Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas all. swellnet one of the only reasons to be on the internet/smart phone I reckon. Great content and forums.
Swellnet/bom/weatherzone/windy/oldwindguru/ascat the only friends you need In The digital web

Speaking of bricks. My wife and I looked for ages to find our house. One house I really liked my wife hated, it just didn't feel right to her but it spoke to me. Anyway, I threw a bit of a tanty but happy wife, happy life she won out in the end.
A few months later as the resentment subsided in me my wife found a place on the net. We went to check it out and as soon as we walked up the driveway and took in the view of the city and the ocean below and the behind was a backdrop of forest heading into the mountains, we both just looked at each other and nodded.
This place hadn't been lived in for a few years and it was terribly overgrown and badly needed some TLC. The house as it turns out was owned by a very prominent family and was not your typical Japanese house. By Japanese standards It's huge and also has a good size yard which is a rarity in Japan. Don't worry, getting to the bricks.
It was way out of our price range but we told the guy we loved it and planned to move my business into it (one third of the house is where my English school is situated). We made them an offer that we thought they would laugh at but apparently owner had heard of me, liked our plans and accepted. We were stoked. We were about $30k short but good ol' mum and dad came to the rescue and we were in.
Bricks? Anyway, to make it liveable the hard work had only just begun. Cleaning, scrubbing, painting, mending, wall-papering and landscaping and the draining of what little we had left in the bank. The backyard was so overgrown the weeds and bamboo were overhead. It took me three full days of backbreaking work to clear it all out. Anyway, under all those weeds, turns out there was a brick bbq. Stoked beyond belief as I love cooking aod like Stu's mate, wield a mighty set of tongs. Stamped on the bricks is 'AUSTRAL'. These bricks come from Australia. Furthermore, the clay that comes from these bricks was extracted about a kilometre from my childhood home and the huge kilns that fire the bricks was close by. We used to ride our pushies up there in the bush and make bmx tracks all through the Austral quarry.
So, the bricks that made my barbie all the way over here in Japan were made less than a k from where I grew up. Everytime I bbq (which is often) I can't help but feel that little connection to home.
My wife and I just had our lunch with her parents in our lovely, cosy home. We exchanged gifts and I reminded her how happy I am to live in a place that just feels so right. Also, how I've found the woman that I truly love and the work that makes everyday feel like a holiday.
I have to remind myself how truly fortunate I am and to check myself when I feel that things don't go my way. I am by my own admission, a very lucky boy.
Scuse my little Christmas story. I hope wherever this finds you that you are surrounded by love and laughter and I sincerely hope 2022 has bigger and brighter things in store for all of you.
Now, I'm off for a nanny nap having overdone it on sushi, fried chicken and the usual Japanese Christmas fare.
Merry Christmas Swellnetonians.
edit- ps It's starting to lightly snow here. Hardly a white Christmas but cool to get snow on Christmas day. We're taking our new dog up to the mountains for a couple of days from tomorrow- I will post a pic.

Awesome, well written story zen
Love your fortitude

Onya zen ya fucken legend. Merry Christmas

That was fantastic, Zen. Love it.
Not sure why I first started collecting the bricks, something about them stood out, but I've since found out that almost any brick in the shoreline there was originally made at the old brickworks one beach down. It doesn't exist anymore, a housing estate now sits on the old site, with street names such as Kiln Lane and Brickworks Drive, but these bricks are more than symbolic nods to the past, they're real.
Anyway, first Xmas without extended family around. Thought it was gonna be tough but it's the best day we've ever had. Two trips to the beach, haven't had a shirt on all day, heaps of food, now leftovers, big thunderstorm, thought I was being clever putting on 'Sounds of Then' by GANGgajang, leading in to 'Giver of Life' and uplifting moments of emotion, and then a big stout-powered Spotify patio rockathon from across the ages, with even the kids getting into it (not the stout but).
Everyone running out of steam now...

Cracking yarn, Zen. How’s the start to the snow season been? Saw Nagano area had some snow early but looks like it’s been a bit quiet the last few weeks.

2021 (Wotz New in Surfing Santas) Locked deep in the Swiss Alps "Yodel lei Ho! Ho! Ho! "
Scuba Santa in a Dubai Mall...where else!
Ultimately! Who is the Real Surfing Santa?
(Live Footage) Surfing Santa Stung by Sting Ray (Bloody Mess) Rad Version.
The 40th Front Page Surfing Santa
Xmas Supper
Space Coast Surfing Santas
Dated 2021 / 2017 tbb can't recall this clip...( Bonus Retro Santa & Elves)
Intermission Oz / Santa's Toy Shop
Oz Surf Map
Santa's Oz Woodies
Glam Surfin'Santa bauble
Santa Booger Bauble (Not Kiddin''s fuckin' grouse mate!)
Nanoblock Surfin' Santa
Stitched Up Surfin' Santa
Santa Goblin ? / Surf Slayer
Santa in the Soup
Perth Santa in the Hot Seat
SA Not Surf ...but a ripper {Mandatory Xmas Post Card }
Vic Urbnsurf Xmas
Some beach side suburb in Omicron
Merry Xmas from Cronulla (Intense Hodad vs Grom - Battle for the Beach)
2021 Merry Christmas from Goldie
"Just Chillin' NRL Secret Santa Tote Bag!" (Borderline Bubble Breach Edition!)
Sunny Xmas
Rainbow Beach Santa (This photo resembles Miami south to Rainbow Bay Border) Great Shot!
Super extends the Qld Surfscape having that board so far up the coast

Merry christmas u mob
hope u r all safe , happy and with loved ones
dig the story zen - i also keep your caterpillar joke close to my heart. stu n ben thanks for the site ‘ content and hard work - u should be so proud of what u have achieved this site
hope the new year is calm and exciting for everyone out there.

Zen, now there's a story we can all relate to...home.......looks like I will coming to Japan 2 x next year is it better to come in May or Oct/Nov?
Hope you and the missus have a great Xmas and New Year..really look forward to catching up next year....bucket list is to head up North Japan way...yewwwwww

MC- for surfing? October for sure. Water is warm and heaps of south swell. May up our way water is still cold- still in booties and gloves.
You are very welcome here. Plenty of room and can show you around. Lots of good setups. Plenty of good food and Japanese Kultcha too.

Loved the story Zen, your comments always bring a smile, hope all enjoyed the day, I spent the day with family (daughters joint) just a lazy 44 degrees C here (Perth area) Mandarah much cooler (39) heading for the beach now another 40 + day no swell (the Indian Lake ATM) these tempts take me back to my days in the North West.

zen, yeah bit of surf trip , but I love the Japanese Kultcha , and have never been north further than Chiba....might do a road trip ??
Big hug the Chiho.....take care , sounds like you are settling into home...crazy times with covid , see ya soon mate!!
zenagain wrote:MC- for surfing? October for sure. Water is warm and heaps of south swell. May up our way water is still cold- still in booties and gloves.
You are very welcome here. Plenty of room and can show you around. Lots of good setups. Plenty of good food and Japanese Kultcha too.

I'll put the kettle on Cobber.

This would have to be the quietest boxing day I've seen in years in my area.
I was expecting complete chaos awaiting the multitudes to arrive but it didn't happen.
Carparks everywhere and nowhere near the volume of traffic I was dreading. It was busy but nothing like a normal boxing day.
Maybe they'll turn up tomorrow ??

Also quietest it’s been in these parts around Xmas - Central Coast.
Merry Xmas and a happy new year to all.

Here here Roystein and great story Zen. Serendipitous.
Morning Swellnutters ... and Merry Christmas.
With a 9yo gidget, about to start what we suspect is the last "santa" Christmas I sit here having my first coffee of the day and reflecting on the past 9 years ... a torn heart and all. For, it is great to go for the dawn patrol, but so too the joy of a child's face as they first look upon the treasure trove that awaits under the tree.
I hope you all have a great day!