
I can only think of one, this and Ghostbusters but I'm not gonna put that up. I have always hated that awful song.
Paul McCartney on the other hand...

I have a picture of me taking a picture of Paul, Cottesloe Civic Centre, Wings Tour 1975

I have a picture of me taking a picture of Paul, Cottesloe Civic Centre, Wings Tour 1975

Keep asking the questions

Some more songs that are movie titles.

Been listening to a few records this week.
Split Enz - Mental notes. A strange but very unique album.
Here are 2 on topic vids.

Actually heard this one the radio today..
A couple more.

Jeez you triggered some 80's memories there tubeshooter. Many a hooligan lounge party had going off to the Boingos.

Another great 80's band similar to Oingo Boingo

Try these on for size.

One of my friends sol act i think Jazz blues, mixed by himself

windy take offs

Some Friday toons.

And a couple more as I watch my footy team find another way to lose.

blackers wrote:And a couple more as I watch my footy team find another way to lose...
Fuck it's been hard to watch these last few matches or 4.
What's the chances a win from 8th???

R00ney wrote:.... it's been hard to watch these last few matches or 4.
What's the chances a win from 8th???
It has been ugly for sure. I don't hold out much hope for September based on current form.
Have been trying to think of something appropriate. This covers it.


icandig wrote:Sorry.
I'll pay that.
Edit. A bit of a scare this arvo for you tho. :)

blackers wrote:I'll pay that.
Edit. A bit of a scare this arvo for you tho. :)
Heart rate went up a little for a while. All good now.

icandig wrote:Sorry...
Can't bring myself to post eye of the tiger

I can

Been overdosing on The Black Angels of late.

You're a bad person, tubeshooter

Rainbow girls

7 nation delta blues

Love a lot of JJ’s stuff. Slide master

Noice. Some more local tunes.

R.I.P. Archie

Could take the great shames and disgraces and turn them into celebrations.
Known for lyricism but also knew a bit about rhythm and melody too.

Was a fan of Abbe back in her bluesy days

Earlier Abbe. Either way she has got a great voice

Most defiantly seeds, I think she got frustrated with it though, maybe it was too easy for her or she didn't want it to be the only road she travelled. She ripped when I saw her live with the band a few times. I stumbled across her by accident and was glad I did. Hopefully she's still jamming and making music whatever and wherever it is. She had a good attitude all the way for from the bands to the fans. Didn't play it safe either in regards taking the unknown road.

Robwilliams wrote:
Rob, thanks for highlighting Archie Roach and some of his thoughtful heartfelt tunes, Australia just lost a good one.

few crew put some up, defiantly note worthy. I kinda didn't know wether I should but felt the public news and others had broken the ice. Bit of a figure head moment considering what has been evolving of late.


It is beer o’clock..

How about some old school British metal. Never tire of this. (Audio as no good old footage)
This one dodgy old film clip which we loved in early nineties acid parties

Thanks for the Go Betweens Rob. One of my all time favourites. Here's another one of theirs I really like. Unique melodies and instrumentation.
....and if you like Go Betweens, have a listen to these guys from Melbourne. Sadly not together anymore.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.