Schapelle the final chapter. (She's coming home)

How keen are media still camped out the front of Schapelles mums she shows on insta doing a drive by.

Does schapelle speak fluent bahasa Indonesia?
I would expect so
But does she ?

Saya goblok bule. But you dont have to spend too long over there to pick some up. I imagine after eight years in Kerobokan you might even pick up an accent.

"Fellow prisoners say that Corby now speaks fluent Bahasa Indonesian, as do most of the Australian prisoners in Kerobokan prison."

so had I indo. but now you've reminded us .

ha ha come on IndoD, this isn't Womans Weekly mate..

Its true indodreaming, your post got my attention whereas the other garbage did not , so there . Thanks

Do you reckon she has had a root since she has been back in Oz? I don't think those Corby females could hold out too long.

Did you just type that with one hand, Tezza?

SB, of course... After seeing her lying on that hospital bed who wouldn't have wanted to jump (gently) on that curvy corby.
But I don't think I'm her type, I'm a bit too caucasian.

Im sure with her 200k followers she will not be lonely at all

Even in a third world country like Bali the females get it easy.
Facing chargers in Australia I will bet she will be let off again
with maybe a bond. Only thing this thing will get is rich thru
media. Joke

All you do these days is sook about how easy women get it, evo.

Lostdoggy that's because its true and its blind males like you
that defend them to the end no matter what they do that will
eventually make males redundant and only good for the heavy
work and defend the helpless angels.
Don't get me wrong here im all for equality but its gone fare beyond that.
Try at work to speak out against a female.
I also have a amazing wife and daughter and they can understand what im saying.
In a few days.
Going to be interesting to see how this unfolds, don't think she is allowed to profit from the crime, but i guess she is already a celebrity in a sense, life is going to get possibly even weirder for the poor girl.