Bloggers surfing photos!!!

wellymon wrote:Back hand pooh btm turn practise in the wrong substrate, oooops wrong hobby but same realm :)
Practise makes perfect, photo by Tony Harrington (cool cunt for sure)
welly ....
Couldn't help myself , not quite at your level .... But how's the style .... Was a bit nipply .
" "
Hopefully thats the only " shoulder hopping " , i'll be treating you guys too .

southey wrote:Here Sheepo .....
No its not in VIC ...... ;-)
And i've got one for you Welly . once i can find it , might have one for uplift too in "the vault" ......
Nice wave Southey!

Broke back chicken soufle', you admitted you shit yourself at blacks, yet suddenly you charge much heavier spots. Have you noticed that 'everyone', is a merely a handfull of you nutters, that comment on every thing going. Like when you became a fitness expert, and basketball star. You had your chance at blacks and ran, simple. Get over it. But, you can't, you just can't, you try and try, like sheepsheet to resist, but you just can't. It will follow you to the grave... here lies brokeback... shit himself at blacks, but hey...
Your doomed pull in deep is a doomed, hunched up, out of control line, destined to failure. In that doomed position, helplessly heading for the sky, you went for the but I pulled in desperation. 'Made the section aye, I did, farkin foamball dun me up. Bullshit.
Sheepshit, bullshit. You are bullshit, and made that clear when you ran off blubbering, vowing never to return. Depite all ya SA savvy, you too dodged blacks. Yet, stiil, you call it. Fuck'n caller. Call that fucker! Go 'sheet!

Now the great bronzed gimp has finally revealed its true identity. Ludicrous. A true swellnutter.

see Goofy , ... You haven't seen all my tricks !??!
Upshit .... One image of you actually inside a Tube of some description would save you face ....
But not one anywhere .......... would be even more impressive if you had one on your backhand . Handsfree ? But it doesn't exist . I took photo of each of the days ( stopped for lunch passing through ) that i've been past blax .... and they make your shots look good ....
anyway ..... " IS THERE NOT ONE " ( image of you within arms length of a Barrel , let alone deep . )
yeah thought not . ya gronk .

Don't make it any worse for yourself bronzed gimp, if thats possible, try to salvage a sceric of dignity.

Haha I don't think I've seen any Southey!
Love the old picks of Blacks uppy. Must of been pretty wild times out in the desert then

Just googled "soufle'", looks epic

And super-, ultra-, hyper- critical surfin, mate, Mick, Bluey, cobber. I mean, miss that shoulder turn and you could break a line of stitching in that beavertail wettie trying to get back within 12 to 15 feet of the pocket.

It was goofy, but Archer, Mick and a hand full of guys were there early, surfing and surviving. And the farmers and town hated them. They were the genuine wild, hard times. Pretty wild. Hooter. JB. A couple of classic names. There was a gang of them. Remembering its the super isolated desert, even Penong is at least on the highway, and has Ceduna. In one way it was safer, less worry though. I was talking with a long time shark fisherman today, and he was commenting on how he saw 7 big pointers in 20 years, yet, in the last few he's seen tons. Just last week three burgers, all around town.

That's pretty heavy shit, but it goes to show there not interested in eating humans. If they were, with the numbers as high as it is at the moment, people would be getting chomped weekly.
But this ain't a shark thread, let's not turn it into one..

I'm loving all the photos , everyone's got their own take on things. Something about the old film shots really gets me. Great work legends.

I posted this one in the other bloggers waves thread but it belongs here too.
When I was 23 I developed a death wish after a bout of double pneumonia and drowning in my own fluid resulting in a heart stoppage. Came back from that so went mad for a while, this was the culmination of that madness.

NICE .... So flawless it doesn't look real ?
If it is , then massive Kudos .

southey wrote:NICE .... So flawless it doesn't look real ?
If it is , then massive Kudos .
It's a trip eh...I'd surfed this joint twice previous this size but never this clean...this day was just magic, actually quite easy to surf cause the wind was dead calm and the water was just flawless. This one fucking ate me alive but I got a couple that let me out. The board was 10'8 x 20 x 3 3/4 Sunova, painted black and blue, kinda fitted my mood of the time.
12 months later my first daughter came along and I lost that death wish so never felt the need to kill myself in big surf again. It's a weird thing that kind of wild abandon, to have absolutely no care if you die or not, not safe but looking back I had fun trying.

trippergreenfeet wrote:The board was 10'8 x 20 x 3 3/4 Sunova, painted black and blue, kinda fitted my mood of the time.
Paint job was actually inspired by the song Black and Blue by Chain...after drowning in my own funk and going into muscle meltdown before my heart stopped, my body felt like every inch had been beaten black and blue when I was revived, and I'd been really digging Chain at the time.

TGF, I can't really get proportions right on that wave . Approx how big is it do you reckon ?

Blowin wrote:TGF, I can't really get proportions right on that wave . Approx how big is it do you reckon ?
I was calling 18'-20' on the day...face is no more than 25', equal to the biggest waves I've surfed...I'm 5'11 but not quite standing tall, my head is behind the lip.

Holy shit. Looks like a Tommy Carroll surf doll.

That's wat I thought . I've seen a lot of large surf ( mainly from the shore :/) ,
The lip doesn't look right . !
Fake or not , it's still an epic shot . I'm tipping even the real TC , would be proud
To be mistaken !!!!!

Yeah something doesn't look right to me either.


Haha Southey, great style hands low, in control, skin coloured nipple tantalizing long johns with the tight little jean shorts, Gold:)
Archive stuff
TGF geepeez, death wish stuff, it's weird how becoming so close to death makes you appreciate life a wee bit more, respect.

Haha you can see individual droplets from the wave in front. Then, with your eye, you can continuously follow foam & ripples across the surface to the next wave

I thought fake to freeride when it was posted in the other thread, no one else commented so I didn't
Tripper been loving your work here...........but .....fake or not ?

Blowin wrote:Holy shit. Looks like a Tommy Carroll surf doll.
Almost a's actually me surfing vicariously through a NQD "Lisa" radio control surfer (Lisa Anderson model). The pic is a screenshot from this video.
I can't believe nobody questioned it in the other thread so in my desert delirium for a piss take I thought I give it a run here. Southey was onto it, but Blowin got it. The lip and glassy face really give it away, just can't replicate big wave conditions from 2' waves and a 12" doll.
The part about me being 23 and my heart stopping from pneumonia and ending up with a death wish is true, kinda made me bat shit crazy for a while. Probably what's wrong with me now;)

The footage was shot on the same ledge as the vid I posted of me surfing the HB Eve single.
Also credit to my neighbors 8yr old son for manning the camera, not bad for his first time behind the lens.

Where'd the nipples-out snow pic go?
(and where can I buy that outfit? For special occasions- wink wink.)

Sheepdog wrote:Pretty funny TGF.... But I'm still getting over southeys snow shot.... classic.. Style personified :P
Southey's snow shot is the bomb...those nipples are outrageous, and those cut off denim jeans, mmmmmm...but that hair is what really sets the whole affair off, is the hair real Southey? That's what I wanna know, like my faux wave, it's just too good to be true.

Uppity is just trying to share. There is room for one person in the barrell behind him, one person doing vertical reos, one person doing out on the face cutties and then the big chump himself way way way out on the flat shoulder with that dumber than a Neanderthal look.
That's four guys per wave and as crowds increase we will see more of this. Groundbreaking stuff big fella!

trippergreenfeet wrote:zenagain wrote:Where'd the nipples-out snow pic go?
(and where can I buy that outfit? For special occasions- wink wink.)
Fixed it to show....piss taking at it's best, what life's about eh Southey, having a good time, fuck what the square squids think.
Thats not Southey, Fake...:)

Thats a Lisa Anderson doll, you can see the tears from her face crying from the cold.
The tears have stuck to his blue scarf......?
Your a fake Souflee , how dare you, I had so much respect for you :(

Fuck ,
I go offline for 12 hours and it all goes paired shaped .....
To quote the Simpsons " No padding there , It's 100 % Pure South' "
( Adam West , Simpsons Episode # 2123314???? ) .
TGF , there was a time a few years back where the locks could of been real . But the mo' , the Tits , and self sacrifice in the name of Comedy is all Pure . It was all a piss take , in the name of myself wanting to Take " Alby Mangels " a character i often emulate to the Snow .
Trust me the photos get better / (worse ; depends on ya outlook ) . But falling short of turning this into a " Snow thread " , i feel obliged to refrain .
Lets just say the lifty's ( Not you Fukwit ) , [ the guys and girls that operate the chairlifts for teh season ] are still suffering after accidently copping an eye full of " Alby " choc a bloc up Belinda Green on the summit super lift ......
PS . the neck warmer was used to keep ones nuts warm . As there is no place to hide in those " cut off " jeans shorts .

I love it Southy. All my little yellow hipster friends here think they're cool wearing their tiger or panda onesies on the hill. Bit passe now if you ask me.
I want to up the ante next season and bust one of those Alby Mangel costumes out. To quote a good mate of ours- 'it would be deluxe hilarious'.
Where can I get one?
(Also, i could save it for after dark for one of those special times with my lady- she can put on her old school uniform, spank me with a cane and call me a poodle.)

Alby Mangels eh, now there's a character to
Alby choc up Belinda, the real deal or another clown in, grow a sense of humour and be in it.

Not much to the costume .
Grow a Blonde Moustache , chuck on a ( Adam & Eve Nude suit ) skin coloured lycra suit available to buy only at all good dress up shops , cut some jeans down . Grow your hair long prior or bust out a borrowed wig . Make sure ya leather sided aviator sunnies have a strap , ( or ya end up with having to go to the backup option in above photo , [ servo sunnies of the worst description ] . Find a willing buxom wench to follow ya round in the same outfit , but with a white t- shirt that turns see through when wet . [ sans bra ] ......." Alby's " ya Uncle .....
Be careful to not rock this out in Europe though , for danger of been recognised as any German backpacker or a weird bloke that goes by the name " Lars " .
If you haven't drank a litre or so of Jager Meister prior , you may want to wear light colour thermals underneath skin suit . Or just don't fall .... Simple really .

I'm not into dudes . And what happened pre wife . Stays pre wife ! ;-)

I'll be in Hokkaido Christmas day, could be the time and place for Alby to bust out.
Cheers Southy.

zenagain wrote:(Also, i could save it for after dark for one of those special times with my lady- she can put on her old school uniform, spank me with a cane and call me a poodle.)
Thenagain you could , but your opening yourself up here brother, You and Udo would go well together ;)

wellymon wrote:zenagain wrote:(Also, i could save it for after dark for one of those special times with my lady- she can put on her old school uniform, spank me with a cane and call me a poodle.)
Thenagain you could , but your opening yourself up here brother, You and Udo would go well together ;)
Oh the visions of horror...a dodgy Alby Mangels (if you can get any dodgier than the real deal), a school girl and Christopher "The Poodle" Pyne getting spanked with a cane...I'll never be able to look at Question Time the same again.

winkie post your blax pics .

trippergreenfeet wrote:trippergreenfeet wrote:The board was 10'8 x 20 x 3 3/4 Sunova, painted black and blue, kinda fitted my mood of the time.
Paint job was actually inspired by the song Black and Blue by Chain...after drowning in my own funk and going into muscle meltdown before my heart stopped, my body felt like every inch had been beaten black and blue when I was revived, and I'd been really digging Chain at the time.
Mate ,
Apart from the obviousnous of the wave not looking right .
The scale of a 10'8" to the rider is wrong , not mention
that I've never seen someone on a board that big get that barreled and
More to the point , was devastated that their " might " have been a wave
Near your birth place , that good but I hadn't found it .
We'll played Sir. .,.... ( I didn't wanna call ya out as fake , as I've made that mistake
Once before. !!! )

southey wrote:Mate ,
Apart from the obviousnous of the wave not looking right .
The scale of a 10'8" to the rider is wrong , not mention
that I've never seen someone on a board that big get that barreled and
Yep, definitely winging the bullshit there, haha…I’ve never seen that myself.
e wrote:More to the point , was devastated that their " might " have been a wave
Near your birth place , that good but I hadn't found it
Well, (this is no bullshit) there is a wave (right) I’ve seen break in the 18-20’ range, clean but less wall way west of Penong with an identical wave that breaks about 5’ smaller on same swell separated by a narrow channel…but, and this is the big but, you’d have to have the balls of Captain Goodvibes to surf it cause both break way too close to the base of a 300’ cliff. One fuck up and it’d be a sure ride to hell.
e wrote:We'll played Sir. .,.... ( I didn't wanna call ya out as fake , as I've made that mistake
Once before. !!! )
Coolio man, I could read between the lines of ya post you were not convinced; I played as long as I could. One thing is for sure around here, we look at waves far too much to be fooled for long, if at all.
By the way, I was digging Chain in my early 20’s too, some good Oz blues for sure, just kinda lent to the bullshit ;-)

Sheepdog wrote:TGF... you wrote "Well, (this is no bullshit) there is a wave (right) I’ve seen break in the 18-20’ range, clean but less wall way west of Penong"..
Mate, there is a righthander deep in the SW wilderness down here....... Haven't seen it with my own eyes, BUT...... It's that big you can see it on google..........
I wonder how many are actually out there that are so far removed from prying eyes? Been breaking for eons without a soul to break the solitude.
So, here it is.... A place to upload a photo of yourself throwing some spray, pulling in, a late drop, a wicked air, a hell wipout!! A narcissistic's dream come true...... Come on guys (and gals)....... Be great to see some of the swellnet characters actually surfing...... Yeah we had "bloggers waves", which was mainly epic photos of breaks, but not much surfing..... here's your chance..... Show us what you've got!!!!!!!