Freedom of speech

So then, you cant refer to life and experience, 'acts', as an illusion, or dream. If someone who has $1000 dollars in the bank, a car and a home has numerous dreams in a night, one being they lost everything, one being they won a lottery, one being they have 2 houses and $10,000, and some dreams they take on different personalities and characters, interact with different personalities and characters, become afraid, happy sad, excited, whilst they are dreaming, the real truth is, none of the dreams are actually true. When they wake up, none of the dreams are actually true. When they truly wake up, is when they realise they were just dreams, but there is just one dreamer, one reality, their truth. And that their reality is much more to them than dreams. It enables dreams, makes them possible, but isn't them. Truth is always them, its not the dreams. So, if dreams are important to us, its important to be able to wake up, remember who you really are. You don't need to travel anywhere, to any destinations to do it. You already are the One having the dreams. Being able to wake up is the destination.

Also dave,
'tb, when you are too attached to your opinions you may feel the need to defend them. This shows that you may not be fully sure about them. My post is about the fact the ego will try to always defend its opinion cause it is a limited tool. Argument over opinion is just wasting your energy when you're intention and focus could be on things that really help you realize your full potential.'
'Having to be right at the expense of personal peace is insanity.'
Slippery slope that one. Just the exact opposite can be easily true also. If I see someone about to try and deadlift a huge weight with a rounded back, all his mates screaming, urging him to go for it, and I can see they all have no idea what they are doing, and I remotely care about him, then I will vigorously state my position. For as long as it takes. And if all his mates are drivelling on, with absolutely no real basis to their opinions, I will provide as much basis as possible to back that position. For as long as it takes. If after all that, come what may, I know I did my very best. That's all.

Maybe I am awake Herc. I am making it all up Herc, I'm just making it all up, and that's okay. Awake, dreaming, all the same. Something out of nothing being something. Sweet dreams.

All of us have it. Look at me, look at me. Parents see it with their little ones. Any attention is better than none. We should be thankful to uplift or Herc for reminding us that true confirmation comes from within thyself. Outside approval always ultimately leads to disappointment. Seek not the outer but bring forth the inner. Inspiration and innovation.

Not keen on providing real answers dave?
'tb, when you are too attached to your opinions you may feel the need to defend them. This shows that you may not be fully sure about them. My post is about the fact the ego will try to always defend its opinion cause it is a limited tool. Argument over opinion is just wasting your energy when you're intention and focus could be on things that really help you realize your full potential.'
'Having to be right at the expense of personal peace is insanity.'
'Slippery slope that one. Just the exact opposite can be easily true also. If I see someone about to try and deadlift a huge weight with a rounded back, all his mates screaming, urging him to go for it, and I can see they all have no idea what they are doing, and I remotely care about him, then I will vigorously state my position. For as long as it takes. And if all his mates are drivelling on, with absolutely no real basis to their opinions, I will provide as much basis as possible to back that position. For as long as it takes. If after all that, come what may, I know I did my very best. That's all.'
So dave when you asked me to help you, it was because you had enough information to make a choice. Also you made a point of letting us know a Stawell Gift Sprinter Trainer helped you. Obviously you needed to tell us and to have that information presented, to decide whether he was worth using. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to differentiate him from someone just making baseless claims. Same when assessing anything, or anyone. I'm sure you felt good when you found out that there was some evidence of his work. Heaps of naive people get conned regularly, when falling for bullshit, and not using discrimination, or being too lazy to check things out. My industry is good, in that trainers have to learn not to be ashamed of their results, or be ashamed to present them. If their ego gets in the way, they will be afraid, too insecure to present what they can do, and provide evidence. Also , their ego, their own insecurity will find it very difficult to accept others real results, without making themselves feel uncomfortable, or uneasy. Its very common in our culture.
So, if I talk about health, longevity, which I am passionate, and extremely sure about, its no problem and easy for me to provide the evidence to back it. Thus you reached out to me. If you struggle with that, I understand. Rob made that video to inspire others, and demonstrate what is possible. Through it, he has helped so many people. Sorry if you are making yourself uncomfortable with that david.
Is the soft cock, mutt still whining nd yipping? Again? Who'd have guessed!
Aaaaaahhhh dear! Its enough to make you laugh ya fuckin' head off... again... and again...
Ahh yes, that list. And all those injuries. Very convenient. Again, very common, injuries make a great excuse for lots of things. It takes years and years of effort and stupidity to create them. Never mind. I'm happy to pay to keep him whining. Its not a problem. Its just that, as Socrates pointed out... The other thing is, they don't just get better, they get worse. I agree with Socrates. Disgracefull.
Carry on swillnuttin', smashed crab yogis! Disgraceful!

just brought forth the inner myself, just then - 10 seconds ago. had too move rooms even.

