Drug aware Margs'

Did I just watch the worst heat of Slaters ever ?!

as long as there aren't any toothpick snacks being made ;)

wish i was there… fucking epic! yeah kelly's first wipeout would've knocked the wind out of him. plus the constant priority tactics hassling him.full on..

Different scenario ( if slater selected a bigger board ) , he makes the drop an gets a short tube to big turn combo . THEN he's actually in position for that final Right ( the one Adriano raises hands on as he was about to get flogged on the inside ) . Could have been a SOLID barrel most of the way .

WOW, can't believe not continuing to run under the solid offshore
Even after the surfers in the water are getting flogged, yet still have the energy to double fist pump claim an empty and perfect 10ft+ right hander before it mows them down.
Mains rights are pumping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would much rather see that surfed than 1/3rd sized box.
KP wants them to surf box and it looks like that decision is final

Yeah I think you guys are onto it .
They'll Let the girls play , and bruised boys rest .
Wednesday final men's !

Locals coulda scratched into a cpl of arvo bombs...
if they could get a park ;)

Slaters certainly rattled by De sousa,the guys in his head and Kellys making rash decisions as in getting on a 6-1 after he broke his board,bad move that one.

FINALLY, the guys doing great on rail surfing are getting the results! Great to see Adriano doing well, and getting the scores. Zoseas / WSL might hopefully start to realise they are pushing the wrong talent. Internet chatter around this seems WAY more positive than the previous two events, surfing in solid waves, on rail solid surfing is obviously WAY more entertaining, and engaging to the core audience.
Sort of begs the question, AGAIN, as to zoseas changing the whole format.
1. A local charger rattles a few of the top touring professionals ... Fuck. Why not have a few of them at each location?
2. Only a select few of the top surfers have really stepped up. So why have 30+ of them in each comp?
3. The top guys are performing hands and feet above the others. What, maybe about 16 of them?
So, it seems really simple. a Top 16 tour, local wildcards, and then run each event in the best conditions. Oh, and with none of this "second chance" rubbish. Make it like tennis, you lose, you're out. Perhaps then, they could extend each heat to say 45mins?
16 surfers, total of 15 "clashes" (i.e. heats) ... @ 45mins each clash, it's all over in 12 hours. Run in the best conditions and the entertainment factor would be HUGE. The final, pointy end of the event then being able to run in the best conditions. Eyes on the screen watching the events live would go through the roof. Sponsorship value?

Oh, and then having the "other" CT level surfers out of the top 16, will push more talent back down to the lower rung 'QS events ... which again, should use the 'you lose, you're out' format, so more intense competition with better talent should equal a better entertainment product at that level too. Again, sponsorship value?
Once the $ to sponsor the "elite" top 16 tour events starts to skyrocket, sponsors will start to look at teh value of the lower level 'QS events, and so the $ will flow into that level ...
It ALL hinges on having an awesome, entertaining, product at the elite level.

Nervous moments ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

High-line wrap ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Joe turpel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Martin Potter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Swellnet forums ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thermalben ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You can't have too many wildcards in a comp wingnut - the reason you are on the tour is because you are good in all types of waves, not just ya local waves. So having got on tour it's a bit unfair if you have to continually surf against wildcards who know those 1 or 2 waves backwards. We've seen that at the Box. They dropped the Pipe local contingent this year which was good I thought as those guys make a living surfing the 1 wave and given the crowd factor there how do you possibly practice when the event is not on?. Keep it as is it with 2 wildcards I reckon and have more 'Open' events (like Huntington) if you have to where anyone can enter but leave the elite tour as is. That's why its the elite tour - like golf you have to make the cut - they don't guarantee 10 spots for the locals at Augusta.

someone needs to take Joe T for a drive,oneway drive, cause hes driving me nuts with that voice.

That and the adds Simba..? 4-5 different adverts in 4-5 days uummm.
Love watching the little piggie having a surf on the front of old mates board tho thats gold for sure.
Old mate could've put a deck gripe on for the little piggie, those hoofs don't really grip on resin...!
Little piggie did well.

I think that was the best ive seen Sally surf,and her style wasnt an issue looked really good and Welly your right about the pig,pretty funny...deck grip haha.

Only been watching off and on but Carissa ripping too.

Carissa has an awesome combo of great flowing style and strength..

Commisioner KP charged the box today , with Jack Robinson and JJ shotgunning the same barrel
with JJ getting the intube footage while holding 30k of water camera.

So you reckon we'll have the semi's and final tomorrow morning? Not much happening over the weekend, so it's there last chance
My swell prediction.....