Next Federal Election

SR: "At the end of the day, the categorising is aimed at those battling stereotypes and prejudices formed through those stereotypes in a world where social media in particular casts its participants willingly or unwittingly into two sides.
This polarization always existed but it's been exacerbated by the hand to eye to brain constant drip feed that we get from social media every hour of every day. Who's to blame? Ourselves most likely. We can always look away. Turn the phone off. Turn the TV off.
And in a world where the key component of social now exists largely in the realm of media, our own cognitive processes and spiritual growth are hindered to a degree that we continue on a path of exponential distrust and hatred towards each other.
It's all over the pages of this website and any comments section you care to read on any social media platform.
I've been guilty of it.(I know, duh!).
Can only learn through recognition of the problem and hopefully adjusting our own behaviours.
That's enough big words for me today."
^^^ well said southern ;)
The media and social media will also continue to shape things to suit, especially come election time. And moreso in regard to the importance of shaping public opinion on issues which have the potential to be distorted in order to decide elections.

@Southern asked "Who's to blame?", well old mate, I guess this one was down to me.
Aah, the Swellnet forum, Indo says one word, I post a couple of twitter memes in response and off she goes like a rocket.
DEI training, lawyers who justify their existence with stupid rules, Kookaburras, trans people, trans Kookaburras, Ben Franklin, MLK, Trump, Musk, Rogan, @Pop hugging blokes, Churchill and Orwell, The Bible and the Koran, Jesus and the late Chris Davo, The Enlightenment and the extinguishment, birds and who put the "L" in LGTBI, immigration, sexism, racism, plenty of isms, the housing crisis, climate crisis, and my personal favorite, "just don't be a dick". It all got a good run.
Are we at "peak woke" yet? Do I care?
Just wanted to make the point back on the other page yesterday that the term seemed played out and indefinable to me, a kind of Rorschach test for anything progressive that people didn't like, and an intellectually lazy tactic, a bit like when Trump calls anything "fake" that he doesn't like.
Learned a lot from the comments here but still don't know what it really means, no matter, I'm a bit thick, getting thicker as the years roll on, and really don't care, care less about such things as the years roll on as well.
But I do like that others here do, both think they know or do know what "woke" is, and care enough to spend the time here explaining it. A good read on a lazy Sunday late arvo.
There was one little gem that had me spitting the coffee though, where @Pop said he was disturbed by some of the females he worked with dressing "inappropriately" which I interpreted as (tits out), and having known him for more than forty years, either he has changed remarkably, maybe having daughters of his own does that, or I'm calling bullshit on that one.
Anyway, thanks boys and sorry for starting it but not sorry really.
The next definition I need some help with is "what is a conservative?" but maybe can leave that one for another day, "peak woke" doesn't seem to have arrived here yet.
Agree with Jelly too, great post there Southern.

haha that was great @adam12. Had me cracking up.
Didn't mention it but should have, wholeheartedly agreed with your post yesterday that you mentioned above too.
Your writing is on fire again. Epic.
Cheers JF and A12.

southernraw wrote:haha that was great @adam12. Had me cracking up.
Didn't mention it but should have, wholeheartedly agreed with your post yesterday that you mentioned above too.
Your writing is on fire again. Epic.
Cheers JF and A12.
All of the above contributors. Here’s an angle on this culture.
I ‘woke’ this morning and surfed good waves at first light, am I moonlighting , maybe a couple of hours earlier I was.
Even better surf goodies on offer tomorrow. AW

@ Adam
It's always hard to know when you hit the bottom or the top of things until some time after, but im optimistic, i think we might have hit peak wokeness maybe even gone over the top, i think there is some signs that things are getting better in around some major aspects of wokeness, although that said i think there is some signs things have got worse in one or two other areas.
I think a lot of people are now just rolling their eyes, and going yeah whatever a lot of it is hard to take seriously.and i think from a commercial perspective it's often hurting business to go too woke.

