High Intensity Training

Blindboy, look at all the 'latest research' on the airwaves now, about that exact subject. But, hey, you are right, despite having no interest, experience, qualifications, results, you are qualified to give advice on here, because you saw a TV program.
I have been passionate and experienced in all this for over 40 years, have all the dribble required to legally do it, and have seen the circle of circus like cycles. That has taught me, all that counts in the end is results. You have no idea of the end result of 3 x 20 reps, in any years time on any number of people. There are a literally a zillion 'studies' that show an effect. Such as raising growth hormone levels. The reality is, that in the long term, in the majority of 'scientific studies' there is no usefull result from that. The public loves all that, because, finally, they have the secret. Anything but stop sucking piss, and barfing sugar. Stuffing more piss and sugar into the already bulging, exploding container. We'll just do 3 x 20, there is a God in a white coat!!! Praise thee Lord!!!! Ooooooooooommmmmmmmm!!!! Put on the dolphin chant!!!!. Hey they 'studied' us into a nation of addicted, carbed up blubber balls, but more importantly, we must rid the world of this evil, cholesterol peddling, smart arse #####, ****###, uppity dangerous dickhead.
Hey I know, I want to do some training, I might book that dickhead with the results that aren't results, thats been kiling people for the last 40 years with his skunk cholesterol. Fuck I cant get in, he''s booked out, he must be full of shit. Wait, look, stay on that channel, we just have to do 3 lots of 20, give us another low fat, low gi, zero protein (wouldn't want your kidneys to fall off), paleo ('they' some study, found one in the cavemans fire) carb ball. See, its better to do things properly.
South Park will never run out of scripts.

And the pushups Shri Chang Blindjelly? Oi, 'ows me 20 rows but! Can do 3 lots o' the bastards too!

Open yourself up to that lot blinkerboy. The sand is bubbling away nicely. Has been for years. Any room down there?
Anyone that knows anything about the relationship between our medical, medicine, drug profession knows who runs the show. Money talks. 'Science' walks.

You beat me to it BB. Upskirt debunks science then sends a link to a program based on science.

mr bourne, you have a friend who treated meninga, Waugh, carroll and cash when they were at their wits end........your mystery friend had zero qualifications yet these people sought him out he helped them out ....how ?
more info please....the world deserves to know more abut this fellow ,medical science needs him !
is there anywhere we can look him up and read of his miracles.
does this GOD exist has he ever existed ?
all the above have written biographys is he named somewhere.
even a uplift cryptic hint will do.
or do I have to buy tommy guns book to find out ? after doing great things for his brother...nick would surely give him a mention .

Hey uplift I read your posts and I think you have some valid opinions. Some of it goes straight over my head but when you start to broach on the subject of medical science, like blindboy you really start to grate on my nerves. You see 12 years ago in my early 30's I was brought back from the brink of death through 6 months of chemotherepy infusion of this horrible stuff called cyclophosphamide.
Now the doctors warned me that when your going through such treatments there's a lot of quacks and self help gurus on places like the Internet that try and push(and sell) their ideas and opinions of miracle cures.
I took my doctors advice, I have 6 monthly check ups and despite a rocky road I'm still here, fit and in my 40's. Yesterday I indulged in some high intensity tube riding at Westcape and have never felt better.
So by all means spout your beliefs on training and fitness, I do believe you know what your talking about. But keep your theories on medical science which more than once seem to suggest that we somehow cause and deserve everything and every card we are dealt by our life choices and actions. Mate it's just bullshit. Bad things sometimes happen to good people through no fault of their own.

There isn't ONE right way, despite however many years experience anyone has had. I've no doubt Uplift that you've had tremendous results training people, but surely not everyone! To disregard those people, who didn't succeed (in your eyes) is disingenuous and elitist. I'm going to hate myself for this, but here goes...I worked for 15 years in Rehab, PT and conditioning and found, as many have, surprise, surprise that many different methods work. Now, in the education sector, the same applies to learning. I actually enjoy your insights, but the slanging off detracts from your message.

