Next Federal Election

@pop” U can't STEAL the Gas !!!”. Hey dickhead, it’s our gas. It’s Santos Exxon Woodside who are stealing it.

Lol , it was smart guys who Brokered the Deals, with the likes of Woodside and Origin .
Your soggy brain , is unaware how the Big World works .
Origin wanted Australian participation in Gladstone .
Guys like U bagged the Project , freaked out over fracking .
Your like turned OFF our banks , wanting 2 Fund ANY Fossil Fuel Project .
Woodside and Origin WANTED 2 build these two Iconic Projects .
Australians , like U , made it so fn hard it was ONLY the Japanese and Chinese , who would support these two Great Companies .
And U call their Deal Makers , who GOT these Projects Funded , Built and Producing Clean Gas economically , cockwomble's , mate , u have NFI about how this BIG stuff get built .
Maybe , the Womblers . are the ones who didn't plan 4 our Energy needs ?
It takes a fn Plan !
The Plan should NOT B 2 expect the Japanese , to Pay 4 OUR Gas Projects , 2 build them and then , sell this gas 2 us on the Cheap .
Thats not a good deal , 4 them and they are Good Dealmakers .

Pop Down wrote:soggy
Lol , it was smart guys who Brokered the Deals, with the likes of Woodside and Origin .
Your soggy brain , is unaware how the Big World works .
Origin wanted Australian participation in Gladstone .
Guys like U bagged the Project , freaked out over fracking .
Your like turned OFF our banks , wanting 2 Fund ANY Fossil Fuel Project .
Woodside and Origin WANTED 2 build these two Iconic Projects .
Australians , like U , made it so fn hard it was ONLY the Japanese and Chinese , who would support these two Great Companies .
And U call their Deal Makers , who GOT these Projects Funded , Built and Producing Clean Gas economically , cockwomble's , mate , u have NFI about how this BIG stuff get built .
It takes a fn Plan !
Maybe we should hire a delegation from Qatar to come and negotiate a deal for us, as whoever did the last one did not do it in Australia's interest!

WA has a domestic supply because Allen Carpenter stood fast in the face of corporate pressure and brinkmanship and demanded a domestic supply. Why doesn’t the east coast have a domestic supply pop.
The Cockwombles are those public figures who sold Australians resources for Pennies then took jobs with the company’s they facilitated in fucking Australians. Think Alexander Downer, Abbot….Ben Wyatt and the former WA premier if you want some state Labor to show the shitfuckery is not limited to one party. Go do some research on what other countries get for their gas exports mate. Then we’ll have another talk about good deal makers.
There’s a generation responsible for this lack of foresight.

Andy Mac
Please read my posts .
The Deals that Woodside and Origin signed , are ALL available 4 any group to join in .
They DO shop around these projects as they obviously want the BEST deal ,
Qatar , other Sovereign Funds and US Banks , look at all these deals .
Origin chose the Best Funding Package available atm .
The OFF Take Agreements , World Wide , are pretty standard .
20-30 year agreement , 2 buy the Gas at a discount 2 Spot rates .
Our Companies are smart .
I hate everyone bagging them , just because they aren't Green enough .
Silly stuff imho .

We’ll do the heavy lifting for you pop. Here you go.

Check this one too Pop

soggydog wrote:So Pop, future Australians get fucked over because some cockwomble like your self didn’t know how to broker a deal. Fuck that tear em up and start again. If your foundations are shot your house falls over. Pop….. the house is falling over. And you’d have to be dillusional not to see AUKUS is a military industry money grab that we’ll be paying for forever. Go tell your grandkids how good that’s going to be.
Break the deal, pay the penalties and move on. If too expensive threaten with nationalisation. Aim for settlement and start again. Painful but much better and cheaper in the long run.

It’s a starter kit for you Pop.

