J Bay

"Too much flexibility can be just as big a problem as not enough though. Sprinters went through all that years ago. "
Im interested to know why this would be true for surfing. Im not too interested about sprinting, but I would have thought the more flexible the better when it come to surf.

Too much flexibility compromises power transmission, and can cause impingement under load. Again, failing to understand that sprinting at elite levels requires extreme athleticism, and all that that means, which is somehow seen as not necessary in an explosive activity like surfing, is a glaring, common mistake. I'm heading to the gym, to get a workout in.

I think I get where your coming from. And im certainly under no illusions that elite sprinting requires extreme athleticism, you just have to look at the mens 100m sprinters physiques to see that. CHeers for the serious answers

salt][quote=stunet wrote:Fucken long way to drive with three kids. Alternative is fly and hire but that's damn expensive. I'm currently putting pins in the globe for ideal surf trips with the kids: NZ motorhome mission, Aragum Bay, Cactus (half the road time of West Oz), Christmas Island, Samoa, and if none of them then Ulladulla.;/p>
Can't see myself taking 'em to G'Land for a while.
Stu do cactus with the kids, I did it may just gone, kids loved it. Turned feral chasing lizards and dogs. As long as the mrs is cool chilling out while your out at caves all day . Awesome
You want to be well set up Stu if you take the missus, there is not a kid or a dog that has not had a good time there, caves is a bit overated old mans wave. We were there last May and half of June salt, only really go there cause the wife insists. ;-)

problem solved .
give yourself 7 days to drive solo to NW ( allowing 4 days of surfing at chosen locations along the way ) .
get family to catch plane and meet you up near there . ( budget option is to take them from perth onwards .)
that way you can carry/tow all the toys you'll need to keep them busy and her happy ....
besides the extra effort will guarantee way more sunshine , warmer water , better fishing ;-)
only downfall to that for me is the missus is not a " confident " flyer ... so probably will never be my own option .

Southey, I met a guy that was meeting his wife and daughter in Perth, they were going across on the Indian Pacific having their own adventure and he left a month earlier with a camper and all the comforts. It is a bit expensive, but you don't do it every year do you.

Better you see it now before developers insist that " consumer demand " was the reason they destroyed the soul of the place or even before the international surfers truly discover the joint en masse and it becomes another Uluwatu or worse, another Snapper . Or more likely the type of place where there are various postcards available at the gift shop promoting an era and vibe that no longer exists.
It's about so much more than just the waves.

Desert lefts. Jungle lefts. backlit lefts. awesome fishing.
last time I was there was talking to a few of the national parks rangers. they said the pastoral leases were coming up for renewal and the coast track between Gnaraloo station and Waroora was going to be opened up. Now that would be a trip.

Blowin wrote:Better you see it now before developers insist that " consumer demand " was the reason they destroyed the soul of the place or even before the international surfers truly discover the joint en masse and it becomes another Uluwatu or worse, another Snapper . Or more likely the type of place where there are various postcards available at the gift shop promoting an era and vibe that no longer exists.
It's about so much more than just the waves.
Sorta like...........J/bay

It's a nice drive Freeride but personally I'd prefer it remains closed to the public. To open it up is the first step in the process . Before long it will be tar, then of course a service station will be required , then it's on for young and old. It would be a spectacular tourist drive, far superior to anything else in Australia and that would be its downfall. Instead of camping on the high tide line , think of cars pouring past with designated , sign posted photo opportunities and bus loads of tourists. Think great ocean road . That would break my heart - but it's going to happen. Like I said , see it while you can .

shaun wrote:Blowin wrote:Better you see it now before developers insist that " consumer demand " was the reason they destroyed the soul of the place or even before the international surfers truly discover the joint en masse and it becomes another Uluwatu or worse, another Snapper . Or more likely the type of place where there are various postcards available at the gift shop promoting an era and vibe that no longer exists.
It's about so much more than just the waves.Sorta like...........J/bay
Sorta like ....everywhere else in the world.
Aaaahhh globalisation .....the celebration of the worlds diversity by homogenising the lot into one neatly accessible single serve consumer portion.
As the Oils lamented about A Place Without a Postcard, as soon as a location has a brand it's all over, the commodification is entrenched and it's all about successful economics and growth from then on in.
Thank fuck Rip Curl didn't get in years ago - just imagining the " Brand alignment opportunities " makes me feel ill.
And even when the event was canned due to it being incongruous with the soul of the area and against the express wishes of the community Neil Ridgeway said " We'll never say it's not going to happen " ( the exploitation of the coast by Rip Curl to sell Boardshorts ) . Nice one Neil. Like any developer with dollar signs in their eyes they will be back.

Well Blowie I'm just stoked that there is just a hand full of us that read these forums, you wouldn't want a plane load of Brazilians to stumble across this site and read that g-lands pretty quiet now, just after you've booked in yourself, or that the NW is laid back and ripe for the picking.

Lifty: is a rowing machine an OK place to start?

Shaun, Red Bluff is the wave of the day on Surfline and I just assume people see my name and skip past what I have to say.... No harm , no foul. No G Land for me mate, I was there in April.
But the three page promo for Western Vicco that I put on Brazil' Surfing Life website in Portuguese through Google translate, well that's another thing entirely. I trust our Brazilian brothers will be respectful when they get there. I hope so anyway. If you can't trust a mob of Brazilian surfers to show respect in a foreign line up who can you trust ?
Actually Shaun , you're on the money . You know what I do now ?
Hint - delete, delete, delete.

Blowin is the hint a
One that you look at for hours..;)

I hope every single person that has "enjoyed " a few months up that NW way , absolutely bombards the WA govt with hate mail , blockades the track/ road from both ends .
As blowin says , as soon as that becomes a traffic able / even dirt .
That will become the main path to Sex Mouth and Oral bay ...... Fuck that ... It's bad enough getting caught behind the Perth mums and dads on the drive up there . I always tried to drive through the night to avoid exactly that . Imagine how trashed the area would get in a hurry .....
I love that area . Just for what it is ... Not what it could be .
Crust ... Great idea . Might throw the missus , two boys and camper / boat on the rail ... Boys would love it ...
I still reckon my name would be mud for the first week they got there though !!!!

Wellymon is all over it.

you're right. fcuk the track being opened up. the ranger spoke of another left further up...anyone surfed it?

Yeah I know a bloke who I work with offshore, who has surfed it quite often, nowhere near as heavy as Gnarloo but still pretty good.

I was not actually havin a go at you blowin, but some of yous have cottoned that what was old is new again, their being pulled out of the cupboard and being dusted of again, I heard G-land is back on peoples bucket list and compared to the NW and such way more waves to the dollar.

freeride76 wrote:you're right. fcuk the track being opened up. the ranger spoke of another left further up...anyone surfed it?
There is a few of them Freeride , how far up are you talking ? Ningaloo Reef is almost 300 kms long....

shaun wrote:I was not actually havin a go at you blowin, but some of yous have cottoned that what was old is new again, their being pulled out of the cupboard and being dusted of again, I heard G-land is back on peoples bucket list and compared to the NW and such way more waves to the dollar.
Not me mate, I prefer to zig when others are zagging. That's why I'm spewing about a certain other sucky Indo left being back on the radar big time. Mostly due to the promos run by a resort.
It's lucky you clarified though Shaun, I've been pouting in the corner all afternoon.... Except for when Dr Phil was on, I just can't stay mad at that man !

Yeah, you know he has knew book out and it's published by his son.
I should probably get job or move to somewhere where there's surf.

Gidday mitchvg, been flat out today, finished late and informed that soufle's basketball manager, ex cop, private investigator mate has been stalking me, left a trail, so just checking that out.
I'll have time to answer you properly tomorrow. Rowing can be great exercise, but there are some iimportant points to consider.

cue evil laugh .......

'cue evil laugh ....... '
More along the lines of hiding between legs classic squawkup. Anyway, as I said, I was informed that your ex cop, private investigator, security company mate has been stalking me, and mysteriously left a bit of a trail, but as he has discovered, what I said is true. I played with all the basketballers I, and you have mentioned, that is all the best players of my era, including imports and visiting US colleges.
Anyway it is kind of funny, like a sixty minutes episode. Ex cop, private investigator, security company mate stalks basketballer. And, I applaud swellnet for keeping such clean books, so to speak. Again, as I said, I have always had nothing to hide from, and stood on my own two feet. It is good that the swellnut club has a resident, ex cop, private investigator checking out and stalking their members. Plus basketball is in safe hands, and the members money is being well spent on important managerial tasks.
I can't be bothered investigating you chicken soufl'e, the 'surfing' blacks episode(s) say it all.
Mitchvg, rowing can be really good, its like combining squats and seated rows, but unless your form, and understanding of that is really good, it can be a real double edged sword and really bad. Rowers have the biggest number of back blowouts of all sports. Think of what is happening to vertebra and discs in particular. The discs in the lower back are constantly getting pinched at the front, and its easy to create bulges at the back. Like squeezing a ballon full of water.
So you have to row a bit different to a competitive rower where stroke length is important. You are doing it for fitness, so can/must keep the back slightly arched, and restrict range in the lower back. You have to be fully conscious of bracing ab region (squeeze like trying to stop having a leak, and pull everything into your spine), and engaging lower back especially at the commencement of every drive. Its hard work which is good for fitness/strength, and it must become a subconscious pattern. Start the drive with the glutes, quads, thats where the power is, then follow through with lats/back, and to a lesser extent, arms. For fitness, try and focus on hamstrings pulling you back to start position. Knees mustn't bow in or out, but keep in a straight line with hips and feet. This will keep joint integrity, safety, and help strengthen and ingrain that. The row portion is like a seated row, or like the rows I showed in the videos with the straps, except you are pulling into navel area. Keep shoulders down and back. Blow out when exerting. All this is hard work. But its important to just practice the technique at first. I have to go, I have been online too long, there is a trace on me as I speak, but I will give you some info about routines on the rower if you wan................................................................................................

haha.. wow. contradicting yourself once again..... no credibility.
There was a thread some months ago where I listed quite a few instances where old lifty (best b'baller in the Elliston area) had clearly contradicted himself, and stated that he had no credibility. After I put up a few of these posts, Old lifty starts frantically ringing people trying to find out who I am.. fucking hilarious!
So anyway there was a couple of people who do know who I am, but no one say anything, except good old wordy, really stitched up the old fella. So he's fuming, blowing up deluxe and wordy tells him that I'm moth, I don't know why he decided to say that but anyway old lifty gets back on here and tells me he's found out that I am moth and that he is "coming to see me". fucking hilarious! (for me anyway, not so much for moth, haha)
So I try and tell the old fella that wordy has stitched him up and I am not moth, but he is fuming and fucking raging by this stage and then thinks even more so that I am moth, his response? "looks like I'm coming up that way to see you, WORDY SAID IT, SO BAD LUCK!!!!" (capitals included)
Fucking hilarious! (sorry moth, tried to tell him hes got the wrong guy, blame wordy for that one)

Nice squawk. Surfees ho. Chickens of a feather. Like I said groggy, I don't have to hide, including not needing any ex cop, private investigator, security company, basketball 'managers' legs to hide between.

Gee you don't mind a soap opera do you lofty .
I asked the only person I knew that was heavily involved in basketball that could have possibly have heard of you . He said no he hadn't but would ask a guy he knew in SA . He also asked why , and I basically said that everyone in the surfing community thought he was a joke , but that I was more interested if he was a elite as he claimed . I take my health seriously , and hence wouldn't listen to advice that you give out unless I knew your credentials and character . So far , your surfing character continually gets rebuked by all and sundry in your community . So I asked him to ask of your standing in the basketball community
! End of story .
Your the one that openly " sells " your wears , ( so to speak ) . Nothing he or I have done , contravenes anything that others don't talk about in public . I chose to not participate in any conversations here in my professional capacity , for good reasons I won't go into . Your the one that continually tries to character asassinate myself and far higher regaled Victorians . Maybe I'm being perochial , maybe you have something to hide and have started blowing whistles . Do you really think if I wanted to harm , intimidate or annoy you I would ask someone of former public office to do something you describe as dirty work .
I have plenty of other avenues that would be far more cloak and dagger if my intentions were nothing but innocent . I suggest you step back and think about what you claim , what your willing to share and or who and why you try and discredit others . So far you've alienated yourself in your chosen region . Now your bordering on making that nationwide .
PS . He hasn't got back to me ... Must be still searching for a career that never got started ...

Are you saying he isn't an ex cop, private investigator, security company, basketball manager? How did you come up with Darryl Pearce? Like I said, your ever changing 'surfing' blacks stories sum you up.

'I'll share this with everyone ..... I spoke to a mate here in VIC who did play Basketball for Aust. at junior level closer to your error , has coached extensively and is still involved at high level . He's a mate of Darryl Pearce , and he asked some SA coaching stalwarts that are still involved .
NO - ONE has ever heard of you .... Your not even a has been , you never were anything . Instead you moved to a small town , to hide ......'
Which suddenly becomes:
'PS . He hasn't got back to me ... Must be still searching for a career that never got started ...'
Your 'stories' just have a continuous habit of changing in a whim, aka when you 'surfed' blacks... by not surfing it.

We both know Darryl is overseas . ! I believe you should desist with your attempts at character assasinations after people have been honest with you . I've never said I was any champion , that was you .
Over and over , and over .... Did I mention .... And over .
I all I ever claimed is that I have a serious dig , and even with limited capacity still do . I don't need mates on here to back me up , they are out there in many and wide communities . They all know that when I say I'm going to do something , I carry it out . Don' t you have some elite housewives to train !?!

uplift wrote:Nice squawk. Surfees ho. Chickens of a feather. Like I said groggy, I don't have to hide, including not needing any ex cop, private investigator, security company, basketball 'managers' legs to hide between.
hahaha... no, you just ring WORDY!! Furious!! Wordy FFS!! bahahahaha. he sure stitched you!

" Your not even a has been , you never were anything ."
Southey, I think the correct term you're looking for is 'never-was-but-wished-he-had-have-been'.

yeah groge's .
literature was never my strong point ...
but did I mention I can lift heavy things .... just the other day .......................
elite , amasing .....delux

You guys are classic bullshit artists, I wouldn't have a clue where Darryl Pearce is, the last time I saw him I was playing with him, for South Adelaide, being coached by Don Shipway, before I moved to Elliston. Call them liars if you want. So why did you bring him up, that your mate that never got back to you knew him.
Even when people asked me for some advice, just me giving it to them was too much for you, a huge problem for you.

I don't have a problem with your advice to me , others whoever ... Everyone's a little tired of the repetition .
I never intervene to stop you giving advice here , i'll often even read it .
As for the elite surfing that has to be taken place at a certain weight and only at a certain earth shattering wave , is now apparently the new Hawaii. Where everyone should be measured !?
Didn't Darryl play the most amount of games in Adelaide at the highest level ... if I was ever going to ask anyone about your eliteness , surely you should start at the top ? ...
That's where you've continually placed yourself .
I've told you once that he spoke to two people ( of which I don't know ) , but Darryl is overseas so not as yet . Maybe you can wait for him at the Airport . ? !! ;-)

Maybe you can wait for him at the Airport? quote]FFS!!!!! How manu times do I have to say this!!!???? My mate Mick don't have the time to sit around waitin for some bloke he's never met! Time is money! Mick's time is BIg money - $75 per hour Big! Big with a capital B! He don't have time to waste on fripperies. Not at his age. Time is short. Money is money. He's booked up solid for the next three years. Until he's 91. Rust never sleeps. The early bird catches the worm. Etc etc.
Now bugger off and stop interrupting his nana naps.
This one deserves a thread.
Has started http://www.aspworldtour.com/events/2014/mct/674/j-bay-open