J Bay

Sheepdog wrote:Wingnut, what it does show is that when the surf is pumping, people get interested... Wasn't any of this sort of banter after Rio... Good waves, consistent waves gets the punters talking...
Plenty of 'bagging' going on about the conditions in Rio ...
Much more performance type discussion now after J Bay ... and what appears to be a lot less discussion about scoring issues?

Hey Uppity how do you rate highly credentialed Dr. Jeremy Sheppard 's work with Bede and his and his program at the Academy.

Gidday 3Poles.
I like lots of it, such as:
Image: Bede power turn
"Almost every surfer I've ever trained lacks adequate leg strength. They are literally weak in the part of the body that provides some serious propulsion. I think traditionally people have thought strength training meant getting injured or getting heavy, or getting slow, but there's no scientific evidence for any of that. Stronger people get fewer injuries because weak things break. That's just physics.
We are publishing a study to determine the relationship between judges scores on turns and an athlete's lower body strength level. We had credentialed judges and expert coaches rank 20 of our athlete's turning abilities. We then related those scores to a force platform test where we measured dynamic leg strength of each athlete. The finding is a large, positive correlation between the judges' scores and an athlete's leg strength. To be an athlete, strength needs to be one of your key foundation qualities."
Image: Bede's Squat
"Every surfer is screened to see if they can they do a single leg body squat all the way down and all the way up. We try to work them up to doing a reasonable amount of reps just using their body weight. That's pretty important. Other things to do to increase leg strength are snatch squats, back squats, front squats, deadlifts, lunges and step-ups. Which ones we use depends on the athlete and the time of year."'
But, would add all of the above re glute/lower back strength strength too, or core, as all 3 hinge, work together.
Also, for instance, when I met Todd Archer, he was an expert at pistol or 1 legged squats, but was about to head off for double knee surgery. Despite him generally being considered a brick shithouse next to most surfers, I showed him that his legs/glutes, and back, lacked pure strength/size, and talked him into trying strengthening them with an extremely intense style of weighted back squats, adjusted to suit his knees condition at first, and deadlifts as well. He never had surgery, became much, much stronger, and surfed even better. I believe 1 leg squats contain a very high skill component, re performance improvement, ie more reps, similar to balance training.
And I like this:
'A lot of people use balance boards for surf training. That's okay for rehab, but doing squats on a balance board isn't going to help build strength and power like doing a squat on a stable surface will."
But personally feel, and have experienced, that if the balance board thing is inefficient for building strength and power, then it is also the same for rehab.
Also the friend I mentioned, who saved Meninga, Carrol's, Waugh's, Cash's and other peoples careers, after they had exhausted every, utter possible national and international expert and technique, and spent a fortune doing so, had pretty much minimal, formal 'qualifications.' He also used pretty basic ideas once you understand them, that every 'expert' said would be useless. But his opinion re the fitness and strength of surfers, particularly core, or glutes/legs/back was as above, and similar to mine. We had some good laughs about it.
And I like this:
"We published a study in the U.S. based Journal of Strength Conditioning and Research showing the relationship between sprint and endurance paddling speed and pull up strength. There's a positive correlation for sure. You don't have to be able to do a chin-up with a piano around your waist, but having good posture, a properly working shoulder, and some solid pulling strength are key to optimizing your paddling. Long arms help too, but I can't do much about that!"
Image: Bede Focusing
"We complete a lot of sessions with ten minutes of recovery breathing. It's a good technique to train mindfulness, and to train your nervous system to go from that fighting gear when you are training, to a resting state. Breathing is the metronome of the mind. You can turn it down or up by using breathing exercises.
As far as sports psychology, there are no short-term fixes. Athletes should become more independent of their coaches every session, more knowledgeable and more mentally tough. We teach athletes how to make more informed decisions.
If you fall on a wave, for example, go ahead and be pissed off...for maybe five seconds max. But then turn your thought into what you need to do next. That's where empowerment happens. Failure happens, but how you respond to it is where it matters most. Being mentally tough is incredibly important."
Anyone who ever tries my workouts will tesify to it toughening you up very quickly re dealing with stress. Lots hate them, because any weaknesses, and egos are quickly exposed.
Personally, I always seperate skill and strength training, and believe nothing improves skill like the actual activity. This also addresses specificity, which is popular, but in my experience, ends up failing performance in the long run due to injury.

uplift wrote:When I played basketball, we were drilled constantly, taught to see any sign of weakness, to constantly sum our opposition up, from a young age, over and over and over. We were the top club in the country for years and years, and my coaches from that young age were Olympic coaches or players. It didn't take me long to see why our club was head and shoulders above the rest. The attention to detail was fanatical. Adding to that, being a trainer for so long, that is, having trained so many people from all walks of life for so long, further totally relies on and hones the skill of reading body language. At around 6 mins 10 secs, and I use that time so that it can't be missed, he quits. That feeble slump, fuck this, supposed fade fiasco, is like holding up an 'I'm finished sign, come and get me'. Man on man, which ASP surfing still has large elements of, or trying to explain comparably, if I was standing him in basketball, after seeing/sensing that, I would literally be on him, in his face like a dog... trample him, crush him, finish him would be the ingrained, trained reaction. Like what Geelong did to a young, inexperienced Justin Westhoff in that infamous final. Wecome to the big time... sonny.
While we are at ( apologies for off topic to everyone else ) ...
Would you care to enlighten us with the names of the Elite club you played Basketball with , or perhaps the elite Coach and Olympic players that played you played alongside ( training doesn't count ) who influenced you .
I have a friend that has an OAM for sport , doesn't mean he played with elite ( although he did ) , he received it for services to that sport and in particular all sports ...
If your talking so regularly about Elite this and that , it would be nice to know what level this Talk is coming from ... rather than my mate did this and that .... especially when you continually drag every single topic in this one direction !!!!
If you say Noalunga then yeah that's a reasonable level ... but its not as if we are talking the highest level in the land . I surfed in the local boardriders for a few years , but doesn't mean I feel compelled to go out and start blabbing on about performance this and that of Basketball persay .