I have never once talked about curing cancer. Health and fitness are intrinsically linked to nutrition. I would be lying if I said otherwise.
I'm nearly 60, and just spent 5 weeks surfing the heaviest waves I've come across, including blacks. And I eat a dozen eggs or more a day.
There are also numerous cases of people suffering horrific side effects caused by drug companies, and taking doctors advice, so they would probably get very emotional at you spouting off your saga too. In fact I train a lady who was advised to have knee surgery, who didn't need it, and who lost her entire leg when the whole thing was botched. She still suffers the effects, so wasn't as lucky as you yorkesurfer. Sometimes surgery and medication is the best and only solution, sometimes its not. Because you know zero about the industry, you jump to all sorts of conclusions. My clients come because I dont bullshit to them. If they are fat, I tell them to eat properly, and don't take their money with bullshit like how 3 x 20 sagas will save them. If I see they need what I don't know, or can't offer, I tell them straight up. Our culture is the fattest ever, because people love stuffing their faces with shit, simple.
Udesy, Im pretty sure one of the surf mags did a speil on him. I'm not going to say shit where it would be ridiculously easy to be proven to just be blabbering. Maybe they were crapping though.

Quadsy, who said I do the same thing for everyone? Show us where I said it. In fact, I have discussed many ways I train on here. If you are so industry savvy, you honestly think that after 40 plus years of doing the same thing for everyone, and on top of that poisoning them to death with cholesterol, Id be still going? Booked out... in a place where everyone knows everything? I was going to call you quadless, but, see, I didn't, so now I'm awesome. Again, whats one method doesn't work got to do with me. Read your notes properly.

Well you did say this uplift;
"The lady reminds me of you blindboy, she had folders and folders of files, reports, diagnoses and studies, was diagnosed with every sympton and condition known to modern man"
And this;
FUS1 is a novel tumor suppressor gene identified in the human chromosome 3p21.3 region that is deleted in many cancers"
And this;
"he even cured his own 'incurable untreatable' condition as a young boy defying what is known.'"
That's a pretty broad brush your painting with uplift?
I ask you, do you really know what the fuck your talking about with this shit?
If not maybe you should stick to what your trained and qualified for as it concerns me that someone with major problems might just believe you and turn their back on a line of treatment which might otherwise save their life?

Well Sid just done 30 laps of the Blue Pool (55m), 5 of which were butterfly.
Will now roll a high intensity joint and watch the whales cruise south.

Ask her yorkesurfer, if you like I'll post the letter she wrote me. But you'll hate it, its profusely thanking me for changing her life. And truth be told, I have piles of them built up over the years. I'll post them all if you like, but you'll get too upset.
He did cure his own untreatable disease, anyone who knows him, knows his amasing story. Where's the crime in that? Why does that upset you so much.
I didn't say that, you are lying, its a quote, from a 'scientific study'(you idiot) and is documented in a zillion peer reviewed studies. There are endless studies about it based on that.
You can't quote anything about me saying I cured cancer or anything like it.
So you contort shit to suit your feeble agenda.
Like your last 'heartfelt' hide behind the save the planet dribble. Mr tissue paper, see through.

Getting a bit antsy there uplift. You can post what you like I'm not a hater, I love life and felt I was being respectful to you while pointing out my concerns that some of your ideas, however well meaning may harm a person with a serious medical problem. I'm not talking about knee surgery here champ. But knock yourself out, call me an idiot, whatever..........

Me neither, I'm talking about a whole leg being amputed at the upper thigh, acute, ongoing infection and the trauma of dealing with that, having been advised to have an unnecessary knee operation... no worries love, just a simple, quick everyday procedure. You are honestly being ridiculously stupid, ignorant at best, if you think that it is possible for me to run around causing 'serious medical problems' and getting away with it... year after year. Even a respected expert like blindjelly is terrified at being sued for dropping a weight on some one's foot.
Would you like to see the letters, they'll only take a couple of years to read. You can reply to them all, in your heartfelt, 'loving' way, and respectfully save them all. You idiot.

All those thousands of words written praising you? It's called the bible isn't it? Good on you uplift. Keep up the good work mate!

No, thanking me. Its called thanks. I do. You should try it, maybe someone will one day be thankfull to you to! Not as serious as a big pissup and mullup at doily's though!

There are LITERALLY ZILLIONS of people who love my trains. I've got LITERALLY BRAZILLIANS of pictures of them.
Fact. Literally.
Or figuratively. What's the diff, eh. Tomato, tomatoe.

And even though I'm nearly 60, I've recently driven and ridden in some of the most Amasing and Massive trains, even some black ones. Pity I don't have any pics. Especially of those ones sitting in the drivers lap.

You'll just have to take my word for it.

You can trust me. I've got a Certificate IV in Model Trains.

So I'm highly qualified.

Woooooo, oo, choo choo, chhhhhhoooooo

I would really love to read your letters uplift. Please post them on here.
I really love eggs too, but I don't know if I could eat a dozen everyday. Just this morning I had 2 fried eggs with the yoke slightly runny on a slice of toast each, the multi grain stuff, but I had no bacon so I just put a couple of slices of lunch ham in the frying pan and also fried up some tomato, because I read or heard on some show that fried tomato is actually better for you than fresh tomato?? Could you please confirm this uplift?
Do you get sick of eggs?? And someone already asked before but I don't think you answered, but how do you cook those dozen eggs a day?? Is a mixture?? And I presume you would have you own chickens eating that many. How many chickens do you need to support a dozen egg a day habit??

Forget the eggs, Hemp Food is where it's at, high protein, rich in Omega 3 / 6 and amino acids ...
Also Chia & Quinoa, especially if you are a budgerigar .

Hey grogsy and gateso, looks like you boys had another big saturday night. Not really happenin with the ladies is it boys. You two weird little fuckers should hook up, you'd go better popping over and reading gateso's letters, and like a weird movie yad be gruntin and honking and shunting and playing trains on each other, and smearing blood on the walls or whatever you little weirdos do on ya lonely saturday nights. Looks like there's a few like minded 'bretherin' that would join the line so to speak.
Thats true, that type of hemp is an awesome food, protein and fat is perfect for humans. Its ridiculous, total ignorance that its illegal for human use here.
that its illegal

Ladies?? Who ever said anything about ladies? I prefer older ultra-fit strong guys who charge heavy waves like blacks.

Don't know if anyone here looked at Catalyst over the past couple of weeks .... should blow a few away.
If you want to be an elite athlete, great, but they are a different breed to the rest of us. Unless everyone on here is an elite athlete.
Forget about the weights and gym workouts ... you are what you eat and for the last 5 decades we have feed fed bullshit ... cholesterol is not the problem. I repeat, fat is not the problem unless you are the 1% where such may be the case.
The problem is sugar.
Sugar is the problem because it is now added to everything in a package. Yeah I know there are heaps of sugar 'replacements' but most of those we know little about regarding long term health issues.
The issue ... why 'replace' sugar at all? Because we are addicted to the bloody stuff, which along with omega 6 and trans fats, is killing us quietly yet effectively. Look up the difference between omega 6 and omega 3 and learn.
We don't need sugar. Fruit has enough sugar. If you need a sweet hit grab a pear or a banana or a apple.
The 'old' food pyramid, remember, is OUT. Sugar along with all those carbs (bread, cerial, pasta, rice, legumes) is what is giving you the spare tyre and the craving for sugar which is triggered by the release on continuing amount of insulin which drives the addiction.
The answer - go paleo - and if you have no idea of what I'm talking go look on the web and find out. Go back and look at Catalyst.
Cut the crap, which especially includes all that shit which is 'low fat'. Stick with the veges, the meats (especially fish) butter, eggs, avocado and cold press olive oil. Chuck the rest.
And, have a look at the labels and see for yourself how much sugar is added to package food so called 'drinks'. Oh, yes, alcohol is just another name for wet bread.
At over 70 I generally swim 60 laps (50m) of the pool per week and surf and don't need to eat supplements other than fish oil.

No, thanking me. Its called thanks. I do love trains and training, I do. Not as serious or as high intensity when I used to play trains, planes and canoes with Duke, Dwayne and Frank back in the day, but hey. Jeez, were they thankful or what. Especially on leaving day, for some weird reason.
You should try it, maybe someone will one day be thankfull to you to! Or too, if you prefer. Potatoe, potato.

