The Daily Good News

Apparently, he 'accidentally' knocked it out.
Those ironic quote marks are no accident.
T1 is indeed feeling pretty bad about what he's done.

Two twins with a tooth missing in the same day.

Ha ha ha

Here's hoping

Good video, I love young guys like him and his final statement “ as long as we want this to happen , we can do this”.

Wow Cleo's been found and alive. Incredible news, I hope any trauma she's been through can be treated and doesn't affect her into the future.

Craig wrote:Wow Cleo's been found and alive. Incredible news, I hope any trauma she's been through can be treated and doesn't affect her into the future.
Yep. Just read about it. Amazing. I don’t think too many people would have expected such an outcome.

It’s amazing isn’t it. So good!!!!

Absolutely stoked on this. As a father and grandfather it's awesome to see this outcome. I reckon the whole of Australia would be stoked and relieved.

Yeah fantastic news but goes to show you the type of people that live in Carnarvon. Full of fuckwits that place. There are good people there but many aren't.
I hope the scumbag gets a decent sentence and treated appropriately by his inmates.

Apparently seeking ransom money i heard. not a pedo so looks like she might be ok.

That's the best news I've heard all year

Actually latest reports suggest the guy wanted her as his on child not a sex slave. Not sure on sources or who is saying that though.

Maybe best not to spread baseless rumours, then?

Yeah sorry Ben can be edited out if you like, both posts.

Reports are no physical injuries (I read that as no sexual abuse). What an outcome that is. Will make the years ahead so much better for the family.

Best news all year. I've been hearing from rellies the length the police and feds went to - well done!

Felt pretty emotional when I heard the news, great out come one in a million.

Amazing news, what a relief for the family and the littlun is all smiles which can only be a good sign.
Some of the neighbors were a bit slow on the uptake though, one heard a little girl crying from the house a few nights ago thought it was unusual but didn't do anything. Another saw the scum who had her buying nappies in Woolies and didn't click even though he doesn't have kids wtf. Maybe more obvious in hindsight but in a place the size of Carnarvon with a missing kid in the area the lack of awareness is unreal.

Good vaccine news on HPV:

The amazing stamina and resilience of the Godwit/Kuaka

Nice, 3 failed attempts but finally made it. Problems with its sat nav?

Haha blackers,
But I reckon their satnav works just fine

so cool bout the Godwit, one of the most inspiring things I've read lately, thanks for posting

There’s something about the imminent arrival of a decent rainfall which stokes the shit out of me. It goes beyond the sum of its parts; the water for the land, the cleansing runoff.
Maybe it’s the years spent in the desert ? Not sure but today looks like a beauty.

We've already had days of it. So much so that the brackish black water in the north end creek is now flowing clear. The plants, including the weeds, are loving it, the MTB track not so much:

A bit of running repairs once it eases off Stu? Will it damage it that much?

The rain won't damage it but people riding through it will. This fact, all the tracks in this parcel of bush, usually fare better than other tracks on the escarpment. Lots of coalwash and light soil that allows water to run through it without pooling. It's only one clay section that retains the water, though it doesn't help that the clay section is a flat bench.

My seven year old son Darragh has started playing a few games on the iPad, and one of them required him to create a username and password.
“What’s a username, Dad?”
Shit! How do you explain the concept of usernames and aliases to a Year 1 boy?
So, I tried to illustrate what a username is, why we need it, and used ‘thermalben’ as an example.
And his response? “How about thermalDarragh?”
Aside from the likely spelling hurdles, I gotta say it was a warm fuzzy feeling, having come up with the original username over twenty years ago.
Anyways, we ended up with l33tf1sho.

Mention of twenty years ...Is Swellnet 20 yrs old in March ?

thermalben wrote:My seven year old son Darragh has started playing a few games on the iPad, and one of them required him to create a username and password.
“What’s a username, Dad?”
Shit! How do you explain the concept of usernames and aliases to a Year 1 boy?
So, I tried to illustrate what a username is, why we need it, and used ‘thermalben’ as an example.
And his response? “How about thermalDarragh?”
Aside from the likely spelling hurdles, I gotta say it was a warm fuzzy feeling, having come up with the original username over twenty years ago.
Anyways, we ended up with l33tf1sho.
So basically in another 20 years Darragh is going to be shutting threads down on here because Indo and Blowins kids will be going at it with Vic Locals kid.
Meanwhile my kid will be posting smart arse point less comments
;-) ;-)

hahaha GF

udo wrote:Mention of twenty years ...Is Swellnet 20 yrs old in March ?
April, actually.
I actually started semi-regular forecasts back in 1999/2000, though had begun my first inquisitive steps into online weather data in 1997, when my Mum brought home an old Dell 386 and a 28.8k modem from work. But it wasn't until after I finished my degree (2001) that I built the website (early 2002), which required a name.
Choosing a website name is the hardest part of the equation.

Be good to do some sort of look back over that 20 years Ben. Like a timeline thing from the early days until now.
Do you remember what year you started doing the reports from Mermaid?

Yeah we'll do a 20 year history look back for sure.
Daily Gold Coast surf reports (from Miami) started late 2003 or early 2004. Wave of the Day started shortly afterwards. First surfcam went in around 2005, I think.

How good is it when you get home from work and White Horsies is waiting for you!?!

I was a huge fan, but I think it's gone downhill lately.
Cancelled my subscription after being along for the whole ride so far. Will keep checking from time to time, and will subscribe again if things improve.
But yes, nothing like a fat envelope of surfing in your letterbox.

Well done Ben and team

thermalben wrote:udo wrote:Mention of twenty years ...Is Swellnet 20 yrs old in March ?
April, actually.
I actually started semi-regular forecasts back in 1999/2000, though had begun my first inquisitive steps into online weather data in 1997, when my Mum brought home an old Dell 386 and a 28.8k modem from work. But it wasn't until after I finished my degree (2001) that I built the website (early 2002), which required a name.
Choosing a website name is the hardest part of the equation.
What would you name the site if you had your time again?
Not sure why but it brings to mind the time Rodney Rudy’s sister had a baby and it was born without eyelids.
“Not a problem “ says the doctor “ We’ll use the spare skin from his circumcision to create eyelids”.
Rodney Rude’s sister was aghast “ You can’t do that - he’ll be cock-eyed”.
“True” says the Doctor “ but think of the foresight he’ll have.”

Blowin wrote:What would you name the site if you had your time again?
Actually, I'm really happy with the name Swellnet. I like the sound, the look (from a design POV, the letters are an interesting combo for a logo), and the two components - swell and net - haven't dated, and are therefore still relevant to the service we provide.
However, it's really just luck that I ended up choosing the right one. In an email I sent to my Mum 20 years ago, I wrote:
"I will also be registering a business name this week - it needs to be short, clear and easily recognisable (and available for a web address), my favourite so far is 'Swellnet' - Others I thought of are:"

(for clarification, prior to Swellnet, for a few years I used to provide a faxed surf forecast service to a few surf shops in SA, under the name "BR's Long Range Surf Forecast". Hence the "BR", "Long Range" etc in the names above).

Swellnet rolls off the tongue better than the others you suggest Ben, good choice

In New Zealand it's pronounced "Swillnut".


adam12 wrote:In New Zealand it's pronounced "Swillnut".
And also in some regions of Australia, famous for weight lifting and tuna fishing.


Is that how the sheep pronounce it in NZ whilst still locked in the farmers gumboots? Thought it was give us a kiss love.

Yeah, i'll just leave this here.

Indeed, 26 million sheep can't be wrong
Dedicated to good news ....