Battered Hailstone warranty syndrome.
Some Coaches, Kieth Miller, Alan Dawe, Glenn Marsland, Alan Hughes. Don Shipway, Mike Osborne. Olympic, National League.
I played and trained with all the top players of that era. I captained some sides, including the top, undefeated junior club team in the country.
West Adelaide, Adelaide Giants, Forestville Eagles and yes, you must have been doing lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of homework, all that was way pre internet, Noarlunga for only a short time, because Osborne recruited me, when they entered in the South East Basketball conference. I was one of the players listed in a first for Australian sport, when we played an inaugaural game against a team of players from the newly formed Australian Institute of Sport, shortly before I quit and moved to Elliston.
Lots of national, elite athletes trained at the newly created, first of its kind, Adelaide Sports Science clinic.
Kills you also that you have no experience at any sort of training, especially after all your earlier fitness training expertise blabbering crap... when you have never actually trained anyone.
'I surfed in the local boardriders for a few years , but doesn't mean I feel compelled to go out and start blabbing on about performance this and that'
You endlessly do. And training. You have a self admitted fucked back, and that and buying a highchair somehow made you an expert on training too.
Kills you that you self admittedly shat yourself at blacks on the several occasions you tried to... 'surf' it, so to speak, whereas I thrived in, and loved that atmosphere.
It reminds me of when you asked for proof from Todd, and when it was provided in spades, made up some hailstones style bullshit story to try to weasel out of it.

I thought this was about J bay, how silly of me, all threads are about uplift and his obsession, until we all go to his gym and training his way. All from a sixty year old man who in his day, what 40 yrs ago when lol basketball was real big in this country, a lot of cred there, did he say country team, so elite not even a city side, please tell us some names of these elite spirtsman that you personally have trained or trained with.
Now I trained with the local union team before my first trip to indo back in my day, does that make me a rugby union expert,

You are asking the off topic questions. Do your homework, all were city sides dimwit. No, you are a gimp, that can't even spell sports.

Back to JBay, any logical reason jet-ski assist wasn't used? Such a wasted opportunity,the world's best, in the best waves for a comp in a long time......paddling. I'd much rather see 10 rides than 20 minutes of swimming. Parko would have had one more chance.

And so the uplift rant and dribble show continues

Bringing it back to topic uppity ...
i believe joel may have capitulated .... but considering the timing of which i feel it was irrelevent .... infact smart .
as for the mental effect of his peaking in the semi , then changing tact after micks first wave in the final .
i would put it down to this ...
my old man coached alot of high level footy ...
and to quote him
" you can knock some cunt out of some peoples personality , but you can't knock it into them " ......
what this means.
Joel doesn't seem to have that hard edge in his nature , and pure skill is his main asset .
That doesn't mean that Mick is a c*&$ , ( they are both very pleasant guys in person ) , its just that i reckon Mick has more of that " white line fever " in him ... you know " game time " .
Joels professional , and as i said you can mold or subdue someones traits , but you can't magicly inject them .
His strengths lie in his effortless smoothness . i'm sure he's mentally strong enough to not let that result get to him , and the only negativity to it would be Mick growing confidence from it .
So i met you halfway .... what that has to do with weights means two fifths of fuckall .
Just like your basketball career or lack there of !
I don't feel i need to justify what i've done in surfing by what i didn't do at Blax .

What you did at blacks is enough for me.
'So i met you halfway .... what that has to do with weights means two fifths of fuckall .'
All of the stuff in 3poles link is not my opinion, and relates to it perfectly.
Always someone else, your dad, uncle, mate. Get out from squawking between their legs.
Any references, results, photo's, etc from anyone YOU have successfully trained?

yeah i toilet trained my son ...........
its one thing to train people at an elite level ... being elite is another matter .....
apart from tennis and football i've had no specific training , yet i ve managed quite well to obtain
a reasonable high level in a handful of sports , three of which are actually not far removed from surfing ... unlike basketball which is to ice hockey as close as waterpolo ...... where you find that crossover is amasing .....

uplift wrote:What you did at blacks is enough for me.
'So i met you halfway .... what that has to do with weights means two fifths of fuckall .'
All of the stuff in 3poles link is not my opinion, and relates to it perfectly.
Always someone else, your dad, uncle, mate. Get out from squawking between their legs.
Any references, results, photo's, etc from anyone YOU have successfully trained?
to date you have attacked both Mick , Joel and everyone else in the sport for not training properly , when infact they are still hands down outperforming all of the people that have been trained in similar methods to your vision ....
So at first you say that there is no one trying to be elite within our sport ,and now your using it as your justification , because in fact they have been but apart from Sally there is yet to be real success .
I'm not against what they are trying, i'm just sick of you continually bringing up irrelevent sports .