As we have stray-gatored onto the subject of choo choo trains I must share this bizzare info I found on why train track gauges are the size they are;
The U.S. Standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches.That's an exceedingly odd number.
Why was that gauge used?
Because that's the way they built them in England ,
and English expatriates designed the U.S. railroads.
Why did the English build them like that?
Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's the gauge they used.
Why did 'they' use that gauge then?
Because the people who built the tramways used the same jigs and tools that they had used for building wagons, which used that wheel spacing.
Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing?
Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England, because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts.
So, who built those old rutted roads?
Imperial Rome built the first long-distance roads in Europe (including England ) for their legions.
Those roads have been used ever since.
And the ruts in the roads?
Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts,
which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels.
Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome , they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing.
Therefore, the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot.
Now, the twist to the story:
When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, you will notice that there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs.
The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah.
The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit larger, but the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to the launch site.
The railroad line from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the mountains, and the SRBs had to fit through that tunnel.
The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you now know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds.
So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the world's most advanced transportation system, was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's ass.
Explains a whole lot of stuff, doesn't it?

Wow that is amazing stuff yorkey. I think I will dump uplift for you as my new mentor. He knows nothing compare to you, he can't even back up any of his claims.
So, yorkey, how should I cook my dozen eggs each day?? And is fried tomato better for me than fresh tomato?

I think I will stick to the short 20-30 min high intensity trains so my fat arse can fit through those train tunnels.

And why was each Roman war chariot's wheels 4 feet, 8.5 inches apart?
Because that was how big a chariot had to be to be able to fit in one centurion and 13 layer chooks.
Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was built out of egg shells.

Legit question for Uplift...do you recommend the high fat diet for your clients who have a long line of historical family cardiovascular disease?

Gidday, if they don't have any issues with utilising fat, or any medical issues with cholesterol, as say a diabetic has with insulin/sugar, yes, of course. The lady in the newspaper item I posted was warned by her doctors and specialists that she could have a stroke, or heart attack at any time. No one would train her because it was really risky. The before photo is actually flattering. Side on was radical, and her calves, ankles and feet were unbelievably swollen and full of fluid. Making her put the photo in the paper was part of helping her. She was put on the classic no fat, no protein diet, which results in even more insulin screw ups. It is total ignorance to blame cholesterol consumption and fat consumption for all heart problems. I convinced her to begin eating meat, eggs, fish, butter, cream, full cream milk, and particular vegetables and salads. Virtually no fruit. Then she began to lose weight, her blood composition began to dramatically change, and her problems dissappeared. The problem plaguing our culture is insulin resistance brought about by a relentless, artificial bombardment of the wrong carbs, and on top of that, relentlessly barfing processed/wrong fats/food. Our body has been essentially unchanged for an extremely long period. What has changed dramatically is the way we eat, and what we eat. Insulin resistance is becoming an ever growing epidemic, at this very moment, according to health authorities. The simplest way to remedy this, is to not eat the things that trigger insulin, but that trigger the opposite hormone glucagon, which allows you to use the glut of stored nutrients, and restore some balance in that system. Fat and Protein do just that. Then there are the issues around artificial fats, which should be avoided.
Its almost incomprehensable to the average person that once we had to exercise before eating, we didn't have the ridiculous array of carbohydrates at arms length, many fruits and veg were seasonal, and most were nothing like the the majority available now, which have been bred into huge calory dense, nutrient deficient mutants. Pekingese foods. The same foods were once nutrient dense, and had much more fibre, much less calories. People ate a limited variety diet. You had to exercise, before you ate. People slept twice as long. Circadian rythms. No stumbling to the fridge or cafe at any hour.
It is honestly verging on imbecilic, the realm of blatant stupidity to eat, to literally stuff yourself into an overweight state, then have to exercise out of it. Insanity in action. Idiocious Maximosis. Why not just eat less, of the correct foods? Save some resources? Addiction. Insanity equals no control of mind and thoughts. Babbling about 'Self' love, respect, peace, gratitude, and respecting the environment and doing it are worlds apart. 'I love my newborn baby so much, I'll stuff beers and pasta down its throat every moment of the day. I'll use low fat though! Then I'll make the little slob exercise to burn it off...because I love and respect it and life so much.'
The fitness/nutrition world is hilarious. 'I have a condition, 'they' (good ol 'they') say its thyroid, and even if I starve myself I'll never lose weight.' No irreverence meant, and as horrifying as it was, the nazi concentration camps showed that limited food is a one way street, you're going to get skinny. No exemptions.
Again, if you are insane, eat yourself fat, then spend valuable time and resources 'burning' it off.

Thanks Uplift...I have basically the same opinion on diets as you, why the fuck would one put themselves through the torture of dieting when a naturally healthy, balanced and moderate diet with exercise is all it takes to stay in good shape.
I have a sister-in-law and her daughter who are morbidly obese, whenever the subject is raised about losing weight, all the apologist excuses come out..."We've tried every diet and they don't work" and the angle "All we eat is apples". I kid you not, "all we eat is apples" is a favourite catch cry. When in reality all they need to do is stop making excuses, stop eating truck loads of food and get off their arses, bloody simple in theory, complicated in the execution.
I have offered to help my niece (15yrs and ~150kg) get in shape, I'm no personal trainer but I can get her motivated, off the couch, exercising and eating well but that was met with a brick wall, then some pretty intense abuse from my sister in law. Unfortunately the first step in many cases of obesity is getting over the hurdle of the "mental illness" that leads to obesity in the first place.
Uplift, how much "mental illness" do you see in your obese clients and how do you help them get past the deep seated, poor mental states that lead them to over eating in the first place?


@ blindjelly and unwellyman. Idiotosis Supratocious Maximatisis:
A sad, cyclic state where greedy or chubby or fatty, or porky, or blubbery, or jelly like, or obese, or puny, or proclaimed proponents, are totally unable to control their totally insane mind and thoughts, and stop barfing and stuffing themselves with the ver,y shit that makes them greedy, or chubby, or fatty, or porky, or blubbery, or jelly like, or obese, or puny, or feeble, or proclaimed proponents. I repeat, are totally unable to control their totally insane mind and thoughts, and stop barfing and stuffing themselves.
Carriers of Idiotosis Supratocious Maximatisis who are continually in and ruled by their insane state, will in fact resort to absolutely, utterly anything rather than stop barfing and stuffing themselves with the ver,y shit that makes them greedy, or chubby, or fatty, or porky, or blubbery, or jelly like, or obese, or puny, or feeble, or proclaimed proponents, including following ludicrous, resultless 'study' driven drivvle Such as 3 minute ab torchers, 3 second ab twisters, and 3 sets of 20 reps. I repeat, continually in and ruled by their insane state, will in fact resort to absolutely, utterly anything rather than stop barfing and stuffing themselves with the ver,y shit that makes them greedy, or chubby, or fatty, or porky, or blubbery, or jelly like, or obese, or puny, or feeble, or proclaimed proponents.
Idiotosis Supratocious Maximatisis.

"Tourette's was once considered a rare and bizarre syndrome, most often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia), but this symptom is present in only a small minority of people with Tourette's."
I cut and pasted this from Wikipedia. Treatment is available uplift.

'@ blindjelly and unwellyman. Idiotosis Supratocious Maximatisis'
Did you get some nice waves on your hols Mary Poppins?

Extremism...de-legitimises any valid points one may have had to begin with.

coprolalia! first track on Sound As Ever.......awesome start to a awesome record.

You should get yourself the Coprolalia EP, the last of four EPs they put out before they released Sound As Ever. Quite posisbly one of the best things they ever did I reckon.

Snake Tide was good too I thought. Geez I'm getting old, I'm pretty sure I have that on vinyl.

Uplift, you were almost starting to make some sense.......... and then you come out with that shit.

Ok, you win, I'll make sense, do 3 sets of 20 reps, and the obestiy epidemic will end. Its extremely, no sorry, legitimately balanced, intelligent, scientific and Spiritual. Another breakthrough from the thinking that molded the chubbiest culture to ever grace the planet.

All this training talk is making me feel HORNBY ...
If you missed "The Truth About Exercise" on SBS last night it is well worth a look and can be accessed through their web site. It was more concerned with the health aspects than high levels of fitness but if you haven't caught up with the research on the benefits of high intensity, short duration exercise, then most of what you think you know is probably wrong ( no,no no, not you uplift!). Also good on individual differences.