Hey VJ
I did see some headlines about this .
A decent Invest Theme imho - Shorting Woke companies like Disney .
Bud tanked on going Bud Light Woke .
I wasn't an ETF player and never shorted anything in my life ( tough enough working out what might go Up ) .
I liked having Good stories in portfolios , no negative " Moriarty Vibes ( Kelly's Heros ) " at all ( sleep well factor ) .
The Labor Vote poll out today was a bit of a Shocker .
A possible hung parliament , gosh .
How quickly things have gone BAD , since the Ref Re Set .
Time to hit Control ., Alt , Delete , again Labor !
Lucky Voldy is still scary 2 the voters , with his Nuclear Puffs :) !
Adam 12
U never saw me as a Suit and Tie person .
I still love going up to Bondi Beach for an hour or two ( only. time I wear sunnies ) .
Wouldn't want the Dress Code at Bondi , applied in Collins St , at all ffs !
No one would DO any fn work ffs !

southernraw wrote:Distracted wrote:quadzilla wrote:southernraw wrote:Caught up with a friend the other day. She's early 20s.
A kookaburra landed in the tree nearby and i commented how beautiful it was.
"it's an introduced species" she hissed at me.
Even the kookaburras aren't safe.A native of Australia and Newguinea, name from Wiradjuri Guuguubarra but she musta known that?
Quads, Kookaburras were introduced to WA from the east coast, so they are not native to WA. Apparently to control snakes. They have less predators such as Lace Monitors and Powerful Owls in WA so they are pretty much free to run amok.
Haven't noticed any particular imbalance with kookaburraz down this way. They seem to represent a small population of a thriving ecosystem. Still a shit tonne of snakes though!
Thriving here too, and too many snakes as well.

Back to the election - the big issues:
- Cost of Living - neither party can do much beyond spin and posturing but Albo now owns the problem by over promising. And because neither party can mention "money printing" (never ever to be admitted as harmful by any government or central bank) and lengthy lockdowns (both were guilty of supporting these) as the real causes neither side can articulate a blame case on the other party.
- Energy policy - clear points of difference emerging - who can make their plan make sense, practical and palatable - a minefield for all. Blaming the Libs 10 years of inaction will get harder and harder when Bowen has a goal but not much of a functional plan.
- immigration - the big one - everyone can understand and have strong views on this and mostly in one direction. Labour super vulnerable with the hockey stick spike on their watch.
- Aukus porkus - Labour now owns it and Albo's 24 hr conversion to pull out the Aussie cheque book post election after the US big brass and MIC buttered him up was disturbing - the US / UK plan - have I read it ? can we afford it? will it work? why would I read the big white paper and consult and think on it? he must have thought. The first powerpoint slide was excellent, surely that is enough! The big mega expensive subs will probably be blown up one day by a $2000 underwater drone.
- wokey pokey weirdness - owned by Labour - definitely not spud.
- disaster of a referendum in so many ways - owned by Albo and not forgotten.
Trudeau shows how wrong it can all go on similar issues over time when particular agendas override what is best for the country and, in his case, you come across as a bit creepy and sneaky. The F&ck Trudeau meme is huge over in Canada.

Trudeau and Ahern , were alumni of Klaus's WEF , mentoring program .
The Creepy Sneaky Program .
Trudeau stopped getting dressed up as a Black Minstrel as a result and looked much better , after the Program .
Albo never got an Invite Froggy , not Cut from the Right Cloth , perhaps ( 2 honest ? ) .
The Charlton Sydney guy , the 1 with a $42m Property Portfolio .
Is HE any good ?
Put him in Charge of Housing Affordability !
He seem 2 know , how 2 buy the Stuff .

Albo probably only read the first page of the online version of the The Creepy Sneaky Program.. A "bit too old school labour to fully commit" was Klaus's comments to the elite inner circle.
Morrison was probably an alumni of the distance learning non left version of The Creepy Sneaky Program but took a few things in the Centralise Power Module too literally and too fast. Klaus had high hopes for a bit but ended up very disappointed.