I'll address that point your old boy made Soufle. Kieth Miller was an internationally respected coach, especially amongst all of the Olympic coaches. Famous US coaches of the time went out of their way to meet him. He wasn't very popular in many Aust basketball circles, as he did different things, and openly challenged convention. I was lucky, no, not really, I made a conscious choice, to have spent years and countless hours learning from him, and picking his brains. One thing he did, which really stood out, was form a team called 'Colts'. It was a team formed of players considered not good enough, and rejected by the top teams, when they reached senior level. He formed it, because he openly felt that those players were coached wrongly. At first they were seen as a joke, as no threat, and allowed in the state competition. It soon became an embarrassement when top teams were flogged by them. I was still a junior, captain of the top under 18 team in the country, and my dream and many top juniors dreams, became to play for Miller's Colts. It became more and more embarrassing, and the basketball powers then refused to let them play. Miller turned his back on Australian basketball then. What he taught me most, was that the best coaches can get the best from any player, and find a way to enhance natural ability, and most importantly, change bad habits and instill new behaviour. Including a so called, never say die, killer instinct. My experience is that proper fitness training is the same. That lady chinning had a paralysing fear of heights. She wouldn't go near that hanging bar. In the end, she was a fearless machine up there, extremely impressive fitness. Try chinning like that some time, 2 secs up, hold for 2 at the top, all the way down for 4secs, full hang/stretch, no letting tension off. Repeat 8 - 12 times, add weight when its easy.

No you aren't sick of anything, you keep hanging on my every word. And grovelling back for more.
Any references, results, photo's, etc from anyone YOU have successfully trained?
A simple zero will do.

uplift wrote:I'm flat out today wingnut, but will answer you properly later ...
Cheers uplift. To save you going back looking for it, this was my question:
wingnut2443 wrote:... Uplift, have you used your skills and experience to train surfers? And, what were their results like in terms of competitive surfing? Genuine questions. I'm keen to understand the theory to practical outcome conversion success.

Yeah well back to Parko'..... The boy already has a world title.... No one can ever take that away.... There have been alot of one off world champs..... Similar to golf or tennis - there are alot of one off "major" winners..... But winning more than one puts you in esteemed company.... One off winners - Pat Cash, Thomas Johansson, Ian Baker Finch, Corey Pavin.
Now lets look at names of those who did it twice - Pat Rafter, Lleyton Hewitt, Illie Nastasse, Greg Norman, Bernhard Langer. It's a whole new level....
Parko has all the ability to do it again.... But he should consider some form of sports psychology....

dellabeach wrote:Back to JBay, any logical reason jet-ski assist wasn't used? Such a wasted opportunity,the world's best, in the best waves for a comp in a long time......paddling. I'd much rather see 10 rides than 20 minutes of swimming. Parko would have had one more chance.
ID, One of the conditions of staging an event at Jbay is that you can't use skis to take you back to the lineup. Its a local rule if you want to have an event there. They have two one for safety and one for filming.

Southey, I like your old Avatar.....
The new one...?????
Is that you holding onto a big cock...........
Looks like your riding a giant lizard...? I'm stumped:)

to tell the truth it didn't really seem to make much difference to the total waves ridden in a heat.
seemed about normal.

uplift wrote:Speaking of chinups, I trained this lady for a couple of years. She went from barely being able to hang off a bar, to a machine. Insane at hanging knee raises too, 15 kgs hanging on her feet, 8 sec holds, 8 rep sets.
Its a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.
Uplift is she married....?
Geez fair dinkum mate, you love your job don't you ;)

Also regarding the final, I am pretty sure the bottom of the tide was during the final. (hence also the best barrels in Semis and Currens heats with the tide on the drop). The current was pretty strong running from Impossibles down through Salad Bowls and into Coins where its really hard to climb onto the reef to get out of the water. Carl Lewis wouldn't have made it into the lineup from where Joel was. Swell also peaked lunchtime - 2pm so was definitely the biggest waves of the day. Parko is a supreme paddler in the water so gives you an indication of the sweep. Once you passed Impossibles its hard to punch back through on that tide. He aslo surfed the dawny too so that makes it four sessions so would have been under some duress.
Here's two photos of Salads view parko had
and view from side
It was surprising more of them didn't get stuck down there after the impossible section like Occy did.
And some heats just go your way. Mick peaked in Final Joel in Semi. And dellabeach the pros get enough waves make them paddle haha.

mister muscle wank will be along shortly ,carl lewis elite athlete pfft the fucker trained all wrong

Gidday wingnut, yes I have trained plenty of surfers, no ASP surfers, but some sponsored.
I'll tell of examples of results, as you claim to be interested, and because I think it relates to any surfing, maybe moreso in short duration surfs, like comps. When I first moved to Elliston I had a lot of surfs with a young guy from Lincoln, that stood out, and was pretty well regarded by all. I mentioned taking my gym over earlier, and he began asking me things, re fitness etc. I surfed alright, the fitness helped, or he, and others wouldn't have bothered. One day after a surf he told me he wanted stronger legs, and to paddle harder, surf better. He was a fairly skinny guy, especially legs, and his, and some of his friends plan that he was going to train with was to do heaps of jogging and running, and he asked what I reckoned. I was also roped into playing basketball and footy in the area, and as would anyone's who played and trained at the level I did, my fitness was a standout. I couldn't stop laughing, and he wanted to know why. He ended up doing gym work with me, much to the ire of the pack, and I also showed him nutritional stuff, and his diet followed what I've discussed before. We ended up really good friends, and he trained with me for years and years and years. We then used to discuss visualising etc, and he got into that, and completely changed his life. He totally transformed, and became known as 'brickie', or 'arny'. His surfing transformed too, and he was so much more confident, dominant in the water, and even better, pretty reknowned around here.
So seeing that, others would come. Pretty hard for some of the local, 'hardnut', 'legends', to see how feeble they were, and I am honest with anyone I train. So lots hated being exposed, plus they simply couldn't cope with the effort required, and backing it up with eating. Lots of entertainment. However, I have had tons of experience with rehab, injury, and plenty were reduced to coming back to get help with that. Knees, shoulders, backs, which obviously helped their performance. Or no one would come. Brickie and I would have minimum 3 - 4 hour surfs, and sometimes surfed pumping blacks all day without going in... not that clever re hydration. But I loved knowing that could chase a set at dawn, and still be doing it at dark, so did he.
I've mentioned Todd Archers story. Same scenario, we had a few surfs together in testing conditions, and he thought I was doing ok enough surfing, and I was mid forties or so then, to ask my help and advice. My experience is that I never worried about injury, slowing down, etc, because of the training/nutrition, and was often called the eternal grommet. Todd trained really hard too, ate different and his already reknowned and head turning surfing went up a couple of notches. He told me he felt bullet proof, and wanted to do new things at blacks, which he did. So much that it was many 'legends' goal to be ranked above him. He was the best surfer I've seen at blacks. No one wants to square up at the lip out there like him.
I trained him again in Ballina for a while, with another guy from Hawaii that was pretty reknowned, and super cocky with his BJJ talk. He was open enough to see that he wasn't really that fit, some nagging injuries too, and really got into it. Which meant that he was even more of a prick to surf with. A young well known, much photographed guy from Elliston also came and stayed up there, and we used to give him much shit about the knitting needles hanging out of his boardies. He had heaps of ankle problems then, and got into it, lots of strict deadlifting etc, plus loved the visualising style stuff, and did real well. Much stronger, ankles solved, though would have liked more time with him.
Up there I fixed really bad, career and surf ending back issues, some shoulder stuff, as I had my own business. I was at a point where I made way more money other ways, and free time, so wouldn't hesitate to piss clients that were high maintenance off. I only trained who I felt like training. I came across a couple of ASP pros training up there one day... ludicrous. Lets get physical.
I trained a pretty highly regarded tow guy up the coast a bit, who had no idea, but was really open. He quickly accepted his lack of strength, and his reports were that he felt so much more solid, much more endurance, could push way harder. At the moment I'm helping a guy that was finished, again, career wise too, and who was looking at around 30 grand back op. He's loving it, powering, just got back from Indo, coming over for another assessment, next stage scenario.
If its science, doesn't really interest me, I trust results. But 3poles link had all that style of thing.
My experience, is that as much as surfers like to think of themselves as open free thinkers, most are extremely image conscious and totally governed and manicled by fitting in. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'Our tommy did a claim... our world is shattered, please God tell us its not happeneing! Whew, its all ok everyone, the sun will rise... a clutchable explanation has come forth, and all good little surfees the world over can sthweep in peath. Thankyou God!'
The gifted past life dolphin syndrome is an issue too. This is relevant, along the lines of 3poles link, so I'll tell it. Winkie, zinger, or traitor is responsible. When I first would go to blacks, a basketball comp had just started in the region, and teams were formed. No one had played before, it was a level playing field, and it became really popular. In a shocking, inexplicable situation the gifted elite athlete surfers, the Mrs uplifts and co, also self proclaimed part time heavy enforcers, were getting publically flogged, enforced and trounced by all and sundry. So traits told them I played, and a lead enforcer was reduced to enquiring. So I played for the hapless part dolphins. I asked how serious they were, and one shakin an bakin enforcer said we will do anything to win, whatever you reckon. Basketball is a sport where one person can have a huge impact, so anyone who played at my level would cause their team to win. They were reduced to accepting instruction... just give the ball to me and all get out of the way. So they, the most useless elite atletes I have ever, ever seen (dancing with the stars) won. The farmers etc approached me, and next thing I had a job and was living there, coaching kids etc. Things, although seemingly impossible, eventuated that further, publically and regionally highlighted just what useless athletes elite champion surfers are. Please, please dont make me tell that story, its winkles fault.
Which is all in line with what was discovered and highlighted, recorded to the world, and to the athletic world, in 3poles link. Despite feeling that they are specially gifted, super athletes... thank God for boardies! Somebody pay us the money!!!!!

Well then, that's settled that. A bit vague on names and such pack drill, perhaps, but who's quibbling? Mick sez, so it must be true.
Oh, and a bit light on detail around the comp surfing aspect, but, again, I'm sure that's just an oversight. Let's not obscure the big picture.
And dates, I guess. But guessing is part of the method, no doubt.
Carry on, big feller. Good work. Scientific-ish.

