personal hygiene

I do. Yes wetty starts to stink you do too. No females want to talk to you and if you go to work, work mates don't want to lend you a hand.

More info, your skin is an organ that needs to breath. Filling up all the thingies with salt is bad for you and makes you sweat.
Ever had a shower and feel really good? That's your body and skin breathing well again.

You can only wipe ya arse so many times buddy!

I lived in a pair of boardies for 14 days on a indo boat trip once. No showering, just surfing, swimming, diving.. Boardies were like a sheet of cardboard by the end of it. Must admit the shower when I got back to The hotel in KL felt pretty good, but sitting here in Victoria and it's about 12 degrees raining and howling winds I'd give anything to be in those crusty boardies right now

5 days without showering ? you filthy you have a partner ? I doubt it..
Only acceptable if your on a camping /surf trip....otherwise your a lazy unhygienic person.

Get your hand off it, oh righteous Udo.
If you're not getting bad odours you're alright. Most people shower too much.
Everyone is different though, so some people need to shower more than others.
Quick rinse off of the salt post surf at the beach should be enough. If you're working out on land, you'll probably want a shower though.

Hey ? I only had 5 showers a year for the last 20 yrs !

Hey chicks dont like cheese dicks..and nothing worse than a cheesy slit

Hahaha a cheesy slit!!

caml wrote:Hey ? I only had 5 showers a year for the last 20 yrs !
Mmmm, could be one of the reasons you've been on the nose lately.

didn't shower for a month many years ago when on a long camping trip, surfing everyday ...ended up with a skin staph infection around my nether region, girlfriend was convinced I had herpes and hadn't told her
I would recommend showering or at least putting on clean pants every once and a while....3 days with a 40 degree fever stuck inside a small tent with a pissed off chick is less than ideal.

As long as u surf everyday you be clean as

I did 10 weeks in the forest at Hossegor without a shower. Surfed everyday tho so didn't stink. Hair got a bit like a steelo pad by the end of it but all good.

Due to a shortage of water 6 weeks while in Morocco is my record, apart from a quick splash here and there we just stank our way through a camping trip in 40c+ heat. Bit of chafage and heat rash but otherwise ok. End of trip hammam was sweet.

I have done for 2-3 days, the body stinks and also the skin becomes very itchy. Also after itching the skin becomes red and sometimes leaves the spots on it.
appareil cellulite

I'm pretty sure some soap in the armpits every couple of days is a minimum requirement.
"Don't wait to be told, you need...."
Some years back a work mate gave up applying soap to his hair. Showered every day, just didn't apply soap or shampoo to his hair. Went for a couple of months, he thought it was working well. His hair was a dull and stiff mat. I decided an intervention was in order. With his approval, I plucked a hair from his head, and a hair from my own hair and another from a concerned female coworker. We put the three hairs under a microfiche viewer. While our 2 hairs looked wonderfully clean and translucent, my mate's hair was entirely opaque and unpleasantly and extensively barbed. It looked like some scary tree from a gothic forest. He said, 'Oh!', looked on with some horror and has regularly shampooed since.

I can go without a shower or washing for over a week but I must brush my teeth at least twice a day
So its been around 5 days since I've had a shower. Do any of you guys go a few days without showering when you're surfing once or twice a day? Is there any downside to this?