wave of the day

Hypothetical... "National geographic" or "Lonely Planet" rock up at a certain S.A National park.... A "good surf is rolling in" on the day of their visit..... They decide to photograph the "local surfers" taking on these "foreboding swells in shark infested waters".... Do the locals attack these international journalists, to stop them from publishing a photo with the caption " Brave surfers taking on the roaring 40s and the sealife at C****** H**** I*****".......?

Sheepdog wrote:.... Do the locals attack these international journalists, to stop them from publishing a photo with the caption " Brave surfers taking on the roaring 40s and the sealife at C****** H**** I*****".......?
Anyway that wave coulda been in the WA desert (i.e. west of Adelaide) to people who don't know the area. Until someone pointed out which region it was in!
Looks like a crappy little closeout slab anyway, hardly worth dealing with the flys for. :)

Sheepdog wrote:Hypothetical... "National geographic" or "Lonely Planet" rock up at a certain S.A National park.... A "good surf is rolling in" on the day of their visit..... They decide to photograph the "local surfers" taking on these "foreboding swells in shark infested waters".... Do the locals attack these international journalists, to stop them from publishing a photo with the caption " Brave surfers taking on the roaring 40s and the sealife at C****** H**** I*****".......?
My experience is they show the camera team around the region, take 'em to the odd secret spot or two, bask in the reflected limelight of these low level celebrities while seeking their aproval, and maybe even an autograph or two!
However, the next person to run an undisclosed, cryptic shot of the area they rush to the keyboards and fire up about "protecting the region". Ya gotta be vigilant!
...even if you're not consistent.

Kodak no fly in Kauai...keep ya photo's to yourself..gotta nip it in the bud..secrets no secrets no more..pros are hoes..don't rocknroll don't fucken come

I don't think yesterday location is that sensitive, it's had several national comps, many many state comps, and is maybe the easiest wave to find in the region. But everyone idea of sensitive is different.
But then there is the 'Swellnet code of conduct no. 8' which reads...
Don't expose sensitive waves by identifying them in words or photos. Everyone has a different idea of what constitutes a secret spot so please be concious of that and err on the side of caution.

Time after time after time after time

Haven't surfed there in years, but that photo & and all this talk has got me thinking about a run there....

Gotta laugh when people who live an hour away from that wave say they are "local"...... It's in a national park..... No one lives there..... Everyone has to pay nat' park fees to enter...... You can have an affinity with that wave, but you'll never be a local.... Locals walk or ride their treddlies to their "local".......
If I go there and have to pay the Gov' to surf it, I'll take as many photo's as I like... And I'll do what I like with them......

Yeah, but SD, if you live right next door to the NP at the nearest entry point to the location, your more local than the rest......:)

True, fitz.... But it aint "your" park (I mean that generically, not personally)... National parks belong to the people....If I have to pay to enter, it's mine too..... It's everyones..... Even the grey nomads taking bird watching photo's..... Got nothing to do with surfing.............. At a guess, I'd say those who live on the doorstep are probably mellower than the city pseudo locals, or the "locals" from the copper triangle............
As a visitor, I'd still respect those in the water who obviously have the place wired, But it's probably best they don't hassle my wife if she takes a photo of me surfing....
ps - BTW, No fees for entering Noosa national park...
pps - as a youngn, each block on the goldy had it's local crew... "Oh ohh... Some of the 7th ave boys are paddling out at fifteenth ave... It's gonna be on"..... lol

Haha, and you blokes were encouraging sleepy to come and set up a bakery on yorkes

I was over the way of "that left" a couple of weeks back...the Saturday there was fuck all crew about, forecast was not looking so good, then the Sunday forecast perks up, and lo and behold, I wake up to a Sunday mid coast crew crowd.
This left had 10 guys in the water and 25 in waiting at the carpark...then there was the 25 guys plus a fucking SUP at salmon hole...oh whoops, did I just let another west coast secret out of the bag...hope not or I may not be welcome back.
Anyway, blew those no name secret spots off and surfed a smokin 6' right with just a couple of old mates, then surfed another smokin left with one other bloke with not another surfer in sight, only some old grey nomads filling their freezers with KG, and probably some bird photos too eh SD.

Sheepdog wrote:Hypothetical... "National geographic" or "Lonely Planet" rock up at a certain S.A National park.... A "good surf is rolling in" on the day of their visit..... They decide to photograph the "local surfers" taking on these "foreboding swells in shark infested waters".... Do the locals attack these international journalists, to stop them from publishing a photo with the caption " Brave surfers taking on the roaring 40s and the sealife at C****** H**** I*****".......?
Fuck just look at Google these days. you can scroll around the countryside looking at user submitted photos at each point of the coast. Unsuspecting Touros snapping off coastline shots which give away the breaks & set-ups. The pointer even shows you the orientation of the photo compared with the coastline!
Its fingered, but even with all the accessibility of info, its STILL the right thing to do not to publicly name/locate a spot if it is borderline still a 'secret'. Which in the case of yesty's WOTD Stu didn't name it, left a very open-ended caption on the general location, and very borderline 'secret'. Hard to keep identifiers like islands out of all shots but they are the giveaways.
The best thing to do on social media is to delete & shame those kooks who decide they should announce to the world that they know the name & specific location. That should be just as important as the publisher not naming/locating it

shaun wrote:Haha, and you blokes were encouraging sleepy to come and set up a bakery on yorkes
Well. I still might...... The Sausage Roll Open.... Run the weekend after the Corona Yorkes pro.... 2 week waiting period..... Got connections at Ch7...... Be great for the local economy....

I didn't know where it was.

You SA guys are always so sensitive, Ive never even been surfing that area and i know the wave i thought it was one of the most popular quality waves in SA even been on at least one surf vid and in all the surf travel books with a pic of the place.
Ive seen waves in our areas i wished i hadn't even a photo feature but i don't make a scene i just shut up and a week latter it gone.


Blowin wrote:I didn't know where it was.
Where what was..?

Ive seen waves in our areas i wished i hadn't even a photo feature but i don't make a scene i just shut up and a week latter it gone.

Ha ha thats not important Wellymon.

indo-dreaming wrote:You SA guys are always so sensitive, Ive never even been surfing that area and i know the wave i thought it was one of the most popular quality waves in SA even been on at least one surf vid and in all the surf travel books with a pic of the place.
Ive seen waves in our areas i wished i hadn't even a photo feature but i don't make a scene i just shut up and a week latter it gone.
Hmmmm.... S.A.....They're "free settlers", mate.... Not of convict stock..... "We came here as free men.... It's ours now......"...... ;) ps - a lot of german blood in that gene pool...... ;p

@sheepbog if your mrs is in my photo bending over pussy showing of my shot of the ocean fair game...that right..go ahead and surf it its no. 84 of best 5 second waves in australia according to tracksmag..it'll be worth the $500 to get ya there!! Yeehar!! Love to help you if your car fucks up..tripple charge of course (unless your mrs is hot..then we can negotiate ;)) or get a feed from the shop (tripple charge) or go to the pub and say you love marine parks..@floyd cmon over bro I'll take you out potting ..safe as I promise ;)

udo wrote:And Sheepy you better drink beer at the tav ....don't you order a lemon squash !
I drank a beer at the tav, and I dont even drink hahaha.

Well done Stu....Really poor form swellnet posting this photo today... An obvious geographic point in the background..... Where's Barley when you need him...... ;p

Yeah, unbelievable. Now everybody will be flocking to Bribie is. to surf.

Haaa... Nice try at a decoy, zen.....


I think Sheepdog is being sarcastic, but it is his old stomping ground so maybe not?

removed. I'd rather no bring more attention to it by posting about it.

Is it such a big relevation that a wave once barrelled on a Sunshine Coast beach?

blow-in-9999 wrote:I'm not happy about the photo either. Its pretty much giving GPS directions to a working bank on a long stretch of beach.
No it's not. There's no reference to time (and given the recent northerly spell, it's unlikely it was taken recently). And the photo is framed in a way so that it could have been taken at any point along a reasonably long stretch of beach, depending on the telephoto lens used.


indo-dreaming wrote:I think Sheepdog is being sarcastic, but it is his old stomping ground so maybe not?
Yes, sarcasm... Just trying to stir barley out of his cave.....Thank god for indo dreaming ;)

thermalben wrote:Is it such a big relevation that a wave once barrelled on a Sunshine Coast beach?
How dare you! The Sunshine Coast has plenty of barrelling banks. They might all be close outs; but there are brief, delusional feelings of glory before reality knocks you right off your board.

Actually the sunny coast can get really good hollow beachies its just getting it with swell over two to three foot with an offshore thats the hard part.

I know a wave that breaks like that but it's a funny camera angle. I hope it's not where im thinking, that joint has been left alone so far.
Lucky fella on it .

I thought it looked like a spot that actually featured in a very old Billabong vid.

wherever it is its a cracker

Blowin wrote:I know a wave that breaks like that but it's a funny camera angle. I hope it's not where im thinking, that joint has been left alone so far. Lucky fella on it .
Won't be the place you're thinking of then. I can guarantee you've seen hundreds of photos of this place before.

Great wave im going to give up my Hawaii trip just to go and surf that wave its magic.
I think I know a few local charges who will go with me. O yeh planning starts now.

Best you head to Hawaii Evosurfer, just remember to leave a couple of waves for Fanning - he's got a world title to train for, so go easy on him eh ?

Todays WOTD is stunning (and the accompanying gallery is pretty good too).
I hope there's no photographic or digital chicanery because if that's the sort of beautiful image mother nature can throw up, well she's on fire with that one.

Ah, you mean the light coming from the barrel, sorry Zen but that's a flash on the surfer I'm pretty sure.
Amazing capture from Joel to time it and nail it in any case!

Was there another photog behind him?
I thought it may have been a summer storm, gap in the cloud type scenario.
Oh well, still a very pretty shot and a worthy WOTD.

I think Darty had a flash strapped to his back and Joel triggered it as he came towards him. Man if you could nail a summer storm lighting shot like that, oh deary!
Keen to explain more Joel?

That could be giving away vital photographers secrets...!
Intuitive thinking;)

Have waterproof match and last nights curry working! Just saying ;)

Ha ha!
With an explosive exit from the barrel:)

Just watch that "Foam Ball" :o
todays wave of the day - nice pic.....and i have a sneaky suspicion that its really a left ? correct ?