Please Uplift can you post some video of your exploits, as we all would like to see if the movie is as good as the book and while you're at it can you name some of the elite athletes you've trained and trained with.
Could be interesting and put some of the doubters in their place.

wellymon wrote:Southey, I like your old Avatar.....
The new one...?????
Is that you holding onto a big cock...........
Looks like your riding a giant lizard...? I'm stumped:)
Welly , its a famous painting of a little guy taking out a big guy ... and is probably pretty relevant to world events of late .
Alby Mangels is currently suing Southey for stealing his identity , and Bogong Ski Club still aren't answering my calls ..... Bogans.
PS. zoom is pretty good to check out everyones Photos better ....

uplift wrote:Gidday wingnut, yes I have trained plenty of surfers, no ASP surfers, but some sponsored. I'll tell of examples of results, as you claim to be interested ...
Uplift, I am interested. It's genuine.
I can understand that for the sake of privacy you have not put many names to your examples. However, as you've stated at the outset, the surfers you have trained are not at the top competitive tier. I feel that is at the core of this issue.
While the 'debate' is whether Parko gave up, and linked with that, whether those guys on the CT are 'elite athletes'; is it relevant what results different training methods have had in basketball? I guess you have used them as 'examples', and in a similar fashion the boxing examples ... However, for me, the core issue is that as it stands the training methods and approach you advocate is unproven at the top competitive tier of surfing.
You're entitled to your opinion (and to express it passionately as you do) ... But, it is just that, your opinion. Until it is proven at the top competitive tier of surfing, the reality is that your opinion holds the same weight as that of everyone else.
I understand you are passionate about your training, and have, in some way, set about trying to educate others via this public forum. Heck, I've seen in other threads you've even gone to the trouble of posting a video to show training methods (for shoulder injury or recovery I think it was) ... so good karma to you for being passionate about your knowledge and experience and for wanting too help others.
Innovation means trying different things, however, the results of all innovation are assessed based upon the results. In the end, most people need and want to see the results to be able to evaluate the methods, the claims, the concept. Not just on this issue, but in life. I know I do.

southey wrote:wellymon wrote:Southey, I like your old Avatar.....
The new one...?????
Is that you holding onto a big cock...........
Looks like your riding a giant lizard...? I'm stumped:)Welly , its a famous painting of a little guy taking out a big guy ... and is probably pretty relevant to world events of late .
Alby Mangels is currently suing Southey for stealing his identity , and Bogong Ski Club still aren't answering my calls ..... Bogans.
PS. zoom is pretty good to check out everyones Photos better ....
Southey old chap. I just zoomed in on yours and it looks quite perverted, is it instagram shots of your last meeting with Morris?
A bit of useless trivia, Alby Mangles rented a house in J/Bay mid 90's, or was it you southy, hiding from the CIA

Shauno ,
Unfortunately the cropping took out the " Saracen like " sword that is about to violently remove the Big Guys head .
It is a Famous painting , on the most famous Canvas . I'm not sure Morris is that Old .!;-)
As for JBay in the 90's , i can neither confirm or deny ..........

It would not surprise me Southy, it attracted quite a few dodgy characters over the years that hid out there, there was one american goofy from the east coast, Jeff Crawford got dragged off by the FBI, ahh the good ol days of surfing, brings back memories.

