I heart WOTD

Wouldn't it be great to get a couple of those in the morning, come back shoot a few goats, have another surf, go shoot some more and finish of with a few tallies;)

Nice shot today

Today's WOTD - Especially for you Southey, brought to you by SN :-)

Bucket list wave for sure. It must get so busy though!

28.4.15 WOTD Amazing swell magnet for 2-3ft, it was a good period tho 12s...?
Crammed pack with the best of the best on the coast.
Hard to get any good ones but pretty special to witness the good ones;)

I notice the Billabong logo has now been cropped out of the Owen Wright Chopes WOTD from a couple of days ago and the shots in the Tim Bonython gallery from today.

Pure coincidence, it's the size of our photo viewer. Lots of boats over there have Billabong logos simply 'cos the Billabong Pro has been so long running at Chopes. Doesn't mean they're 'Billabong' boats just that they've been used to ferry surfers out to the reef during the comp.

I seeeeee........
Perfectly logical to me:)

Go Donny! It'd be sick to see Dion back on the WCT next year representing South Oz!!

Any place he doesn't take his video?

Surfed that reef many times ... cracking wave

Reefs not even showing . Which lends me to say that is probably why no ones on the wave in photo .
Looks pretty but not what I would call EPiC . Gets heavy BI .

yeah southey looks a bit fat.....everyones waiting for it to get some shape........really? Kill for a wave like that.


Jake Paterson on instagram reckoned North Point on Thursday was as good as it gets.

Vetea David, How old is the Tahitian...? Still giving it some, great to see;)

Heyhey, got me picteure on swell nuts.

Please tell me your the cripple Shaun !
Most likely the Orange gilled black snake , sunning himself at the Rock .


southey wrote:Please tell me your the cripple Shaun !
Most likely the Orange gilled black snake , sunning himself at the Rock .
Southy, maybe you should have a read of the code of conuct, the photo you refer to is of a kneeboarder.
Sorry welly, can't tell you which one as stu would take it down in a flash.

It's a beautiful thing......

Rabbits68 wrote:It's a beautiful thing......
Sure is Rabs. Amazing shot. Amazing place too, eh?

stunet wrote:
Rabbits68 wrote:It's a beautiful thing......
Sure is Rabs. Amazing shot. Amazing place too, eh?
You said it. Pristine.....

Blowin wrote:Recent visitor Stu ?
Nah, haven't been there for about three years. Gotta return soon.

Its Shaun not Stu!!!
Wake up fellas..................?

Shauns' last name is Eel ...... hahahahaha

Yes blowy I have been, as apposed to being a has been.
I was talking about the chopes photos.

Vetea Shauno David....!
Nice ring to it.

Not to my ears welly, in real life young David ain't so nice.

Blowin wrote:Welly, I'd love to see Shaun loving the textured walls of his home turf but I don't know which photo is Shaun !! C'mon Shaun... I was asking Stu about WA. Not that I'm in the loop, but I wasn't aware that he'd ever been.
Been to WA 4 or 5 times, Blowin. Just never gone to the NW.

shaun wrote:Not to my ears welly, in real life young David ain't so nice.
Not going to ask about David then....!
My apologies.

Calm down Shaun . I know which one you are , I reckon we've probably surfed together a dozen times in the last two decades . None of which were in any crowded lineups !! ;-) might see you in the next few weeks once all the " drift wood " starts to find the conditions too cold .

WOTD pic today.

Aside from providing all the photogs withe a great shot, I can't understand what the fella is trying to achieve. There's a good chance he's gonna go over, yet he's got fins on and could easily dive deeper. Anyway, great shot.

You can see in the video that's he's trying to get some sort of photo/angle shot.
Wonder if he nailed it?

awesome clarity,national geographic comparison,wonder if he went over.

simba wrote:awesome clarity,national geographic comparison,wonder if he went over.
I just got a message from him and he did go over. Didn't seem too bothered:
"haha! i'm just go over the falls, this day was so perfect for all the surfers and for me."

He's also gonna look for the footage he took from that wave.

Probably wouldnt be going haha if he hit the bottom,personally i would be freaking out as the wave sucked me over but thats just me.What a view though!

Large figs on you Timothy........99% that you were going over.....for a pic and some footage.....good on ya.

Who Tmmhey....!

19.6.2015 Going against the grain ......of crowds for sure.
Awesome photo

wellymon wrote:19.6.2015 Going against the grain ......of crowds for sure.
Awesome photo
Funny how no one's riding them
The wave of the day does it for me big time. Nice work Steen Barnes , Shaun Anderson and Swellnet.
In one photo you've encompassed everything nice about surfing. If I was a wanker I'd say that it was perfect except for the fact he is in a wetsuit. Which it is , it's perfect .....except for the fact he's in a wetsuit.