
Fer the kids of the early eighties.

Or the nineties if you prefer.

D.H Peligro penned tune.RIP

Maybe the best line up of sunglasses plus a Bill Oddie sighting at the 6.06 mark

Not cheap but probably worth it....they've got the headliners mixed up though. Sunnyboys should be top billing.

they are headlining icandig - dockers are the support

Friday again. Whats not to like?

GreenJam wrote:they are headlining icandig - dockers are the support
Ahhh... read the posters wrong. Angels is on a different night.
Saw the Sunnyboys with Painters and Dockers at Torquay a couple of years back....time warp...not only the bands, but some rough heads from eons ago (mine is rougher than most).
Definitely worth shelling out for.

and thanks Blackers. Always up for a bit of Ed Kuepper.

Something Good must come from the BOM Bully's rain of terror.
tbb uncovered the root of all evil began by Oz Weaponizing weather thru Techno Music...
You'd all just luv tbb to be wrong about this...quit yer drooling...prepare for the sound of pure evil.
UK > US > Oz built their own Super Computers from scratch.
(Correct: As today & always Oz used theirs for Weather + Snowy Scheme etc)
Introducing a swellnet exclusive Play List of pioneering Techno Geek tunes.
Either in built or pre programmed sound that eventually extends to a personalized responsive concert.
Oz were 3rd to build their Super Computer but first to crank out a tune. (You little Ripper!)
Australia CSIRAC ( CSIR Mark 1)
1950 : 'Colonel Bogey March'... killed by Prof Cherry in the sound lab by punching holes in the paper.
UK Manchester Ferranti Mark 1 (re: Enigma Code Guru)
1951: God save the King / Baa Baa Black Sheep / In the Mood (Mixed up computer mix?)
Recorded by Alan Turing > 1952 convicted as gay 1954 killed himself > 2013 pardoned by Queen.
1957 : US The Silver Scale by Newman Guttman (Prototype for the www earworm that eats our brainz)
Important advancement as it codes an original soundtrack as opposed to pre-recorded rendition.
Sounds pretty suss > Best to file this tune under brainwashing conspiracy. (Play it backwards?)...Satan!
IBM 7094 (First Vocal Tune program by a super Computer) Vocals kick in towards the end of Vid...(Ok!)
1961 : Daisy Bell (Bicycle built for two) Lyrics John L .Kelly Jr + Carol Lockbaum (Music) Max Mathews
1968 Killer IBM Goth Cover Version by HAL 9000 (2001 A Spaced out Goth Computer Odyssey)
1971 Pub Pong by Atari's Allan Alcorn ( The first true self editing live Video Soundtrack )
(Gamers skill levels orchestrate their own new world of Techno sound Videos)
Said to be a Magnavox rip off > Not so! Pong interacts sound / visual to players skill level
Quite amazing tech that is speed & sound responsive to real time configuration of multi players.
Yes! Prime position riotous Live Audio/Visual performance of Mates v Computers v Betting v Drinking.
Grom Geeks need to be reminded that it was Piss Heads that launched gaming nights in every Pub.
How ya think ya Mum & Dad hooked up to conceive today's PC brigade.
2008 Grand Finale shows how 2 pissed Pub Pong players can orchestrate a live Techno Concert!
Simply Amazing it is!

How lucky am I that my dad saw the future and unveiled one of these as a family Christmas present. If only I had kept up my practice, I could have been in esteemed company. On the other hand, this is probably the reason I was leery of electro for so long.
Wikipedia cut and paste below....
The Stylophone is a miniature analog electronic keyboard musical instrument played with a stylus. Invented in 1967 by Brian Jarvis,[1] it entered production in 1968, manufactured by Dubreq.
Some three million Stylophones were sold, mostly as children's toys, but were occasionally used by professional musicians such as Rolf Harris, John Lennon,[2] Kraftwerk and David Bowie.[3]

Vale Mimi Parker.

This popped up on the player in the car on the weekend. Long but worth sitting back with a cold one and perhaps one of Tim B's clips playing on the screen with the sound down.

"Take your building and your income and stuff it up your arse."

Krafting Zeni Albini
Live Thing

Little Red Rooster at the Corner Hotel, 1988. Wow..

Some tunes to celebrate the wave of the day.

Some things heard this week.


I love me a bit of britney. Who doesn't!?
Who wore it better?

One of the greatest masterclasses of live drumming you'll ever see or hear. I'm sure Benno Matson will appreciate this one, ;-)
Igor Cavalera and Sepultura, in Barcelona, 1991.
In particular, the closing minute or so, where the intensity builds into a crescendo of breakneck double bass and machine gun drum rolls. As good as drumming gets in my opinion.

thermalben wrote:Totally appreciate the chops (some of these guys have better feet than most drummers have hands!), but truth be told I've never been a fan of the double-kick metal stuff. Love watching these band live though (spent a few days driving Soulfly around Adelaide when they toured in the early 2000's).
Fark that's sick Ben!! Id imagine theyd b pretty cool cats?
Yeah fair enough, i only really like igors double kicking due to the ferocious rolls he throws in with it. Just makes the kit sound alive. Love his work on the toms particularly.

Heard today.
^^Nice selection above Rob. ^^

blackers wrote:Heard today.
^^Nice selection above Rob. ^^
Now we are talking , love Solitary Man, showing my age. CCR ain’t that bad either. AW.

Such a well written song

Supafreak wrote:Such a well written song
Not bad at all. AW.

Blackers just wanted to say its a credit to you how positive you are in regards to all that both you and roadkill are dealing with at the moment. All the best to you both.
You cant't go wrong with a bit of neil and Creedence. I think Creedence was the first band I was introduced that produced and album that every song was a hit. Massive influence on so many musicians and listeners. The fact that so much of the early stuff still stacks up proves what and exciting time it must have been to be a part of. love how all the musicians express a part of society and individual creativity young and old. Ahh expressions of life.

Thanks Rob, I can’t speak for roadkill, but it is my partner who has done the hard yards, I am just there to support her. Currently the outlook is positive and we live with hope as well but also in the moment. The music brings joy, introspection and distraction.
A mate introduced me to CCR and Neil Diamond as we explored the influences of the bands we liked at the time. Both acts were consigned to the tK-ell greatest hits/bargain bin by that stage and it was a real revelation. Great song writing and exceptional musicianship that stand the test of time.

keep bringing the joy, introspection and distraction.
And never fear or dismiss the bargain bin or discarded diamonds.
Another's waste is another's treasure. So often in life.
We are all that we consume. All the best.

Some great insights into the creative process behind one of Talking Heads best albums.

Swellnet Drum Circle rolls out The Amen Break....(The Wot?)
1969 The Winstons - Color Him Father > 'Amen, Brother' (Funky Instrumental)
Ok! Now many of the crew may have sounded this out...but it is a thing!
[ 1:26 ] Listen to that Funky Drum Slip...that sounds like a dubbed Reggae off Beat.
That's because (It's a Loop!) or a dub or the 1st DJ Rap beat Loop.
Yes! Countless of Every bodies have re-dubbed this original Amen Break Dub ever since...
Most likely it's the first & last sound you'll hear each day! ( Sure! A joke...Ha! Ha!)
No need to sweat the Technique!
Crew can skip to the History / Exploitation / Commercialization (Below!)
How to sample 15 minutes of Fame into a 6 second Loop!
Here's a rare & recently shared Gregory S. Coleman Drum Solo with [1:26 ] Amen Break.
Drum Kit tuning & Technique
Dub Layering Technique
History & Exploitation & Future Commercialization of The Amen Break.
For the Record : Original Drummer never earned a dime (No Royalties) Died Homeless & Broke!
His Drummed up Corporate legacy is worth $Millions-$Billions (No! Not joking!)
All need to bleed Gregory S. Coleman's infectious break-beat for Youth Cred...[SOULED OUT]
Here's The Hip & The Hop of The '60's Rap beat that Jumped the Shark!
(Warning! Contains highest level of copyright exploitation to ever dumbfound the listener! OMG!)
Amen Break (Fully Broke Fully Sick Mix)

Looks like summer is finally coming down here. It’s been dark, damp and cold for too long.

Reminiscing over Dark, Cold, Damp Summers...drool!
Goth's dedicate their cold hearted Summer Requiem to blacker's darker side.
Let us come together & pool our dark forces to summon up La Nina Decapeatia
*Feeling easy on the outside, but not so funny on the inside...
And things ain't like wot they used to be & This ain't the Summer of Love ? Blue Oyster Cult
*It's too Close for Comfort, this Heat has got right outta hand.
It's too hot to handle, so I got to get up & go!
It's a Cruel - Cruel Summer ~ Bananarama
*Hot Town, Summer in the City, back of my neck gettin' Dirt'n Gritty
Been down isn't it a pity, doesn't seem to be a Shadow in the City
All around, people looking Half Dead, Walking on the Sidewalk, Hotter than Match Head.
And Babe, don't you know it's a Pity, that the Days, can't be like the Nights, In The Summer in The City!
~ The Lovin' Spoonful
*Sum'mer-time has been & gone now, Nothing left but litter on the sand.
Hotel rooms are ghostly silent, Beaches now are no man's land.
Death of the Seaside ~ Human Instinct

That's the spirit TBB. It's gonna haunt you for the rest of your life.

I'm never agitated, I'm never ever complicated
Time goes by & Time goes by...Uh-huh, Uh-huh!
I'm never in a Mess, I never ever get depressed
Everyday just fades away...I'm one of the Happy People
State of mind is like Paradise, Yes it is!...Gen X.
tbb lives to love the original, but Gromz might dig (Hubble Bubble Toil & Double - Over Dub Mix)

'Tis the season.


An ode to the wave of the day.
And some advice for the festive season.
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.