Gidday wingnut, if you notice, I only posted videos when people actually asked me for my help. Its actually very time consuming, and after training people all day, I prefer a break. It normally costs around 70 bucks just to speak to me about that sort of stuff. And I take the risk of doing so, and have never hidden my identity, because I can't see the point of mouthing off hidden, and have never had to hide from anyone. Also, I am extremely confident in what I learned and know. I actually train trainers and lecturers in lifting techniques etc. Fixing a surfers shoulder, knee/etc, due to trauma, or more commonly lack of balance from competing in elite sports, that is, too much repetition of certain movements (specificity), is no different to fixing a footballers. For instance, the technique used on Waugh's, Meninga's, Carrol's backs by a friend I mentioned, was essentially the same, and was essentially the same as used on several surfers, even in Elliston, and what I use on many recreational surfers, or everyday people. Some of those people are in the financial and resource (time and contacts) position to have tried absolutely everything, and everyone, nationally and internationally, and were told either its over, or advised to have operations, which would also affect their lives for ever. Many surfers, ASP and recreational, as with other sports, end their careers stuffed, left to deal with that for the rest of their lives. That's a reality training must address. Balance is essentially balance, no matter what sport/level you play, and the techniques required to reach it, depending on the imbalance can universally be applied. (Ok, I know surfers are special, different).
Training the mind to do what you want it to do, which is a massive deal in sports, and has been around openly in other sports far longer than in ASP surfing, and which I immersed myself in long ago is again, universal in its application. For instance, elite musicians, business people, athletes, actors, or people who want to live their life at their highest level all might attend the same Anthony Robbins seminar. The only difference in the results, is the application, sometimes effort wise, or sometimes in their understanding, or lack of, in what was presented. I don't buy the rocks drivvle, partly because I know people that lived and surfed there, and because of the environment I surf in, where I have actually seen ASP pros shit themselves before getting anywhere near the actual 'rocks' in the water. The cliffs will sometimes be far too much for them. An elite athlete that wants to send that message to the world, as the ASP are again, desperately trying to do, shouldn't have got in that position in the first place. After he summed up, as is obvious, that that wave wouldn't bring the score required, which an elite athlete should have been totally aware of quickly anyway, and which is a common situation applicable to all sports, then he should have been making decisions to the very end that would have a chance of getting that score. ie, in basketball, you may need to foul, 3point play, draw a foul, burn time, etc. More than 6 minutes is too great a percentage timewise from such a short heat time to throw away, in any sport, and is not elite thinking. Again, the word attack has been used, comically, and is also why I ask if the direction is really what those guys want in their lives. At the moment, no one really gives a shit, but imagine if it was focused on at the level of the sports the ASP wish to emulate. Weeks and pages ruthlessly scrutinising the performances, and especially the mistakes. of the 'athletes'.
What results have you had weight training people winger, including surfers? Some of the surfers I trained are held in extremely high regard, and in some of the waves they surfed in, have put in much better performances there than some ASP surfers have. As per in that final at the box, some of those 'elite pros' were embarrassingly at that level helpless. Same in Hawaii, or as was the case in all time Fiji, many 'elite pros' couldn't and can't match other non ASP surfers. So I used those examples as the guys aren't kooks, and surf way above the average guy, and do turn heads in the water, whether in ASP company or not, so their opinion does hold weight. And, as I trained them, I am confident in expressing my opinion. Anyone who knows me, or them, knows the story. Your choice if you think I'm crapping, you asked me a question, not visa versa, so I'm answering.
All this muscle bound talk is pretty funny. Again, how much of the journals, publicity outlets of surfing are devoted to training, as compared to other elite sports. Or in the most popular training journals, look at the percentage of 'print' surfing holds. Token at best. Many US high schools have facilities and resources that the ASP can only dream. So surfing is still in many ways in the training dark ages. Not long ago the US sprint team embarked on a major strengthening program. 2 years intense program to see a small improvement. Yet the average klutz is terrified of becoming a muscle bound freak. Hilarious, most couldn't build any amount of muscle no matter how hard they try. Then, of course nutrition.
One thing that really, really interests me, is that my conclusions which are based on my long years of experience and passion are very similar to those that 3poles posted. Yet I don't need any study or 'scientific' experiment to tell me the obvious. And to be honest, it surprised me that legs were mentioned so much in isolation to back and glutes. Not really possible.
I think you demonstrate a crippling assumption, peculiar to surfing, which because of my interest in the mental fitness thing always struck me. That gifted past life dolphin syndrome thing. Many surfers cling to the we are really different, special, supremely talented thing, despite glaring examples, like the occy/dancing thing, Koby Abberton/diving thing, Richie Vas/MMA thing where its shown, no, that's not the case, some others can be more special too. So in my experience, many surfers don't have the capacity to realise all are capable of being, or feeling that. When you start dabbling in controlling thoughts, or 'mind', it soon becomes apparent that then, who is the driver of the thoughts, mind. Or as some simply state, who are you? Along those lines, if you don't think that even the people cleaning the toilets for the 'elite ASP pros' are just as potentially capable of an equally ranked special performance in that arena, then you should try it, and see how elitely, and for how long you can do it. I honestly think its holding surfing back, that 'we are different, more special' mentality, which by its nature eliminates being open to others thinking. For instance look at that Roy guy in another thread. The guy just sold his board for a million and half! Backed himself, surrounded by squawkups. Not bad hey.
The weights debate rages in all sports winger and has for much longer than in surfing. For instance, Holyfield swears by them, Mayweather doesn't. Tiger Woods swears by them, many ''golfing experts' hate that.
For me, as you asked me, all the surfers I have trained, just like all the athletes in other sports I have trained, have benefitted greatly from my weight training.
So, again, I'll ask you, what have you found. How many people have you trained. What level of injury can you address? I have to go, because I have to train a guy that has been on debilitating medication for most of his life, due to a back problem deemed unfixable. There are some rich people here, and he has exhausted all his efforts to fix it, internationally also. A friend I helped suggested he try me. For the first time that he can remember, despite still early days, he is able to go days at a time without medication and pain, and his lifestyle is becoming very active. How would you approach that situation, what's your answers and opinion. Would you put your name to them winger?

asp surfers shitting themselves in your environment are these the same asp surfers that compete at teahpoo cloudbreak pipe sunset

Er, what am i responsible for again? Was it good or bad?

bad that you said golfers don't weight train good cause youre correct

Uplift much appreciated for your video on shoulder rehab, its been working great, pretty much full recoverery now champ, thanks heaps :)
Have you got the double fishermans leggie string yet.......?
Fucking Australian Post eh...!

shaun wrote:southey wrote:wellymon wrote:Southey, I like your old Avatar.....
The new one...?????
Is that you holding onto a big cock...........
Looks like your riding a giant lizard...? I'm stumped:)Welly , its a famous painting of a little guy taking out a big guy ... and is probably pretty relevant to world events of late .
Alby Mangels is currently suing Southey for stealing his identity , and Bogong Ski Club still aren't answering my calls ..... Bogans.
PS. zoom is pretty good to check out everyones Photos better ....Southey old chap. I just zoomed in on yours and it looks quite perverted, is it instagram shots of your last meeting with Morris?
A bit of useless trivia, Alby Mangles rented a house in J/Bay mid 90's, or was it you southy, hiding from the CIA
That grand you stole Shaunio, brought you a suit, new hair style and a pipe...!
Has it brought you pizazz....?

uplift wrote:Gidday wingnut, if you notice, I only posted videos when people actually asked me for my help. Its actually very time consuming, and after training people all day, I prefer a break ...
Dude. Like chill man ... I was paying you a compliment for helping others!
uplift wrote:... have never hidden my identity, because I can't see the point of mouthing off hidden, and have never had to hide from anyone ...
Not sure of why you feel this is relevant. But, for the sake of the 'debate', FWIW, my professional life warrants an anonymous internet footprint. Hence my use of a mostly anonymous user name.
uplift wrote:... All this muscle bound talk is pretty funny ...
Where have I mentioned or made any 'muscle bound' comments? You've addressed a response to me, but are somehow confusing yourself with comments other people have made, or alluded to ...
uplift wrote:... I think you demonstrate a crippling assumption, peculiar to surfing, which because of my interest in the mental fitness thing always struck me. That gifted past life dolphin syndrome thing. Many surfers cling to the we are really different, special, supremely talented thing, despite glaring examples ...
Ah, hang on a sec ... think you're the one making the assumption. Where in my comments have I made any such statements or alluded to anything as such?
I think you are getting confused between my comments and what others have contributed.
uplift wrote:... What results have you had weight training people winger, including surfers? ... So, again, I'll ask you, what have you found. How many people have you trained. What level of injury can you address? ... How would you approach that situation, what's your answers and opinion. Would you put your name to them winger?
I am not sure of the relevance of these statements / comments by you. I have not held myself out to be any expert, and have merely made comments from my own observations about what happened with Parko. I have not made any comments about training methods or advocated any solutions that should be employed. You have however, and have made bold statements about your skills, knowledge and experience so I asked as to your specific skills, knowledge and experience in the context of top tier competitive surfing.
uplift wrote:... Some of the surfers I trained are held in extremely high regard ...I used those examples as the guys aren't kooks, and surf way above the average guy, and do turn heads in the water, whether in ASP company or not, so their opinion does hold weight. And, as I trained them, I am confident in expressing my opinion ...
Yep, you have used them as 'examples' but no names, oops, sorry one name (i.e. Todd Archer), so based upon your view, your opinion of how well you trained them, we are meant to just accept it?
C'mon, give me a break. If I was here commenting that I could design the best boards, that my designs could change professional surfing, take it to the next level, an elite level if you will ... you, and everyone else would be calling it ... you would want evidence, you would want to see, you would want to know my experience, skills and knowledge ... and then when I started to say it was all from my days designing yachts, you, and everyone else would be saying, yeah, but, yachts are different to surfboards ...
Uplift, I asked about your skills, experience and knowledge in relation to top tier competitive surfing because you are the one standing on the sidelines throwing 'hailstones' ... you have a personal view, have expressed it... but you don't like being called on it.
Seems from your comments you believe you could take the cleaner at the ASP head office and make them into a top tier competitive surfer, so, maybe the best solution, best way to answer any doubters, is for you to do just that ... I'm sure there are plenty of "weekend warriors" near where you live who you could train and take to the top.
I look forward to it. I'll then be happy to say your method, your opinion, is correct, because then I will have the results, the evidence to see for myself. I suspect I am not the only one.

Oh no.......here we go again...........................this could get ...........very slanderous......to be honest.......I expected wingnut to cop it days back.
Uplift its a fucking shame you do this, you do know so much about training and muscular stuff and good info for us all.......then you lose the plot when anyone asks for proof of any kind and let go with a mouthful of slanderous shit.
Wingnut you may as well come clean......ya piked blax didn't ya.
But it keeps Brutus entertained when he gets to clock in while O.S.

udo wrote:... Wingnut you may as well come clean......ya piked blax didn't ya.
OK, confession time ... Never surfed there. I know, WTF? ...
I don't like the cold :)

wellymon wrote:shaun wrote:southey wrote:wellymon wrote:Southey, I like your old Avatar.....
The new one...?????
Is that you holding onto a big cock...........
Looks like your riding a giant lizard...? I'm stumped:)Welly , its a famous painting of a little guy taking out a big guy ... and is probably pretty relevant to world events of late .
Alby Mangels is currently suing Southey for stealing his identity , and Bogong Ski Club still aren't answering my calls ..... Bogans.
PS. zoom is pretty good to check out everyones Photos better ....Southey old chap. I just zoomed in on yours and it looks quite perverted, is it instagram shots of your last meeting with Morris?
A bit of useless trivia, Alby Mangles rented a house in J/Bay mid 90's, or was it you southy, hiding from the CIA
That grand you stole Shaunio, brought you a suit, new hair style and a pipe...!
Has it brought you pizazz....?
No Welly the bastard stole all my clothes, left a note saying that I didn't need such good clothes living in Gippsland. Thinks he has had a makeover, but it's just a turd rapt in silk.

"Balance".... Something that is needed for surfing... In more ways than one...... Doesn't matter how fit you are.. If you dont have natural born skill, you will never be a champion.... I've seen guys that are average surfers when 14 yo, but never get past a certain level... They have the same talent now at 40 something.... They love surfing, fit, but no natural talent.... There are a few out there who weren't "born with it", but through sheer hard work, training, gut busting and grit, make it yo the top level... They never become the outright star or champ, but instead make up the numbers... AFL footballer Brett Kirk comes to mind.. He himself would admit he is no Chris Judd, Buddy, Ab;ett, but through really hard work, he became a respected gritty footballer, premiership team player.... I infact respect those guys probably more than the gifted players.... Surfer wise, Buzzy Kerbox and Bobby Owens come to mind... Were never in the league of MR, Shaun.... But through knuckling down, both made the top 16, and won events.....
However vice versa runs true... You can have all the god given talent in the world, but at any elite level of sport if you don't train hard and put in, You'll never reach maximum potential.... I wont name any surfers, but Brendan Fevola comes to mind afl wise.... Incredible talent..... What could've been...

Wingnut, you should be the one chilling. I asked a serious question, as you state that your opinion carries equal weight re my results and experience, and opinion training surfers. You are putting yourself out there as a judge of those results, so I genuinely want to know what your expertise that you use to judge is based on? Initially you asked your question, that I answered. I disagree with you, so simply ask, what would you do in those circumstances, or in the circumstances I put the videos up, and what experience do you have training, that makes you feel your judgement is correct?
So again, I'm simply asking you. I explained why I posted, because you asserted that I wished to 'educate'. I am very interested in the topic and expressed my views. There were many other viewpoints on that topic. My videos were as explained, and because you don't really know much about the industry, it is risky, and would be much easier to do hidden. I could easily use the same reasoning as you and remain incognito. I also don't like putting the videos up, because nothing beats one to one, things can easily be misinterpereted, plus, even after, I wished I had given even more detail. But, I know I can help the people, they asked, and I genuinely want them to be healthy.
The muscle bound talk is funny, common. Even 3poles link touched on it. You asked for a scientific slant, I told you to look there if thats what you really want. People do 'panic' about muscles, like just touching a weight will make them some super muscled athlete, and again, most struggle to add any meaningfull muscle, in the right places.
You asked, what results training in basketball had re relevance to surfing. As I explained that outlook that surfing is somehow different re balance, explosive strength to everything else is common, and unfounded. So, I showed where highly regarded surfers were shown to be actually severely lacking compared to others, again, a point also highlighted in 3poles link, that, with your interest, you must have read?
I didn't use some of the surfers names, because of the reasons you feel are valid to be incognito. Todd actually gave me a reference, which I've put up before, so didn't mind his experience being told. Surely then you understand that? I also said anyone who knows me knows them, the nicknames most know, its not really that hard to think who.
You misunderstood, I think that cleaners can do elite cleaning, which is the equivalent, equal to elite surfing. If you disagree, try being an elite cleaner for years on end. Surfers tend to think surfing is more special than anything else.
The surfers I mentioned are standouts, so either you feel they aren't, or that I am full of shit.
Pleasure wellymon, stoked for you, glad you stuck at it. The string came, my board is in for major repairs as we speak.

"Surfers tend to think surfing is more special than anything else."... Yeah that happens, lift.... Met a few golfers in that category... Musicians.... Life savers.....
But hey... Imagine a world without cleaners..... Ugly stuff..... lol.....
ps - Got to find a gym in Hobart that has shoulder horns.... I'm right on the cusp of large or extra large.... Would hate to order one then find it's the wrong size.... An exercise mob out near the airport have them on their website, but only order in.... I'll do some more digging.... Cheers....

"Surfers tend to think surfing is more special than anything else."... Yeah that happens, lift.... Met a few golfers in that category... Musicians.... Life savers.....'
Agreed. I've met a lot of athletes though, and say they looked at a an elite running back in full flight, or elite lifter, (especially as many lift weights themselves), they tend to appreciate raw athleticism, and skill, whereas most surfers in my experience view surfing as much more difficult, despite untrained kids being able to flog world champs, and retired fifty year olds being able to take over whole contests, plus, more cosmic, and a ticket to succeeding elsewhere. My Elliston basketball story is true, supposed bumbling cockies, schoolkids, footy players, cleaners, housewives, all and sundry, on a level playing field, were publically, mercilessly flogging the shit out of them. And it gets much, much, much worse, the cosmicity, well the whole show, went publically and for ever immortalised in print, MIA, man down so to speak. Please, please zinger, well traits these days, please don't make me blab, but, if forced to, I will do my utmost to ensure that you come out glowing!
I'll try to dig up an XL, sheepdog, maybe I can get one with the rubber a bit stuffed and you could replace it, easy with that refrigeration/insulation tube. Can't be sure though but will try.

Nah she's right lift... You've done enough, mate....... I can order through one mob here... I just have to do a phone around Hobart and find a fitness centre that has a couple they own.... I'm 6'1... Pretty broad... I'd assume extra large.... I go up to Hobart heaps, and it's really easy to get around "the big smoke"..... Would've done it this week but been cleaning up after a major storm.... Cheers, bloke....

A few measurements/sketch/phone pic sheepy and a visit to your local exhaust shop ?
what the cost of them new ?

Go extra large sheepdog, L will be too small. Storm sounds radical.
Whoops just saw that, cheepers, never thought of that, udesless will whip one up ASAP, for fuck all too... the exhaust boys will love it, as will the sports store he steals, whoops, borrows all the measurements from.

Onya boys ;)
This one deserves a thread.
Has started http://www.aspworldtour.com/events/2014/mct/674/j-bay-open