Next Federal Election

Roker wrote:Not to downplay the horror in the ME - but maybe there’s some humour to be found amongst the local ructions, by way of a Utopiaesque exchange in the Senate between a Labor Senator and a Vice-Chancellor. Or not. Depends on how you see it I suppose.
Seems to me that truth is now a wholly subjective concept at the ANU. What amounts to a Nazi Salute and a Hitler Moustache to some students might not be a conclusion that adequately considers the truth of the students alleged to have performed the gestures. The ANU’s Vice-Chancellor tasked herself with establishing the truth of whether the performance of these gestures, of which vision exists, did, in truth, occur. Her investigation – presumably taking into account the ANU’s proscribed notion of the truth and after having measured the value of the truth of the various parties – has found, in truth, that these gestures were not to have happened. There was no incident, despite the footage that shows an incident. The investigation doesn’t deny the existence of the footage that shows the incident happening, only pointing out that there was not, in fact, an incident.
I might be missing something, context probably, but for my truth, Josh Burns was heroically restrained in the expression of his incredulity as Genevieve Bell gave a bravura performance in her quest to out-Claudine Claudine Gay. The Vice-Chancellor, it must be said, was superbly assisted by her counsel, the enigmatic and splendid Grady, whose sublime talent for seductive logical contradiction almost knocked poor Josh out for the count.
I don’t know if binding precedent results from this matter - it surely deserves its place in legal history - but there is a Neighbours alumni fellow down in Hellbourne whose alleged predilection for this sort of carry on has landed him in a spot of hot water. There is footage. True footage, you’d think. Assuming the accused hasn’t been diagnosed with late onset exculpatory autism by now, and that Dennis Denuto, having hung up the peruke, is no longer available to argue the finer points of obiter dictum, he’d be well advised to avail himself of the services of the Splendid Grady.
the post modernist intersectioned university choose your own adventure faculty, meets the cold hard court of reality...
and wins it appears
or, at least gets away with it...
I know these places must maintain a level of decorum... but geez, someone please call that shit out!

maybe she watched a nanny state news cut version of the tape
like this one...

so many angles to come at the above
but I'll just leave it with...
how far we have fallen

wiseowl wrote:The contrast between Israel and Gaza/Hamas was summed up perfectly in the images upon the releasing of the Israeli hostages. Israelis holding mobile phones, the other side holding automatic weapons with their faces masked. Hiccups likes AK 47s more than phones apparently, but each to their own.
Might wanna reconsider your username.

Or we could keep taxing the mining companies properly....
Better economic managers....

andy-mac wrote:Or we could keep taxing the mining companies properly....
Better economic managers....
Andy-Mac. Hi mate.
Let’s tax big companies including mining the right amount, just like the rest of us.
Piss off all concessions and tax free mineral acts etc.
We are on repeat play , following that useless US model, like Bernie said a few days ago, the rich are getting outrageously richer and the ‘poor get the picture’ (Oils).
As a nation, let’s get cracking, we should have no debt, housing could be very affordable, hospital and dental free, universities free and no HECS debts because older politicians got a free education
Invest in Australia’s future, not just tomorrow or the next upcoming election. That model hasn’t worked. Spoken by the AW Party for a fair go, for all, not some.

Greens are making PRRT an election issue andy-Mac. Be good if the public got on board and put the wind up Labor to do something. LNP will never do anything except the bidding of the big miners. Anybody remember Scomo’s Gas Powered recovery. They just failed to send out the invoices.

interesting day unfolding in oz academia...

The far left keep having to choose between complaining about Musk as friendly with Jewish people and anti HAMAS or that he's actually a Nazi. The far right are the same except they want him to be a Nazi and hate that he's friendly with Jewish people
— Tom McMurtry (@TomMcMurtryNZ) January 23, 2025
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He’s just trying to bridge the gap… in this breaking news. ;)

Loony Liberal Ley claims there's People on Mars > Polls Skyrocket to 99.9999% [L] Win.
Media demand to know why cowardly scared underdog PM Albo refuses to Vote for Martians

Biggest Dutto / Media Lie of this Term of Parliament dictates the Polls...
Dutto convinced Media that Albo increased Migration above previous [L] Govt Oz record.
It's a Lie...Liberal Govt still clearly migrated more more people into Australia.
Dutto claims Migration Floodgates deprived Australians of Housing....
Then his own Lib Govt is over 29% more responsible for their Oz record Intake...
Albo is doing his best to stem Record Liberal Flood of Migration chewing thru our Housing...
How tbb arrived at data...
Appropriated = Equal Proportioned Numbers thru Caretaker Mode > July/Aug To Sept
26th July ( First Day Delayed Dutto got his shit together) = End of July as Cut off Point...
As said 23 June Counting would still flow more Migration to Libs...No brainer...All say Aye...
So why not one Media Employee call this out...are all Pro [L] Huh!
Be thankful of Neutral non voting punter to check on this Shit...Coz this Lie Changes the Whole Shit Show!
Liberal Govt = 362.33k Migrants
ABS stats...March 2021 (113k) > 26th July 2022 (475.33k) = 320.65% Rise
Labor Govt = 279.96k Migrants
Albo Day 1 Govt 26th July 2022 (475.33k) > Peak Sept 2023 (739.43k) = 58.9% rise
[L] has 29% higher Post Covid Migration rise than ALP
Even if ya select AEC Final Vote Count period Liberals flooded more migrants in than Alp..
ALP Still always less by number & less by % than Liberal Oz Record Migration Wave.
There is no data showing Alp migrated more people than Liberals Governing Period.
Check once > Check 1m x over...Liberal hold the Oz Migration Record but cowardly fling it over Albo!
Dutto started the Lie & all dickhead arse licking media believe what he says without once checking!
Ask...Where else has any read about this obvious factchecked simple truth...outside of swellnet.
Feel free to check & add it all up to the handover'll see Liberal Liars are lowest scum.
They're pinning their greediest ever highest Record Oz Importation of People onto ALP...
Ok so none are surprised and idiots already awarded biggest cheating Bully the holy Grail to biggest liar.
KILL KILL KILL...None care no's over...biggest brain dead dickhead wins by defeating himself...
His Govt caused all this Hot Mess that he banks off to Skyrocket Polls > Flicks his shit onto Albo
Sure > We'll even compare Net Migration...if ya like...(Won't help...just shows more under Libs)
Same period to New Govt
[L] Increase 367.85K = 103.65% higher migration than ALP.
alp Increase 282,89K's not even close...Yet Voldemort has such a hold over his cowardly brain dead Zombies...
They all lick before eating his droppings...More please Master...
tbb pleads with Aussies to get off their knees & stand up to the Bully...Grow yer own brain.
Think for yerselves...this guy is #1 Psychopath & all do as he says....
If any here truly believe that Migration killed off Aussie Housing....
Then do as Voldemort Says...Punish The Govt responsible for Record Migration...His Govt!
WTFU Straya > Grow a pair & stare down the cowardly bully skyrocketing yer World.
tbb is getting sick of Cutting Live News or live PM Message to cross to $Gazillion Dutto Ad.
Are we ready...Going live...Look At Me...
Dutto : "Wotz important here is are you better off from Albo opening the Migration Flood Gates!"
Media Scrum : "Tell us Albo ...Why did you Cowardly open the Flood Gates!"
"Why Bother With Election > Next $Gazillion [L] news Bulletin will Confirm Dutto is already PM!"
The greatest lie of All ...Never happened...
Read for yerself > Take all the time ya need...
Liberals unleashed greatest ever Migration Wave in Oz History...
ALP are hosing it down...29% less Migration & lowering more each Quarter!
Trust yerself...Grow a brain...Don't let this Goon Tell ya what to are better than this!
Dutto Holds Oz Migration Record & he's so ashamed he blames everyone else!

^^^^ spud telling porky pies. …… again…….. wanker couldn’t lie straight in bed ….. come to think about he probably hangs upside down in his closet .

^got the belly giggles reading that Supa and the picture in my mind.

tbb, the Swellnet consensus is that Great Southern Beer is a foul brew and yet it's the top selling beer in Australia which goes to show that you can spoon people any 'ol shit and if you tell them it's great enough times they'll believe it, same goes for Dutton and co.

The only good thing about Great Southern Beer is that it makes XXXX appear top shelf

Heres an odd's check/update exactly one month on from the last odds check
indo-dreaming wrote:LNP= $1.72
Labor= $2.10
Same Sportsbet odds are now
Labor =$2.20
Interesting they have widened at tad, im sure they will become very close over the next few months.

Dutton banning foreign property investments for 2 years if he wins the election. This will be hugely popular.

flollo wrote:Dutton banning foreign property investments for 2 years if he wins the election. This will be hugely popular.
Is that a 'core' or 'non core' promise?
Reckon if he wins there may be a few powerful lobby groups in his ear.

Haha, yeah I'm not sure if he'll stick with it and to what degree. I just heard about it, I didn't see much detail about this.

indo-dreaming wrote:Heres an odd's check/update exactly one month on from the last odds check
indo-dreaming wrote:LNP= $1.72
Labor= $2.10
Same Sportsbet odds are now
Labor =$2.20
Interesting they have widened at tad, im sure they will become very close over the next few months.
Nah, coalition will SHORTEN, but Bill wont be campaigning this time round( I wonder if Albo will pardon him the day before the election)
SO, for all the wokeyJokey lefty losers, but your house(in Jeffy bhoyths case Dutto 180B,Uber model) on LaBORE....theeper eWec twicity, kosth of Fibbing, a zillion illegals a monff...Buth Thingsteen.THansparethy...

Gilding the lily isn’t the correct term here but the ambassador seems to be rather free with the truth, acting more like the AU opposition leader, so he should stay off X and voice his opinions privately through the proper diplomatic channels ….

GuySmiley wrote:Gilding the lily isn’t the correct term here but the ambassador seems to be rather free with the truth, acting more like the AU opposition leader, so he should stay off X and voice his opinions privately through the proper diplomatic channels ….
He's only doing what Dutton tells him.
At a time when all politicians should display a united front against terrorism, all Dutton and his shit stirring little urger mates in the LNP can do is stoke more division by blaming Albo for the problem.
Dutton holds his seat on less than a 3% margin. It would make me eternally happy if this nasty piece of work was rolled at the forthcoming election.

A Salty Dog wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Gilding the lily isn’t the correct term here but the ambassador seems to be rather free with the truth, acting more like the AU opposition leader, so he should stay off X and voice his opinions privately through the proper diplomatic channels ….'s only doing what Dutton tells him.
At a time when all politicians should display a united front against terrorism, all Dutton and his shit stirring little urger mates in the LNP can do is stoke more division by blaming Albo for the problem.
Dutton holds his seat on less than a 3% margin. It would make me eternally happy if this nasty piece of work was rolled at the forthcoming election.
Hear, hear. ASDog, I’d be delighted. AW

A Salty Dog wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Gilding the lily isn’t the correct term here but the ambassador seems to be rather free with the truth, acting more like the AU opposition leader, so he should stay off X and voice his opinions privately through the proper diplomatic channels ….'s only doing what Dutton tells him.
At a time when all politicians should display a united front against terrorism, all Dutton and his shit stirring little urger mates in the LNP can do is stoke more division by blaming Albo for the problem.
Dutton holds his seat on less than a 3% margin. It would make me eternally happy if this nasty piece of work was rolled at the forthcoming election.
They are just throwing more fuel onto an already dangerous situation.

A Salty Dog wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Gilding the lily isn’t the correct term here but the ambassador seems to be rather free with the truth, acting more like the AU opposition leader, so he should stay off X and voice his opinions privately through the proper diplomatic channels ….'s only doing what Dutton tells him.
At a time when all politicians should display a united front against terrorism, all Dutton and his shit stirring little urger mates in the LNP can do is stoke more division by blaming Albo for the problem.
Dutton holds his seat on less than a 3% margin. It would make me eternally happy if this nasty piece of work was rolled at the forthcoming election.
The problem is that those in the population with only half a brain actually believe the crap that comes out his mouth, and the other part of the population that have both halves of their brain are wondering how the fuck this nasty little turd became relevant in the Australian political landscape. I feel for the state and federal investigators in all these anti semitic attacks knowing stuff that Dutton doesn't know, but having to listen to him politicise the whole issue for his personal and political gain.

I think Mr. Dutton has removed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags so he can stand in front of a series of false ones.
Things are not entirely as they seem in relation to this recent spate of Australian antisemitic terror in my opinion.
"Foul deeds shall rise, though all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes".

Liberal / Media lies blame ALP for Oz Record Liberal Mass Migration Crisis...
Liberal / Media lies also blame ALP for Liberal's 2x Higher run of Inflation
PM Abbott > Turnbull > PM Scomo
Inflation rose 62% of duration of Liberal Govt 2013-2022 (Dropping only 32% of their rule)
Rising (9.8) over 21 Quarters (equalling over 2 Quarters) Dropping (5.6) during 11 Quarters.
Averaging 4.2 higher prices over Abbott > Turnbull > Scomo Govts.
Quite clearly worse off with prices rising twice the time...[L] blows out cost of living crisis 2 fold.
A vote for [L] under own record is a Vote for living under inflation for twice as long as not!
PM Albo gets flogged hard over inflation & swears Voters will be worse off under [L]...check data...
Liberal inflation kept rising 30% of Albo's term as he lowered inflation 70% of his term.
Albo inherited a typically common fast rising inflation crisis from [L] All see that's normal...
Rising (1.9) over 3 Quarters then Dropping ( 5.6) over 7 Quarters
Averaging -3.7 lower consumer price index over Albo's first term.
Quite clearly better off with prices dropping twice the time. ALP is halving the Cost of living crisis.
A vote for ALP under current data is a vote for living under reduced inflation twice as long as not!
A Child Economic Student can verify Albo is Twice better at keeping prices down than Lib PMs.
ABS (cpi) ...Voters would be twice as worse off under Dutto & twice better off under Albo.
Voters clearly wish to ignore Economic reality & wish to vote for 2x poorer economic [L] Govt.
Economic crisis headed for disaster...
Voldemort @ Hogsmeade Station on NZ Back on Track into deepest darkest Coalition Depression.
Exactly wot Albo Said...way better off under ALP...well durr...
Be impossible for Media or voters to think or vote otherwise for more of that 2x worse [L] Shit!
But tbb is not stupid enough to vote!
tbb is neutral so is this ABS data...can't serve up anything other than this here obvious truth...
Exactly...The [L] Media lied again (Surprise!) Lied & still lying...about Migration / Inflation...
Clearly be 2x worse off under [L] without involving an Opposition Party.
Yep! Data shows they're that bad at running an economy...not even [L] PM's would vote [L]
Notice it's again not even remotely an ALP crisis...just another woke [L] crybaby whinge fest!
Both Migration & Inflation are long term forever Liberal Crisis that infected ALP during Covid.
Data shows ALP Albo has performed twice better than [L] Govts at wiping up their Hot Mess!
If voters are so far up Voldemort's arse...
Wot! Expect tbb to help ya...well...yer in luck...just so happens...we alone defeated your Beast!
Qldurr / Goldie / Reedy Creek resident will share how we defeated Voldemort bullying our town.
The little local [L] ladies cut Volde's Parachute chord & Drop kicked his arse as he landed...Outta Here!
Sent him packing with his tail between legs...cried like a baby..."I want my Blue Ribbon Mummy!"
Whole Town said...Fuck Off you pathetic blowin VIP [L] STD...
To this day Voldemort still swears it wasn't fair...Supernatural [L] Chiko Chix ganged up on him!
Our little [L] chix took him down to do Oz a favour...WTFU Straya!
Hint : Dump yer creepy loser bad actor boyfriend...he's not really Voldemort...just a big cry baby.
PS : Our same Reedy Creek Chick could've easily rolled him for leader...left you voters his carcass...

Proof positive that he’s got nothing positive to say, he’s giving away all the teals seats and more and he’s captive to the far right inside the LNP and it’s backers … delusional ideologue

GuySmiley wrote:Proof positive that he’s got nothing positive to say, he’s giving away all the teals seats and more and he’s captive to the far right inside the LNP and it’s backers … delusional ideologue
The "Trumpification" of Australia.
I hope that people here can see what Trump is really like over the coming months, and make a decision to reject it at the next election.
In many respects, the coming election is probably the most important since Federation.

Oooops a daisy

I don’t think Labor’s new gender target laws for business is a good idea.
People should always be hired on their merit regardless of their sex.
I don’t think anyone of either gender will appreciate the nanny state mentality of it.
Also the fact that govt is going to ‘ Monitor’ business and make them do reports on their progress to enforce its laws if passed is a bit strange for Australia….a Marxist ideology without doubt.
While they have had some good ideas and progress especially in wages, the govt seems to come up with new ideas to be hated by people….especially business people….something most politicians have never actually been.

^^ a credible link or two please

Ummm …Parliament House website…but I’m sure you’re aware of that.

Ok, thanks, I wasn’t aware of that hence the question

That's my kinda boa constricted Opal cave fossicker...
Gold Standard record run NYE Resolution...
Hung in there longer than most of us lazy arse Aussies...gotta luv that!

Q: Are Australasian Conservative Leaders permitted to form friendships...ever in their lifetime?
Why do Conservative Dictators remain opposed to working together to better our lot...
NZ PM < > Tas Premier < > Qld Premier < > NT Chief Minister...
tbb is asking if any [L] voter ever expects any of these fellow Dr No party goers will ever hook up...
As neighbours or even if Voldemort convened a Pot Boiling Seance or some shit!
Like a meeting of it too much power...will they blow each other up...
Or are they happier to order a hit on each other from afar?
So a vote for Conservative Leaders is a Vote for what exactly...Killing off yer Best Mates?
Far out, are these Liberal Politicians a fuckin' morbid hateful lot...
Seriously now understand why [L] Voters swear Dutto is only 99.9999% pure Evil...
Coz these elected Zombies are already 100% hating on each other...incredible level of hate it is...
Why not sneak a little wave or smile or some shit...even Shot over the Bow...a Flag Wave!
Fuck me...shall we have a whip around to hook 'em up for a gig or some shit...
What example do they set for kidz > Never dare meet or trust yer enemy Liberal Party Leader!
Wow! Tough crowd...hey! Like fucking Robots! Someone wind them up...Smile Fucker!
So people actually voted for this extraordinary level of Hatred of Best mates...coz that's fucked up.!

Not if they’re Scotty.
Represent!!! (Australia)

I stopped drinking alcohol 11/12 years ago. I stopped drinking coffee 3 years ago. I drive old 2nd hand cars. I don’t smoke. Anyway, this year we organised Christmas at our house. Invited 20 odd people. I went to Dan Murphys to buy alcohol. And I was left absolutely shocked by the price of bear. Last time I bought a carton I paid $25. I had no idea the prices went up this much. Even the cheapest, shittiest bear was nearly $60 per carton. And cunts keep six packs at almost 1/2 price, like $25. Those fancy beers that everyone drinks now were $7-$8 each. I also spoke to someone about cigarettes. $60 a pack! Wow!
Who’s paying for this? I felt inflation but surely nowhere near as much as people who like to drink, smoke, go out…I’m just blown away by it all. I know it might sound strange and I was ignorant but I actually had no idea that prices went up this much.

flollo wrote:I stopped drinking alcohol 11/12 years ago. I stopped drinking coffee 3 years ago. I drive old 2nd hand cars. I don’t smoke. Anyway, this year we organised Christmas at our house. Invited 20 odd people. I went to Dan Murphys to buy alcohol. And I was left absolutely shocked by the price of bear. Last time I bought a carton I paid $25. I had no idea the prices went up this much. Even the cheapest, shittiest bear was nearly $60 per carton. And cunts keep six packs at almost 1/2 price, like $25. Those fancy beers that everyone drinks now were $7-$8 each. I also spoke to someone about cigarettes. $60 a pack! Wow!
Who’s paying for this? I felt inflation but surely nowhere near as much as people who like to drink, smoke, go out…I’m just blown away by it all. I know it might sound strange and I was ignorant but I actually had no idea that prices went up this much.
Flollo. Hi mate. Hope ya well.
I’m a bit the same, must admit, I do feel healthy.
Well, when I last visited Dan Murphys , bears were about $2000USD each, cant remember if they were Grizzlys or Brown.
Not sure if inflation has put the average cost of a bear up.
I saw raccoons were going for $5USD eaxch or 24 in a crate for $100USD. AW

flollo wrote:I stopped drinking alcohol 11/12 years ago. I stopped drinking coffee 3 years ago. I drive old 2nd hand cars. I don’t smoke. Anyway, this year we organised Christmas at our house. Invited 20 odd people. I went to Dan Murphys to buy alcohol. And I was left absolutely shocked by the price of bear. Last time I bought a carton I paid $25. I had no idea the prices went up this much. Even the cheapest, shittiest bear was nearly $60 per carton. And cunts keep six packs at almost 1/2 price, like $25. Those fancy beers that everyone drinks now were $7-$8 each. I also spoke to someone about cigarettes. $60 a pack! Wow!
Who’s paying for this? I felt inflation but surely nowhere near as much as people who like to drink, smoke, go out…I’m just blown away by it all. I know it might sound strange and I was ignorant but I actually had no idea that prices went up this much.
Wait till your nephew asks you to buy a bag for him flollo, it’ll make yer eyes water

I gave up drinking quite a few years ago even though alcohol is cheap as chips in Japan. A bottle Of Jack Daniels is about AUD$20. A six pack of nice beer about AUD$12.
Last year went to a wedding in Toowoomba, normal pub, I bought a schooner of Gold, a large glass of house wine, a coke and an LLB for my mum- $32. After I picked my chin up off the floor I reluctantly paid even though I felt like I'd been raped.
Cars are pretty reasonable in Japan to buy- owning a car is expensive here though.
No wonder kids are turning to drugs and oldies to chop-chop. Prices are fucking out of control in Australia. I went to a bakery to pick up some brekky for three people so lets say 3 coffees, a couple of toasted sangas and maybe a pie and sausage roll, I don't think I got change out of $60. Dunno how you guys do it- especially those with kids.

Don't drink spirits but the price of a six pack of beer these days is ridiculous. So are King Browns.
It encourages people to buy cartons.
Re ciggies.
A mates missus came home not long ago with a carton of Winnie Blues and threw them at his feet in disgust, whinging about the price. I asked him how much they cost, he wouldn't tell me.
I checked my watch and suddenly realised I had somewhere else to be.

Beer is now an expensive treat - maybe once a month or every second month or even every third month.
Long dry spells.
my mate drinks more- so I tend to take fish over his place and drink his beers in exchange.

Most slabs are close to $60, which is cheap when you can pay $15 for a pint over the bar. I remember when you weren't worth knowing if you didn't drink VB, especially on the west coast. These days I hate to admit I've acquired a taste for Australias most popular beer XXXX gold. Apparently, Queenslanders call it XXXX because they can't spell beer.

i can remember paying 13 cents for a schooner back in the early 70s.....10 cents for a middy.......took 1 dollar out and got fully nuked

i can remember paying 13 cents for a schooner back in the early 70s.....10 cents for a middy.......took 1 dollar out and got fully nuked
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: