Schapelle the final chapter. (She's coming home)

Quite hilarious corby news

Boarded a Malindo flight 10 mins ahead of time leaving the media vultures on the Virgin flight.
Ha ha!

Starting to feel for poor Shaps ,media like a pack of dogs and they have created there own Frankenstein .........she will probably do alright money wise maybe but not sure about her sanity being fukin hounded wherever she goes....shes done her time and way too much i might add but give her some peace.

This is a classic laugh . A picture on instagram of schapelle finally going boogie boarding !

Who gives a toss if she's coming home. I hate the crap the media thinks we actually need to know. It lead every news Chanel last night. What a joke...

I was waiting for the high speed paparazzi chase thru the Tugun Bypass Tunnel with a drunk chauffeur at the wheel

Ha ha! And a rejig of Elton's 'Candle in the Wind'.
Or maybe Doc Neeson would tinker with 'Am I ever gonna see your face again?'

Exactly Tubeshooter.
First comes the crash, then...
the awful silence...

The Bodyguard certainly has a flair for the dramatic, I wouldn't like to be at Pacific Fair next time she goes shopping
Middle class rut,, New low

Have't read a single article on her over the weekend on principle. There was one headline talking about her coming home party throwing dirt on the lavish bottle of vodka one of her aunts was bringing around. Aussie press is making me sick at the moment leave a happy family in peace and move on.

I'm with you Gaz, don't read it, don't click on it, don't justify it.

You are really missing out on a great picture here by refusing to click on any corby news . This one could be WOTD category

Clam,i love that photo!i always wondered over the years why we havent seen more surf shots of her??

So far its been a circus , with the highlight for me being how many clowns they could fit into a black merc with tinted windows

Talking of clowns - anyone ever seen cirque de Soleil ?
Thinking of hitting their proposed Oz tour this year .
Shappelle might be there ....if only to tie this question into the thread.

This is a different article about schapelles instagram status.
Its a good read .

Troppo did you ever see her in bali whilst she was on parole surfing the booger ?

Good blog read : Corby and the SA drug dealer :Photos revealed.

For Sale.. Mercedes , white , oversize front grill, has a high pitched squeal ,some hail damage. best offer.

H Ha ..Gold.

Classic post, tubeshooter.

Absolutely classic misogyny.

I'm sure Tubeshooter is an equal opportunity belittler Blindboy ;)

Cruel Tubes...... but funny as fuk....

haha righto so the retired drug dealer just doesn't want to lie anymore so he's ratting out all his old associates? Or just the ones that are dead or in an indo prison that might get him a quick buck in an interview? I'm still waiting on the other 50,000 drug dealers in the northern suburbs to be named and shamed by Malcolm McCauley the local crim-turned-anti-drug-crusader.
Any time now old mate Michael Atkinson has been looking for a rat like you in his war on the bikies for years!
Hey Blowin I'd highly recommend cirque soleil went 2 years back & easily one of the best live performances I've ever seen.

Blokesworld Bar Secret Garden Bar and Cafe Facebook
Some posts re Liberal Party Corruption in Corbys Case.

That's interesting udo there's a fair bit there. Basically it says that everyone knew the truth but Qantas and the LNP covered it up to protect the AFP and themselves. Here's a few from that page (AFP documents):
"Given Mr Askew's propensity to deflect all responsibility from Qantas, it is worth citing an incident which most definitely did occur on "a Qantas pass".
Schapelle Corby checked her bags in underweight, but they were subsequently found to be 5kg overweight on the Qantas system (which would have carried an excess charge of $175). This clearly indicated the addition of a significant weight factor, after the bags had left her hands. This is confirmed via their own submissions and correspondence.
As above, neither Schapelle Corby, her legal team, or the Bali court, were ever informed. "

Those links are disturbing eh !!
The Corby Switch- DJ Wolfen 01 - You Tube
This vid shows the Balinese showing the Gunja evidence.

Who Framed Schapelle Corby, Cocaine Smugglers Australian Federal Police -Youtube
by WarblesOn Alot
Views from an old hermit/Hippie type way out west from Armidale NSW

Perhaps I'm naive but to me the economics of it all has never stacked up. If the SA drug dealer bloke reckons old Mick Corby can get 4 times the value he paid for good pot in bali vs east coast, who are these idiots buying pot at such a massive markup in bali? When I go over there I drink bintang like everyone else not the imported european beers or french champagnes. The same rules should apply to drugs yeh? We all know you can easily get prescription stuff over there off the street so surely whatever expat market they claim exists would be buying something much cheaper and local. I thought living cheaper was one of the lures of bali? How many kuta bogans are buying weed for 4 times the price when they could be buying all the other disco biccies available for peanuts?

I believe that most of the stuff that comes from Oz isn't normally loaded onto planes in tourist luggage,,. It goes over in yachts and is often transferred at sea in Indo to "locally flagged" vessels of varying kinds. I was also of the understanding that "on the spot fines" for such a discretion ranged from US$20k to US$50k. Unlike paying off a local cop for having no helmet etc ,bribes of such a nature are generally shared around and I cant see $1000 being enough in an airport .

Herb via air ,Def a direct flight be better ...Bris to Denp direct ..rather than via Sydney

Did she really take a connector through Sydney udo? It beggars belief that an organised crime syndicate would send $30k worth of dope through not one, but TWO major Australian airports before going overseas, especially Sydney. Seems a bit risky for a professional operation? I can't see even the dumbest aussie thinking that's a good idea.

Be far easier to buy and transport 4kgs of indo Buds from the Sumartran highlands to Bali .

hmm sorry udo,,but if youre thinking about going via sea then you've obviously never been boarded by the Malaysian or Singapore Patrol vessels. I've done the Strait of Malacca. They don't miss a trick anymore, and they both have some seriously high powered boats , aerial surveillance , the works. They deal with piracy , drugs , people smuggling , you name it. I can think of at least 20 better options than going that route

Who mentioned by vessel...i was thinking Malindo Air

haha, wise choice, business class no doubt. Drug dealers are getting preferential treatment this month. Just mention Schapelle for a 10% discount

Ron Bakir and Tampoe the lawyer were all over this in the early days ...wonder what happened there ?

Robin Tampoe got struck off as a lawyer
Also claimed he made up the baggage handler interference story WTF ?

But you would notice 4kg in your guilty as charged !

Wasn't there a story at the time the weed was for domestic market? Someone was meant to take the weed out between the two airports in oz but fucked up
And then the security footage disappeared
Sorry if its already been mentioned, I've been trying not to follow this
I reckon she's innocent, her sister had been in bali long enough to know to plead guilty and play nice if you're guilty
Schapelle literally drove herself crazy choosing the hard road of trying to prove her innocence.
If you were guilty you'd suck it up and play the game rather than fight what would be an impossible bureaucracy even under the best of circumstances
And if you're innocent you'd go nuts trying to prove so

Yeah the whole thing stinks the more I hear about it. I just can't picture anyone with the audacity to check in a bag that is almost entirely drugs loosely packed with little effort to conceal it. Any dealer with a brain would at least take SOME effort to hide it.
Have a look at it if that's not the most half-arsed job of packing anything I don't know what is.

This is an old Chasers War clip about the media and Mercedes, Still relevant today I think.
In a few days.
Going to be interesting to see how this unfolds, don't think she is allowed to profit from the crime, but i guess she is already a celebrity in a sense, life is going to get possibly even weirder for the poor girl.