Fishing tips

That tempura looks epic Andrew!
Craving fresh fish now...

Northerly blew hard all night here so there was no rush to get up early.
Mid morning there was a massive bait ball pushed in tight against the rocks getting hammered by terns, gannets, dolphins, and fish.
I chased it quickly and learnt a lesson the hard way: don;'t throw expensive Japanese stickbaits on light gear into feeding frenzies.
Got completely dusted up.
I thought by a GT.
Switched to heavier gear and figured out what was hitting the bait.
Big, greenback tailor. 3-5kg fish.
I don't target those big tailor, it's hard to release them after battling them on the rocks and they aren't as good eating as smaller fish.
There were no small fish, they were all studs.
Anyhow, brought two home.
Not bad for a mid morning sesh with a howling nor-easter.

Good one FR76, must have been great fun

yeah, they fight hard those big greenbacks.
like a kingy, so dogged, except for big, gill rattling jumps.
No one around except a few dogwalkers.
range rover and a Porsche in the carpark.
the bait balls have been insane in the last month.

What’s the mrs think about you putting the tailor in the Porsche fr?

Gets them to the freezer faster, and flatter around the corners.

Porsche . When the tide waits for no man.

Kinda related to the Porsche thread but kinda rocking up to the boat ramp in my mrs 15 year old corolla backing my 13ft tinny with 97 yammy 2 stroke and heading offshore. trolling around amongst the 7m plate and 24ft cats and catching the same fish that they do. except i'm doing it for $10 in fuel. given that this is fishing tips, FR and Blowin would agree you dont need a big boat (or a boat at all) to catch big fish safely.

I would not be taking on Ballina bar in a tinny very many days in a year though.


Live baiting for pointers?

Come on Ben , who really caught it. ? Did you finally show the young fella up .?

thermalben wrote:Picked up nice 40cm flattie this evening, first time on a lure (thanks for the tips in this thread!). Looking forward to dinner tomorrow night.
Ben - try Zen's tempura recipe (above) for the flathead! i can thoroughly recommend. had a 50cm+ flatty and purple tusky cut up into bite sized pieces in tempura for dinner last night - fed 4/5 of us (one of the kids politely declined)

Youtube seems to have some pretty hard to follow rules .They have no problem with countless videos of people eating seafood while it's still alive and plenty of vids of animals being dispatched for food. I'm as confused as he is.

Youtubes a joke so inconsistent in their rules and policing of rules and like he said they dont even tell you where you break the rule so can avoid it , Twitter is even worse.
He probably got targeted by some animal rights group that did a mass reporting of a video or videos.

Fish tacos with fresh whiting caught this morning and the special secret ingredient


I second that epic!

Washed down with a cold beer can’t beat it

Never mind the food, looks like a nice recycled timber table there.

Never mind the food?i was frothing on fish with the Poppy Smack Siam chilli sambal with lemon grass and kaffir lime leaf!

thirded... the secret ingredient looks like something that would suit my palate too. I might order a jar or two.
But it's the mention of lime that gets me today .I've got a really good number of finger limes coming on this season and I really , really can't wait to smash em with a bit of seafood. Last year they flowered but bugger all fruited. And there all mine I tells ya , all mine ..

indo-dreaming wrote:Never mind the food, looks like a nice recycled timber table there.
Father in law made it for us for a house warming present Indo, it’s a ripper

A couple of Jewies

That's a bit crook.

thats the reason the stock is depleted.
beach haulers taking an entire school of breeding fish out.

Fuk that's just wrong

In my time beach hauling I can't remember doing a specific shot for jewies. I have only seen the odd one here and there caught as bycatch. Not saying these shots don't occur as they obviously do , but it's a bit harsh to blame the fishery status on beach haulers alone. Other commercial and recreational sectors play a part too , an even bigger one. There's also a flourishing black market. Not to mention the prawn trawl juvenile mulloway bycatch numbers , by both estuary and ocean trawl.
I believe beach haulers in NSW are limited to 500kg a day but I would support a decrease in that number given the stocks status.
Heres a good recent podcast with Julian Hughes , a senior DPI researcher, about mulloway .There's some great insights in it. An hour long but worth it for anyone interested . Beach hauling is addressed at 44:28 .

Cheers TS, will listen.
I think it is 500kg/day per licence .
so if there are 2 or three licence holders there, they can take 1000/1500?
thats what the DPI bloke here told me.

Didn't know or even think of that FR, but I'd say it would be right.

Anyone been chasing Jewies the last couple of days? Bit of rain, sth winds, lead up to the new moon. Too lazy to get out in the rain last night, maybe tonight

No, but it's on the agenda.

Does anyone fish off a jetski? I just ordered a seadoo fishpro. Good to get some tips.

Roadkill wrote:Does anyone fish off a jetski? I just ordered a seadoo fishpro. Good to get some tips.
Yeah, get your deposit back and buy a boat.

Roadkill wrote:Does anyone fish off a jetski? I just ordered a seadoo fishpro. Good to get some tips.
No but I've thought about it, could make it easier to get to spots hard to reach in a boat.
Reminds me of a story I read about a fella on the nsw south coast, launching a tinny off a remote rock platform. Took his 4wd and tinny down these bush tracks, and launched off the front of a rock shelf. There were no beaches nearby, no rivers or anywhere to launch for tens of kilometres, just a rocky shore. Obviously timed it for a flat day. Might have been during the spring cuttlefish run to fish inshore reefs for snapper and kingies. The theory was, being so far from anywhere to launch a boat the fishing should be almost 'untouched'. He cleaned up too.. Dodgy / risky as tough

thats hectic.
how did he get it out?

Pretty sure he just retrieved it like at a normal boat ramp, or off a beach. It was a story in either fishing monthly or fishing world probably 20 or 25 years ago, by Blue Phillips I think (am I allowed to mention names here?). It just stood out and I've always remembered it I was having trouble imagining it then, still do now.

Now I'll have to go digging see if I can find it haha

gragagan wrote:Roadkill wrote:Does anyone fish off a jetski? I just ordered a seadoo fishpro. Good to get some tips.
No but I've thought about it, could make it easier to get to spots hard to reach in a boat.
Reminds me of a story I read about a fella on the nsw south coast, launching a tinny off a remote rock platform. Took his 4wd and tinny down these bush tracks, and launched off the front of a rock shelf. There were no beaches nearby, no rivers or anywhere to launch for tens of kilometres, just a rocky shore. Obviously timed it for a flat day. Might have been during the spring cuttlefish run to fish inshore reefs for snapper and kingies. The theory was, being so far from anywhere to launch a boat the fishing should be almost 'untouched'. He cleaned up too.. Dodgy / risky as tough
When i lived at Fraser Island (Eurong) on flat days we would sometimes launch a tinny from the beach and fish reefs not far offshore that never get fished as far from where people generally launch boats like Waddy Pt or Ipskip point and most would fish reefs further out anyway, it was crazy we would just clean up on reef fish, only issue was sharks going after our fish.
Would occasionally have a whale surface within 50 to 100 metres too.

fitzroy-21 wrote:Roadkill wrote:Does anyone fish off a jetski? I just ordered a seadoo fishpro. Good to get some tips.
Yeah, get your deposit back and buy a boat.
Had a boat…time for a ski. Easy as…easy to launch, easy to retrieve, easy to wash down, easy to store.

I prefer a wheelhouse and plenty of deck space. But I have thought about getting one of those fishing skis
A mate of mine actually uses one with a sled to set his lobby pot/s in some pretty washy areas you would't get any boat near. He does alright too.
I hope you enjoy your purchase Roady and look forward to hearing how you go with it.
On the Jewy front .,, the hunt is on tomorrow for me, unfortunately I'd prefer it if the high tide was a little later in the evening , but I've caught them at all hours of the day , and often unexpectedly, so , who knows. I'm no jewy expert by any means. Any insights on this front are welcome.
I caught 2 really fat live beach worms today (a few skinny ones but jewies love the fatties) ,and have some whiting heads and frames. I still suck at worming. I can get em but the old blokes still seem to run rings around me..

tubeshooter wrote:I prefer a wheelhouse and plenty of deck space. But I have thought about getting one of those fishing skis
A mate of mine actually uses one with a sled to set his lobby pot/s in some pretty washy areas you would't get any boat near. He does alright too.
I hope you enjoy your purchase Roady and look forward to hearing how you go with it.On the Jewy front .,, the hunt is on tomorrow for me, unfortunately I'd prefer it if the high tide was a little later in the evening , but I've caught them at all hours of the day , and often unexpectedly, so , who knows. I'm no jewy expert by any means. Any insights on this front are welcome.
I caught 2 really fat live beach worms today (a few skinny ones but jewies love the fatties) ,and have some whiting heads and frames. I still suck at worming. I can get em but the old blokes still seem to run rings around me..
Thx TS, sounds good to have the sled attached. I bought the fishpro because it has an extended deck. I’m hoping we can use it to get prawns. It’s a pretty stable platform so should work with some practice.
OK, so I want to try my hand at fishing. I have a couple of rods and reels, and an assortment of stuff in a shiny tackle box (Chrissy present from a few years back). I've got salt water and fresh water options close at hand (Narrabeen). But, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.
Can anyone offer me some pointers? I'd really like to impress the missus.