Brilliant happy! Now, just as you don't (hopefully!) screech at a majestic sunset, wave, mountain, animal, screeching at it to stop seeking attention for its just being, fearlessly, don't suddenly fear and berate your creation, don't feel shame. Or such a deep attachment. You aren't the creation, don't mistakenly be ashamed of it, or fear it. Perhaps you were taught to as a child? Embrace it! Go back in that room, lock the door and meditate on it, and you, the source. Inhale it fully, and don't fear it. Perhaps you could take david in with you to demonstrate. And please don't turn it into a battle of creations. For david's sake!

i must admit that I did start hitting the weights again tonight after seeing what someone can do at 60+.

Ha, good on you, take it easy at first, plenty of time.

Classic herc, why would I give you real answers when I know you have your own within you? Battle away old son, I'm gonna just cruise along. Namaste.

I'll see you in fingal in August Herc and co. I go walkabout for while and maybe some mischief. Been lovely stirring, freedom of speech, freedom of thoughts and freedom of dogma. Be free friends.

that vid of Rob was epic.

Yeh, he's classic. Pretty hard to make excuses about why you can't try to stay healthy, when you see how on some days just what an effort breathing can be for him, or swallowing. But he always gets his workout done. And he always gives 100%.
Another interesting thing is that lots of people assume he's mentally disabled, because speaking is such an effort. He sends some classic emails. Sometimes people get funny at me, if they don't know him, because he loves bullshitting around, and also he is very independent. And his independence and self reliance was hard earned, and takes a lot of effort to keep it growing, so he really values it. They get a kind of, 'why don't you help him stand up, or help him move around', and often rush in before you can explain. Although they mean well, they actually then fuck him up, if they try and support him, because it gives him another factor to deal with in regard to sending signals to his muscles. It reminds me of the Indigenous Australian thing, he definitely wants support and understanding, but it is very demeaning to him, and actually undermining, when he is mistakenly treated as unable to do things for himself. And the bottom line is, with his condition, which is virtually an ever changing lottery every day, only he really knows what is best, and what he needs to ask for. And as you can see, he does real good. Better than lots of people dealing with nothing like that. Rob shreds. Self Determination.
This editing stuff is deluxe! Thanks gaz! I forgot to add, for those that think his boards are fucked, shit so to speak...
Have a good one dave, here's a little tune you might wanna hum on your 'travels'. Wait till your warmed up but!

No problems Herc, but the real trick is to do it before anyone reads the comment! My standards must be slipping..

No, its just that you've been used to the slow pace the smashed crabs set. By the way, there's a job up there. Right in town. Here's your chance! No fear! Go!

Could have put this in the Trump thread, but maybe more relevant here.
Scary censorship trends of late, good to see Trump bring light to this.
Is war with Silicon Valley a Trump 2020 strategy?
The president ponders putting social media purges center stage

Is that Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd?

Sounds outrageous and all, but fuck, they're private businesses, they've got no skin in the social contract that obliges governments to seek fairness and partiality.
More fool us for allowing social media companies, or any company, to surmount government.

If you watch the video it states that they are legally obligated to provide a service to anyone , irrespective of opinion or viewpoint , once they open themselves to the market .
If they filter content they become defined as publishers and are then legally responsible for any illegal content they host eg streaming the NZ massacre .
According to the links anyway.

Legally obligated sounds cute. Which government is gonna hold Facebook to account?
The worst Trump could call it was "very unfair", though he did use all caps to spice up an otherwise toothless Tweet.

Trump could try to forment a coup at Twitter .. Try a bit of that good ol’ USA true grit and just invade the Facebook offices and install a puppet regime instead of Zuckerberg.
It’s all worked in the past.

Dont be put off by the click bait tittle, it's basically a logical common sense video about freedom of speech

Oh the irony

It's an appallingly-argued video. A bit of ideology-hopping from a gormless YouTube star with good hair.
It's not "logical" or "commonsense" but a thinly-veiled polemic.

Funny how some of the great supporters of "free speech" here (not you Indo) are the first to become abusive if you disagree with them!

and there you 3 lines you insult his appearance, character and profession , and dismiss his argument with generic insult . very progressive! who knows, maybe you are right. maybe he is.

Hey, I didn't insult his appearance.
I like his hair. Best thing about the video.

What I didn't like was his divisive argument. For instance quoting MLK about dreaming of an age where people like MLK aren't judged on their colour. And then Mr Good Hair continues as if progressives are the only people who judge people on their colour and that racism in America is non-existent (racists being another cohort who judge on colour).
Good journalism keeps asking the question "why". For instance, if the issue is "why do progressives classify people on colour", then a good journalist would say it's due to the history of racism and inequality; those minorities and their supporters trying to achieve parity in the power structure.
It's no longer the most effective method, but it does have a very good history in giving voice to minorities, and as long as those minorities are oppressed then there will be people trying to help them.
That's the opening stanza to a deeper appreciation of the issue. Unfortunately, while it may help people understand the matter, it doesn't help you pick a side - and that's where Mr Good Hair comes in.
He doesn't have a cogent argument. He has a polemic that he hopes will reinforce people's latent prejudices.
And it's a fine example of divisive politics.
Postcript: I'm not a progressive. I don't know what I am. Though I do know he has better hair than me.

