
san Guine wrote:icandig wrote:Getting sick of the cold. Come on spring.
Nice one icandig, it was Kim who fortuitously gave my wife (to be)tickets to a festival and that's how we met...still together, sharing life
Good to hear SG. Kim Salmon - an underrated Aussie music legend (among many others).

For the Friday evening commute. Best band name ever?

Lol. Exploding White Mice gotta be up there as well. Top Adelaide band back in the day

Yeah "Exploding White Mice" great name and great band.
But for me this might be the best band name, have some good songs too.
And you will know us by the trail of dead...

indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah "Exploding White Mice" great name and great band.
But for me this might be the best band name, have some good songs too.
And you will know us by the trail of dead...
Im seeing them tonight!

nomad1][quote=indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah "Exploding White Mice" ...
Im seeing them tonight!

Up for the dawnie (airport run unfortunately). Some tunes that kept me company on the drive in.

Poll time. Who’s your fav version?

All good, but I'm going with the original because they wrote it and the video film clip looks like they had allot of fun . Kevin had to go with the facts too;)

Just heard this on RRR, a time and a place...

Hey Zen, been meaning to comment on your earlier post re Mozart. He was pretty much the sound track to my childhood, I don't think I heard any "pop" music until I was >12 years old. A bit of a best of compilation... close your eyes and experience the beauty of his musical genius.

The brilliant Mark Rothko and his links to Mozart

Nice link Guy, cheers. Have to confess I've never heard of Rothko but his work is beautiful and I like the comparison between him and Mozart. I leave a little more educated for that.
SG, I used to wake up to classical music wafting through the house from as young as I could remember. My father had heaps of vinyl of the classics. Like me he said he couldn't tell you the composer, he just liked the sound of it. I remember a school excursion when I was about 8. We went to see the Melbourne Philharmonic play the Nutcracker. While most everybody was just mucking up, I sat there almost in tears, my heart brimming in awe of that beautiful music. Marrying a classical pianist has been a bonus for me. I've said it a million times but one of my favourite things on earth is drifting off on the couch while my darling is tinkling away in the background.
Cheers for the link- I actually play that one as BGM in the lobby of my business.
Also above, all good versions of Let there be Rock, but have to give it to the original. They're just so bloody tight.

nice Wilhelm, now where's those rabbits.

Happy Friday.

Robwilliams requested Queen's New / Old (Bond Song?)
Right said Freddie it Number 1 Already?

I’ve probably put up Taj before. I’m a fan. I like this collaboration on one of his old ones.

Got off my arse and made the trek a half hour north to see Steve Kilbey the other day.
A Steve Kilbey solo show - what can the fella bring to songs that you may have heard a hundred times before?
He's a bass player after all, and a self-confessed average one.
What can he do with just a 12 string and a voice?
More on that later.
For a start, considering his long and storied dalliances with drugs and whatnot, he’s looking good – slim, maybe even fit. There’s a shape to his face that says he’s looking after himself like he might not of in his heyday.
And he’s sharp, mentally sharp.
Quick witted and funny, not missing a beat and interacting instantly with the audience.
And there lies the crux of a Steve Kilbey solo show.
Yes, you're there for the music, The Church's back-catalogue of perfect psychedelic pop songs layered with esoteric lyrics.
He plays them well enough though he's far from a virtuoso. On occasion he puts on a capo and strums through three or four chords like a busker on autopilot.
But you're there for more than the music, it's an evening with Steve Kilbey, with hors d'oeuvres at the door.
He is, it turns out, a gifted story teller and quite a funny individual. Many of his anecdotes were absolutely worthy of a stand up comedian.
And his international accent coupled with a dry, self-deprecating delivery makes for easy, comfortable listening.
So that's what it's about these days with Kilbey, it's not so much a gig as an audience.
Come for the music, stay for the man.

Now there’s a band I’ve never listened to, heard the name but have never checked them out.
On my to-do list.
Yeah who would’ve thought the Brunswick Picture House would have changed from an old has-been into such an integral part of the area.

My wife went and saw him recently and considered it as funny as any stand up gig she's been too. Raved about it for days and days afterwards, and made me feel disappointed I didn't go.
Thing is, I saw him play at The Metro sometime in the early 2000s. It was a gig that become infamous for both his inebriation on stage, and the devastating reviews in the press. I recall one in Sydney's Sun Herald, so possibly written by Bernard Zuel, that made a point of calling out Australia's then young rock darlings - The Vines, Jet - to stay disciplined or they too were destined to be embarassing middle aged junkies playing for rent money.
Less a review than a cautionary tale, and a nasty one too.

Maybe we missed out. My long suffering nag bag and myself were discussing his upcoming gig locally and both decided fuck that he’s such a pretentious wanker. Based on docos we’d seen years ago

I have heard he has sorted himself out. Great review Andy, thanks.

Always was under the same impression as seed tho.

Thanks seems we should have gave him the benefit of doubt

seeds wrote:Thanks seems we should have gave him the benefit of doubt
I wouldn't sweat on it mate, plenty around here who base their world view on lesser evidence....

For fans of Tay Tay. This is your lucky day.

Another new one...listened to the first few songs from the album. So far....meh. Nothing much from it grabs me yet.

Im not a hater of the Chilli peppers(which is kinda cool to be these days) but for me there become a point sometimes with bands where theres enough albums and you dont need any more for me Blood sugar, Californication, One Hot Minute, By the Way, is enough variety and anything ive heard since just sounds like more like rehashes of those albums.
Personally i think most bands have three good albums in them. (One hot Minute really isn't all that great but its different to the others)
But from an artist point of view i get they want to keep creating and playing new stuff and obviously some financial incentive too.

I'll take your Tay Tay and the Chilli Peopers and raise you Alyce Platt singing "Everything I own" in her bathroom.

So many questions. Alyce Platt? From neighbours? I didn't know she was a singer. On the floor of the bathroom? - acoustics maybe.? That's where I usually end up after a bender- now there's some acoustics. YAARRP.....Also RHCP....agree with you I.D. I think their creative juices might have dried up.

icandig wrote:So many questions....
I remember her from Sale of the Century, but yes Neighbours and even Sons and Daughters....
As for the rest of your questions, I cant help, soz. I heard it earlier today and it kind of grabbed my attention. She has an album out apparently, this would seem the highlight from a quick perusal.

Oh, and in celebration of the bathroom floor, Porcelain Bus, who had a fun album entitled "Talking to God". Fun times

***Edit. I shouldn't drink before I post.

icandig wrote:***Edit. I shouldn't drink before I post.
Go for gold mate, it’s a Friday.

Just had a little Nana nap and I'm good again.

Good man yourself.

This one seems appropriate for tomorrow’s doomy forecast around here.

this also seems appropriate

Nice Greenjam

Almost the weekend. Kicking it off with this one. Think they were on Savage Cuts or maybe one of the Sarge vids.

Oh yeah, they were good for a laugh back in the day. Good live. Seems appropriate.

Ha ha....I think that's my legacy.

Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.