J Bay

Na never seen it. Wedensday, Oyster Bay
Don't know what donweathers on about, some of the best surfing I've seen there was goofys, it's a performance wave backhand or forehand 3ft to 12 ft. Fuck talking about it just makes me want activate that kickstart account.

I've heard Occy did alright out there.

Blowin wrote:I've heard Occy did alright out there.
Saturday's forecast has been seriously ramped up now with the ASP calling for "solid swell in the double overhead range, with sets pushing triple overhead (15-foot-plus faces) certainly not out of the question."
Gonna be good viewing, both on the webby and live (eh Mick?)

Occy : Former world champ with a predisposition towards a ten piece chicken pack ( make sure it's not all wings ! ) and a brace of brown bottles on the lounge in front of wheel of fortune. I've heard he did ok at Jeffrey's , just to put a bit of perspective on the Goofys historical capabilities out there.

Oooooooh......THAT Occy.

ASP site says possible noon start !

Speaking of the Occ. When's the Curren/Occ legends heat scheduled? Is it during the break between the semi's and final? Be great if they get big solid jbay.

Really still only 3 foot, won't be on. They can't run it not with the best day being tomorrow. Stu got an invite to watch finals at Cherons on the point at Supers. Will surf bone yards early though. Got a 7'7 if it gets nasty

Why the feck would they run it this afternoon? I agree MF, tomorrow is THE day. Are they worried about winds tomorrow afternoon or something?

Really still only 3 foot, won't be on. They can't run it not with the best day being tomorrow. Stu got an invite to watch finals at Cherons on the point at Supers. Will surf bone yards early though. Got a 7'7 if it gets nasty[/iquote]
Be careful young **** . ******* been known to eat young boys like you

All forecasts are the same Don super strong offshores all day. I reckon be game on at 8am with occy v curren (who will murder the occstar) with approx 3pm finish. Still room for 35mins heats as no jet ski assist allowed. There was some talk here that maybe it will be too big for supers and cause a wash through. But on other hand others saying too much west won't get in. I'm with Craig's forecast 6-8.

I don't want to pre-empt anything, but if today lives up to the forecast, it's going to be Epic!!
Stu, bit of hype around the swell, be ineterested to see if there's a spike in viewer numbers.

Yep, gonna keep a close eye on that. Will be very interesting to see how many viewers turn up.

Incredible forecast turn around,from doom and gloom a week ago to hopefully all time..bring it on,.cant wait!

For the first time in my life, I am going to an ASP watching party.
ASP watching is something I have always done at home, by myself, on the internet.
Most of my friends like the beach, but are not board riders. I never talk about the ASP, though I will occasionally email a link to a surfing video of exceptional interest.
But the possibility of an epic swell, AT JBAY, ON A SATURDAY has got the boys fired up.
A gathering has all been organised without my input. All the non-board riders. Frothing!
A group of generally sport interested people meeting for an ASP watching barbecue.
This is a new experience for me.
Of course, we are just a bunch of aussies, so this is not the tipping point that will save pro surfing.

It won't be the tipping point that saves pro surfing, but it may well be an epic day. Shame Jordy isn't still in the event.
Enjoy it Wal...

Hey Wally,let us know what the general consensus is,if they thought it was worth watching or complete yawn.

Wally, don't forget to bring a plate;)

like you Wally i will watch with mates ASP events -- I go to the pub and watch with heaps of crew on Fuel - it's fun - Ill be there soon, beer, steak and chips, mates, j'bay live, on on another screen will watch live NRL.

All tasks accomplished - check, beers in fridge - check, nibbles bought and ready to be eaten - check, anticipation levels rising steadily - check .

Mailed all cheques- check.

Actually Wally, I like it! Australians watching some sport and cheering on Australians who actually do well on the global stage. I think 5 of the final 12 are Aussies. High five positives all round.

Hope all these outrageous forecasts are on the money blokes! Cold onshore day in S/W Vicco today and I've told wifey the TV is mine from about 4pm for some beer consumption while watching (hopefully) some 10 foot plus offshore J Bay on FUEL. PLEASE don't be a hoax!!!!!!!

surely got run today...the live feed now looks pretty damn good

Looks about 4-6ft sets on the cam at this stage, and high tide. 7.27am in JayBay. But just saw a 8ft bomb come through.

For those not watching the morning show. Heats of 35min will start at 8am (4pm EST). Occy vs Curren between the qtrs and semis. Looks epic too.

First heat, great waves...and it might be just me ,but their boards look alittle small?

Seems like such a waste of waves with what they're letting go. Taj looked like he was taking a bit bigger board woo. Think Kerrsy's is undersized though. So far I think Kerrsy has focused too much on the tube, (all or nothing) and missed out on quite a few points from big turns. Would be very tricky out there though.

C'mon Taj...

C'mon Taj...

I'm calling they're juicing Medina for the win. At least so far in his round five heat. But like Donweather said , the naturals are laughing today.

cj looks abit off his game atm...won't need 'juice' it for Gabby

Fanning must of got on his knees again, the hell was that a 7.5.

tactical move by Mick...hit the beach and change boards, leaving the only guy to put shark repellent graphics on his board in the line up alone...all alone...

matt123 wrote:Fanning must of got on his knees again, the hell was that a 7.5.
U mean after Medina ... a 5.0 for what three turns and a bodged toob ...
Mick's an easy 7.5 after that ... more on rail committed turns, longer wave, and didn't fall off !!!

woohcs wrote:tactical move by Mick...hit the beach and change boards, leaving the only guy to put shark repellent graphics on his board in the line up alone...all alone...
Yeah, what a mind fcuk ...
Plus, open choice of waves, and what's freddy take ???
Mick Parko Final?

Owen to smash Medina ... Gee, I hope, I really really hope ...

Mick looked pretty relaxed in that heat, ramping up for later surfs...woulda like a bit more from freddy tho...oh..and ...go parko!

wingnut2443 wrote:matt123 wrote:Fanning must of got on his knees again, the hell was that a 7.5.
U mean after Medina ... a 5.0 for what three turns and a bodged toob ...
Mick's an easy 7.5 after that ... more on rail committed turns, longer wave, and didn't fall off !!!
And what about Taj only getting a 7 on the bomb of the day so far? should have been a 10 if fanning got a 7.5

Not sure Taj did as many top to bottom turns ... ???

matt123 wrote:And what about Taj only getting a 7 on the bomb of the day so far? should have been a 10 if fanning got a 7.5
As much as I agree, judges will say 'different heat, different scale'.

Gotta luv the commentary...wilkos wave, "starts on a bumpy wave here, lots of chop, makes his way around... on one of the cleanest sets of the day!"

When they put their board adverts up I wish they would give a height and weight of the surfer to help us gauge their choice.

I wonder if Tony Ty Carson from Big Island is watching?

woohcs wrote:Gotta luv the commentary...wilkos wave, "starts on a bumpy wave here, lots of chop, makes his way around... on one of the cleanest sets of the day!"
Yeah, I sorted keep thinking it would be good to have a Roy and HG simulcast ...

Heaps of crew watching Fuel at Bells Beach Hotel - I'll be back there in an hour!

Wow, Taj's last wave was incredible!! Some solid turns on the inside section.

Power carves and layback snaps ......yeh !
Nice gesture from Freddy P to give the grom his board...........could of left the fins in for him.
First time ive seen a pros board with a 3/4 deck patch .

Wingnut...roy and HG...now theres a theory that could revive the ASP! geez they'd work the poo stance!
lostdog...been thinkin the same, but I'd assume a pros choice of board would differ greatly from my older aged, non flexible, beer bellied physique!...Parko said he was riding a 6'2", looked at least 6' taller than him? parko 5'8"?

Go Taj, ..... Oh well - Go Parko ! Yeah it was incredible how long that 6'2" looked for Parko.
This one deserves a thread.
Has started http://www.aspworldtour.com/events/2014/mct/674/j-bay-open