Pop….The Gladstone plant was only granted license on the condition that they were developing enough gas themselves to make the plant viable.
Read this :
By now, most of you, like me, are sick of the new Labor government claiming that there is no “quick fix” for the collapse of east coast energy markets.
This must be some kind of record for a new government, alienating every single Australian inside a week of taking power.
To give you some idea of how far behind the curve Labor is, get a load of this codswallop.
Yesterday, a leading east coast gas cartelier, Santos, denied all responsibility for shortages:
“All I’ve got available right now over and above what I’m producing today is 15 wells in the Cooper Basin we’re looking to connect as quickly as we can, which will bring very little gas into the market, and it really replaces natural decline in our current producing wells,” Mr Gallagher said in Melbourne.
“All we can do is drill as fast as we can in the Cooper, right?….What we really need is new fields coming on like the Narrabri gas project.”
Yet, as Mr Gallagher says one thing, he is doing another:
On Wednesday, the Australian Energy Market Operator activated for the first time its Gas Supply Guarantee mechanism to ensure there was adequate gas for electricity generation in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
Under the voluntary mechanism, Queensland’s three LNG exporters divert gas south for power generation. The three ventures involving domestic producers Origin Energy and Santos, as well as global majors such as Shell, redirected gas that was earmarked for overseas into the domestic market.
So, the cartel has no gas. Except for the enormous reservoir reserved for export, which it is now sending south as a ground swell of anger threatens to overwhelm its social license to operate.
This unconscionable behaviour is not new. Way back when Santos first commissioned its LNG export trains for Curtis Island, the then CEO said and did the following:
As Santos worked toward approving its company-transforming Gladstone LNG project at the start of this decade, managing director David Knox made the sensible statement that he would approve one LNG train, capable of exporting the equivalent of half the east coast’s gas demand, rather than two because the venture did not yet have enough gas for the second.
“You’ve got to be absolutely confident when you sanction trains that you’ve got the full gas supply to meet your contractual obligations that you’ve signed out with the buyers,” Mr Knox told investors in August 2010 when asked why the plan was to sanction just one train first up.
“In order to do it (approve the second train) we need to have absolute confidence ourselves that we’ve got all the molecules in order to fill that second train.”
But in the months ahead, things changed. In January, 2011, the Peter Coates-chaired Santos board approved a $US16 billion plan to go ahead with two LNG trains from the beginning….as a result of the decision and a series of other factors, GLNG last quarter had to buy more than half the gas it exported from other parties.
In short, Santos miscalculated its own gas reserves and over-invested in LNG capacity. When it found itself short, it vacuumed up all of the third-party gas that was supposed to supply Australia and exported that as well.
Of all guilty parties in today’s gas crisis, and there are many, Santos is the most responsible. Do you detect a hint of that in its CEO today? Is the firm contrite and making amends?
No, and the long-term pattern of destructive and monopolistic behaviour goes to the conclusion that Santos is a dangerously rogue firm deserving sanction.
So, here’s the “quick fix” solution that Albo’s cowards are looking for. The Australian Government should nationalise Santos.
The rebadged firm, Gas Australia, can then operate as a public corporation with a remit to supply Australia with gas at a reasonable rate of return at the price of $7Gj. This will then benchmark the entire cartel for local prices.
GLNG partners can keep exporting without the 30% Santos share. It will need to declare force majeur on some contracts.
Nationalising Santos will have other benefits too. It will reassure the public that the forthcoming Narrabri gas project won’t poison the entire Great Artesian Basin after Santos also managed to duck the sixteen environmental restrictions recommended by the NSW chief scientist for the project.
It will prevent the firm from pursuing ludicrous “blue hydrogen”. A filthy form of new “clean fuel” that is busy ruining Australia’s climate credentials all over again.
And it will scare the bejesus out of the remaining carteliers plus the coal sector which is where the next fight is going to be over war-profiteering.
The following would also stop:
Everyone wondered whether there was some connection between the government’s direction and its financial indebtedness to the fossil fuel industry. But no one could prove it. Why? Because the Commonwealth doesn’t have real time disclosure of political donations.
Only now, long after the public’s attention has moved on, have those suspicions been confirmed. Thanks to the donations data recently made public on the Australian Electoral Commission site, we know that fossil fuel companies — and the gas industry in particular — were giving generously to both major parties at the time, a whopping $1,329,754 to be precise, with just over half of this from the gas industry.
The Coalition got the lion’s share ($731,534), although Labor collected the not-insignificant sum of $598,220.
If you add to the Coalition’s total for that year the just over $1 million the LNP harvested from fossil fuel via its fundraising entity Cormack, the Coalition’s indebtedness to gas, coal and mining in the 2020-21 period swells to $1,735,048.
Australia could just seize Santos’ 30% share of the GLNG export plant and shut those volumes down.
Or, we could part-nationalise or part-acquire Santos. Expropriate a 20% stake and take board seats to match. Sack management and parachute in some national interest folks instead.
Or, we could just take the whole damn thing.
This may seem a draconian step to some. But that’s only because we’ve all been boiled frogs through a near-decade of steadily increasing gas cartel abuse. In the harsh, cold light of day, this is a national security crisis. A gas cartel is war profiteering by over-shipping gas to China, our major strategic rival. All households and businesses are being pilfered. The banking system is at risk from the resulting inflation and asset price crash. The cartel pays next-to-no tax. The sovereign is being gutted.
Finally, the gas shortage will only get worse from here as the Bass Strait runs dry into the mid-2020s. We need a structural solution or this is going to happen again and again and again.
So, here’s the “quick fix” and long-term cure that Albo’s cowards are looking for.
Nationalise Santos. All problems solved!

Great post SJY

Another worthwhile article by Greg Jericho.
If you're short of time here's a summary -
It's easy to blame the Howard government for many things - the desire to kill unions, downward pressure on wages, inaction on climate change, housing inaffordability...
Yes he turbocharged these things but in reality it was a continuation of the neoliberal project that started under Hawke and Keating and is continuing now.

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Pop….The Gladstone plant was only granted license on the condition that they were developing enough gas themselves to make the plant viable.
Read this :
By now, most of you, like me, are sick of the new Labor government claiming that there is no “quick fix” for the collapse of east coast energy markets.
This must be some kind of record for a new government, alienating every single Australian inside a week of taking power.
To give you some idea of how far behind the curve Labor is, get a load of this codswallop.
Yesterday, a leading east coast gas cartelier, Santos, denied all responsibility for shortages:
“All I’ve got available right now over and above what I’m producing today is 15 wells in the Cooper Basin we’re looking to connect as quickly as we can, which will bring very little gas into the market, and it really replaces natural decline in our current producing wells,” Mr Gallagher said in Melbourne.
“All we can do is drill as fast as we can in the Cooper, right?….What we really need is new fields coming on like the Narrabri gas project.”
Yet, as Mr Gallagher says one thing, he is doing another:
On Wednesday, the Australian Energy Market Operator activated for the first time its Gas Supply Guarantee mechanism to ensure there was adequate gas for electricity generation in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
Under the voluntary mechanism, Queensland’s three LNG exporters divert gas south for power generation. The three ventures involving domestic producers Origin Energy and Santos, as well as global majors such as Shell, redirected gas that was earmarked for overseas into the domestic market.
So, the cartel has no gas. Except for the enormous reservoir reserved for export, which it is now sending south as a ground swell of anger threatens to overwhelm its social license to operate.
This unconscionable behaviour is not new. Way back when Santos first commissioned its LNG export trains for Curtis Island, the then CEO said and did the following:
As Santos worked toward approving its company-transforming Gladstone LNG project at the start of this decade, managing director David Knox made the sensible statement that he would approve one LNG train, capable of exporting the equivalent of half the east coast’s gas demand, rather than two because the venture did not yet have enough gas for the second.
“You’ve got to be absolutely confident when you sanction trains that you’ve got the full gas supply to meet your contractual obligations that you’ve signed out with the buyers,” Mr Knox told investors in August 2010 when asked why the plan was to sanction just one train first up.
“In order to do it (approve the second train) we need to have absolute confidence ourselves that we’ve got all the molecules in order to fill that second train.”
But in the months ahead, things changed. In January, 2011, the Peter Coates-chaired Santos board approved a $US16 billion plan to go ahead with two LNG trains from the beginning….as a result of the decision and a series of other factors, GLNG last quarter had to buy more than half the gas it exported from other parties.
In short, Santos miscalculated its own gas reserves and over-invested in LNG capacity. When it found itself short, it vacuumed up all of the third-party gas that was supposed to supply Australia and exported that as well.
Of all guilty parties in today’s gas crisis, and there are many, Santos is the most responsible. Do you detect a hint of that in its CEO today? Is the firm contrite and making amends?
No, and the long-term pattern of destructive and monopolistic behaviour goes to the conclusion that Santos is a dangerously rogue firm deserving sanction.
So, here’s the “quick fix” solution that Albo’s cowards are looking for. The Australian Government should nationalise Santos.
The rebadged firm, Gas Australia, can then operate as a public corporation with a remit to supply Australia with gas at a reasonable rate of return at the price of $7Gj. This will then benchmark the entire cartel for local prices.
GLNG partners can keep exporting without the 30% Santos share. It will need to declare force majeur on some contracts.
Nationalising Santos will have other benefits too. It will reassure the public that the forthcoming Narrabri gas project won’t poison the entire Great Artesian Basin after Santos also managed to duck the sixteen environmental restrictions recommended by the NSW chief scientist for the project.
It will prevent the firm from pursuing ludicrous “blue hydrogen”. A filthy form of new “clean fuel” that is busy ruining Australia’s climate credentials all over again.
And it will scare the bejesus out of the remaining carteliers plus the coal sector which is where the next fight is going to be over war-profiteering.
The following would also stop:
Everyone wondered whether there was some connection between the government’s direction and its financial indebtedness to the fossil fuel industry. But no one could prove it. Why? Because the Commonwealth doesn’t have real time disclosure of political donations.
Only now, long after the public’s attention has moved on, have those suspicions been confirmed. Thanks to the donations data recently made public on the Australian Electoral Commission site, we know that fossil fuel companies — and the gas industry in particular — were giving generously to both major parties at the time, a whopping $1,329,754 to be precise, with just over half of this from the gas industry.
The Coalition got the lion’s share ($731,534), although Labor collected the not-insignificant sum of $598,220.
If you add to the Coalition’s total for that year the just over $1 million the LNP harvested from fossil fuel via its fundraising entity Cormack, the Coalition’s indebtedness to gas, coal and mining in the 2020-21 period swells to $1,735,048.
Australia could just seize Santos’ 30% share of the GLNG export plant and shut those volumes down.
Or, we could part-nationalise or part-acquire Santos. Expropriate a 20% stake and take board seats to match. Sack management and parachute in some national interest folks instead.
Or, we could just take the whole damn thing.
This may seem a draconian step to some. But that’s only because we’ve all been boiled frogs through a near-decade of steadily increasing gas cartel abuse. In the harsh, cold light of day, this is a national security crisis. A gas cartel is war profiteering by over-shipping gas to China, our major strategic rival. All households and businesses are being pilfered. The banking system is at risk from the resulting inflation and asset price crash. The cartel pays next-to-no tax. The sovereign is being gutted.
Finally, the gas shortage will only get worse from here as the Bass Strait runs dry into the mid-2020s. We need a structural solution or this is going to happen again and again and again.
So, here’s the “quick fix” and long-term cure that Albo’s cowards are looking for.
Nationalise Santos. All problems solved!

Nationalise Santos and all of a sudden , Gas is GOOD and the Government Will drill in Narrabri .
Do they Pay the Existing Australian Super Funds that own the stock , a premium 2 the market , Slackey ?
Or Do U like ripping them off and want US to buy( steal ) it , on the cheap ???
What a load of Codswollop !
The Oil and Gas companies that are BIG , play by Global Market Rules .
Albo is not ready to play with them and tinker , with these Rules .
It's not Draconian , it's Crazy and Australia will look the Laughing Stock of the World in Energy management .
Its the fn Dark Ages !
No one will Trust US .
China will ring Albo , then the Deal is OFF ffs !
Woodside looked at taking them over and didn't like the look of them .
Gee , the Federal Government will B good managers of their projects .
What Slackey's post reminds me of , is how Hard it is for a Minor Player Santos is .
Both Origin and Santos are Minnows in the Oil/Gas Ocean .
Look at the Mess they have to deal with and how Hard it is for THEM to honour their Long Term Contracts .
Companies like Woodside , a company with Global Clout , should be Building and Operating Big Gas Projects .
The smaller companies can have fun Exploring and Proving Up Big Gas Projects , like Narrabri .
Santos couldn't Run the North West Self .
They are not Geared Up for this Big work .
Just give the Green Light for the ASX companies to look for Gas .
Give a commitment to help Fast Track a Good Project .
Tell the Future Fund to Sign All Off Take Agreement .
One days work 4 Albo , and He has his Energy Plan .
Has he the Energy ?

Pop Down wrote:lol
Nationalise Santos and all of a sudden , Gas is GOOD and the Government Will drill in Narrabri .
Do they Pay the Existing Australian Super Funds that own the stock , a premium 2 the market , Slackey ?
Or Do U like ripping them off and want US to buy( steal ) it , on the cheap ???
What a load of Codswollop !
It's not Draconian , it's Crazy and will Australia look the Laughing Stock of the World in Energy management .
Its the fn Dark Ages !
Woodside looked at taking them over and didn't like the look of them .
Gee , the Federal Government will B good managers of their projects .
What Slackey's post reminds me of , is how Hard it is for a Minor Player Santos is .
Both Origin and Santos are Minnows in the Oil/Gas Ocean .
Look at the Mess they have to deal with and how Hard it is for THEM to honour their Long Term Contracts .
Companies like Woodside , a company with Global Clout , should be Building and Operating Big Gas Projects .
The smaller companies can have fun Exploring and Proving Up Big Gas Projects , like Narrabri .
Santos couldn't Run the North West Self .
They are not Geared Up for this Big work .
Just give the Green Light for the ASX companies to look for Gas .
Give a commitment to help Fast Track a Good Project .
Tell the Future Fund to Sign All Off Take Agreement .
One days work 4 Albo , and He has his Energy Plan .
Has he the Energy ?
Hey @Pop,
Serious question, how can you justify what Australia makes from its gas when compared to Qatar? We are bigger exporters.

Andy Mac
I am not trying to justify what Qatar charges or Australia charges for Gas .
As U know , Qatar is very different to Australia .
Like the Norway , they really supported their Fossil Fuel Industries .
Their Banks helped them 2 .
This all leads 2 creating efficiencies and confidence , from Buyers , that 30-40 year supply Agreements will be honoured .
As a result , Qatar gets the BEST terms on their deals .
They are growing Gas tremendously , will be Out signing Off Take Agreements now and will be Offering their gas at the highest price the can ( to ensure market dominance ) .
As I mentioned , our guys get the Best prices they can .
It's their job .
The International Gas Market ( Spot ) is always available to buy gas .
The Price can and does go up or down , dramatically .
They all have to try and make a profit , so they can grow .
Australian Companies , have a lot harder time , doing their business , than their Peers in Qatar .
It means our guys are forced 2 accept inferior Terms and then OUR prices suffer .
The Only involvement from Govt ,should B Forcing the Future Fund 2 sign Off Take agreements .
Someone has to tell them 2 match the best deal , Woodside can get O/S .
The World Pricing Rules are pretty consistent .
Companies Rules here , are well managed by existing regulators ( mostly ) .
They should pay tax ( 30% ) like any company and employ more Australians and grow .
I want Australian Gas prices 2 come down , dramatically .
We can build 2 or 3 in 10 years and have Cheap Gas .
That all I would like .

Mmmm rightio.
Are you a member of this mob? ;)
Gina, Twiggy, Clive and some big multi-nationals all happy no proper MRRT!
Australian population, not so much.

Another diversion AM .
Been there , done that , more fn Labor Policy , trying to Find Others People Money , so they can pay 4 all their stuff ups .
Are U a Member of The Hate the Golden Goose Club , they are a bunch of gooses .
Or maybe like a Group of 5 Crows , fn Murderers ffs !
Andy Mac , U really have NFI what Albo can or should do , do U ?
You are getting tiresome .
U asked a serious question and I replied .
U reply by throwing some more shit , ok .

Pop Down wrote:Another diversion AM .
Been there , done that , more fn Labor Policy , trying to Find Others People Money , so they can pay 4 all their stuff ups .
Are U a Member of The Hate the Golden Goose Club , they are a bunch of gooses .
Or maybe like a Group of 5 Crows , fn Murderers ffs !
Andy Mac , U really have NFI what Albo can or should do , do U ?
You are getting tiresome .
Mate, the rip off has been laid bare. You talk of international markets and spot prices yet make up excuses for Australia’s poor performance on their ROI ( remember it’s our gas, we also supply much of the day to day infrastructure for the labour force too.). Your a goose.

Pop Said :
“The Oil and Gas companies that are BIG , play by Global Market Rules “
No they don’t. They are so big that they MAKE the global rules. They’ve never paid their way in Australia. Australia as a nation is the entity that holds the leverage in the business involved if they so elect to employ it.
They would buy the company at a premium. It’s still a long term win for Australia.
You’ve got to remember that transnationals are an ethereal abstraction. They don’t own any resources. They are only granted a license to extract the resources from the national entities who do own them. Unfortunately for the transnationals, sometimes the nations crawl out from under the corruption, coercion, underhanded intelligence service destabilisation and regime changes and straight-out military campaigns, to somehow regain control of their own birthright and entitlement.

Slackey , U have no idea either , how the Game is Played .
The Big Companies , like Toyota , play Very Long Term Game , try very hard 2 make money , as they should .
Its a Game that been happening 4 hundreds of Years .
It has lead to the World Progressing .
Toyota , like Kerry Packer , don't have 2 donate more money for governments .
Tax Rules for ALL companies should be enforced by the ATO .
If the Tax Rules were simple , there would be less loop holes .
I only know what tax rates Australian companies pay on profits , 30% .
International Groups are needed by Woodside , to help Fund Woodside projects .
What terms they are on , would be Standard ( for them ) world wide .
They , like Big Pharma , have Clout and use it .
Change them ffs and dump your other shit , please .

Pop Down wrote:Another diversion AM .
Been there , done that , more fn Labor Policy , trying to Find Others People Money , so they can pay 4 all their stuff ups .
Are U a Member of The Hate the Golden Goose Club , they are a bunch of gooses .
Or maybe like a Group of 5 Crows , fn Murderers ffs !
Andy Mac , U really have NFI what Albo can or should do , do U ?
You are getting tiresome .
U asked a serious question and I replied .
U reply by throwing some more shit , ok .
Hey @pop Albo is a PM, not a dictator, check how parliamentary democracy works. Albo must do this, must do that. blah blah blah.
I have pointed out with others that his govt has done things to try and improve the situation. Whether you agree with them or not is up to you, eg minimum wage increase and tax changes, prescriptions, killing Robodebt (which resulted in thousands of suicides, not that concerning to LNP at the time) are just a few. I am disappointed overall with his govt especially lack of NACC, AUKUS, and others. Immigration situation in my view is not his sole fault, but has been a mess for years, he is just copping the fallout now.
Maybe he should do a Scomo and take up a number of cabinet positions!
The gas/ mineral rip off has been going on for years under both governments. It's cool if you are ok with these companies paying minimal tax or none selling our resources for primarily overseas shareholders and a few Oz billionares. That's your prerogative. the MRRT fear campaign, Gina on the back of a ute in workers clothes haha spare me.
I see it as Australia being screwed.
Anyway I'm done for the day, got shit to do.

Pop Down….I built gas plants for fifteen years on and off. Even at the bottom of the food chain you get an insight into how they operate, get to contrast the media and corporate spin with the reality on the ground and because you are inveigled into that world 24/7 you get all the rumours, scuttlebutt and backstory behind the operations and companies.
The companies don’t have carte Blanche to our nation. They are guests. They have their prerogatives and our nation has its prerogatives. Unfortunately for the corporations we have all the leverage over the resources and therefore potential control of the game. Unfortunately for Australians the corporations have the leverage over the corrupt politicians who steer Australia….
Then there’s the reality of Australia being a vassal state of the US and our security is contingent on the umbrella of military might they either offer or refuse / inflict or withhold depending on our attitude towards facilitating the corporation’s rape and plunder of our resources and economy.
Please don’t give me the line that they’re the smartest. They’re just the most powerful. Particularly if uncontested because our government doesn’t possess a single spine between amongst them.

I have said multiple times blah blah that Albo does , have 2 do something .
Andy , I just keep saying just do one thing urgently , 1 job that takes 24 hours .
Get Gas going ( the Flood came later :) .
Dictator Dan was willing 2 make ONE decision .
Albo doesn't make the decision to increase Min Wage , as I said ( U didn't read ) he is Lobbying for another increase .
Wong rang a few Pacific Islands and said Morison was gone .
Chalmers has delivered 2 budgets and the tax cuts are yet to take effect .
You guys have shown nothing , Albo has done , DNA !
Except tick a Box , saying YES , for 60 day prescriptions .
It's time 4 some action imho .

Albo has a good opportunity to change the Polls momentum and win the next Election .
There is No obvious successor imo .
The main issue , will be Immigration Numbers .
Going through 700k put This No 1 , just a few months ago .
This huge increase was Not Albo's fault , but it's happened on his watch and he has to fix it .
He can let One Nation , The Nationals and maybe a few Liberals Lead , the debate .
Or , he can get tough and Get on the Front Foot and Lead the Debate for Labor .
He has 12 months or so , this needs action now .
Immigration could kill the government or ensure its victory .
As Covid hit , Dan Andrews and the Victorian Labor Party , locked Down our City , to avert an Emergency .
It happened so quick and it really hurt ALL of Melbourne .
We , generally as a group , Complied with The Iron 5km Fist Zone .
Even when we all found out , it was a Terrible Over reaction , we didn't kill him .
We gave him another fn term .
Point being , Australians can take , Tough Medicine .
That Victoria Labor , can quickly change , People Movement .
It will B an Election Winner , IF Albo PUT all his Political Capital into Personally helping the Minister , to get monthly rates down , to 20000 per month ( that's enough ) .
Take responsibility and Apologise 4 it , say HE will ensure , the numbers come down within months !
Put his reputation on it and give it a huge crack !
Then Tell the Immigration Department to Cut numbers , to give him Daily Numbers , report them and get them coming DOWN from 60000 p/m .
Any move down , will be good publicity 4 him .
If he gets them to 40k p/m , he will be a fn star and he will be asked 2 keep working hard on the numbers AFTER the Election , 4 sure .
Get ALL his PR focussing on the Issue .
They only exploded a few months ago , causing a PR disaster .
Albo has plenty of time to Clear the wreckage and look good , again imho .
Just take the Lead Albo , U are PM , if Dan and his mates down here can do it , U can 2 , surely !

Remind me again pops, you retired from paid work to become a seemingly full time commentator here?

GuySmiley wrote:Remind me again pops, you retired from paid work to become a seemingly full time commentator here?
It's ok, he saves a lot of money by paying by the letter on here.

PoppaD is like the moon. He protects the planet from the weirder assteroids by pulling them into his orbit.

There's times when I think he's Truebluebasher and times when I think for sure it's Indo.

Who do you think i am?
Pops? .....He is Adams mate and i probably only agree with about 50% of what Pop says, maybe even less, but i do find him entertaining and even when i dont agree with him its still good see some diversity of view points thrown out there instead of the predicable parroting of the latest Guardian or Crikey article.

Just the way he makes such little sense :)

Pop Down wrote:Albo has a good opportunity to change the Polls momentum and win the next Election .
There is No obvious successor imo .
The main issue , will be Immigration Numbers .
Going through 700k put This No 1 , just a few months ago .
This huge increase was Not Albo's fault , but it's happened on his watch and he has to fix it .
He can let One Nation , The Nationals and maybe a few Liberals Lead , the debate .
Or , he can get tough and Get on the Front Foot and Lead the Debate for Labor .
He has 12 months or so , this needs action now .
Immigration could kill the government or ensure its victory .
As Covid hit , Dan Andrews and the Victorian Labor Party , locked Down our City , to avert an Emergency .
It happened so quick and it really hurt ALL of Melbourne .
We , generally as a group , Complied with The Iron 5km Fist Zone .
Even when we all found out , it was a Terrible Over reaction , we didn't kill him .
We gave him another fn term .
Point being , Australians can take , Tough Medicine .
That Victoria Labor , can quickly change , People Movement .
It will B an Election Winner , IF Albo PUT all his Political Capital into Personally helping the Minister , to get monthly rates down , to 20000 per month ( that's enough ) .
Take responsibility and Apologise 4 it , say HE will ensure , the numbers come down within months !
Put his reputation on it and give it a huge crack !
Then Tell the Immigration Department to Cut numbers , to give him Daily Numbers , report them and get them coming DOWN from 60000 p/m .
Any move down , will be good publicity 4 him .
If he gets them to 40k p/m , he will be a fn star and he will be asked 2 keep working hard on the numbers AFTER the Election , 4 sure .
Get ALL his PR focussing on the Issue .
They only exploded a few months ago , causing a PR disaster .
Albo has plenty of time to Clear the wreckage and look good , again imho .
Just take the Lead Albo , U are PM , if Dan and his mates down here can do it , U can 2 , surely !
totally agree with this
whether labor... the abc... and your george magnaminous about all except oz culture types... like it or not..
this election will be ALL about immigration
even qanda will not be able to shut that point down...
it's long overdue! ...and as pointed out above, there's also many other chickens coming home to roost at this critical point in our trajectory...
the question is...
is a labor government capable of doing what you suggest?
is any contenporary 'left' government capable of the much needed mature conversation?
seems there are many pressures, from within, and outside, that prevents them from going there... at all...
a few european leftists have broke ranks... seemingly out of pure desperation, and simply because their denial of reality has become so ridiculous even they can no longer lie with a straight face...
but, I don't think labor's got it in em...
for a variety of reasons... but mainly because they are so aloof and corrupted by the whole ponzi process... they simply don't see it for the issue it has come to be...

"Widespread labour shortages in Europe’s construction and engineering industries have seen a particular shortage in trade skills"
"The Skilled Trades Gap Is Global"
Even the housing crisis "solution", presented by those who dare not mention the demand side of the equation (immigration too high), of more supply using immigrant skilled labour is not based on reality.
Many countries are seeking to bring in skilled labour in competition to Australia.
Also, trade skills recognition of o/s qualified trades people, is fraught with complexity, delays, mismatches to local conditions, regulations, technical standards, needs to upskills or do refresher courses and safety requirements, language issues etc.
Often the o/s skilled worker in say electrical trades find proving their qualifications / experience fit the local qualification and regulatory environment is harder than just doing the refresher course itself.
That is slow, tedious for employers, off putting for the potential skilled worker compared to other countries with much lower standards and make quality highly variable.
In short, once you dig a little, the calls for 90,000 o/s skills tradespeople to solve the excess demand problem with a surge in supply are the typical "non solution" solution that sounds good on TV soundbites, makes immigration sort of seem the solution confusing arguments for lower levels and leaves the immigration issue elephant thumping around behind the curtain - for a little bit longer anyway.
Albo needs to realise that the elephant is a Bull in musk (where his urge to procreate is caused by a spike in; testosterone levels, for example, can increase up to 100x their baseline). Even Mahouts don't mess with their favourite elephant once musk starts.

From the Barefoot Investor:
Today I’m going to tell you about the time I crushed my eight-year-old’s dream … on purpose.
It all began when I gave him a very expensive present:
I cordoned off a 20-acre paddock on the farm, and gave it to him. Yet this was no regular paddock, it had lush rye grass, a large dam, and brand-new fences. It was sheep heaven!
And then, to start him off in his little business, I loaned him 20 ewes and one extremely happy daddy ram. (My aim was to teach him financial education and sex education all rolled into one.)
Now my son has never walked past a five cent piece that he hasn’t bent over and picked up. And so it didn’t take long for him to come up with what he thought was a pearler of a way of growing his business:
“Dad, each year, I’ll take some of the money I make from selling the lambs and buy five more sheep”, he said enthusiastically, already mentally counting the money he’d be making.
Talk about compound interest!
And so, around the family dinner table, it was time for me … to burst his bubble.
Here’s the conversation we had:
“OK, mate, let’s cast our minds forward five years.
“You’ve done really well. Each year you make more money than the last, even accounting for buying more sheep. Your business is growing, and you’re a success!
“Now let’s take a walk out to your paddock.
“There are now double the number of sheep crammed in. It looks like a bowling green – there’s not a blade of grass in the entire paddock. It’s all been eaten down. The dam is now a puddle. It’s been drunk dry. Worse, your sheep are dirty and they … stink.
“Because there are so many of them packed in, they’re forced to stand and sleep in their wee and poo.
“So you’re doing really well, mate … but what about the lives of your sheep?”
On a broader level, this ‘growth at any cost’ mentality is what permeates much of modern-day politics.
Our politicians like to crow about how we’re the ‘lucky country’ that hasn’t had a recession for a record-breaking 34 years. Yet we’ve largely achieved it by bringing more people into our paddock.
Please don’t get me wrong: I am not anti-immigration, and I am absolutely not xenophobic. What I am questioning is the unrelenting, unconstrained goal of ‘economic growth’.
Now at this point you’re probably thinking: “Old Barefoot has finally stopped pretending and is now chowing down a Chiko Roll at Pauline Hanson’s fish’n’chip shop.”
Please explain?
Look, the dude who created the definition of a recession (‘two quarters of declining economic growth’) pleaded for us not to use it as a yardstick for growth.
Yet we do.
So let’s take a look at how all this manufactured growth affects housing.
The rental market in this country is fundamentally broken. “Rental affordability is officially the worst on record”, according to a report last week from REA Group.
The report found that there are “almost zero rental properties that are considered affordable for the lowest-income 30% of households”.
So, a decent question to ask our politicians would be:
“Why are we currently bringing in 2,000 new migrants a day – 659,800 in the last year – when the rental market is in crisis?”
Yes, there’s more to solving the property crisis than immigration: there’s the tax breaks that favour investors, a genuine lack of supply, and more social housing that needs to be built. Yet the fact remains that, as it stands, overseas arrivals are outpacing the construction of new homes at a rate of almost four to one.
Bah! Let’s think of the sheep

Slackjawedyokel wrote:From the Barefoot Investor:
Today I’m going to tell you about the time I crushed my eight-year-old’s dream … on purpose.
It all began when I gave him a very expensive present:
I cordoned off a 20-acre paddock on the farm, and gave it to him. Yet this was no regular paddock, it had lush rye grass, a large dam, and brand-new fences. It was sheep heaven!
And then, to start him off in his little business, I loaned him 20 ewes and one extremely happy daddy ram. (My aim was to teach him financial education and sex education all rolled into one.)
Now my son has never walked past a five cent piece that he hasn’t bent over and picked up. And so it didn’t take long for him to come up with what he thought was a pearler of a way of growing his business:
“Dad, each year, I’ll take some of the money I make from selling the lambs and buy five more sheep”, he said enthusiastically, already mentally counting the money he’d be making.
Talk about compound interest!
And so, around the family dinner table, it was time for me … to burst his bubble.
Here’s the conversation we had:
“OK, mate, let’s cast our minds forward five years.
“You’ve done really well. Each year you make more money than the last, even accounting for buying more sheep. Your business is growing, and you’re a success!
“Now let’s take a walk out to your paddock.
“There are now double the number of sheep crammed in. It looks like a bowling green – there’s not a blade of grass in the entire paddock. It’s all been eaten down. The dam is now a puddle. It’s been drunk dry. Worse, your sheep are dirty and they … stink.
“Because there are so many of them packed in, they’re forced to stand and sleep in their wee and poo.
“So you’re doing really well, mate … but what about the lives of your sheep?”
On a broader level, this ‘growth at any cost’ mentality is what permeates much of modern-day politics.
Our politicians like to crow about how we’re the ‘lucky country’ that hasn’t had a recession for a record-breaking 34 years. Yet we’ve largely achieved it by bringing more people into our paddock.
Please don’t get me wrong: I am not anti-immigration, and I am absolutely not xenophobic. What I am questioning is the unrelenting, unconstrained goal of ‘economic growth’.
Now at this point you’re probably thinking: “Old Barefoot has finally stopped pretending and is now chowing down a Chiko Roll at Pauline Hanson’s fish’n’chip shop.”
Please explain?
Look, the dude who created the definition of a recession (‘two quarters of declining economic growth’) pleaded for us not to use it as a yardstick for growth.
Yet we do.
So let’s take a look at how all this manufactured growth affects housing.
The rental market in this country is fundamentally broken. “Rental affordability is officially the worst on record”, according to a report last week from REA Group.
The report found that there are “almost zero rental properties that are considered affordable for the lowest-income 30% of households”.
So, a decent question to ask our politicians would be:
“Why are we currently bringing in 2,000 new migrants a day – 659,800 in the last year – when the rental market is in crisis?”
Yes, there’s more to solving the property crisis than immigration: there’s the tax breaks that favour investors, a genuine lack of supply, and more social housing that needs to be built. Yet the fact remains that, as it stands, overseas arrivals are outpacing the construction of new homes at a rate of almost four to one.
Bah! Let’s think of the sheep
Nicely put.

Hey Slackey
I reckon your son would have responded something like this .
" No dad , I saw that the place looked a bit small and messy , at year 1 .
I bought the neighbouring paddock , the extra sheep smell and look like , roses ."
Australia still smells like Roses and , with my ethnic background , I am very pro , Immigration .
However , 700k arriving in one year , does have a terrible smell to it .
Another 700k THIS year , will turn our home , into shit .
Albo has to Grab the proverbial Bull by the horns and stop the flood .
I did see that the Heathcote Wine Region , lovely land , is being Forced ( only can Appeal to the fn Supreme Court ) to build a 300k hectare ?? Solar Home , in their Shire .
Locals are upset , they don't like Transmission Lines , but Albo is at least , building something ffs .
Perhaps he should change his focus , a bit ?

Oh My Stars
Reading my post above , about the lovely Wine Region , made me realise Albo , has been working !
Could nearly , have been knocked over with a fn feather .
He and Bowen have had a shitty time , getting their mates , like Bob Brown , to approve 250 meter high wind mills , Solar Farms and Transmission Lines , in their Shires .
Albo has been ringing around and asking , to make bloody super sure , ALL the Right Shires ( where all his mates live ) are finally , crossed OFF , the Possible List .
Been so busy , so , has finally , a Final List ffs , really !
All other Shires are now ON the bloody Forced , No Objection ( only legal so Supreme Court ) List .
They are NOW on 60 Day notice , or some ridiculous time to lodge a complaint .
Sounds like Russia .
Albo is like that little Guy on Laugh In , in the German Uniform behind a fn Pam Tree , " We have ways to make U ......" !
Is this another proven , Good Albo decision ?
Poor Heathcote , has been Stamped on !
The Locals love their excellent Wine Producing Shire .
They hate the idea , that they HAVE 2 become a daytime Electricity Producer as well .
Transmission Lines were taken Down in the City and we are putting them Up , in the lovely Country side .
More Double Dutch !
Is this type of approach , really Labor ,or even fn Australian .
Locals Rule imho !

Pop Down wrote:Hey Slackey
I reckon your son would have responded something like this .
" No dad , I saw that the place looked a bit small and messy , at year 1 .
I bought the neighbouring paddock , the extra sheep smell and look like , roses ."
Australia still smells like Roses and , with my ethnic background , I am very pro , Immigration .
However , 700k arriving in one year , does have a terrible smell to it .
Another 700k THIS year , will turn our home , into shit .
Albo has to Grab the proverbial Bull by the horns and stop the flood .
I did see that the Heathcote Wine Region , lovely land , is being Forced ( only can Appeal to the fn Supreme Court ) to build a 300k hectare ?? Solar Home , in their Shire .
Locals are upset , they don't like Transmission Lines , but Albo is at least , building something ffs .
Perhaps he should change his focus , a bit ?
The only bull AlboSLEAZEY can grab is full of BS...its called the ALP(Australia's lowest Politicians)

^^^^ https://m.

Oh Guy, Guy, Guy.
I realised some time ago that you were morphing into everyone’s crazy aunt some time ago, but now you’ve gone full dissociative dissonance and think your propagandist imperatives have been cast into the Millenia generation.
Of course there’s some next gen full retards like yourself, that have swallowed the climate change / white supremacy/ critical race theory rubbish wholesale like yourself, but most still see the obvious establishment lies in their plain-clothes as the laughable piss take.
But you do you, Grandma! Angry is an energy and you need all the energy you can get since your testosterone levels dipped into negative territory.
But seriously…what happens to old comrades like yourself and Blindboy , Guy? It seems like you get to a certain age and start eagerly gulping diwn the establishment bullsh1t you spent a lifetime railing against?
The Trump thing got you both.
I get it. That was when the old guard ceased pretending to be good guys and you were lost and you never recovered. But times have changed. You now find yourself on the side of the War Criminal Dick Cheyney’s daughter …doesn’t that give you pause to think?
Trump = Bad!
Fckn lolol

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Oh Guy, Guy, Guy.
I realised some time ago that you were morphing into everyone’s crazy aunt some time ago, but now you’ve gone full dissociative dissonance and think your propagandist imperatives have been cast into the Millenia generation.
Of course there’s some next gen full retards like yourself, that have swallowed the climate change / white supremacy/ critical race theory rubbish wholesale like yourself, but most still see the obvious establishment lies in their plain-clothes as the laughable piss take.
But you do you, Grandma! Angry is an energy and you need all the energy you can get since your testosterone levels dipped into negative territory.
But seriously…what happens to old comrades like yourself and Blindboy , Guy? It seems like you get to a certain age and start eagerly gulping diwn the establishment bullsh1t you spent a lifetime railing against?
The Trump thing got you both.
I get it. That was when the old guard ceased pretending to be good guys and you were lost and you never recovered. But times have changed. You now find yourself on the side of the War Criminal Dick Cheyney’s daughter …doesn’t that give you pause to think?
Trump = Bad!
Fckn lolol
Ha ha im so glad you are back :D

Steady up there blowin
Me too info

Digital ID bill.
Good thing? or first step toward social credit dystopia?

but it totally sux
labor totally sux

What do you possibly have to gain from a Digital ID?
You think that it’ll make dealing with the government a smoother transaction? You think that your business with the government has gotten easier in the last two decades of “ progress”?
Fuvk mate…it’s like all the surveillance cameras . Has anything gotten any safer? Of course not. It’s just more of your privacy lost in the name of TRANSPARENCY.
Ask yourself…has government activity gotten more transparent in the same time frame? Lolol of fuvking course not.
The government wants to know everything that everyone does whilst letting nobody no what they’re up to.
Since when was society run for the government’s convenience and interest whilst the population is cowering under government scrutiny? This is not the society we want or need,
Fuck the digital ID. It is another step closer to the social credit system they so envy in China
If Albo and Dutton want transparency then let them go first and let the world know their deepest, darkest secrets….promise we will keep the information confidential!
If the government is so keen for full cyber transparency then why the fuck has Julian Assange been imprisoned under threat of death for years?
FFS you can’t even get government data without squirming through a FOI request ( Freedom of information) and even then it’s redacted into meaninglessness. Fuck the government. Get back in your box Albo you sackless wonder and make the trains run on time.

Indo is swellnet’s own digital ID.
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: