Next Federal Election

Clever country....

Gina Rinehart. Made money using her inheritance. Good on her. But, she wants to pay people (Australian workers) less or import workers from developing nations because they will do it for less. So she can make more money. Doesn't want to give her own children access and control to their own inheritance. Has the cash to grind any legal challenges down. Uses sponsorship as a a coercive tool and for self-aggrandizement. Successful but just a self interested parasite selling off our sovereign wealth.

^^^ & Gina was thanking Santos for everything they have done for Australia.

^^ That Jordies (shortened) clip wasn’t good viewing. Even climate change denialism thrown in by one vested goose.

All within the law.
You kinda have to look at the system.

Supafreak wrote:^^^ & Gina was thanking Santos for everything they have done for Australia.
That was gold hey, thanking the biggest tax/prrt bludgers for their contribution to Australia. Amazing! Pauline & Barnaby at the trough.

zenagain wrote:All within the law.
You kinda have to look at the system.
That's why the law needs changing, or the tax system needs changing.
Rudd tried with the MRRT. If you put your mind back we had Gina in the back of a Ute in workers clothes saying it will bring down the country with the lnp sprouting all kinds of bullshit from the sidelines, along with the other useful sock puppets. The Propaganda campaign brought down an Australian government which was primarily funded by MCA which is made up of foreign multi national parasitic companies. Have that sink in....
What a different country we would be if we had a system making the mist of our resources starting back in the Howard days where he and Costello pissed our 'Common'wealth away setting up a structural deficit and making way for the housing situation we have today.
Yep Gina is a great Australian!

I guess it's just the old Australian tall poppy syndrome
The reality is Gina is far more successful, richer, smarter and a better business person than any of us, and contributed far more than any of us every will or have to Australia financially/ economically.
If you are unhappy with your life or havent achieved what you want, it's because of your own failings, not Ginas the government or your country.

Nah it’s simple really indo , Gina’s a greedy carnt . Just ask her children . You can make all the excuses you like and just because it’s your opinion indo , doesn’t make it fact . Who else are you going to stick up for ? Clive Palmer ?

Our tall poppy thing comes from our white history of convicts, pioneers, and working class. It has the same effect as say, France, who had to go through a protracted, bloody revolution to overthrow the nobby-muckers who controlled the wealth.. it means we have an inherent understanding that if someone has more than they need, someone has less. And it saves us (for now) from the aggressive capitalism of the US where you have Musks at one end of the economic spectrum and those zombie clips you've watched 20 of at the other. In the US they BELIEVE that if you are rich (and claim to be Godly) you deserve it, and poor people just don't want it enough. That is so fucked up. They get doe-eyed and teary when they see rich people and clap along - give me tall poppy Oz any day. Merry Xmas to you and your family, by the way @indo, been enjoying your posts.

You realise this dickhead just posts this shit to "trigger the wokesters" and you all fall for it every time.
He gets off on it, small things amuse small minds.
Two days posting about the fat fuck billionairess in the bejeweled mu mu's.
Yeah, she's a great Australian and it's all tall poppy syndrome.
Ever listened to the woman? Ever read any of her speeches or opinions?
Ever follow the court case she produced fake witnesses for to try to have Rose Porteus falsely charged?
Ever realise the "bankrupt estate" she inherited was bankrupted by her stripping it's assets while her father was on his death bed denying his probate wishes?
Ever hear or follow the story of how she disinherinted her own children from her father's will?
Ask her dying father, his partners, her ex husband, her children, and the common heritage of all Australians what a cnt she is.
To paraphrase Keating, if there was a university degree for greed, that cunt would get first class honours.
Fuck off idiot.

indo-dreaming wrote:I guess it's just the old Australian tall poppy syndrome
The reality is Gina is far more successful, richer, smarter and a better business person than any of us, and contributed far more than any of us every will or have to Australia financially/ economically.
If you are unhappy with your life or havent achieved what you want, it's because of your own failings, not Ginas the government or your country.
Such a success she is estranged from her family and would have trouble counting her real friends using her pinky.
But she has more money than she could ever spend. And still wants more more more.
If that's success she can have it.
Good luck to her.
But carry on.....

Don't forget our 'west australian of the year' also 'contributes' 300million dollars to trample over people and country.

indo-dreaming wrote:I guess it's just the old Australian tall poppy syndrome
The reality is Gina is far more successful, richer, smarter and a better business person than any of us, and contributed far more than any of us every will or have to Australia financially/ economically.
If you are unhappy with your life or havent achieved what you want, it's because of your own failings, not Ginas the government or your country.
She inherited a mine, rail infrastructure and export terminals with ongoing contracts at the beginning of Chinas infrastructure boom. She did a deal with Rio Tinto to ensure her riches, one that she would happily deny the citizens of Australia for their natural finite resources.
But that’s just what I think. ( and what actually happened)
And if you’re too stupid to realise that she’s trying to pay less tax and set the precedent for Australia to be ripped off further by multinational corporations which will directly affect your life, ( less money for social services) and she’s trying her hardest to influence our politicians to achieve that goal then that’s on you!

Indo’s list of 2024 defendants.
1. The state of Israel
2. Bibi Netenyahu
3. Gina
I’m sure I’ve missed a couple but that should get things started.

indo-dreaming wrote:I guess it's just the old Australian tall poppy syndrome
The reality is Gina is far more successful, richer, smarter and a better business person than any of us, and contributed far more than any of us every will or have to Australia financially/ economically.
If you are unhappy with your life or havent achieved what you want, it's because of your own failings, not Ginas the government or your country.
Define “successful” Indo.
If the payoff of being successful is your own children not wanting to know you well then I’ll happily be the most un-successful prick of all time.
Being financially well off doesn’t equate to being successful for everyone indo.
Edit - I should of read the 10 posts above mine, would of saved me typing it.

An oldie but a goodie .

soggydog wrote:Indo’s list of 2024 defendants.
1. The state of Israel
2. Bibi Netenyahu
3. GinaI’m sure I’ve missed a couple but that should get things started.
You can add little Johnny to that list , you know , the guy that made the greatest gas deal of all time with the Chinese, deal of a lifetime……for the Chinese that is . #bettermoneymanagers

basesix wrote:Our tall poppy thing comes from our white history of convicts, pioneers, and working class. It has the same effect as say, France, who had to go through a protracted, bloody revolution to overthrow the nobby-muckers who controlled the wealth.. it means we have an inherent understanding that if someone has more than they need, someone has less. And it saves us (for now) from the aggressive capitalism of the US where you have Musks at one end of the economic spectrum and those zombie clips you've watched 20 of at the other. In the US they BELIEVE that if you are rich (and claim to be Godly) you deserve it, and poor people just don't want it enough. That is so fucked up. They get doe-eyed and teary when they see rich people and clap along - give me tall poppy Oz any day. Merry Xmas to you and your family, by the way @indo, been enjoying your posts.
The problem i see is people just automatically see rich and successful people as villains that are un deserving and in extreme cases call them lazy or dumb etc
Yeah sure many of these people are born into wealth, but lots of people born into wealth blow it too, people like Gina and Musk still turned millions into billions, they are still smart hard working business people.
Greedy yeah thats a fair call, parasites nah thats just bullshit, they are the complete opposite closer to the host than parasite.
Not saying people should look up to them or whatever, but i just find the whole following their every move ready to diss them about nothing just so pointless and brain dead. (but some people seem to thrive on it?)
BTW. I think in many countries if you are poor or come from a poor family, you are destined to be poor it's pretty hard to escape that even just getting a university degree is out of the reach of many.
But not in the West, im sure we all know people that come from poor social economic families and done really well for themselves, and also know others that come from real well off family's and achieved little.
People like those zombies on the streets are there by choice, by bad choices, yeah some come from dysfunctional low social economic family's etc, but many dont, in those interviews some are honest and say they came from a good family upbringing with money etc and just got caught up in the wrong scene or crowd etc
Yeah Cheers Basesix, Merry Christmas to you too.
@ Goofy yeah i get the whole successful thing is subjective, im talking more in a traditional sense, somebody that has a public profile.

Very interesting story from 12 years ago.

An update on Gina’s interests .

I'm always a bit dubious about polls, but I'd say this one is spot on
especially the extension to the wider population that polls aim / claim to represent...
doesn't bode well for albo... with morrison, abbott, and howard all in living memory...
it would seem the guy is well into most hated PM ever territory
hard to believe...
the possibility...
but there it is

^^ Resolved is either owed by the Age/SMH or they publish their findings exclusively through those papers. While the findings of the latest poll are telling (in isolation) it continues at least a 12-month campaign Resolve/Age/SMH of actively “creating” the news of the anti Albo narrative rather than “reporting” the news …. not only my opinion but rather 100’s of readers of 9infotainment papers as seen in the comments sections of relevant articles, and that number would be much higher given the “sensitivity” the paper’s moderators have on the issue.

While i think that you need a number of polls over a period of time ideally from a variety of sources to really get a proper picture.
Looking at those figures they do makes sense. (especially Lidia Thorpe right at the bottom)
Although im a little surprised Lambie is that high and that Penny Wing is not lower.(WTF?)
And Resolve was pretty close on the voice polling
Result was 60% no 40% yes
Resolve called 56% no 44% yes
Sportsbet betting odd's also give a clear indication of how unpopular Albo and the current government are.
LNP= $1.72
Labor= $2.10
And betting odds have been pretty reliable when it comes to these things of late.
Although personally im still really skeptical, i just cant see Labor losing after one term, hasn't happened in something like 100 years, and its not like Dutton is popular.
So im not getting my hope's up
Seriously im considering putting $500 on it, LNP win im happy Labor win i make some nice coin, i should do it, i think those odds will narrow as we get closer to the election.
Also to be fair i think if Dutton was in power he would be just as unpopular, i mean im a LNP voter and he isn't exactly likeable or popular.
I think we are just in an age where whoever is in power the public is going to hate on the leader big time and there just doesnt seem to be any outstanding leaders (Jacinta aside and seems those polled agree to some extent with me)
Here's Newspoll from a few weeks ago, that shows a very clear trend.
BTW. Interesting thing to note from Sypkans link, the top two most liked politicians are indigenous (lambie & Jacinta), and the most disliked indigenous. (Lidia)

well, bias and agenda aside...
it is still very telling, I would say, even if one adjusts...
and, it is labor stooge boy, kossy samaras, giving it a run
indod is right in saying albo is running with the current curse of the incumbents... but geez... it's still pretty damning... disheartening... for poor ol' albo...
running down in the bottom four, amidst nut job central...
I posted it because I found the rest of the numbers interesting too, and possibly accurate from my perspective...
lambie, price, pocock, birmingham, ley... and wong...
social media has gone rogue on wong of late, largely around the gaza conflict, but she's still very likable, appears beyond competent, and is as solid as a rock...
to my mind, labor seem way out in front, as libs are a bit of an evacuated trainwreck when it comes to talent... but birmingham and ley seem the best of a bad bunch in terms of likeable and competent...
I'm sorry labor lubbers, but albo is a liability
mr. social housing... with his aloof kim kardashian persona and lifestyle... right down to the jet setting pooch... comes across about as genuine as a plastic rolex...
once again, oz mirrors US politics, where it seems most voters would prefer a sub out of both leaders
a start again...
maybe if we could have susan ley versus jim chalmers it wouldn't seem so hopeless
but a queensland cop versus kim kardashian in skinny jeans seems about as unaustralian as it gets when it comes to choosing suitable leadership

Perhaps the polls reflect voters that are in two minds & can't decide who they should vote for.
Any Party with a track record of Promising one thing then doing the other...would be popular!
Any such proudly pathetic Distrustful Party with no ethics or morals would Skyrocket the Polls.
No matter what bullshit flows outta their mouths > any dumbarse Voters know they can't lose.
Voter 1: Like I mistakenly thought they were gonna carry thru with a core promise...Who knew!
Voter 2 : I knew they were gonna break another core promise & backed them to do that yet again!
Bans Cheap Nukes > Now wants to mandate marriage to some make believe non existent Nukes
Mandates unreasonable Renewable Energy Targets > Now aborts doable Renewable Energy Targets
Mandates costly Offshore Wind Farms > Now Bans affordable Offshore Windfarms
120 yrs NP Farmers strew 250,000 Southern Cross Wind Towers over outback now Farmers say it's ugly?
Never Ever Ever a GST > Mandated GST and now Oz can't afford to tax our own shit 1,000x over.
War on WMD = No WMD War (Oopsie...Sorry little children of the world!)
[L] Demands Coalition of Willing to Bomb Iraq so Howard can date the Butcher of Baghdad.
Campaign for 2 Voice reffos + one at next Election + another if elected but say they hate Voice Reffos?
Mandate Olympic Palestine Flag Waving in Stadiums bans Palestine Flag Waving in public
Spend a fortune to buy Aboriginal Flag just so their Aboriginal Minister can Ban Aboriginal Flag
Dutto/Price rip, tear & burn Australian Flags everyday of Divisive Campaign now wanna Fly them!
Ya don't matter [L] have no moral compass...that makes yer [L] Vote even more precious!
Like this...
Eenie Meanie Mussolini : (Watered down Promises of New beaut Daily Hospital Bed Data updates)
I delivered WR month long [censorship] of Daily Hospital Bed Data during my very 1st Health Crisis.
All Qld Hospital Bed Data from 15th December 2024 > 14th January 2025 is [Censored] by Martini Mussolini
Says here the longest wait of Data in Oz...(Ok! So absolutely none are surprised with the Size of Qld [L] lies!)
Any in the know see the last reported Hospital spike rocketing off the page + all hear sirens wailing.
First real Test : Xmas Covid Outbreak [Alert] Where? [L] Yuppie cowers under his bed...KILL KILL KILL.
No moral compass...never ever believe one word uttered from his own mouth...Warned all the crew that!
Please share which 1 of 3,231,968 Qld Voters cares...Not a one gives a they! Huh!
Don't go accusing tbb of caring...please, fuck no!
Coz he never once voted that ain't gonna play out well is it now!
Only bloke in Qld who cares deeply about Deadly broken [L] election promises...doesn't care to vote.
So now ya know why...If just one other Qldurr cared, tbb would name & reward them here & now!
Promise not to bring it up it in parliament tbb + [LNP] 99.99% run Qld media will censor all news of it anyhow!
[2024] [L] Censorship : Aborigine / Abortion / Nuclear / Daily > Monthly whenever Health Data (Cough!)
Qldurrz now gotta taste for Mussolini's Head Kick Police State...already campaigning [Joh 4 PM]
[L] promise to shit on everything we ever stood for and break every core promise, elected or not.
Voters reward longest 20-30 year spell of Dishonesty & Global Treachery > [L] Polls Skyrocket.
Voter : I Voted for [L] to break Hardcore Promises (Again!) + [L] Gold Standard Rorts are to die for!

indo-dreaming wrote:While i think that you need a number of polls over a period of time ideally from a variety of sources to really get a proper picture.
Looking at those figures they do makes sense. (especially Lidia Thorpe right at the bottom)
Although im a little surprised Lambie is that high and that Penny Wing is not lower.(WTF?)
And Resolve was pretty close on the voice polling
Result was 60% no 40% yes
Resolve called 56% no 44% yes
Sportsbet betting odd's also give a clear indication of how unpopular Albo and the current government are.
LNP= $1.72
Labor= $2.10
And betting odds have been pretty reliable when it comes to these things of late.
Although personally im still really skeptical, i just cant see Labor losing after one term, hasn't happened in something like 100 years, and its not like Dutton is popular.
So im not getting my hope's up
Seriously im considering putting $500 on it, LNP win im happy Labor win i make some nice coin, i should do it, i think those odds will narrow as we get closer to the election.
Also to be fair i think if Dutton was in power he would be just as unpopular, i mean im a LNP voter and he isn't exactly likeable or popular.
I think we are just in an age where whoever is in power the public is going to hate on the leader big time and there just doesnt seem to be any outstanding leaders (Jacinta aside and seems those polled agree to some extent with me)
Here's Newspoll from a few weeks ago, that shows a very clear trend.
BTW. Interesting thing to note from Sypkans link, the top two most liked politicians are indigenous (lambie & Jacinta), and the most disliked indigenous. (Lidia)
Australia votes governments OUT when they are jack of them, polls count only on voting day and 15million is the size of that poll.
Increased rents...increased mortgages...increased grocery prices/insurances/utilities will bring this "so called government" down
Potato head for PM....Labor hasn't a chance, the majority of people know they were better off even undo ScoMo(probably the worst ever coalition leader).
AlbaSLEEEEEEZY knew it too, he bought his retirement home ,will get his ex PM perks and will go down as worst Labor PM ever(beating even Rudd and Keating )

indo-dreaming wrote:basesix wrote:Our tall poppy thing comes from our white history of convicts, pioneers, and working class. It has the same effect as say, France, who had to go through a protracted, bloody revolution to overthrow the nobby-muckers who controlled the wealth.. it means we have an inherent understanding that if someone has more than they need, someone has less. And it saves us (for now) from the aggressive capitalism of the US where you have Musks at one end of the economic spectrum and those zombie clips you've watched 20 of at the other. In the US they BELIEVE that if you are rich (and claim to be Godly) you deserve it, and poor people just don't want it enough. That is so fucked up. They get doe-eyed and teary when they see rich people and clap along - give me tall poppy Oz any day. Merry Xmas to you and your family, by the way @indo, been enjoying your posts.
The problem i see is people just automatically see rich and successful people as villains that are un deserving and in extreme cases call them lazy or dumb etc
Yeah sure many of these people are born into wealth, but lots of people born into wealth blow it too, people like Gina and Musk still turned millions into billions, they are still smart hard working business people.
Greedy yeah thats a fair call, parasites nah thats just bullshit, they are the complete opposite closer to the host than parasite.
Not saying people should look up to them or whatever, but i just find the whole following their every move ready to diss them about nothing just so pointless and brain dead. (but some people seem to thrive on it?)
BTW. I think in many countries if you are poor or come from a poor family, you are destined to be poor it's pretty hard to escape that even just getting a university degree is out of the reach of many.
But not in the West, im sure we all know people that come from poor social economic families and done really well for themselves, and also know others that come from real well off family's and achieved little.
People like those zombies on the streets are there by choice, by bad choices, yeah some come from dysfunctional low social economic family's etc, but many dont, in those interviews some are honest and say they came from a good family upbringing with money etc and just got caught up in the wrong scene or crowd etc
Yeah Cheers Basesix, Merry Christmas to you too.
@ Goofy yeah i get the whole successful thing is subjective, im talking more in a traditional sense, somebody that has a public profile.
Tall poppy is disastrous for this country. It’s not a surprise that we suck at innovation and economic complexity. We’re too parochial and don’t even value work experience from abroad. Even when that work experience/education is superior to local market conditions .

flollo wrote:Tall poppy is disastrous for this country. It’s not a surprise that we suck at innovation and economic complexity. We’re too parochial and don’t even value work experience from abroad. Even when that work experience/education is superior to local market conditions .
That's interesting @flollo, and I take your opinion in this with respect. I have also seen a good deal to the contrary, where our inherent cultural cringe has seen us become sycophants to incompetent people from overseas taking high-paid positions for a 5-year plan, before they return home to the job they wanted in the first place. We are useful in the same way country towns can be useful to incompetent people from the city who want a stepping-stone promotion.

velocityjohnno wrote:flollo wrote:It’s incredible that we literally don’t make anything in Australia.
The US realised this mistake a long time ago and there is a strong momentum to develop certain industries. I’m following some great developments. I would talk about it more in the US thread but that place is way too toxic.
Totally Flollo, CNBC has been on a great run with these docos showing the US reindustrialising with high tech. Here's Micron:
You know they are actually a serious country by doing this. Doesn't matter who is President, they've been on the path for a long time. First, energy independence; then downstream things from this, like chemical production independence. Then bringing the world's renewable tech onshore, and at the same time rebuilding their tech hardware infrastructure as well as AI investment.
Again, the minister can activate the domestic gas reservation for the east coast.
This is a great share. I could talk hours about these topic. They’re light years ahead of us. CNBC makes some great content. I would also recommend cities of success. I couldn’t find it without the subscription but I watched the episode about Nashville, Tennessee when I traveled there last year and I was seriously impressed. See if you can dig it out somewhere, there’s a lot going on in that area. The city is booming.

The tall poppy syndrome. In Ireland, it’s considered to be a very Irish quality and they call it begrudgery. In Japan, it’s considered to be a very Japanese quality and they refer to the saying “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down”.

basesix wrote:flollo wrote:Tall poppy is disastrous for this country. It’s not a surprise that we suck at innovation and economic complexity. We’re too parochial and don’t even value work experience from abroad. Even when that work experience/education is superior to local market conditions .
That's interesting @flollo, and I take your opinion in this with respect. I have also seen a good deal to the contrary, where our inherent cultural cringe has seen us become sycophants to incompetent people from overseas taking high-paid positions for a 5-year plan, before they return home to the job they wanted in the first place. We are useful in the same way country towns can be useful to incompetent people from the city who want a stepping-stone promotion.
Yes, you’re not wrong. I won’t argue with that. We’re a massive testing ground for many global organisations. ‘Test it in Aus or NZ’ before launching in the US mindset. This happens a lot and you get many overseas managers basically taking a piss and treating their Oz assignments as half holidays.

stunet wrote:flollo wrote:I would talk about it more in the US thread but that place is way too toxic.
Hey mate, feel free to start a new thread - gimme a yell if you need a hand to do that - as I'd like to hear what you have to say and I also know people like VJ would too.
As mentioned a few weeks back, we're gonna rein in some of the more toxic and monotonous postings of recent times.
Hmm, yes that’s a good point. There are many different topics discussed over just a handful of threads. Then things get easily lost. I might start a new thread.

"Tall poppy is disastrous for this country. It’s not a surprise that we suck at innovation and economic complexity. We’re too parochial and don’t even value work experience from abroad. Even when that work experience/education is superior to local market conditions ."
I think the tall poppy thing has pros and cons, it's a double edged sword.
If it keeps a bit of humility in the culture then I don't think that's a bad thing.
At the moment we're moving at light speed towards an extremely self-indulgent and egoistic society, something I think stems from American hyper-individualism and consumerism.
And I think the days of parochialism are gone.
Surely the internet has killed that off.

"And I think the days of parochialism are gone.
Surely the internet has killed that off."
Parochialism is alive and thriving in NZ, even with the Internet.

Had a NZ girlfriend recently, she was shocked at how American Australia was compared to NZ.
Actually I'm shocked at how American Australia is.
What do you put it down to IB, stronger and more cohesive culture?
A third of Australia's population born overseas would do little for national solidarity.

We’re definitely parochial. Where do I even start with this? Good luck getting a job without local connections. Nepotism is rife in the Australian workplace, even some corrupt countries would envy us. You need to be referred for a role by a local otherwise you have no chance.
Overseas experience or education means nothing. Even for the Australian citizens returning home. Local HR departments don’t even look at it. Local sheriffs, not mechanism and merits decide on who gets what jobs.
Everyone strives to send kids to private schools. Why? I can’t see much evidence of them providing better educational outcomes. But we know why don’t we? It’s about those connections and social circles as that is the pathway to success.
The outcome? We don’t hire the best and brightest, we hire the ones we know. Which then stifles innovation and promotes mediocrity. And all this is just one example of parochialism.

[ Ask! Are you better off ] Voldemort's Woke Slogan
It takes all of 2 seconds to call it out as a [L] Party Prank...
Applies to any / every election...once Oz workforce peaked in 1990's > it retires...well durr!
tbb feels ashamed he has to share this with Aussie voters...
Kids that are 5 years too young to Vote can rearrange Dutto's NYE Skyrocket Slogan as [shitty baby poo]
Meanwhile the media Hypnotize Voldemort's End of the World Harem.
Aug 2024 = 43 y'o is Peak earning age
It climbs a little each year meaning any '45+ voter' over this age is by default worse off every year
As Oz ages the Voters that are worse off likewise increases by age demographic every year...
Group .........1996........2007.........2022
45+Voters 50.0% > 53.73% > 56.97% (Each year more poorer retired Oz Workers vote) Laws of Nature!
[Factcheck] The more Oz ages it swings towards [L] Middle class / Senior Security Blankets
Turnout..... 96.2% > 94.76% > 89.82% (Less productive retiring work force boycotts Polls!) Naturally!
Clearly tbb could just as easy claim Howard started & ramped the Worse Off Rot...All see that...But No!
It's simply Baby boomer wash thru just as [L] Halts Youth wage each Boomer Youth Wave wash thru. don't stop Volemort claiming it's only another Albo nosedive ...WTFU or don't vote!
A Grade 7 School kid can table how every Oz voter is worse off with dying representation at each Poll.
Even if Dutto eats his own shit a retiring selfish voter base demands he props up their nest eggs!
Just how many swing Voters buying into Dutto's [Worse off Slogan]
If ya don't Know then don't Vote [L]
Every Aussie is worse off & Boycotted more polls since Howard = So it must be Howard's fault ...
Sure Voters boycott Executive Overrule / Breach of Core Election Promises ...maybe a little!
Surprise! Boomer's Boomed in 1995 then they deflated...all are worse off more each day since 1990's.
WTFU Straya!
This is still gonna be a spazz thing thru to election isn't it...just shoot us non voters what point this out!

Anyone know where this event takes place ?

Surprised no body mentioned the happenings in Victoria last week.
Victoria LNP leader John Pesutto was removed/voted out as party leader and a new leader voted in.
And Moira Deeming was voted back in by the party :D
This came after Moira Deeming won her defamation case against Pesutto about two weeks ago
"Moira Deeming wins defamation case against John Pesutto, judge orders $300k in damages"
All this in fighting obviously doesn't help LNP, but personally im just happy to see Pesutto given the arse and Moira given the justice she deserves.





Indo, Victorian liberals are so shit and so irrelevant that no one cares. I sporadically follow Jacinta Allen’s actions. This must be one of the worst PMs I’ve ever witnessed. Quality opposition would wipe her out but not in this case. Opposition is working hard to demonstrate even higher levels of incompetence.

The Victorian Labor Party is the worst government in all of Australian political history, state or federal. It is so bad that everyone cares a great deal about the irreversible damage it has done to the state and the once most liveable city in the world. No other political party could even come close to it. It's why I left Victoria in 2022.

Must have Tuned into ABC...
ABC cross Live to every VIC [L] Swill Spill each minute of the day for last several years
Be watching live News ...mid interview of some World Leader of another [L] Bombed Dying Race...
Breaking News [ALERT] Holy Shit...Cut the Feed >
Crossing Live to Vic Young [L] Branch >
[They're potentially goin' out on a limb...Nation's thoughts and prayers are with them...]
News: 'Why is Albo not praying for them...Please none Vote for any Pollie Labouring Anti [L] Sentiment.'
ACA Poll : Should PM Albo stand down for potentially fostering blatant Anti [L] Vic Branch sentiment!
Please Explain if Fox CEO is still running their [L] ABC...
Costello mandated Albo to Pick his [L] 9 Boss...massive 99.99% [L] Media bias should drop to 99.98%.

Speaking of Secret Star Chambers
8th Nov 2024 National Cabinet welcomed 2x New ai virtual [L] Dictators join 3rd [L] Renegade
Which Cartoon Media Mob got the guts to welcome them...Shh!
tbb can't find one news article welcoming the 2x New [L] Star Chamber Overlords
Request if any crew can verify mutual existence of our 2024 Nationally Significant leader Upgrades!
Recall tbb emailed WA premier to get himself on the Guest List for our Qld Meeting ..
This time around tbb can inform Qld / NT leaders are at least on the Guest List...that's a relief!
Here & Here...
Video Presser starts with Nat cabinet but PM ain't inviting about it...Why is that & why none care? Huh!
Should Start With....
Albo : Today as PM I'm pleased to welcome 2x recent elected Leaders into Nat Cabinet....
So where is that...Huh?
PM boasts World First reverence before thanking new Oz Mates that forged the Motion...Huh!
tbb insists he's neutral...(Prove that here & now)
Free Shot > If [L] wanna target the PM...(tbb is serving up an open invitation...)
Why is it left to the same non voter to inform nation of #1 + #2 most important seats of Power (Again!)
16th Aug 2023 WA Premier after months was not on Qld Guest List (tbb had to inform his Secretary!)
truebluebasherTUESDAY, 11 JUL 2023 at 8:22PM
Natcab is also falling off the Radar...Govt / Media no longer bother
WA National Cabinet Member > Hon Mark Mc Gowan...(Resigned 28 May 2023)
Natcab couldn't give a shit who shows up...WTF ... Who's this bloke!
"I'm yer new WA National Cabinet Member > Hon Roger Cook!" (Sworn in 7th June 2023)
Poor Roger is still waiting for his Sheriff Badge...until we see that...there won't be any Natcab meetings!
Albo : "Well ya better sign in then! Wot!
Albo : "Can we get the tea lady to print up a fuckin' [Name Badge] for my mate Cookie!" Said NOW!
This lot are so fuckin' lazy...we the people have now gotta iron on numbers for their Star Players!
Bloody embarrassing knowing yer #1 Nat Govt Agency are now running 2 months behind real time!
Media...Wot! Wotz a fuckin' Natcab! OMG! Luv Straya!
For wot it's worth this be wot went down...
2020 Natcab 27 meetings (Peak months > March x5/ April x6 / May x5)
2021 Natcab 28 meetings (Peak months > April x4 / June x3 / July x5/ Aug x3 / Dec x3)
2022 Natcab 6 Scomo meetings (Peak month Jan x4 > end 11 March 2022 > Caretaker mode)
21 May 2022 Natcab 6 Albo meetings ( Peak months Aug x2 / Sept x2 - Oueen {rip} )
2023 Natcab 2.5 meetings...Yep...that's it!
3 Feb (Natcab Unanimous support for 'Statement of Intent' for First Nation constitutional recognition!)
Natcab Tas [L] Premier is campaigning for [Yes] Vote's%20only,employment%20prospects%20of%20Indigenous%20people.
28 April ( No entries from hereon...)
16 June Friday arvo phone hook up > presumably with the new guy to pay the Green's $2b bribe!
Aug is next Sit Down Meeting
17-19th Aug Bne ALP Conference ( AUKUS World Domination)
Oct-Nov~ Natcab to end Cruise Vax after winter wave during spring lull.
We can lock in Aug / Nov Natcabs if all goes to plan...
No! In case yer wondering...Oz still haven't welcomed the new guy into the Club!
Hence why Cookie is not yet up on the Natcab Dart Board!
History Repeats...
12th Sept 2024 NT Premier was never publically welcomed into NatCab...(Why?) C'mon! This is rude!
And Again...
Here's the Press releases...(All Absent of New member recognition)
8th Nov 2024 Qld Premier was never publically welcomed into NatCab
(ALP PM is rude! No excuse!) Happy for ALP supporters to exempt him ...Please do that...otherwise...
Ask: Why does not PM /Voters/Media ever give a fucking shit about most Powerful National Roles.'s not tbb being picky of fussy is it...This executive arrogance spells the death of democracy!
Personally & unbelievably tbb would back his fellow Qldurr Dutto to welcome new ALP members.
PS: Important to share that 11th hour Addendum allows Big tech that badge [16+] to hack My Gov.
World First = Press [I'm an Adult] To surrender ALL yer Govt Data for Big Tech verification.
Soon as ya click [I'm an Adult] Big Tech are permitted & obligated to cross check 'Adult' Govt Data.
Don't press [I'm an Adult] They get nothing > Expect blanketed [I'm an Adult Now] Buttons!

Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: