WELLY"MONSTERS" do they exist..??

mowgli wrote:If the mass extinction during the Permian didn't occur, and none of the others since, how advanced would life be today?
Arguably less... mass speciation occurs after mass extinctions.
To be fair though I agree with your sentiment. From a statistical point of view, it'd be silly to rule it out.

Wellymon, Some Native Americans believed that Sasquatch, the hairy one, was a shamanic messenger between worlds, especially healing. Hence it will disappear if it knows you are trying to catch it. Your photo shows tee- pee, branch cut by knife? Sulphur is very important to the human body, maybe it has been alerting that there is a health issue that sulphur can assist-MSM? Stranger things have happened.

No box brownie photos
no super 8 film
no handy cam footage
no camera phone footage
no infared footage
no offspring
no corpses
no scat
no dna
no proof
no exist
Bahahahahahahahahaha its 2014 no proof !

re. Aliens, funnily enough a question regarding their making contact was posted on Quora a week or so ago.
The question was:
Hypothetically, if there is intelligent alien life, with the knowledge and means to traverse space and travel to Earth, what would be their reasons for not making contact?
This is assuming that for them, interstellar travel is fast and easy. I'm not looking for an answer about why it would be impossible. I'm interested in your thoughts about why, if this kind of space travel was possible, and extraterrestrials have already found us, they would choose not to contact us.
and two of the top answers, I found, were most noteworthy and relevant here...

Answer #1 (the more scientific of the two)
People frequently underestimate just how much more advanced spacefaring aliens might be. I would posit that there are races out there so much more advanced than us that we would be unable to recognize the evidence of their existence, and such evidence would instead appear to us as aspects of the nature of reality itself.
The universe is old enough that aliens might have a multi-billion year head start
The universe is 14 billion years old. There is debate about how recently enough heavy elements were fused to permit the formation of rocky planets harboring the elements required for life as we know it. Some believe that rocky planets with the ingredients for life could have formed as early as 12 billion years ago [1], but let's take a conservative figure of 8 billion years ago.
So planets capable of supporting life existed in the universe 8 billion years ago. Our planet formed 4.6 billion years ago. It took another billion years for the surface to cool and for conditions supporting life to arise. Almost immediately upon the conditions becoming suitable, life arose on our planet 3.6 billion years ago.
Assuming things work roughly the same way on other planets as they have here on Earth, we can reasonably conclude that there are life-harboring planets out there with a 3.4 billion year head start. This means there are planets out there with a head start almost equal to (and perhaps greater than) the entire time life has existed on Earth.
In billions of years, life has evolved such that primitive life forms are incapable of comprehending the more advanced ones
Now consider how different humans are from the first life forms to arise on our planet. Assuming the rate of evolutionary change remains constant, the life forms on a planet with a 3.4 billion year head start would be about as different from our level of complexity as we are from the simplest bacteria.
Bacteria are entirely incapable of comprehending us. In fact, they are not capable of being aware of us at all. They inhabit the same space we do, even living inside our bodies as symbionts, but they are entirely incapable of being aware of us. Consider ants, which are far more complex than bacteria and are separated from us by only 500 million years of evolutionary development. They too inhabit the same space. They can be affected by our actions. They can see us, eat the food we drop on the ground, crawl all over our picnic tables, but they aren't really aware of us. They are entirely incapable of understanding any message we might try to send to them. We have come to understand the chemical signals ants use to communicate with each other, and we can lay down trails for them to follow etc., so basically we humans are able to speak an ant's language, but still we cannot convey to them any concept of what we are because ants lack the brains to comprehend what we are.
So, assuming the pace of evolutionary development is roughly constant, aliens out there would likely be so much more advanced that we would be incapable of comprehending them even if we were living right in front of them on their picnic table. They could even learn to speak our language, as we have with ants, and it wouldn't do much good. That in itself could explain why it seems that no alien intelligences have contacted is. But really, the difference is even more extreme than the rate biological evolutionary development would suggest.
With the advent of technology, the rate of development has increased enormously, such that the complexity gap will be even bigger over the coming few billion years
About 40,000 years ago, humans began to develop technology. Unlike evolutionary development, which advances by a process of random mutation, technological development advances through directed and systematic procedures. As a result, the pace of development has accelerated enormously.
Most people are probably familiar with cargo cults. For those who are not: cargo cults exist on some remote islands in the pacific. During WW2, the American and Japanese militaries established bases on some remote islands that had little to no previous contact with developed civilizations. When the war ended, the bases were abandoned. The natives on the islands had seen technologies that they did not understand. The lights and flying machines appeared to them as magic. Now, some of the people on these islands have adopted rituals that mimic the movements of air traffic controllers and radio operators, hoping that they can call down cargo from the sky.
These people are separated from us by only 8,000 years of development (the time it took from the establishment of the first agricultural civilizations until the present day) and yet they couldn't understand what they saw, and they worship our technology in a religious manner.
8,000 years is far less than an eye-blink on the billions-of-years timescale of the head start that some planets had on ours. It took 8,000 years for us to appear as gods to other humans--how much longer would it take before we would recede from their ability to understand altogether? Maybe 10x that amount of time? But consider also that the rate at which technology is developing is increasing exponentially. Most of the developments that separate us from hunter-gatherers were made in the last 200 years.
So, with technological development beginning 3.4 billion years ahead of ours, the gap between us an alien race would not be just the gap between bacteria and us, but conceivably exponentially greater.
Now consider again the ants. They can't conceive of what we are. All they know are that there are lots of crumbs that tend to show up in a certain area near their anthill. For the ants, this is just a fact of life--"there are lots of crumbs over there usually" is just part of the nature of reality as they perceive it. Similarly, the evidence of alien life is probably all around us, but they are so much more advanced than we are, that the evidence of their existence appears to simply be woven into the nature of reality as we perceive it.

Answer #2 (the funnier, but still enlightening answer)
They're Made out of Meat
by Terry Bisson
"They're made out of meat."
"Meat. They're made out of meat."
"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."
"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"
"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."
"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."
"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."
"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in that sector and they're made out of meat."
"Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."
"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spans, which didn't take long. Do you have any idea what's the life span of meat?"
"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei. A meat head with an electron plasma brain inside."
"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads, like the weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."
"No brain?"
"Oh, there's a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat! That's what I've been trying to tell you."
"So ... what does the thinking?"
"You're not understanding, are you? You're refusing to deal with what I'm telling you. The brain does the thinking. The meat."
"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"
"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?"
"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."
"Thank you. Finally. Yes. They are indeed made out of meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."
"Omigod. So what does this meat have in mind?"
"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the Universe, contact other sentiences, swap ideas and information. The usual."
"We're supposed to talk to meat."
"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there. Anybody home.' That sort of thing."
"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"
"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."
"I thought you just told me they used radio."
"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."
"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"
"Officially or unofficially?"
"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in this quadrant of the Universe, without prejudice, fear or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the records and forget the whole thing."
"I was hoping you would say that."
"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?"
"I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say? 'Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"
"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they can only travel through C space. Which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."
"So we just pretend there's no one home in the Universe."
"That's it."
"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you probed? You're sure they won't remember?"
"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."
"A dream to meat! How strangely appropriate, that we should be meat's dream."
"And we marked the entire sector unoccupied."
"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"
"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again."
"They always come around."
"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the Universe would be if one were all alone ..."
the end
This story originally appeared in Omni April 1991 and was nominated for the Nebula Award. It is taken from the collection 'Bears Discover Fire', available here.

Wellymon you don't happen to know a idiot called Tony Duffy do you, he was camping out one weekend n/e of gympie when he met a yowie at first they couldn't communicate cos the yowie spoke different language maybe latin but after a short time the yowie learnt the English language and they then chatted for a few hours
but wait there is more
the next night the yowie returned with his wife and daughter .
F. F. S.

I remember a story my old man told me about his UFO sighting. Back in 2001 I think it was. He was the skiff driver for one of the pilchard boats in Port Lincoln. They were steaming out towards wedge island in the spencer gulf ( half way between the Eyre Peninsula and Yorke Peninsula), it was one of those perfectly still autumn nights. The old man and the skipper were up in the wheelhouse when they noticed a bright light coming up behind them. They stepped outside to check it out, it was coming up on them really fast and as it got closer they realized how big this thing was, he described it as being the size of 5 or six footy fields. It was a saucer like shape and it was covered in bright lights. It was traveling quite low over the water and it headed straight for the boat. It paused over the top of them for a second and then took of towards the horizon and disappeared, he said it almost appeared to dive into the water rather then disappearing over the horizon. Both my old man, the skipper and a decky on the back deck saw it clear as day and they all had no doubt it was extraterrestrial. The skipper is one off those blokes that doesn't believe in those kind of things and even he couldn't deny it.
Crazy stuff. I know it doesn't sound believable, but when you've heard it straight from someone who you know wouldn't make a story up like that, it is. I'm 100% sure aliens are out there.

