Interesting stuff

Glad he is okay, Udo.
As someone from across the world, it sure seems like The Bight has a large share of bad events happening there. It just seems more dangerous there than other spots around the continent. Is there truth in that, or just i don't know enough about it?

Size of groundswell and storm swell in there, it's a wild place

That sounds horrendous.
Not somewhere you’d want to capsize and be treading water.
Sorry for the silly question, but what becomes of his boat now?

Will end up on the Ocean Bottom i Guess- Remember this Chap ?

It's been left adrift to either sink or wash up somewhere. Rights of ownership will still apply for him, (unless he has formerly abandoned those rights), if the vessel is salvaged at sea (salvor is still compensated) or after it washes up on a beach.


It happened to the "Huntress" at the start of the year after it was abandoned at sea during the Sydney to Hobart. Though in that case, it washed up on Cape Barren Island Tassy where local indigenous laws also came into play regarding the salvage.

And still…

Volk the Man fuck yeah !
This was Brutal
The fastest finish in strawweight HISTORY
— UFC (@ufc) July 9, 2023
Denise Gomes just made a statement at #UFC290!

finally... some balanced discussion on this topic...
with rational non hysterical people and stuff...

Sypkan I need to watch it but from what I understood Westmead hospital hardly has any resources to manage gender related conditions in young people. This might be a shock to young people and their parents but for those with a bit more health system ‘experience’ this would not be a surprise at all. Pretty much every condition has extremely long waiting lists, emergencies are clogged, and people need to wait for hours to get a bed, sometimes with severe conditions. Reality is, in this country you either need a private health cover or enough cash to go overseas and get stuff done when needed. It would be the same with these gender issues.

flollo wrote:Sypkan I need to watch it but from what I understood Westmead hospital hardly has any resources to manage gender related conditions in young people. This might be a shock to young people and their parents but for those with a bit more health system ‘experience’ this would not be a surprise at all. Pretty much every condition has extremely long waiting lists, emergencies are clogged, and people need to wait for hours to get a bed, sometimes with severe conditions. Reality is, in this country you either need a private health cover or enough cash to go overseas and get stuff done when needed. It would be the same with these gender issues.
Private health cover hahahaha

Private cover is shit and usually didn’t have it as it’s super expensive but I have a discounted rate through work benefits so I have it now. I’m at an age where my parents, in-laws and generally their generation all need some sort of hip/knee replacements. So, I witnessed the health system performance on these matters and it’s absolutely appalling. My father in law was bed ridden for months and 2-3 years in severe pain before they finally did a hip operation (public system). Following on those horrors we sent my mother in law overseas to do both hips as public system can’t even give you any dates of when can things get done. She was barely walking and mostly bed ridden, severe pain as well. Going private with these things is definitely faster. My mother in law had it for years and luckily had a knee surgery while still covered. It was super quick and easy. Since then they retired and can’t afford private cover so basically fucked.
She got treated like royalty overseas. $20k for both hips + 5 weeks of hospital + 5 weeks of physio every single day. Delicious cooked food, they took her to the swimming pool, other specialists appointments all included. You can’t even get that service in Australia even if you want to pay.

Hi flollo, which country was that in?

flollo wrote:Sypkan I need to watch it but from what I understood Westmead hospital hardly has any resources to manage gender related conditions in young people. This might be a shock to young people and their parents but for those with a bit more health system ‘experience’ this would not be a surprise at all. Pretty much every condition has extremely long waiting lists, emergencies are clogged, and people need to wait for hours to get a bed, sometimes with severe conditions. Reality is, in this country you either need a private health cover or enough cash to go overseas and get stuff done when needed. It would be the same with these gender issues.
In this case its probably a very very good thing hopefully they dont get seen for a few years at which point if young they have probably either.
1. Long gone through the phase.
2. Actually discovered they dont have gender issues but are gay or bi.
3. Hopefully be at an age where they are mature enough to actually start making life changing decisions.
Cue the cliche, that just aint true.


Patrick wrote:Hi flollo, which country was that in?
Croatia, my background is from there and luckily have a place to stay etc. Big medical tourism over there, people from all over the world travel to get stuff done (dental is huge). Ironically (as people here often praise their systems), all these German and Scandinavian people are also coming in droves as they are sick and tired of waiting in their countries. Do you need something done? I can send you some links, you can do the scans/doctor consults here and email it to them overseas, they will review it and guide you through the process. You only travel once it’s all booked in. Our GP here is really good and we were fully transparent about going overseas. She had no issues with this, even encouraged us knowing the condition of the system. She wished she could’ve done more but was unable to. The best she could do is get someone private to give us a quote which was $$$. So basically it was x 5-6 to get it done here privately, wait forever in public system or go overseas. As the health condition was bad she insisted that we go overseas as we couldn’t afford the private cost in Australia.

Thanks flollo
I don't need anything done, I was just curious. It's good info to know, it may come in handy one day for me or someone I know.

interesting post durutti!
(sad that people would try to scam a crusty bit o bling, but cool for ric : )

Lovely story! Imagine how much that would have meant to Ric.

Jet Airport
The proposed development of a jet airport at Tyagarah,
five kilometres north of Byron Bay, was rejected thanks
to the creative actions of (locals) Fast Bucks, Gary from
the music centre and Stuart Owen-Fox.
The guys recorded a high quality tape with the sound
effects of jet planes taking off and landing. An
amplifier was borrowed from a local rock band and
loaded on to a flat bed truck. The truck was parked in
town right outside the council chambers.
Two minutes before council were to vote on the jet
airport proposal, the switch was ‘flicked on’ and
out came the sound. Five hundred decibels of jet
planes taking off, first one, then another took off.
Shop keepers fled their shops wondering what the
racket was, as the sounding jets took off and landed.
Councillors came running out shouting ‘shut that thing
off’. ‘Sorry, we can’t hear you’ was the response.
The police came driving down the street and the truck
drove away. A ten minute demonstration, nobody was
hurt and no damage was done. Several minutes later
council voted NO to a jet airport in Byron Shire.
In conversation with the late Stuart Owen-Fox.
Extract from :

Great read udo, I'll be hanging onto that as PDF.

Who can correctly work out what this thing washed up near Green Head is?
active imagination guesses Sovietski secret listening post, drug cartel mini-sub refuelling station, lost cold war floating nuclear reactor, secret mars mission mission pod etc

It’s how shape shifting lizard people got to earth.
It used to be buried as part of their civilisation in the Antarctic ice, but rising temperatures have set it free.

…something that fell off a cargo ship, something from an ocean buoy… maybe an underwater anchor fragment, or even a discarded giant robot nipple… or the harold holt escape capsule


I’m saying it’s part of a waverider buoy or similar.
Either that or it’s where Burleigh hid to avoid getting the Wuhan bat flu death jab.

'Vodka still' from Russian space station MIR.

No Messing around here but why not Tow it out to Sea ?

Sorry, but this is interesting stuff of the shitty kind. It's been a hell of a day over here: gunman shoots several people, kills two, and is shot dead by police himself.
"Stuff is reporting the shooter was sentenced in March on charges of injuring with intent to injure, wilful damage, male assaults female and impeding breathing. He was sentenced to an electronically monitored sentence - with an ankle bracelet - at the Auckland District Court."

Who gives a stuff?

Those of us unhappy with seeing a great little country turn into a banana republic.

Jacinta did well to get in and out at the right time.



Good taste right there ;)

Happened across an article on newsfeed last night at work and spookily watching YouTube history docs now it pops up again. Never heard of it.

The Wallace Line? Been mentioned on Swellnet a few times.

Cheers Ben. Tidal flow is totally nuts. Most narrow stretch, as I know now, of the line. Although point of posted article and vid is the species polarisation on either side of the line.

Yeah pretty amazing stuff! Also, check out Goyder’s Line for a local equivalent.
"As a geographical concept, Goyder’s Line is claimed to rival Wallace’s Line in Asia".

Thanks man, I will.

In important news, Beachgrit claiming why Erik Logan left ...

thermalben wrote:Yeah pretty amazing stuff! Also, check out Goyder’s Line for a local equivalent.
"As a geographical concept, Goyder’s Line is claimed to rival Wallace’s Line in Asia".
Craig. The Goyder Line, a great read for sure.AW

The whale stranding at Cheynes Beach in WA is a strange phenomena, but the drone footage casts a somewhat disturbing perspective knowing that shortly after they will all beach and die.
Have it cunts