Stu , you’re a liberal.
A traditional Australian working class liberal.
BTW - The term Progressives is not only overly generous, it’s erroneous. Ascribing someone’s current power and agency within Western society based on the historical treatment of some of their ancestors is ridiculous.
Poor little disenfranchised Beyoncé
“Does any of this matter if you’re not a diehard Bey or Swift fan? Well, yes. This controversy is about more than one performance; it’s about the long history of black women’s achievements being ignored, appropriated and undermined. This happens everywhere, from pop culture to politics to daily life. A 2010 study, for example, published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, found that black women are the demographic most likely to go unnoticed in social situations. Even the irritating phrase “women of colour” erases the unique issues black women face.”
The unique issue facing Beyoncé is that she’s got way too much money to know what to do with it all.

I'm struggling a bit with the jump from progressive politics to Beyonce. Gimme a hint?

Taylor Swift had a concert which was superficially similar to a Beyoncé concert.
According to the progressive journalist, this was because black women are “ faceless” and disempowered.
According to the progressive’s hierarchy of victimhood , Beyoncé is a victim because she is black. Her skin colour overrides any individuality she may possess.
Apparently the similarity of their concerts highlights the history of black women being ignored.
Yeah , you know how ignored Beyoncé is ? It’s cause she’s black.

I think one could argue beyonce is overly celebrated and she's got nothing to whinge about.
Overly celebrated due to the fetishisation of identity politics, the sheer number of overly overtly fawning articles at the guardian is proof enough. Her music is hardly anything special, repettitive boring r and b pop following a decades long formula. Hardly innovative or revolutionary. Same could be said for taylor, formula pop formulated for adoring adolescent minds.
I haven't watched indod's vid, internet too shit atm, but I'll check it out later. But I'm guessing mr, good hair is addressing a much wider problem that 'progressives' face....
Sad and pathetic censorship at every incovenient crossroad.
I really cannot for the life of me understand what they seek to gain from these totalitarian tendencies, as it pisses off at least half of the 'left' of politics in the process as much as achieving anything else. And not just from a freedom of speech point of view, but also a 'please stop being so pathetic point of view, you're embarrassing us all as a whole'.
And banning paul watson and co. is all a part of this bigger problem. If you cannot beat them with debate, then you have a much much larger problem...

Oh, OK. I tend not to put much store in anything celebrities do or say, or even what they have written about them, as it's rarely representative of broader society.
I can't be arsed critiqueing the article any more than that, though the journo who wrote it is kinda cute.

just curious blowin, what political label would best describe yourself?

Stu - As if her people haven’t been persecuted by White men enough already , without you removing all her agency with your oppressive fetishisation of her dusky skin so evocative of the subjugated colonies pillaged by the English empire you represent etc etc
You’re basically an Uber White Harvey Weinstein with that comment. Throwing your white privilege around with the casual abandon of someone who’s never been ridiculed for the colour of their skin.
You make my skin crawl etc etc.
You know what you must do.....

I’m also a traditional Australian working class liberal.

My white privilege also says Taylor Swift looks like a squirrel.

You’ll get no argument from me.
Didn’t JJF go there ?

"Funny how some of the great supporters of "free speech" here (not you Indo) are the first to become abusive if you disagree with them!"
Now I definitely know you're taking the piss.

Well Andy, if I have dished out a bit I reckon I have put up with a lot more, 100+ times "Go fuck yourself" from our resident troll. Maybe you need to do a bit of fact checking on who the first person to throw abuse is in every situation.

You’re so brave , BB.
The way you stay so resolute and keep your chin up , despite all the unfair bullying .
Stay strong, girlfriend.

Nah, I remember disagreeing with you over immigration, no abuse as far as I can remember, and you had an almighty tanty, toys all over the place.
I believe you resorted to some pretty venomous name-calling and then followed it up with a poem.

I just re-visited that little chat, no naughty words in the leadup, no abuse apart from strong opinions and then when you cracked it you responded with this -
"Smug self-righteous prats with no real interest beyond self-interest. See ya boys, 'cos that's what you are, a bunch of overgrown fucking adolescents."
Which leads us to: "Funny how some of the great supporters of "free speech" here (not you Indo) are the first to become abusive if you disagree with them!"
I'm not trying to be an arse BB (though I'm probably succeeding), but I'm just amazed at your lack of self-awareness at times.


Andy look at the post above. I imagine the deleted one was more of the same. He's a troll.

He's trolling you with words that aren't there??
You're pissing on my back and telling me it's raining yeah?
And I'd put Blowin quite a few steps down the hierarchy of trolls and stirrers on this site.

Yeh well I stand beside the majority of the post you quoted. If you think it was aimed at you personally, feel free to take offence.

I'm not just offended BB, I'm outraged ;)

Blowin is such a tease with his deleted post, does it all the time, i always want to know what he initially said, you know they would have been pretty good, controversial, honest post because he general doesn't hold back from saying what he thinks.
I do honestly think they are a troll/shit strir, even if not intentionally just because of the timing of them, its like a horror or thriller movie, sometimes suggestion and not what is shown is more effective than showing too much.
Just the presence of his post and fact he deleted it, makes you think, it must have been good, and the mind ticks.
What is freedom of speech?