@Pol Pot, I just googled Gympie times and read that story .......fucking classic that Duffy Guy needs psch help .

Welly, Brisbane courier mail got a story on Yowies.........new clear footage and some samples of course yowie fur ...Dean Harrison yowie researcher labeled the 2 yowie hunters as 'court jesters'.....what do you think ?
Sheepy any tales of yowies in Tassie ?

End of 2014 still no proof
rusty 222 is now go pro equipped
and still has no proof.

wellymon wrote:Haha rivalry stuff going on.
I think Ive seen that footage awhile back by the same blokes, unless this is new footage.!
At least they're having a go, all decked out in camouflage with Go Pros on their shoulders.Was just reading the link I posted above, about more Yowie sightings in Exmouth, only a few months ago.
Jeez, not too many places for a Yowie to hide at Exmouth, Welly.
Maybe in the back room at the Potshot, it can get pretty dark in there.

Welly -Tonight SBS 8.30 pm may interest you.

Hey Welly,
Go to SBS website, then click SBS on demand. The program is on there and you can re-watch it again.

The show is about Bigfoot/Sasquach

I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it already but have you thought about installing CCTV and pirs around under the eaves? Might see something sometime. Pirs proximity infra red detects heat of bodies and triggers cameras. Pretty easy to install. You would need infra red and night vision cameras though.

Wellymon, been a while since we re-visited this thread. Any updates from around your neck of the woods? Play it safe mate.

Appears that the fences won't hold them back Welly, judging by distortion in that cyclone fence.
Not many waves mate. Getting fussier as I get older. Go for quality more than quantity these days and driving further afield to get a few by myself. Hope you are getting a few yourself.

Hey Welly have you ever seen the movie Predator ?maybe you need to set a couple traps for it... Arny would ;] or spend a bit of cash and set up a camera ,you need to know one way or another before it does your head in.

Cheers Wellymon, thanks for sharing. An interesting read there. Seems your local hairy neighbour (the yowie, not your human one) is starting to set boundaries for you.
Was also thinking the same thing as Simba. First couple of photo's definitely have a touch of the Predator Yowie. The outline is pretty amazing.

Hey Welly,sounds as though you need to move!So have you organised a security camera yet?Ive got a very open mind but someone needs to come up with some hard evidence because this stuff has been going on forever,now if you capture some footage you would'nt have a problem selling it so spend some cash on a camera set up.Also they talk about the sound they heard and i dont know if you've heard a koala in the bush but they sound as described like a weird pig grunting noise.......

Also buy a 12 gauge shotie.......

And while im thinking about it ring Shane Dorian,mate he will hunt the thing with his bow and arrows......make a good movie ..Predator vs Bigfoot.......i can see the nominations flooding in now!

Pol Pot wrote:No box brownie photos
no super 8 film
no handy cam footage
no camera phone footage
no infared footage
no offspring
no corpses
no scat
no dna
no proof
no exist
Bahahahahahahahahaha its 2014 no proof !
2016 : ]

Na Welly i would'nt move either i was only seeing where your head is with these beings.Real nice back drop mate and i would love to see one of these things in the flesh,but not too close.I dont doubt they exist but it cant be that hard to set up some movement cameras,someone needs to capture something positive,myths about these things abound everywhere and need to be solved...maybe by you Welly..:]

wellymon, really interested in your experiences and good stuff with the investigation you've done so far. I imagine there's a strange mix of fascination and trepidation having things like that happen around you. Having said that, if you do encounter one face to face one day, maybe they'll be like these blokes and the new inter-species relationship will be off to a great start.

"I'm going to be that guy, skeptic or realist?
If archeologists have discovered the broad spectrum of dinosaur species why no solid evidence of the yowie or Bigfoot or whatever term you want to call it?
Maybe it's legit that you've had a semi interaction with a undiscovered creature but there are so many bullshit stories it really makes me cynical of all the stories.
Jane Goodall a very respected monkey expert says 100% there's a Bigfoot that's existed or still out there.
There was some super ape in dinosaur times that could have some ansestors that have filtered down the ages.
The odds of you hearing this thing are a million more times unlikely than winning the lotto.
I'm not calling you a liar but it probably has another explanation and I don't believe it was a Yowie"
Typical progress-blocking, time-wasting babbling retardo full of his own baseless feelings. Grow up and stop your drunktard useless babbling. Your grammar is sht and you're a lazy waste of life. No one gives a sht about your dumb boring nonsense opinions, grow up and go away.

graceless I don't which is worse, your profound ignorance of the fossil record or your appalling manners. Have you considered anger management?

20 mins from BH, nice backyard ... sound like you are living the dream

Yowie sighted recently near Toowoomba. Apparently........

wellymon....True that Big Swamp is hotspot for Paranormal & Big Scrub as paranormal hub long before out time. Let's start in dreamtime.... re; interview with Gerry Bostock(Late) or Stella Wheildon's star lore even ABC Cleverman series all deal with Mt Warning magic . Note Aboriginal dreaming cannot be worded.Also note 500 more diverse human species thrived in oz before our landing. Alcheringa is a water fall starcase to Heavenly Beings from Pleiades that reflected their life onto earth originating in Australia. Rainbows refractions are spirits playing/travelling off water . Mob are living ancestors that travelled dreamtime world over need be returning wiser(better DNA is confirming first people outta here.. story). Nguthungulli sees all and created all from eastern most point(Julian rocks) - where all forest/sea- life ocean currents conjoin. Storylines link Local warriors represented as mountainous warriors catching clouds or swimming ocean wide and each other headland represents animal specific to geographical or spritual timelines. Between held like vines the songlines needed to link animal,people,water and food.(Again i'm simplifying on purpose,song is not permitted to be sung by me). Move on to The Elementals or humanoids we speak of here,are considered very much real. Starting with Big hairys the Yowie (Dulaghal) beings of the Great Divide.First local white explorers spoke of and to lone giant aboriginal hermaphrodite and lone women being tallest of all people.Note yowie is not unusual as all folk from rich fertile Tweed to Fraser Coast grew tallest in the land...(like today home to natural athletes/ gold medal ratio etc). Onto Little hairys (greelagogs!-differs by tribe) leprechauns or Loki .Once ruled the Mt Warning caves by traversing lava tubes and lava vents and subterrainean vents darting in and out stealing kidz and what have ya from mountain top holes or guarding sea caves like Galiwus and his black dog of Pooningbah. These (Fingal caves)and Mt Warning cave system were destroyed even rocked up and silted in many places.Little hairys or Clever people were all powerful as Weather forecasters and healers.Their magic was feared by all. Onto Albino tribes with white skin and blue eyes.(Wandjina) from central Australia are considered central to creation spirit almost alien like .Again like little hairys were feared as being powerful. Bunyip time-First accounts here of Aboriginals fear of lagoons at night,indeed The Kirra bunyip took a victim. Burley bunyip scared all to drain watering hole.Miami Bunyip haunted by Merrimac Bunyip frightening the Reedy Creek Bunyip petrified of Mudgeeraba Bunyip making way for Nerang or even Coomera Bunyip.One thing for sure Big Swamp was rife with the Bunyip. Thru years bunyip products,stores, many creeks,street or brooks. Our house backed onto open Bunyip st drain where creature lurked.Down off West Burleigh road,from boys tree house you'd hear or spot bunyip or late at night from Drive -in you'd hear the boom boom boom. UFO's- Again my neighbours(Mrs Miaskowski started GC UFO club 1965 up Short St on Burleigh Point) Later on in 1970's Burleigh Drive -in prematurely projected colour porn flix into Pleiadians star system signal transmitted as far as Ormicron Persei 8 .... Bingo! Soon whole galaxy were orbiting screen along side interstate truckers. Many mums worked in Cafeteria we kids sat in drive -in car every night looking at sky or same movie listening for Bunyip in Bunyip St swampland.Fact was 1970's more people spent more time OUTSIDE each week in darker night than anytime since. Drive -in naturally creating a UFO HOTSPOT, often screams of UFO were replied with' I've seen heaps already'. Soon on none had not seen one at least one. Yes the big swamp Hotspot lured in the big guns Reedy Creek Observatory awarded for near earth objects sightings also famous for The Beatles asteroid belt. Today Gold Coast remains as OZ UFO Hotspot ...Lets zoom in ....higher up at 'metro' yowie's secret lair @ Springbrook Mountain Extraterrestrial Response Force. You might find answers there. OK so why metro yowie,you ask? I branded him Metro' from cheap Metropolitan Permanent Building Society ruler used to measure yowie's footprint cast by Andre Clayden 1998 .Whoops stuck my foot in it ! Seriously I have a photo of Springbrook Yowie from around same time and place, no Joke, Andre knows it's safer to guard that secret! Most hideous thing I've seen. Hooroo! Maybe next time! Oh one last thing. 'The Pacific hwy Yatala UFO last flight took off from Fantasyland 02/05/1990. Mr Sid Whitby of Pimpama Smash paid $500 to salvage flying saucer and intends to make it the family's home in Tiaro Shire Council Gympie by Stardate 1992 ?

Always find these stories so interesting. Love hearing them and naturally I'm a sceptic of a lot of them, but part of me really hopes some of them are true! I have no doubt there are things out there we have not discovered or have answers for. Ghosts? aliens? yowies? Who knows what is out there and what is true. Anyone else with stories share because I enjoyed reading them all and judging them how I see haha
I thought I might share a couple of my own experiences with some other like minded people, or even skeptics.
The experiences come from living for nearly 10 years, half an hour west of Burleigh Heads up in the Hinterland, verging onto the Sringbrook Mtn range. The Springbrook area is a hot spot around Australia for the Australian Bigfoot (Yowie) or Aboriginal (Dooligahl), even a lot of paranormal activity !
We first rented our house, that we eventually brought, it had just been built so we were the first people to rent it. A pretty cool style type tree house 18ft off the ground on a steep embarkment overlooking the state forest, with tall gums running right up to our house. A few months had gone by, when about 11pm one night all the next door neighbours dogs and my dog (BillyBoy) started nutting off big time.
We didn't really think much of it, as it was happening quite regularly at night around the same time, then all of a sudden the house shook with an almighty thud and I mean shook. I jumped out of bed and went out on the deck only to hear heavy bipedal footsteps 50 m away crashing down in the bush, I knew it was way too big to be a human or even a wallaby. I kind of guessed what it was, quietly shitting my pants. The next day I confirmed my belief by trying to shake the steel poles of the house myself, but nothing, not even a little wobble.
A few weeks before this happened, which I find weird is that my mother in law had given me a book to read about "Mysterious Australia" by Rex Gilroy. The book was based on lost cave systems, UFOs, Thylacine's, Ghosts and Yowies, the Yowie is what got me interested.
Having grown up in NZ hunting, nothing could really come to threat, except a pair of nasty tusks from a wild boar, but coming to the Australian bush and dealing with spiders, ticks, leaches, snakes, panthers! And let alone Yowies. It's a whole different kettle of fish for myself.
About 9-10 months ago weird stuff was happening around the house between 11pm and 3am for a few nights, branches were being broken, loud noises not far from our house, but every time I would go out and check they would stop, shine the torch light, nothing. I had told my next door neighbour about the Yowie, he always used to laugh at me. Around this same period he was out on his deck at 3am off to work, when he heard this most gut wrenching sound not far in the bush, that made his hairs stand up on the back of his neck. He's a burly hardcore bikie bloke whose been around the traps so to say? he said that he had never ever heard that sound in the Aussie bush ever before.
The same week my wife kept on telling me the bio-cycle is leaking, cause she could smell this rank smell, but only at night. The next day I looked and smelt every where, nothing. That night we were both upstairs about 10pm, then we both got this pungent Sulphur smell similar to rotten eggs or volcanic hot pools, like Rotorua in NZ. This was the first time I'd ever smelt this in Australia and pretty much is the smell of the Yowie from other peoples sightings or close encounters.....?
I truly believe they are there in the bush, not just in Australia but other parts of the world as well.
Anyone else had different, similar experiences in the Aussie bush or beyond.....? Crypto or even Paranormal..?