wave of the day

No, the photo hasn't been reversed.

gee , T Ben .
you guys know how to stir things up .....
speaking of Up .
Did Uplift give his Permission !!!!! ? !
Looks a little packed for my liking tho ' . ;-)

Gidday whoever thinks its Blacks, blacks is totally different to that. The things that make blacks unique are totally different to that spot. Two totally different bays, need different swell, and wind for that place to be like that, plus the way the peaks form and are focused are really different. The clock's running now. It might cost, but it will be nothing compared to the cost of driving around in circles.

Gidday, plus its on the wrong peninsula, that wave is near Adelaide, its not that good, and its usually a left. There's no sharks either. Its a secret really hard to get to spot too.

Gidday jeff..have you ever been over my way?for surfing not fishing? i know a spot that this wave could be...but..it is pretty bloody rare! i've never had it on. thats after 18/19 yrs.if it even is the same wave..which it may not be. you fired up for footy this yr jeff/uplift?how the boys lookin'?

1st of September. Springtime 2014
Wow, when I first looked at that photo, I was thinking Indo somewhere.
Unreal. That place has its moments for sure, fat most days then bam.
Was that on that last swell......? Anyone.

Yep, photo was taken last week Welly.

Got a bit of a Nias look about it, eh?

Stu Tow or Paddle?

Grunty , MF

Full House, Queens are $200 down, your call.,,,,!
Next bet :)

Wierd talk goin on here riddlers

Its only me Caml;)
Having a bet on paddle or tow......!
Poker card game..., sorry about the riddle.
Anyways geez great photo for Currumbin eh..
Paddle or Tow.?

Jacks are...

Jacks lost against Kings...?

I'd agree Wellz re your 1st comment. I'd say our 4 legged friend knows a few of the gamblers in that shot

sick shot in the harbor! people doing anything to find wind protection! hahaha

Great WTD today, like a local reef when it really fires. Nowhere near the sth coast and it breaks in about 2 foot of water.

Even better: young Sam Guerit's only 15 years old! He's properly slotted at a bloody heavy reef for a young fella. Paddled in too, by the looks of it.

is there an archive of WOTDs?

Not in an easily accessible format right now, unfortunately.

Another great pic guys

Cracker WTD guys ..... dial for ludicrous speed

There's something about Winki, isn't there? This angle never gets old.

Darn right there ben, its that view that greets you as you start to walk (wrong - run) down the track before the paddle.

Wave of the day, was that on purpose? I know the other article was posted yesterday but..

Nah, total co-incidence. Coops just got back from a recent trip to the area, and Dan's article was put together over the last couple of months.

Was a coincidence. The WOTD photo and article were received on the same day, but from different people with no arrangement between them. 'Twas meant to be...
Also, great response to the article ID.

Thanks Craig...

Notice the face on the side of the cliff? There's one on the cliff on the opposite side of the bay too.

dark, hollow and heavy would be an understatement. jesus.

Yep, the usual fat Victorian waves, should put up some decent east coast barrels.:-)

2 beasts - yesterday & today. Wetsuits by Kimbies!

grug wrote:dark, hollow and heavy would be an understatement. jesus.
Hey Shaun Fitz-Intogirlystuff, is he talking about the wave of the day or you.

Yes Shaun Fitz-? .
" Nobodies " in most Vicco shots , always "Somebody's" In NSW Shots .... "
" Look at Moi , Look at Moi " !!!

That's because it's trick photography 1/2 a foot shortie ;)

The 'somebody' in today's shot is an unsponsored 17-year old grom from Manly. I only happen to know his name because I used to live near him.

Ha. Yep that Victorian 'beast' is not even 2ft. Just a clever perspective from the tricky photographer... it's actually Somers Beach at the Merricks Creek mouth... the place I body-surfed my first ever wave as a 5 year old. I'm surprised there's not some little tacker gut-trimming it in the photo actually... I'm surprised the photographer didn't end up with slashed tyres and waxed windows down there. The Somers locals are pretty hardcore.

Ok cool as Grug
You beat me to it, I thought it was that powerful beach shorie not shortie???
SE of Sale awesome waves Seaspray oooppps shit did I say Seaspray!!!!
Hardcore union bass straight local surfies down that way, will take pot shots of ya in the surf with a rubber band gun.

Anyways Shaun-Pat-Her-Won
I think SN just gave a barrel from the EastCoast for you to admire;)
Great last x2 WOTD photos

Very nice

Only been home just over a week and miss it already. Great shot.

Cool stuff Fitzy
You obliviously got some great waves champ.
Fill me in where ...?
Stu put a spanner in the works about your boat getting towed up the inlet???
How dare he, typical journalist;)

Hahaha, there's no secrets with a journo around. I didn't see it written. What did he write?
Nah, all good Welly, we were about 16Nm from the islands and BANG. Piston blew two holes in the block of the main. The tender (16' glass with a 100Hp) towed us near to where Stu and the boys were staying. In true Indo style they organised a new motor, fast boated it out and changed it out in about 24hrs. As much as we were stuck there for a few days, we still got uncrowded waves and were really mobile with the tender.
So surfed ALL the spots around there (even 1 they reccon no-one had surfed?) and then once mobile again, moved off to the playgrounds for several days and then finished off the last couple of days down around Lances left. Awesome trip, great wave and bloody good times.
As much as there are heaps of boats, bulk land camps (and "feral camps" as some are called) we had at least 1-2 sessions per day with only us out or less than 8 guys in the water. Generally uncrowded.
But that's just boats Welly. Stu had dramas getting over, we had ours and I heard plenty of others too, including a boat washing up on the reef at Maccas (can't confirm).

I heard about that boat at Maccas, I also heard rumours locals have been cutting anchor rope at night, but you always hear things some true but often not true.
The wave they reckoned no one had surfed...wouldn't happen to be a right slab?

Hey ID, I was speaking to a couple of yanks at the airport at Padang a few hours after I heard about the boat washing up on the reef. They told me they were boarded at Maccas and hassled by some locals asking for money to moor there. They paid them a few bucks (I think they said 300000rp) and they left saying all was cool and they could stay. About an hour later the same locals came back and cut their anchor rope (and others). So that sort of left me thinking there could have been some truth in the boat being washed up. Why you would use an rope instead of chain for anchoring I don't know, especially knowing the rumours.
It was a right, but I wouldn't have called it a "slab" as such. It closed out heaps but every so often the right ones came through and was super fun and reasonably hollow. Would let you out most of the time. In the opposite direction to where all the boats go from that area. I'm not 100% sure how truthful they were about it not being surfed as I had 2 solo sessions their it was that fun. It was just a long wait for the right one.

Yeah that what i thought when i heard about it, aren't anchor ropes actually chain, maybe it was anchor rope tied up to the mooring bouys? who knows.
Yeah sounds like the same wave, I haven't surfed it but seen it and heard its been surfed, personally id be real surprised if there was any waves in Mentawai's not surfed.

Awesome stuff Fitzy,
Great to hear a good travel.
It's good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end:)

I guess we will never get sick of looking at pics like that ... excellent shot

Seeing as countless people including Stu(I think) have denounced the trait of hipsters on logs surfing without a leggie, maybe swellnet should refuse to publish images of these dickheads doing just that!! Stop encouraging these yuppie pricks.
todays wave of the day - nice pic.....and i have a sneaky suspicion that its really a left ? correct ?