our rates on a standard size block are now around 2K a year, sucks paying this much for something you own, i know they have some cost like maintaining parks, library etc, rubbish service, but id rather see them reduce services etc
Our land in Indo one cost less than $10 in rates the other remote so nothing, yeah sure you get nothing, but still.
Anyway i better contribute ad post a pic if im going to clog the thread with whingeing .
Hope people dont think its weird to post pics of your kids, but it's all i pretty much take photos of these days. (occasionally the dog or work related)
So two get down low photo style of my daughter.

Excellent Indo, really nice mood in those shots
The story behind my waterslide shot is that is the Waco pool Fabrice picked up the brain eating virus about 4 weeks later. So I dodged a bullet there

Indo - A beautiful pumpkin !!! I bet she takes after her mum . ha ha
I have 2 beautiful girls aged 16 and 19 . They also take after their mum .

Thank goodness.

2nd photo Indo is a blinder your little girl is a great model.
Thanks Westy and Shoredump.

thanks blindboy - that really is a great little piece of writing, really enjoyed that, quite relatable

Excellent photos gents.
Cool story, BB. So the dinosaurs had feathers like the beasts in Avatar!

Hahaha. Whaaaaat!! Brilliant Constance!

What a shot! And on film!

Great shot but if push comes to shove my money is on the sea lion.

Classic CBG. He must have used the stairs to get up to the road.

I came across a stack of old skating photos a while ago. Thety were taken after the car park above the point was resurfaced.

Ripper photo BB. That's a study in concentration or is it fear.

How's the rudimentary board! Looks like urethane wheels but a home made deck. Classic photo...
Something a bit more modern - in fact just over twelve hours old.
Actually, not MY photo, as in I didn't take it, but I am in it. Flash set up at the new wall ride late yesterday.
Feels like a lipline floater...

Great shot.
How’s the full pro set up you crew have got running guerilla in the rainforest behind your neighbourhood. No rules, no regulations, just a bunch of underground riders building their own slice of heaven in the big backyard.
A no bullshit homespun , organically brewed culture . Good times.

Wow Stu, that's epic, from 0 to 100, ha nothing in between! Mental lighting.
Also great shots BB!

Nice stunet.
Really, really close to getting back into MTB after a 5 year or so hiatus.
10yo son is keen so might be a great adventure together.
In semi lockdown I'm finally sorting through a lifetime of photos and inspired by what Craig and Andy recently posted I thought why not.
We travel a fair bit and there has to be some crackers in the vaults.
Good if we follow the Swellnet tradition of not naming or being too obvious.