shit , u know The Creepy Sneaky Program , very well I C !
The Inner Circle did have high hopes that Albo , could Commit 2 the whole Program .
Klaus was unwilling 2 give just Albo , Exec Summaries of 20 words or less .
Said he had the attention Span of a Russian Nat , so No Chance bring a 2 Termer , so F off .
The Inner Circle liked Dutton 2 .
Klaus freaked out when he saw a picture of Peter .
No fn Way is Voldy coming here and he was a Copper ffs !
He scares the Shit out of SN , he looks big and scary 2 me 2 , 4 sure .
The Inner Circle said , Ok , what about Sussan , the Pilot ?
She was about 2 get the Gong but resigned over the Travel Fiasco .
They ALL thought that a Terrible precedent and burnt HER Invite at the High Alter .
They reminded themselves , those of the Left , were easier to program .
The WEF is still trying 2 recovery from the Melei Meeting .
They stuffed up again , inviting that Lion 2 address them .
He tore shreds off them all , so great 2 watch .
The WEF has SO much Clout .
IF U get selected 2 go into it's Mentoring Program , U DO get Programmed , 4 fn sure !
It's a Free Kick , into the World's Elite Group ( WEG ) , Trudeau loves it !
U get 2 book in , Davos , 4 Life and have an Annual catch up with mates and chat .
Their Ultimate prize , having the Davos Break , booked in 2 Ones Diary , every fn year .

But but but the Coalition are better economic managers!!!
Oh it's just the immigration!

One view I read was that Javier Milei was invited to Davos as a sort of ploy to pretend "they get it and are listening to the frustration" - only to chuckle at their cleverness later over cigars and whisky as they discussed the coming acceleration of The Sneaky Creepy Program, the Great Reset and the Great Harvesting.
Some are getting old and want to see more fruits of their labour in their lifetime.

Andy Mac
Have 2 give U top marks 4 digging up snippets of the old Boggy Records ( The Independent lol haha , never heard of Them being independent , by the way ) .
You are so good at watching the Old Re Runs .
Voldy's Team doesn't HAVE 2 prove his new Teams credibility , as Economic Managers .
He doesn't even need to outline ANY Policy on Immigration , YET !
Just agree 2 have a Pleb decide the NEW Level ie 200k for 2 years and a 30m target by ? .
The Immigration Debate has Exploded WITHOUT Voldy saying a word .
Peter Dutton and the whole Coalition Team , just need 2 Shut the f..k up , 4 2 months .
You could and your Albo mates might like to start suggesting some Changes Albo CAN start implementing .
There are two or three Labor Type Decisions , that HE can make this week , that I could think of , that would get him moving in the Right , direction .
Give poor Albo a hand , please .
Or his guts and bloods will B on the Labor record , with Ruddys .

frog wrote:Pops,
One view I read was that Javier Milei was invited to Davos as a sort of ploy to pretend "they get it and are listening to the frustration" - only to chuckle at their cleverness later over cigars and whisky as they discussed the coming acceleration of The Sneaky Creepy Program, the Great Reset and the Great Harvesting.
You don't truly believe this stuff, do you?
I mean, gossip like this is just New Idea by another name.
Truly, that's all it is: gossip. You're ten degrees removed, each step coloured by another layer of bias and prejudice.
Not saying what happens there is either good or bad, but pretending you know motivation and intention is the stuff of tabloids.

Pops, On Dutton,
Klaus's image spin advisors are thought by some to have made a few suggestions: to soften Dutton's visuals:
- an Andy Warhol wig
- blind him and give him a white cane
- a peaky blinder cap
- lip fillers and big happy arch style tattoo eyebrows
But settled on some daggy glasses as a first step.

Saw this yesterday, guess we are all a bit guilty.

stunet wrote:frog wrote:Pops,
One view I read was that Javier Milei was invited to Davos as a sort of ploy to pretend "they get it and are listening to the frustration" - only to chuckle at their cleverness later over cigars and whisky as they discussed the coming acceleration of The Sneaky Creepy Program, the Great Reset and the Great Harvesting.
You don't truly believe this stuff, do you?
I mean, gossip like this is just New Idea by another name.
Truly, that's all it is: gossip. You're ten degrees removed, each step coloured by another layer of bias and prejudice.
Not saying what happens there is either good or bad, but pretending you know motivation and intention is the stuff of tabloids.
- The Young Global Leaders program - is real and extensive
- The Great Reset is in Klaus's books and statements in various forms - much is openly discussed in sanitised form.
- The Harvesting by the favoured - pursuit of "rent seeking" businesses of massive scale, huge daily and cyclical stock market manipulations favouring those in the know and who control the media narrative (knowing the scary or positive news ahead of time to place their bets), billions of government spending that go to the MIC or favoured businesses or just disappear (Pentagon billions missing) & Ukraine funding going who really knows....
Simple example of endless harvesting from the public and pension funds: Why did Murdoch buy the WSJ - aside from political influence, it was cause he (and others) can trade with certainty ahead pf the news flow that they themselves control. Skim off the top with the small % ups and downs and occasionally make a killing with big trend shifts. The stock market is notorious for wrong footing the crowd. This is partly investor psychology and reflexivity but it is also manipulation.
When billions and trillions are at stake it is not just a jolly old game of cricket with a straight bat.

frog wrote:stunet wrote:frog wrote:Pops,
One view I read was that Javier Milei was invited to Davos as a sort of ploy to pretend "they get it and are listening to the frustration" - only to chuckle at their cleverness later over cigars and whisky as they discussed the coming acceleration of The Sneaky Creepy Program, the Great Reset and the Great Harvesting.
You don't truly believe this stuff, do you?
I mean, gossip like this is just New Idea by another name.
Truly, that's all it is: gossip. You're ten degrees removed, each step coloured by another layer of bias and prejudice.
Not saying what happens there is either good or bad, but pretending you know motivation and intention is the stuff of tabloids.
- The Young Global Leaders program - is real and extensive
- The Great Reset is in Klaus's books and statements in various forms - openly discussed in various forms
- The Harvesting - rent seeking businesses, huge daily and cyclical stock market manipulations favouring those in the know and who control the media narrative knowing the scary or positive news ahead of time to place their bets, billions of government spending that go to the MIC or favoured businesses or just disappear (Pentagon billions missing).Simple example of endless harvesting from the public and pension funds: Why did Murdoch buy the WSJ - aside from political influence, it was cause he (and others) can trade with certainty ahead pf the news flow that they themselves control.
No, that they'd invite someone to Davos, and you know for a fact why they were invited, because you read it somewhere, then they smoked cigars chuckling at their cleverness.
I feel dumber for having read it, and positively stupid for having replied.
Swore myself off idiotic threads this week - lasted two hours.

Only said "one view I read" and painted a funny picture to create a visual that has some reality.
NEVER said or implied "fact". Your words.

Being an epistemic hipster is definitely a thing.
Spout the most out-there, fanciful bits of fluff you can concoct and then smirk knowingly as people question you.
It's part of the modern way, apparently.

Narrative heretics!
- burn them at the stake ;)

frog wrote:Only said "one view I read" and painted a funny picture to create a visual that has some reality.
NEVER said or implied "fact". Your words.
"create a visual that has some reality."
If your words mean the same as my words, and mean the same as those in the dictionary then you did imply fact.
Read that sentence above again.

Surfing stuff!
Here’s a recent cutty! Ooohhh…..I do so miss me reef breaks , Guv’nor! Even when they’re but twee and tiny they’re still so wonderfully predictable and powerful.

They Do love their Cuban Cigars ( the Big Ones Bill Clinton and Rogan enjoy ) .
They wash it down with a Gazillion year old Scotch or Brandy .
Lovely cushy leather chairs and couches with Roaring fires keeping them cosy .
They love 2 chat about what US Plebs , should do , 2 help ourselves .
Their Jets are parked outside , 2 enable a speedy getaway , so they can get straight back 2 Their important Work .
Its all so well organised and has been working so well , for decades .
Why change what's working , so well , they conclude !
It's their Job , 2 ensure the Status Quo and they will fn fight 2 keep it .
And THEY had the nerve 2 call it " The Great Reset " lol !
They NEVER reset themselves , by the way .
And , people believe them ffs !
Great shot Slackey ( maybe the blackface needs a colour change in this woke world ? )

- unelected and unaccountable ;)

Pop Down wrote:Andy Mac
Have 2 give U top marks 4 digging up snippets of the old Boggy Records ( The Independent lol haha , never heard of Them being independent , by the way ) .
You are so good at watching the Old Re Runs .
Voldy's Team doesn't HAVE 2 prove his new Teams credibility , as Economic Managers .
He doesn't even need to outline ANY Policy on Immigration , YET !
Just agree 2 have a Pleb decide the NEW Level ie 200k for 2 years and a 30m target by ? .
The Immigration Debate has Exploded WITHOUT Voldy saying a word .
Peter Dutton and the whole Coalition Team , just need 2 Shut the f..k up , 4 2 months .
You could and your Albo mates might like to start suggesting some Changes Albo CAN start implementing .
There are two or three Labor Type Decisions , that HE can make this week , that I could think of , that would get him moving in the Right , direction .
Give poor Albo a hand , please .
Or his guts and bloods will B on the Labor record , with Ruddys .
Another small but significant policy, it's not to keep wages low as per Coalition policy.
From Guardian....
Labor to recommend wage rise to Fair Work
The Albanese government has announced details of its submission to the Fair Work Commission’s annual wage review, calling for the real wages of Australia’s low-paid workers to “not go backwards”.
The national minimum wage is currently $23.23 per hour, around 55% of median full-time earnings. Inflation is currently at 4.1% in the year to December, so the government submission implies a wage rise of at least 0.95c an hour for the lowest paid.
A draft of the submission said:
Going forward, inflation is expected to moderate further, improving real wages and easing some of the financial pressure on households.
However, the current economic environment is challenging, with many households experiencing cost of living pressures. Despite increases in nominal wages, and the return of annual real wages growth, the real value of award wages has been eroded in recent years given the global inflationary environment.
Low paid workers and their families are particularly affected by cost-of-living pressures because they typically do not have savings to draw on to cover rising costs.
The government submission is substantially the same as last year, when the FWC ended up ordering a 5.75% minimum wage rise.
The treasurer,Jim Chalmers, said:
We’ll recommend the Fair Work Commission ensures the real wages of Australia’s low-paid workers do not go backwards ...
Our economic plan is all about helping Australians earn more and keep more of what they earn, which is why we’re focused on delivering strong and sustainable wages growth and why we’re giving a tax cut to every Australian taxpayer on 1 July this year.
Peter Dutton wants Australians to work longer for less, but we take a different view.”
The workplace relations minister, Tony Burke, said:
After a decade where keeping wages low was a deliberate design feature this is what it looks like when a government deliberately gets wages moving.

indo-dreaming wrote:Saw this yesterday, guess we are all a bit guilty.
Haha true,

Andy Mac
Ok , we all can agree , getting more money into Australians hands , is a good idea .
As your graph shows , WE have just jumped quickly , above the OECD line .
That increase was Due to the RECENT Min Wage increases , about a year ago .
That sounds good 2 .
Where is all this money , supposed 2 come from ?
Small and Big Business are still digesting the previous increase .
As a result , some have raised their prices leading to Cost of Living Issues .
They say Voldy is being so nasty pasty , 4 NOT letting Australians have MORE money ffs !
With ALL the issues going on , do U really think Albo , should be putting his weight and time , on giving out More money atm .
How about giving it to Building more homes ffs atm .
Thats a much higher priority and let the previous Min Wage Rise settle in for a few years .
Talk about Albo and Labor , doing the EASY stuff .
This is a Great example , Andy Mac , imho .
Your diversions AM , keep boomeranging back to , Albo Easy .

Hi @pop
""Small and Big Business are still digesting the previous increase .
As a result , some have raised their prices leading to Cost of Living Issues .""
Please reference this claim.
Thought main cost of living was coming through due to interest rates (not Labor's doing), petrol increase, grocery (I believe Woolies and Coles still doing ok profit wise) and energy which looks like it may start to come down.
Tax cut coming up for majority of Australians, inflation hopefully coming down. With hopefully interest rates also. Employment figures looking ok. Sure underemployment us a thing, and housing yep. But builders/ tradies I talk to are flat out with work stacked up. To get more houses built we may need to have skilled immigrants come in to cope with extra demand , but it's a bit of a circular problem ey.

frog wrote:Pops, On Dutton,
Klaus's image spin advisors are thought by some to have made a few suggestions: to soften Dutton's visuals:
- an Andy Warhol wig
- blind him and give him a white cane
- a peaky blinder cap
- lip fillers and big happy arch style tattoo eyebrowsBut settled on some daggy glasses as a first step.
I think I've posted some of these before, but Dutts has options...
The softer look, the Nanna Dutts...
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) January 10, 2024
The Populist Combover, Donald Dutts...
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) January 26, 2024
And my choice, the Kung Fu Hipster look, Dutts Carradine...
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) January 10, 2024

adam12 wrote:frog wrote:Pops, On Dutton,
Klaus's image spin advisors are thought by some to have made a few suggestions: to soften Dutton's visuals:
- an Andy Warhol wig
- blind him and give him a white cane
- a peaky blinder cap
- lip fillers and big happy arch style tattoo eyebrowsBut settled on some daggy glasses as a first step.
I think I've posted some of these before, but Dutts has options...
The softer look, the Nanna Dutts...
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) January 10, 2024
The Populist Combover, Donald Dutts...
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) January 26, 2024
And my choice, the Kung Fu Hipster look, Dutts Carradine...
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) January 10, 2024
Is that smile Photoshopped?

Dutts could have been great as a gay girl.
Or as a drummer in a Nirvana tribute band.

- haha @adam12
Dutts Carradine the almighty voldechad ;)

If those other Dutts looks don't work for him, there is always the "hail Mary" option, the Transition, bit of nip and tuck, or maybe just some gaffer tape, a bit of makeup and Petra Dutton...
Petra Dutton
— spencer chundercock (@SChundercock) March 25, 2024

adam12 wrote:If those other Dutts looks don't work for him, there is always the "hail Mary" option, the Transition, bit of nip and tuck, or maybe just some gaffer tape, a bit of makeup and Petra Dutton...
Yeah but then he'd be woke.

adam12 wrote:If those other Dutts looks don't work for him, there is always the "hail Mary" option, the Transition, bit of nip and tuck, or maybe just some gaffer tape, a bit of makeup and Petra Dutton...
Donald Dutts is a classic... and Petra Dutts is surprisingly attractive. The Spud could do much worse.

The real Albo …..a snivelling little bitch who has never done a day’s work in his life, never started or run a business, never built, grown , caught , raised or created anything.
Mummy’s little Tony who resents still having to trot out the “Working Class son of a battling single Mum” routine for the lumpen masses when all he wants to do is glitter and giggle with the Chosen Ones at Katy Perry and Tay Tay concerts ( on the taxpayer teat of course ).
He’d be a complete non entity if it wasn’t for his ability to destroy in two years an Australian standard of living which took generations to achieve.
I don’t care about that other mob. Their potential to ruin the lives of Australians are hypothetical at the moment. Little Tony is sneakily stealing potential , opportunity and existing happiness from present and future Australians whilst you read this. What a cvnt.

Albo is talking about maybe, perhaps giving the minimum wage earners a theoretical increase of up to a whopping maximum wage increase of about $1400 per year ….if they are working full time. Which most are not.
In the meanwhile……Albo has already pushed the price of the minimum rents for the same workers up by about $10,000 per year.
Or if they ever dreamed of owning a house, he’s pushed their mortgage repayments on the average home up by about $100,000 per year ( increased house prices plus increased interest rates )
And he’s increased their power bills by thousands.
And he’s increased etc etc etc
All whilst he’s simultaneously pushed up the competition in those same minimum wage jobs so that many people either don’t ge5 enough hours to survive or they’ve got to juggle multiple jobs to do so.
All cause Littlest Tony hates Australians so much that he will import more desperate immigrants to out compete the locals so Albo’s business mates give him a nice pat on the head and a well paid career when he gets unceremoniously booted out of office.
Just imagine how blessed you would feel being a young Aussie who is working several jobs and living in your car to know that Albo is maybe, perhaps, possibly going to try and get you an extra $39 per week!
And best of all….Albo doesn’t have to figure out where the $39 is going to come from….he just ordains the private business plebs who, unlike Albo , haven’t been on a government handout since they were born to make it materialise!
Is it too early to try and get Albo a Sainthood?

Andy Mac said :
“After a decade where keeping wages low was a deliberate design feature this is what it looks like when a government deliberately gets wages moving.”
Albo has literally done more to drive down real wages in Australia than any human in history. The fucker has basically reintroduced blackbirding and indentured servitude, if not actual slavery, with his absolutely ridiculous low-paid worker import immigration scam which has 2.5 MILLION temporary workers and, on currency trajectory, the equivalent to the entire population of South Australia after three years of his holding office.
And he’s still screaming labour shortages!
Can you even conceive of such a cvnt, such a useless cvnt that could possibly cause such a stupidly horrendous problem all the the name of solving an outrageous problem…..that he created in the first place.
There is no positives to the ALP. They are the ruin of Australia. No worse than the LNP. No better than the LNP. Exactly the same as the LNP.
Young Australians living in cars and tents. Australians not being able to ever have a home or afford to raise a family.
Welcome to the New Australia under Albo the sackless Globalist

Slackjawedyokel wrote:Andy Mac said :
“After a decade where keeping wages low was a deliberate design feature this is what it looks like when a government deliberately gets wages moving.”
Albo has literally done more to drive down real wages in Australia than any human in history. The fucker has basically reintroduced blackbirding and indentured servitude, if not actual slavery, with his absolutely ridiculous low-paid worker import immigration scam which has 2.5 MILLION temporary workers and, on currency trajectory, the equivalent to the entire population of South Australia after three years of his holding office.
And he’s still screaming labour shortages!
Can you even conceive of such a cvnt, such a useless cvnt that could possibly cause such a stupidly horrendous problem all the the name of solving an outrageous problem…..that he created in the first place.
There is no positives to the ALP. They are the ruin of Australia. No worse than the LNP. No better than the LNP. Exactly the same as the LNP.
Young Australians living in cars and tents. Australians not being able to ever have a home or afford to raise a family.
Welcome to the New Australia under Albo the sackless Globalist
Hyperbole much....
Geez did he steal a car park from you once?

The main motivation for mass immigration is to push down wages.
No one has ever imported as many immigrants as Albo.
Ergo : No one has ever done more to push down wages than this ALP government.

heard head chicky of MBA (i think) on abc yesterday saying we need 90 000 new houses, and the government needs to look at immigration and recognition of schooling / skills from overseas to fill the skills gap...
because we clearly already dont have enough immigration and loose enough recognition of.... errr... 'skills'....
Sadly, this is in Australia.
— Thyme for Change (@twomoreterms) December 12, 2023

Stealing a car from every single Australian would have a less detrimental impact on living standards than what Albo has actually done.
Not an exaggeration. Literally.

Not even a couple of decades ago it would have been impossible to imagine the head of Australia’s Labor movement being so singularly destructive to the Australian working class as is Anthony Albanese and his ALP.
Yet here we are.
Albo hasn’t finished. He now intends to destroy the living standards of those within the construction industry. One of a tiny handful of industries still providing a decent living for Australians.
Albo wants low-paid , non-English speaking, fake-qualification workers throwing up third world standard buildings to house his mass immigration Big Australia dream.
Fuck. Me. Dead.
Pouty, Mummy’s boy Albo the destroyer

How about Albo , just give us the 250 (ish) Power Bill Rebate , that was a promise and should not B that hard 4 him 2 keep .
I reckon , Adam 20/20 , Peter Perfect looks Perfect , as The Kung Fu Keano Voldy Reeves .
K FU KVR - shit , A Kick Butt , Voldy !
The first Wig , makes him look like Dopey Downer , terrible .
I won't comment on Dutton dressed as a woman .
I will check if he has any single sisters , though .
Adam 12 - ps
Just got back from Torquay .
The surf doubled in size , while I drove down .
The West Coast is a tad , unpredictable and Pithy imho !
Like U .
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: